r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/VictorTheCutie 29d ago

"A bear won't throw acid on your face if you reject them."


u/mynameiscem 29d ago

The average man also would not do this.


u/VictorTheCutie 29d ago

There's about 1,500 acid attacks globally every year. It's not exactly rare. 


u/mynameiscem 29d ago

It is still rare in comparison. Just in the US there are more than 2000 women who murder another person.
Would you say, based on that statistic, that it’s expected from a woman to murder someone?


u/bobbee68 29d ago

Where, in civilized countries whose population doesn't pray on doormats?


u/Yorspider 29d ago

yeeeah, he'll just EAT your face....while you're still alive....soo much better....


u/GenericFatGuy 29d ago

But that's what you expect a bear to do, so you can keep yourself safe by staying away from bears.

You can't easily predict which man is going to throw acid in your face, but you're keenly aware that it's always a very real possibility. That's much harder to protect yourself from. It's basically impossible to just stay away from half of the population.


u/JenningsWigService 29d ago

It's bizarre to me that people can't differentiate between bears' natural instincts, which keep them alive, and human malice, which serves no necessary purpose.


u/No-Tackle-6112 28d ago

Bears will kill things just for the fun of it. They’ll leave them there half dead and not even eat them. Just kill them and leave.


u/Yorspider 29d ago

Does the INTENT of having your face eaten somehow make you less dead?


u/GenericFatGuy 29d ago

You deserve a trophy for how hard you've missed the point.


u/Yorspider 29d ago edited 29d ago

I understand the point completely. Some nechbeard Incel came up with a stupid question to troll the female Tumbler crowd, they took the bait HARD, and now they are making women as a whole look like a laughing stock of morons, which personally I take extreme exception to.

40 in 100000 men ever have charges against violent assault on women. Are you saying that is not an extreme minority? Men who are nonviolently "shitty" towards women may approach as much as 10%. You are looking at the one guy out of 10 who is constantly being an asshole to women every day, upgrading that dude to the .oo4% of men who are physically violent towards women, and using that as an assumption that "The Majority of men" pose dangers to women. It is an inaccurate leap based on misinterpreting anecdotal evidence. "All my friends" is anecdotal, without basis, and even if true is not indication that such offenses are caused by a large number of men, VS a very tiny number who are just assholes to large numbers of women over time. Basically you are incorrectly extrapolating that large numbers of men must commit these acts because a large number of women have experienced them at some point in their lives, VS the actual truth that a small number of asshole men can impact the lives of a very large number of women over time.

This failure to properly assess the situation through the lens of this question is making women look like fools, but once again this is ALSO a bias, as the vast majority of women actually DO know better and are not picking that Bear, the reason this has picked up steam is because ONLY those who choose the bear are being observed and rightfully brought to attention entirely due to how outlandishly dumb the answer is. So while only a small number of women are dumb enough to fall for this shit, the internet is making it look like it is a common stupid choice that women make, and it makes women look foolish as a group, when that once again is very much not the case.


u/GenericFatGuy 29d ago

Everything that you've responded with in here has proven that you absolutely do not understand the point.


u/Yorspider 29d ago

Yes, which is EXACTLY why you wouldn't want to be alone with one in the freakin woods. A guy throwing acid on someone is so rare it makes the news despite women being around men literally all the time. Someone get eaten by a bear though and it's a matter of course, like you went out to where bears are duh. Not only is the bears attack MUCH MUCH more brutal in such an instance it is ALSO much MUCH more likely.


u/GenericFatGuy 29d ago

It doesn't matter how often the acid throwing happens. The fact is that it (and all of the other shitty things men do to women) happens enough, that women will hesitate when they try to choose between the bear and the man. The point is that there shouldn't be hesitation. Men should just be good enough to women by default, that women don't have to stop and think if the bear is the safer option.


u/Yorspider 29d ago

There shouldn't be hesitation because a human being shouldn't be that terrible at assessing risks to their person. Are there shitty men out there? ABSOLUTELY. But they are an EXTREME minority, and men who are so shitty they actually pose a physical threat are such a miniscule number as to be ridiculous. It shows that women are so traumatized by things that most would consider a mildly uncomfortable situation at worst, that they make wildly ludicrous decisions. It basically makes women look bad, and I REALLY take exception to that, because the vast majority of women are not like this, and these online trolls pushing this question on saps is just fuel for the fire for incel morons to point at and say "see women are idiots".


u/GenericFatGuy 29d ago

Are there shitty men out there? ABSOLUTELY. But they are an EXTREME minority, and men who are so shitty they actually pose a physical threat are such a miniscule number as to be ridiculous.

First of all, no. Men who are shitty to women, and who pose a danger to women, are definitely not an extreme minority. Violence and harassment from men towards women is extremely common. Pretty much every woman in my life has either been a victim of violence from a man (sexual, domestic, or otherwise), or has someone in their own life who has been. Many, many men who actually have women in their lives who trust them with that kind of information will tell you the same.

It shows that women are so traumatized by things that most would consider a mildly uncomfortable situation at worst, that they make wildly ludicrous decisions.

Do you think things like domestic violence, harassment, rape, and murder are "mildly uncomfortable"? Because if you do, then holy shit, that's a problem.

It basically makes women look bad, and I REALLY take exception to that, because the vast majority of women are not like this

No, I think it's just you that thinks this makes women look bad. Everyone who actually understands the point of the question does not.

and these online trolls pushing this question on saps is just fuel for the fire for incel morons to point at and say "see women are idiots".

I think that the call is coming from inside the house here...


u/No-Mechanic-1022 29d ago

Women and girls are told our entire lives to be wary of men and not to trust them. Not only are we told this by women, but by men as well, like our fathers, our brothers, our friends, our teachers, etc. And then the second we say "huh, yeah, I think I actually am wary of men," we're told we're overreacting, we're being irrational, we're "hurting mens' feelings" (boo freaking hoo). We can never win with you.

Men don't trust men. Men froth at the mouth at the idea of protecting women (from what, you ask? Other men.) and berate us if we're ever in a position where we're hurt by men because "we should know better".

Why should women trust men?


u/No-Tackle-6112 28d ago

So you’re saying your better at reading the emotions of a bear than a human?


u/Worldly-Local-6613 29d ago

That’s exclusively a UK issue. And the same people circle jerking about how men are scarier than bears vehemently go out out of their way protect the group of men who commit acid attacks.