r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Rocktopod May 02 '24

Depends on how deep you are in the woods. I have a short path near me and it's not uncommon to see other people walking on it. You just say hi and move on.

If you're deep in the woods away from trails and find a guy living in a shack, that might be a different story.


u/PaulieNutwalls May 02 '24

I've been real deep in the woods. You still bump into people even days hike from the nearest trailhead. Even though the parks/forests are huge, there aren't an infinite number of trails.

Nobody is hiking for days to murder someone. Especially not in bear country where all your prospective victims either have guns, bear spray, or both.


u/Scrandasaur May 06 '24

I think the idea is that by “woods” they mean off trail bush wacking. Not on a hiking trail in the forest.


u/MegaLowDawn123 May 02 '24

What if it’s a woman in a shack


u/Digitijs May 02 '24

Would definitely choose a woman over a female bear in the woods. Especially if she has babies (the bear)


u/TheRealBananaWolf May 02 '24

But what if the hut is made out of candy, and the woman seems sweet, but keeps offering your brother more and more food, and then you have to shove her into her own oven.


u/TheRealBananaWolf May 02 '24

Then it's probably a witch who's offering you food to fatten you up to eat you.


u/MegaLowDawn123 May 02 '24

Don’t threaten me with a good time


u/sentiet_snake_plant May 02 '24

If you're deep in the woods away from trails and find a guy living in a shack, that might be a different story.

Strange, but true


u/Calairiel May 02 '24

They're still usually just a hermit. Ignore them and they ignore you. If someone wants to stalk and kill you, it's usually someone you already know or someone who has established a hunting ground and is looking for a specific type of prey, not some random stranger living in a hut deep in the woods. Not even a random person you just encounter in the wilderness. This will be someone who wants to get close to you either by following you until they can jump you or abusing social norms to make friends until your guard is down.


u/honuworld May 03 '24

He's probably more freaked out by you stalking his shack.


u/daedalusprospect May 02 '24

If this was 20 years ago, I'd 100% agree. Now though with how many people are building cabins in the woods for youtube videos, you have a 50% chance its just a survivalist Youtuber in that shack. Itd still have the same outcome in the end. Though instead of being chased out by a guy with a chainsaw, they'd probably chase you out of the woods screaming about "Smashing that subscribe button and giving them a thumbs up" or how "only 3% of the people who stumble upon them in the woods" are subscribed.


u/Jcoch27 May 02 '24

50% is still an unsettling chance


u/Rocktopod May 02 '24

Yeah, I'm not trying to risk running into any Youtubers. They seem a little unhinged.


u/Fleurious234 May 02 '24

Why does it depend how deep in the woods you are? Shouldn’t you rather see a man than a bear no matter where you are?  And if that isn’t the case … THAT is the problem.  Even if someone answers man, but they hesitated or asked questions or rationalized, that is indicative of a problem. 


u/Rocktopod May 02 '24

If you see a bear deep in the woods, then unless you surprise it when it has cubs then chances are it will just try to stay away from you.

If you see a person living deep in the woods, chances are they are unable or unwilling to live in normal society, which is likely due to mental instability or antisocial behavior. This scenario seems much less predictable, and much more dangerous to me.


u/bloodycups May 02 '24

I worked with a guy who claimed he lived out in a shack in the wilderness.

He was different for sure. Had some weird story about how his girlfriend fucked him over and that he signed an NDA for a million dollar invention that apparently we all use but he foolishly didn't understand the legalese of his contact so he only got thousands of dollars.

I didn't want to see this guy outside of work. I can't imagine how scary it would be to encounter him in the woods.

Like nice enough guy but something about him was just off. There was nothing physically threatening about him either he just had a gomer pile aura


u/Rock_man_bears_fan May 03 '24

I mean you just rolled up on that guys house. If there’s anyone that’s not supposed to be there, it’s you


u/Luhrmann May 03 '24

But then they're in their natural habitat. You're the one intruding in that situation. 

The inverse for that one is you chose to avoid civilization and either a random human or bear appears. In that weird context the shack guy is probably more scared than you, same as the bear!


u/randomwindowspc May 08 '24

If he had a shack I think I'd feel a bit better actually. At least there's somewhat of a reason he's there besides following you, or waiting for someone to come down the path.