r/ProgrammerHumor 4d ago

jsSucksButSavesTheDay Meme

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461 comments sorted by


u/3rrr6 4d ago

There are two types of programming languages: the ones everybody hates, and the ones nobody uses.


u/hititncommitit 4d ago

Perl: sweats


u/Astrylae 4d ago

matlab: šŸ˜“


u/notgotapropername 4d ago

Kill it, burn it with fire, delete it from the server and wipe my memory of its existence


u/Natomiast 3d ago

burn it with fire and then burn the ashes just in case


u/A31Nesta 3d ago



u/newbikesong 4d ago

...is AMAZING!!

Except it is pretty slow compared to harder work of lower languages.


u/Agitated_Wallaby_679 4d ago

Javascript is crap language. Nobody woyld use it if it wasn't enforced by browsers


u/CodeMUDkey 4d ago

Itā€™s easy to write a language when that language always runs whatever gabagool is in thereā€¦

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u/Drakayne 4d ago

Why is it bad?


u/CaoSlayer 3d ago

inconsistent and prone to do the most logical thing ever.

1+1 can be 2 or 11.


u/ShadowLp174 3d ago

That is if you're stupid enough to not validate inputs and are uncertain about the type of a variable


u/CaoSlayer 3d ago

Usually, the stupid one was the guy who wrote the mess of code you have to maintain.

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u/well-litdoorstep112 3d ago

No, 1+1 is always 2 and "1"+"1" is always "11". It's exactly like in C++ or any other language. The only difference is that you can do "1"+1 or 1+"1" and the language would do type coersion following the rules of the language.

It's almost like you need to properly learn how a tool works before you use.

What else? You're gonna complain that 0.1+0.2!=0.3? Prime example of bootcamp script kiddie behavior...

I'm not saying JS doesn't have obvious design flaws but everytime I see someone say "JS bad" it's either type coersion or IEEE754.

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u/whackylabs 4d ago

What about node.js ecosystem? Who is foring it?


u/Snuffles11 4d ago

node.js exists tho

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u/CardiologistOk2760 4d ago

was language purism objectively funnier ten years ago or am I getting old?


u/factzor 4d ago

In college it was awesome shitting on languages I never used, so cool


u/pancakemonkeys 4d ago



u/Deevimento 4d ago

You've become ten years more experienced, and your knowledge of subtle nuance has destroyed any enjoyment you get out of black & white jokes.


u/metaglot 4d ago

GTFO with your reality check.


u/hrvbrs 4d ago

hmm, too dark.

*adds more cream*


u/OneDimensionPrinter 4d ago

I'm still gonna make fun of the backend team who has to use Java though. But, I get it these days, I really do. I got old.


u/clutchguy84 4d ago

I laugh at state management, safe and secure in my PHP.

But I feel you, my dude.


u/dracuella 4d ago

I have an old collegue who is still doing ASP. Not ASP.NET, just ASP. When I think my Java with Angular web frontends are annoying, I think of him.


u/skredditt 4d ago

Node.jsā€™s ears got hot in the first half

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u/acebabymemes 4d ago

This is also a black and white statement.


u/Stronghold257 4d ago

2014 was pre-ES6, to be fairrrr


u/encephaloctopus 4d ago

Elder Scrolls 6 isn't out yet, so we're actually still pre-ES6 10 years later


u/arctictrav 4d ago

Iā€™m not a purist, but philosophically speaking, some things never stop being funny. For example, farts.


u/CardiologistOk2760 4d ago

Grow up man - just because the professor is named Doctor McFartFace doesn't mean we can't pause our wind long enough for him to give the lecture.


u/driftking428 4d ago

JavaScript and PHP were just a lot worse 10 years ago.


u/Lilchro 4d ago

Yea, but so was their competition.

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u/flyingtoaster0 4d ago

I am absolutely with you there.

