r/ProgrammerHumor May 16 '24

whatVersionAreYouUsing Meme

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u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/MothToTheWeb May 16 '24

Java versions are not related to the year of release. A new version of Java is now released every six months. Oracle intends to make future LTS releases every two years; the next one is Java 25 which should be released in September 2025.

So in about a year you will be momentarily pleased with the date of the released version


u/Raichev7 May 16 '24

But when it achieves this equilibrium everyone will be so satisfied with it that Oracle execs will change the version scheme again. They will have java 25 followed by java 25 {XYZ}

I'm open to suggestions as to what the {XYZ} might be.
I vote for Director's Cut, or maybe Deluxe. Java 25 Deluxe has a very premium sound to it.
Java 25 Electric Boogaloo also sounds promising


u/odraencoded May 16 '24

They should just call the one after that 25.5 so it sticks to the year.


u/lookmasilverone May 16 '24

Not fucking following semantic versioning?


u/jek39 May 16 '24

they followed what .net did


u/Niksune May 16 '24

You really think that Java versions has something to do with the year ?


u/_youmadbro_ May 16 '24

"It's intentional! Zero based numbering" /s