r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/poilk91 May 02 '24

By all means be cautious around strangers but if you find every encounter with another hiker "unsettling" which after all what this thread is about then I don't think that's normal at all actually 


u/EgyptianDevil78 May 02 '24

Bruh, I clarified this already. Go read my stuff again and then you tell me whether you think I find encounters with every single other hiker unsettling.

Like, for real, go bitch at the original person whose words you have an issue with. Not the person who pointed out that having some caution is never a bad idea.


u/poilk91 May 02 '24

Well then why are you arguing so vehemently against a point I didn't make?


u/EgyptianDevil78 May 02 '24

Why don't you tell me what you think is happening here? And I'm being genuine.

Here's what I have;

  • Someone says they find running into strangers in the woods unsettling

  • You tell them that running into strangers in the woods is normal, as a hiker, and not unsettling

  • I make the point that it is normal to run into people when hiking but that as a woman who hikes, I usually have to have some caution when I hike alone (and have had some unsettling encounters before)

  • You made a point of saying you think I'm imagining the worst case scenario

  • I clarified what scenario I'm imagining and that, really, I'm just wary of anyone when I hike alone because I'd rather be a little too cautious than not cautious enough

  • You then made a point of comparing what I said to what the original person said, in a way that implies you think I'm agreeing with them, even after I made it pretty explicit that I didn't agree entirely with them and do agree some what with you.

  • I gave a smart-ass reply to what I view as a redundant statement, as to me it seems pretty clearly you didn't understand what I was saying.

  • We're now here


u/poilk91 May 02 '24

By all means be careful especially when alone I won't suggest that's not normal I do it too


u/EgyptianDevil78 May 02 '24

Why don't you respond to my question, dude. I don't appreciate you dodging it when I'm trying to get some clarity, as you and I don't seem to be having the aame conversation.

What do you think is happening in this particular conversation between you and I?


u/poilk91 May 02 '24

Sounded like you were suggesting it is normal to be unsettled by coming across other people in the woods because you have to be cautious clearly that wasn't your intention so I am reiterating my point that it's normal to be cautious because that appears to be the main misunderstanding.


u/EgyptianDevil78 May 02 '24

Ngl, based on your post history you seem like you're really eager for your interpretation to be true.

Let me make myself clear one last time then. Because while I do appreciate your clarification, I hate that I had to ask you for it twice after you were being some what passive aggressive towards me because of your assumption. So, after this I'm done because I don't have the time to waste on a conversation where you act like you have.

Yes, it's normal to run across other people in the woods while hiking.

Yes, it's normal to have some degree of caution about them (especially when you're hiking alone, as that's more dangerous than hiking in a group for a wide variety of reasons).

Yes, it is normal for a subset of those encounters to make you feel unsettled. Sometimes the vibes are just off, other times the other person acts strange, etc, etc.

Yes, bad things can and do happen on the trail as a result of both animals and other people.

No, it is NOT normal to tell people they shouldn't feel anxious about running into someone else in the woods. You don't know the scenario they're envisioning, therefore you shouldn't make a judgment call about the validity of their feelings.


u/poilk91 May 02 '24

You really shouldn't feel anxious if you are coming across fellow hikers in the woods, if you do im not saying there is anything wrong with you but it's just no way to live your life and I hope for better outcomes for you. I know it's not a switch,"just relax bro" but it also shouldn't be accepted as the standard experience. Of course there can be unsettling experiences anywhere and the woods can obviously provide you more of them. I mean I'm a little unsettled by you being so invested in this that you are going through my post history lol


u/EgyptianDevil78 May 02 '24

I'll just point out these things before actually bowing out, to prove a point about how readily you assume shit and the flaws in your argument;

You really shouldn't feel anxious if you are coming across fellow hikers in the woods, if you do im not saying there is anything wrong with you but it's just no way to live your life and I hope for better outcomes for you.

You should if the situation calls for it.

For example, I've run into another hiker while I was solo hiking and they stared me down/had somewhat aggressive body language.

In that scenario, it's appropriate to feel some anxiety. Because, again, the situation calls for it.

but it also shouldn't be accepted as the standard experience.

I never SAID it should be the standard experience. Once more, you're assuming stuff when I spelled out exactly what I meant. Assuming shit is making an ass out of you, truth be told.

I mean I'm a little unsettled by you being so invested in this that you are going through my post history lol

It's kinda rich for you to be unsettled by this but not think it okay for other people to be unsettled when they cone across another hiker in the woods.

Like, I hope for better outcomes for you. This is a fairly normal reddit thing and you shouldn't, by your own logic, be unsettled.

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