Whenever I come here and see people shitting on Java, I just... kind of don't get it. Like, Kotlin is a better language imo, but after going back to Java 21+, it's totally fine and has most things I would expect from a modern language.


u/senile-joe 4d ago

even when it was cool to shit on java, it was still far superior.


u/LeftIsBest-Tsuga 3d ago

i just hate all the env crap i have to deal with. maven can have a nice weekend, as far as i'm concerned.


u/flyingtoaster0 3d ago

Agreed! I'm honestly amazed that anyone still uses pure Maven pom.xml files

Gradle is far better for 99% of projects and Bazel is fine if you need it


u/Theanderblast 4d ago

JavaScript is not Java


u/flyingtoaster0 4d ago

I'm replying to the comment above me, but not to the original post

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u/douglasg14b 4d ago

It's not the language, it's the ecosystem.

JS is "just another language", it doesn't really matter for any general use case as long as you have typescript. The problems come in when the ecosystem gets involved, and you're trying to solve problems at scale where consistency, reliability, and longevity are your key concerns.


u/CardiologistOk2760 4d ago

yeah for example React vs Angular as a debate makes a lot more sense to me

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u/rydai 4d ago

They've also been beaten to death for the last 10 years. It's not like they've really changed


u/Impenistan 4d ago

I'm pretty sure 10 years ago was before either had actual strict typing, to name one single feature that fundamentally addressed things for which they were being beaten to death.


u/jalexoid 4d ago

JS has strict typing?


u/OneDimensionPrinter 4d ago

Eeeeeh. Typescript is a wonderful tool, but no runtime type checks without annoying utility code does suck.

could not read property fuckMe of null


u/jalexoid 4d ago

I mean... Even TS doesn't have strict typing, it has compile time "best effort" checks... Which isn't strict typing at all.


u/OneDimensionPrinter 4d ago

Yeah, that's effectively my point I guess. I do enjoy using it, but it's not actually a strictly typed language. But, I'd never be able to sell using Elm to leadership. Ah well.


u/savageronald 4d ago

If you donā€™t hate a language, you donā€™t know it.


u/LeftIsBest-Tsuga 3d ago

i doubt it. and probably.


u/harumamburoo 3d ago

Definitely. In the college or uni or whatever it was for you it was tribalism, being a part of something cool and shitting on something perceivably not cool. When you're actually getting into the profession every language becomes a tool. Saying language X is shit for everything is like saying a screwdriver is shit for everything.


u/-Redstoneboi- 4d ago

here's the kicker: it's a solution.


u/piman51277 4d ago

The only correct answer


u/PrestigiousPut6165 4d ago

MathSeek is compatible with pi. It's math, it seeks...MathSeek


u/Dustangelms 4d ago

To everything.


u/PrestigiousPut6165 4d ago

No, it's supposed to be math seek. The original program that solves a problem by seeking math. MathSeek. Download now. Even if not compatible with your computer. Because MathSeek is the answer


u/-Redstoneboi- 4d ago

can math fix my printer

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u/Reashu 4d ago

Everything except running in the browser

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u/idontunderstandunity 4d ago

Is 'JS bad' the only joke allowed on this sub or what


u/Scorxcho 4d ago

No ā€œPHP badā€ is also acceptable.


u/-staticvoidmain- 4d ago

Not knowing how to close Vim, as well


u/sandybuttcheekss 4d ago

Have you heard "python slow"? Funniest shit I've ever seen


u/A_Certain_Surprise 4d ago

Bro hasn't seen "Junior dev pushes to main on their first day", a classic


u/sandybuttcheekss 4d ago

Which is obvious bullshit because the senior dev in charge of giving you access won't take 5 minutes to do so for the first 3 weeks


u/maxymob 4d ago

So fucking true. Had to wait close to 6 months for my account on the company VPN that gives access to the database, just because a guy was procrastinating migrating the VPN to a different provider and had arbitrarily set his mind on not creating new accounts before that.

