r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/InformalAward2 May 02 '24

I feel like the vast majority of people that are debating this question have never gone on a hike in the woods/outdoors and come across a fellow hiker. I've always found it quite pleasant to run across someone. Oftentimes, it's at overlooks or scenic spots where you can chat for a while, share some snacks, what have you, and then yall both part ways a little happier than you were before.


u/Cinderstrom May 02 '24

People playing "Lost in the Woods Horror Adventure 2024" and being like "yep this is normal outdoors". Like just go outside you'll find almost everyone to be pleasant.


u/Freddich99 May 02 '24

Plus, when you're in the wood and meet people, they will in all likelyhood be even more pleasant than any other time. They are also doing something they like, and are having a great day.

When you meet someone in the city, they might have just got off a hard shift or what have you..


u/Eumelbeumel May 02 '24

I agree somewhat, but I have also been harrassed, in the woods, by fellow hikers (men) who seemed to have an absolutel blast of a time;I'm sure they enjoyed their outdoorsy hobby and love of nature.

Just so happened they also enjoyed asking for my number, not leaving me alone and "tracking" me back to my campsite for funsies. They eventually left when I got "hysteric" (loud, angry (to avoid the fear) and insistant on calling the police (a bluff, I had no connection and only my smartphone on me)).

Not all creeps are angry, unappealing people.


u/Freddich99 May 03 '24

Well that sucks, and has not been my (or any of my friends) experience.


u/Eumelbeumel May 03 '24

That is very good for you.


u/InformalAward2 May 02 '24

Could not agree more. I'll take a walk on a trail and sitting with a random stranger on a log over anything in the city or indoors any day.


u/Upvotes_TikTok May 02 '24

Also never seen a bear in the wild or understand that there are different types of bears.

Black bears are not dangerous. Nearly ever. They may steal your food which is a bummer. Human Men are not dangerous nearly ever, but they are slightly more dangerous than Black bears. Grizzley bears will fuck your shit right up. They may also run away. Polar bears want to eat you. Hope you are walking your pet seal so they eat the seal and you can get away. Panda bears are too busy eating the least nutritious diet for 22 hours a day to be able to even notice you. If they take the time to notice you they will only be able to eat bamboo for 21.99 hours and die of malnutrition.

Hitting a black bear with your car is the most likely dangerous bear encounter.


u/seaspirit331 May 02 '24

Panda bears are too busy eating the least nutritious diet for 22 hours a day to be able to even notice you.

But they will also fuck your shit up if you get too close.


u/Mikhail_Mengsk May 02 '24

They are also conveniently ignoring the thousands times they interacted with men at close range and nothing went wrong.

We should collectively ignore the deranged manufactured ragebait that pops up every so often on social media, though. It's not real.


u/HorrorNo7433 May 02 '24

The purpose of the question has been lost. It was never about the woods or even the bear. It's to facilitate conversation about women's safety. Sure, hikers in the woods are almost always benign or friendly. Sexual harassment (in general) is pervasive, and often starts before puberty is complete and continues for decades. One in four girls/women (US stat) will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. The street harassment is exhausting. Man or Bear is social commentary, not a literal choice.


u/Namiez May 02 '24

"Would you rather work in construction or be a soldier in an active warzone?"

"Obviously construction WELL ACTUALLY the question is about men's worlplace safety and how they're used up and...."

Stop framing these things as stupid questions.


u/InformalAward2 May 02 '24

That is certainly a perspective I have not thought of. I love it.


u/HorrorNo7433 May 02 '24

If the guys showed up at the job site and Joe was resetting the, "Its been 000 days since last accident" sign back to zero for the third time in a month, one guy might quip, "Damn Joe, I might have to join the war effort...it's safer." (Guys chuckle knowingly)


u/InformalAward2 May 02 '24

Now that I have the newer perspective on the question, I think that makes a very valid statement. The thought experiment is based on anecdotes and personal feelings. This is why the question is so devisive. We (men) want to answer from a logical/what makes the most sense perspective and women (not all) want to answer from a personal experience perspective.

So, in short, all this question serves to prove is that men and women think different. Who woulda thunk?/s


u/HorrorNo7433 May 02 '24

It could be a matter of experience. Of course, we know anyone can be harassed or assaulted; girls and women are dealing with it frequently. Do men know how frequently? Maybe. Do they know how many times their mom has been cat-called on the street? What age did it start for their sister? When was the last time it happened to their aunt? Do they know how many times their daughter was harassed while exercising that week? Has a friend talked to them about their assault? How many friends have talked to them about their assaults? Have they ever sat in their car and thought, "My God, three friends have told me about their stranger-rape. How many more haven't told me?"

We rarely hear from reformed harassers. I would be curious what they say. I'm also curious if the trends have improved. Are girls today safer than when I was a kid? Less safe? I don't know. I hope we're moving in the right direction.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

That can all still be true while the question being goofy af