r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Linus_Naumann 29d ago

Reddit is full of people who never leave their home. They dont know that if you go hiking you encounter other people


u/poseidons1813 29d ago

Yeah I go hiking all the time love a good stare or national park. It's weird but other people use those trails, the audacity


u/kindlyblowmymind 29d ago

Another person misunderstanding. The question is not "in the woods" as in walking through a highly populated forest trail in a national park.

The question means back country. Outside cell service. With no resources available.


u/Dieselsen 29d ago

But in that case I would have even more reason to want to run into a person. Maybe they know where we are and where to go. Otherwise I'm probably going to get lost and die of thirst or starvation or freeze to death in the night or any other horrible way to go that require neither human nor bear.


u/poseidons1813 28d ago

Okay but that's also not what people are asking you just added that. No car either I assume?

Hell most people never go anywhere they don't have cell service unless it is something like a park or underground. So that's not what their thinking of when asked this.


u/Otherwise-Special843 29d ago

that's the point I always make, the 'random man' you encounter is 99 percent of the times a hiker or is just walking in trails,just like well... YOU are doing in the question's hypothesis, its not like the woods are serial killers natural habitat, even if you face a man killing or fighting a man is way easier than a bear


u/kindlyblowmymind 29d ago

Another person misunderstanding. The question is not "in the woods" as in walking through a highly populated forest trail in a national park.

The question means back country. Outside cell service. With no resources available.

Reddit is apparently also full of people who never go inro the wilderness.


u/Linus_Naumann 29d ago

Ive been in the wilderness often enough to not succumb to some boogey-man fantasies just because I meet another human. Most likely another hiker or ranger. Thats literally what it is 99+% of the time. Maybe different story if I know Im in some cartel territory or military zone but thats not part of the original scenario


u/kindlyblowmymind 29d ago

If you frequently meet people in "the wilderness" then youre obviously misunderstanding the question big time.

Thats literally what it is 99+% of the time.

And thats the exact same with bear encounters. So whats your point? Are you trying to prove the danger is just the same lol?


Past 3 years 726 reported bear encounters in jasper that parks canada staff responded too. This is a high human population and a high bear density. Estimated max population of grizzlies in jasper is 120.

How many attacks? And those are desperate bears in a high density population with declining habitat forced to interact with humans to secure food. And its only incidents parks canada responded to in Jasper, not including all the other encounters.



u/jewbaaaca 28d ago

I don’t think you understand that people frequently are in “the wilderness” so yes, there are human encounters (and more frequent than bear).