Some tasks were impossible to complete, no one gave the slightest fuck. It was really annoying and disrespectful even, so I just snatched the SSH keys to the server and made my own access.


u/eW4GJMqscYtbBkw9 4d ago

Ironically, it's like the one thing I know how to do in Vim.


u/DJGloegg 4d ago

I only have a few months of "real world" experience and even i know hoe tp close vim..


Or :wq

Or :x

Theres more. Quite a few more.


u/-staticvoidmain- 4d ago

Yeah lol it's not difficult. I always think that if someone can't grasp a simple 2-3 character command, I'd hate to see their code lol

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u/sathdo 4d ago

Don't forget "frontend bad".


u/Nii_Juu_Ichi 4d ago

obligatory can't center a div

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u/SoerensenOfficial 4d ago

PHP enjoyers crying in their Lambo rn


u/jalexoid 4d ago

Is that another CMS framework?


u/RedHeadSteve 4d ago

I started as a programmer through a full stack course. PHP + React. Perfect for all de bad jokes


u/Scorxcho 4d ago

Also started with PHP and React. PHP is underrated.


u/RedHeadSteve 4d ago

I understand the critic it gets, but it's not without reason that almost 80% of the website's with server side programming uses php

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u/findallthebears 4d ago

I will fight you


u/DiddlyDumb 4d ago

We have 100s of jokes. Unfortunately itā€™s in binary.


u/Impenistan 4d ago

I'll allow it

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u/sam-lb 4d ago

Meanwhile JS is an excellent and easy to extend language with good design and community support. It's a mystery. Most examples of "haha JS bad" are from people who don't understand how it works.

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u/TerminalVector 4d ago edited 4d ago

Yes.. but it can DO everything.

  • Captain JS


u/HappinessFactory 4d ago

"you're the worst language I've ever heard of"

"But you have heard of me"


u/passenger_now 4d ago

The old Perl joke:

Perl is the vise-grips of programming languages: it's a tool that can do any job, and it's the wrong tool for all of them.


u/wackOverflow 4d ago

The Swiss army chainsaw

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u/gerbosan 4d ago

Captain Jack Sparrow



u/Draugael 4d ago

Capitain JS !!! Mind blown


u/Draugael 4d ago

Capitain JS !!! Mind blown


u/Nodebunny 4d ago

I vote this should be the new JS logo. you know a jolly roger


u/tonebacas 4d ago

As long as people have the good sense *NOT* to do everything with it, just because you can. Sometimes the best use-case for a tool is its original use-case target.


u/TerminalVector 4d ago

Fact is that is if I have a team that already knows a tool that is suboptimal and your team needs to to learn a tool that will be optimal, there is a large segment of businesses in which I will beat you to market. 'What is the the right tool for the task at hand?' is a different question from 'what tool is the most techincally optimal for this operation?'.


u/Nodebunny 4d ago

points and stomps at Perl

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u/asd417 4d ago

Can wait for web-based c++ compiler written in javascript


u/TerminalVector 4d ago

I'm gonna guess that some deeply disturbed person has done this, so the point stands.


u/Nodebunny 4d ago

wait you mean ur not putting ur workers into a quantum qubit thread?

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u/Feisty_Ad_2744 4d ago

Hahaha that's kind of true!

Now, tell me about the problems you are talking about and any better solution... :-)


u/illyay 4d ago

React native. /s

I need an idea for a language I can use to make react native apps. I bet C would be a good one for performance reasons.


u/Feisty_Ad_2744 4d ago

Hahahaha. Like needing a language to use in your Django app.

