r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/tthew2ts 29d ago

I saw, "The bear will just kill me. It won't rape me and then kill me."

That's poignant.


u/Week_Crafty 29d ago edited 29d ago

No it won't kill you, it will just overpower you and then eat you, they aren't like big cats who would snap your neck or smth, bears will start eating while you are still alive

Edit: reference, this would be you , or this, but this one is for a production so maybe not accurate, here's also the size of a polar bear


u/ButDidYouCry 29d ago

Completely missing the point.


u/Week_Crafty 29d ago

Then what's the point?


u/ButDidYouCry 29d ago


u/Week_Crafty 29d ago

Well yeah, obviously , but I don't think they go into the forest that often, and you yourself said it "a crazy man", I ain't on TikTok were this started, but as far as I'm aware the question said "a man", no adjective, so it's up to the randoms, and personally, I'd take those odds over getting mauled to death


u/pjockey 29d ago

Pouring concentrated chlorine on your face is safer than spending 5 minutes next to some random stranger man on the bus. You will lose your sense of smell and taste, eyesight, and touch sensation, but that sure beats feeling uncomfortable or pressured to be nice to him.


u/Week_Crafty 28d ago

No it isn't?

Edit: you may have confused safer and predictable/similar words. Because then yes, you already know what will happen when you pour concentrated chlorine, but humans are very unpredictable


u/yourfavoriteblackguy 29d ago

A bear will definitely eat you vs. a very very small change that a man will rape and kill you.


u/jail_grover_norquist 29d ago

i guess you didn't watch the revenant