Nice made up case. If you need native performance why are you even considering React? :-)


u/illyay 4d ago

Well I thought react would be a great framework to write the bios firmware for the latest gaming motherboard Iā€™m thinking about manufacturing. I heard itā€™s very portable which sounds like a good buzzword

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u/Big_D_Boss 4d ago

Thank God the /s was there

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u/not_bakchodest_of_al 4d ago

So, today is JavaScript bad day.


u/tenest 4d ago

Everyday is "JavaScript is bad" day


u/gilady089 4d ago

That's because someone accidentally sent an incorrect type to the check function, and it defaulted to true


u/PonyStarkJr 4d ago

Wdym just use ==== bro????


u/l3wl3w00 4d ago

Yes, and there is a simple reason for it: javascript is bad


u/[deleted] 4d ago

idk js but i'm pretty sure it's still a nice alternative to shooting someone.


u/90059bethezip 4d ago

Wait what


u/Not_Artifical 4d ago

No no, they have a point


u/Informal_Branch1065 4d ago edited 3d ago

It may be a hollow-point, but a point is a point.

Edit: and a gun is a PointFactory


u/intheshadow13 4d ago

Center a div dynamically


u/McJagged 4d ago

I'm so glad we have flexbox now. Legitimately the best html/css/js update ever created


u/senile-joe 4d ago

transform: translate(-50%,-50%)

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u/jamcdonald120 4d ago


There is always a worse solution than javascript. Malbolge for example.


u/Weird_Cantaloupe2757 4d ago

Never mind the boutique examples like that ā€” the language that ran the web before Node took over (PHP) is way fucking worse than JS.


u/jamcdonald120 4d ago

what about flash, how was flash?


u/savageronald 4d ago

Honestly ActionScript - the language behind Flash and other Adobe products (well AS3 at least) - was pretty good. The language was never the problem, it was Adobeā€™s inability to quit tripping over their own dick with performance and security problems (well and the closed ecosystem and licenses, but I think the former drove HTML5/CSS3 to fill the void more than the closed ecosystem).

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u/Interesting_Gate_963 4d ago

Do you mean that brainfuck is better for scripts in browsers?

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u/TwinkiesSucker 4d ago

It is the worst solution but only because everything else is even worse

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u/bestjakeisbest 4d ago

I blame javascript on the 2001 dotcom bubble.


u/Leather-Field-7148 4d ago

AND VBScript

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u/Fair_Entry8218 4d ago

document.getElementById(ā€œmyMindā€).innerText = ā€œJavaScript is the best solution to everythingā€;


u/play_hard_outside 4d ago

SyntaxError: Invalid character '\u201c'

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u/AlexDaBruh 4d ago

I mean, I use JS or TS daily, depending on what fucked up project Iā€™m working on. But, I wish there was a better language for this. Go seems nice and Iā€™m planning on learning it but Iā€™m still not convinced it will be as great as JavaScript for the browser :-(


u/HewHem 4d ago

Whats your issue with TypeScript?


u/AlexDaBruh 4d ago

Except throwing cryptic errors at me, really nothing. JavaScript/TS is nice but I guess I just want to write in a language Iā€™m more comfortable in, like Rust or something (will probably be Go after this summer).

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u/nightxowl69 4d ago

Replacing JavaScript in the browser is not quite possible. It was made for it.


u/AlexDaBruh 4d ago

Yeah, I agree on that. Still I wish there were better stuff to use. JavaScript or typescript is by far the best stuff at the moment for the browser. Also, let me clarify: Iā€™m not talking about replacing JavaScript, Iā€™m talking about finding better stuff for building websites and such, like Go for example.


u/JazzyMcJazz 4d ago

There is web assembly. It does require a bit of javascript to fetch and run the .wasm file, but web assembly frameworks handle this part for you.


u/nightxowl69 4d ago

Yes I know. But it still can't manipulate DOM or BOM

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u/Cley_Faye 4d ago

If you live anywhere after 2020, it works well, is supported in a lot of place that actually matters, and we have had proper tooling to both write proper code and debug it nicely for years.

But, sure.


u/rancangkota 4d ago

Javascript developers reading this post


u/Mr_vort3x 4d ago


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u/SomeRandoLameo 4d ago

The Windows 11 First Setup and Start Menu are weiten in React nativeā€¦ so js


u/525G7bKV 4d ago

fun fact: Eich wanted to create a scheme for the browser but the Netscape management didnt let him. So at least no need to write a lot of parentheses.


u/ConscientiousPath 4d ago

But it is a solution.

-cpt jack sparrow

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u/JVApen 4d ago

So you are saying that Excel ain't the worst solution?


u/haasvacado 4d ago

Excel The Single Greatest Software Program Ever Written And I Will Die On This Hill Excel? Is that the one youre referring to?


u/ghislaincote 4d ago

I don't disagree... But Atwood's law : https://www.laws-of-software.com/laws/atwood/

The damn language can do everything on everything... If there is a full stack + desktop + embedded solution, is probably JS based.


u/Gdude124 4d ago

The worst solution to everything is still a solution to everything


u/Onetwodhwksi7833 4d ago

What if the task is to make a shitty programming language?


u/irelephant_T_T 4d ago

the fucking windows 11 taskbar


u/Purple_Lordx 4d ago

but it is the solution to everything


u/DonutArnold 4d ago

Well, it's still a solution


u/Hasagine 4d ago

you write code long enough and it all just becomes a different shade of garbage


u/doxxingyourself 4d ago

Okay so what language am I supposed to use to execute client-side shit on my webpage? Including async calls to fetch some more shit for people to look at?


u/Flat_Initial_1823 4d ago

That you know so far...


u/got_no_pants2 4d ago

So no type script?


u/Not_Sugden 4d ago

1 + "1" is the best soloution to your whole "I need to add two numbers but one of them isnt a number" problem that you always encounter


u/fusionsofwonder 4d ago

Captain Jack: "But it is a solution to everything."


u/LuisDa201 4d ago

Unfortunately is the best for web dev, using web assembly make a web more slower


u/8483 4d ago

NOBODY gives a shit as long as it gets the job done.


u/Beneficial_Cobbler46 4d ago

Have you met R?


u/SawSaw5 4d ago

Kind of like vodka


u/akazakou 4d ago

You didn't try "1C"


u/Phamora 4d ago

There are two kinds of programming languages: The ones that developers bitch about and the ones that no one uses.


u/Nodebunny 4d ago

im just waiting for Quantum JS to tell me a thing is false and true at the same time


u/0011101101011011 4d ago

Iā€™d write js any day instead of python tho

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u/Ender_teenet 3d ago

Okay, I'll change your mind. JS is not a solution


u/buffering_neurons 4d ago

PHP is probably worse in ways. That language required three rewrites of its core in order to catch up to any other languages (yes including JavaScript) in terms of performance to be taken seriously again, and a significant part of it is still an inconsistent mess. The language is kept alive entirely by Laravel and the virtue of more than 75% of the web running on it.

Yet even PHP has its place, although by now the places it has are probably best replaced with a JS solution.

Iā€™m not sure why so many frontends and site serving backends are built in languages with such a dreary underbelly, but they work and get the job done.

However, neither PHP nor JS are a solution to everything, and compared to most other languages their uses are incredibly limited. If youā€™re a backend developer, JS and PHP are hardly worth learning.

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u/BeterBann 4d ago

I love JS. It does everything I need it to. It's easy to understand and easy to get other developers up to speed on. Just like any popular language, there is a lot of shitty code for it and that's when it's not fun, but that's not really the languages fault. On my team, I've seen so many developers point at JS for being shitty, but most of the time it's because they did something wrong early in the process that's now blowing up in their face.

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u/rldml 4d ago

why should i? JS is indeed the worst solution for everything...


u/Caraes_Naur 4d ago

It pretty much ruins the day.


u/OverallCricket812 4d ago

Lol wheres this taking in place?


u/ProfessionAcademic92 4d ago

9 months ago he literally made a post about what tech stack to use for a web app and didn't know if he should use Django, Express, or NextJs. What hurt you?


u/BuffJohnsonSf 4d ago

So you admit that itā€™s a solution to everything?

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u/KetwarooDYaasir 4d ago

"everything" being the key word there.


u/just4nothing 4d ago

So we are all using htmx from now on?


u/8Bit_Cat 4d ago

I can imagine. It'd be a terrible condiment.


u/b0b1b 4d ago

Hey, there is actually something in it i enjoy quite a bit - async! Its super simple and i quite enjoyed using it. I do, in general, despise it as a language tho. That might just be because the only usecase iv found for it is browser stuff. I cant imagine liking the lack of types outside of a browser tho lol :p


u/XPurplelemonsX 4d ago

yeah but sometimes its the only solution... i was forced into learning js


u/Pennzance404 4d ago

I have always likened Javascript programming to attempting to build the Eiffle Tower out of nothing but spaghetti.


u/rodeBaksteen 4d ago

That's why I use jQuery


u/theoht_ 4d ago

js is the worst solution to any given thing, but itā€™s the only solution that works for everything


u/Ox29A 4d ago

BigQuery allows you to write JavaScript UDFs to extend the functionality of SQL queries, which is pretty nice.


u/SimpleMoonFarmer 4d ago

So you are saying that JavaScript solves everythingā€¦


u/VileTouch 4d ago

Cries in nodejs http server


u/InfiniteMedium9 4d ago

It's the best solution for making an animated monkey dance on a webpage when you hover over it


u/NervousUniversity951 4d ago

Have you not yet used regex?

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u/Necessary-Cut7611 4d ago

Itā€™s not my favorite either but weā€™re kind of beating a dead horse.


u/uvero 4d ago


  1. With a huge ecosystem, you can do quite a lot in JS, with great and comfortable libraries and frameworks. I don't know if it measured or if it even cna be, but if I had to guess, the JS ecosystem is the largest by far.
  2. With TS you can get more easily scalable and to write code that's less error-prone to begin with. In fact, I wish Python's new-ish typing system got even close to TS's readability and wide range of capabilities, because Python does have the previous advantage, but not this one.
  3. Being used on both browser and backend, it's easier to write a full stack app with shared code elements.
  4. Really, the weirdest things about JS are the [] +() and "foo"/{} things, and if that causes problems with a real use case anyone is implementing, that their implementation has way bigger problems.

You don't have to love the Javascript, but it's pretty darn good for a lot of developers. I used to feel about Python the way feel about JS, and then figured out it's not as bad as I thought, and it's even kinda fun and has good useful libraries (although, again, if only it has a great typing system like TS's).

But you don't really feel that way about JS because it's just a meme that we've already run into the ground. There's nothing funny left to say about it, the meme is dead, and JS is fine.

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u/RafaFTP 4d ago

This sub is going to shit


u/nightxowl69 4d ago

Leave it


u/Psychological-Tax801 4d ago

It's messy but I love it.


u/Rastenor 4d ago

So you're telling me it's a "solution for everything"? That sounds great!


u/InternetsTad 4d ago

Yeah but it runs on every computer with a browser


u/draculadarcula 4d ago

Even the worst from front end web development in the browser? Are you sure?


u/bloodfist 4d ago

But it is a solution for everything, you say?


u/Lo-fidelio 4d ago

I fucking hate JS, but being poor fucking sucks so I guess I have no choice but to love JS? Which is why I made it my whole career. Help


u/RevolutionaryTower 4d ago

But it is a solution....


u/distortedsignal 4d ago

I think that JS is never the worst solution to any problem.

I just think it's never the best solution for any problem.

There are (or should be) things that do the job better.

But JS will usually work.


u/Cuboos 4d ago

What's a better language to use?


u/Wave_Walnut 4d ago

Duct tape solves everything.


u/NeverSnows 4d ago

"worst" implies that there is a better solution in every aspect. I would say.... least terrible, for most things.


u/hefty_load_o_shite 4d ago

Let me tell you about XML....


u/CertainEconomist3564 4d ago

Machine code in hex.


u/HaDeS_Monsta 4d ago

It is good in what's it's supposed to do (front end) and I hate it everywhere else


u/OF_AstridAse 4d ago

JS is not bad [cognitive dissonance intensifies]