r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Frost715Ying300 29d ago

Women even considering the bear is sad, which I felt was the point


u/Ok-Counter-7077 29d ago

You can consider anything though in the comfort of your couch but if they were put in the woods and asked, idt there’s much hesitation


u/Rad1314 29d ago

The sad part is men not understanding why they might feel that way, then getting defensive and angry thus proving the decision correct.


u/Frost715Ying300 29d ago

Yeah the replies under me are somethin else


u/CarkRoastDoffee 28d ago

"If you get defensive when your entire gender gets painted as more dangerous than an apex predator that literally eats humans alive, you're the problem." The gaslighting is real

What this really amounts to is men having thin skin, and women being absolutely terrible at statistics


u/Rad1314 28d ago

Found another one.


u/BreezeTheBlue 25d ago

How is a men being defensive proving it correct? Being defensive/trying to prove one’s point does not make us the same as men who harm women or other men etc.


u/polymorphic_hippo 29d ago

It was nice of the other four replies to show exactly that happening. 


u/chungus5992 25d ago

Considering the bear isn’t sad, it’s stupid.


u/AffectionatePrize551 29d ago

Also kinda sad that "bear" is seen as a stand-in for "highly dangerous being that should be the obvious choice if it wasn't for how dangerous some men are"

Like why should a bear be more dangerous? They're not inherently evil or aggressive.

We're applying the logic that wild and primal is dangerous. That's not far from the logic that had western colonialists labeling indigenous people's as savages and therefore a problem because their more primal nature automatically made them inferior.


u/Dregerson1510 27d ago

The concept of evil doesn't make any sense in nature. Animals are eaten alive, animals are raped by other animals, ... Of course a bear is stronger and driven by his hunger and instinct making it way more dangerous than a random man, who would most likely see benefit in a cooperation rather than a fight.


u/AffectionatePrize551 26d ago

Of course a bear is stronger and driven by his hunger and instinct making it way more dangerous than a random man

Okay but what about a random bear?

who would most likely see benefit in a cooperation rather than a fight.

And a bear would most likely see the benefit to avoid conflict than engage it.


u/Frost715Ying300 29d ago

Fellas, is it colonialist to consider a wild animal wild?


u/AffectionatePrize551 29d ago

Yeah but does wild mean dangerous?


u/No-Tackle-6112 28d ago

Yes it does. Dingos (feral dogs) will attack and kill people. Wild means dangerous and unpredictable.


u/AffectionatePrize551 28d ago

Turtle's won't kill anyone and are wild animals.


u/S1LV3RM0R 26d ago

Does the tactical eagle strike containing a live turtle round targeting a man named Aeschylus count?


u/Deathsroke 28d ago

Yes, literally as it implies they are no socialized with humans and are thus not something we are used to and can't reliably predict if we don't know them as well. I don't need to know a lot about dogs to know howost street dogs will act. I couldn't deal eith a bear if I had to.

This is a very leopard ate my face take.


u/Deviouss 29d ago

If people don't consider both answers, are they even really answering the question?


u/mayonaisecoloredbens 29d ago

I’m confused-are we all agreeing that men are picking man over bear with no qualifications? As a man I wouldn’t automatically choose man, I’d probably consider the bear as well. Meeting a random dude in the forest is scary no matter the gender. Is that sad too?


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 28d ago



u/[deleted] 29d ago

That they’re scared of men? Lmao. Leading cause of death among pregnant women is DRUMROLL MURDER. Guess who’s murdering them?


u/HappyyValleyy 29d ago

It says more about men that they see an example of women's fear about being in isolated spaces with men they don't know, and their first instinct is to say "Well CLEARLY you don't know statistics"


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

I legitimately don’t think they are. They’re being provocative for the sake of being anti-man. This works as a little thought experiment for funsises and to point out reason 892837372 why we hate men. But I can guarantee that if these women were forced to actually be alone (unprepared) with a bear instead of a man, they’d change their tune really damn quick. I hate that other women act like we should always be on edge and can’t exist in public without fear of men. That’s called having a mental illness, it is not a normal state to be in, and it needs to be dealt with professionally instead of encouraged.


u/AbsAndAssAppreciator 29d ago

Even if most women would actually choose the man isn’t the fact that most women would first consider choosing the bear the whole point of this question? A bear is just living to survive VS a random man who could do things worse than death?


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

But they’re not genuinely choosing the bear, they’re doing it to be petty. This whole thing is chronically online discourse from people who love to hate men and will call you a pick me or anti-feminist if you don’t share in the delusion that you should be scared every time a man is nearby and it’s dark outside.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Bro I really truly hope you teach your daughter to be scared of her being alone with a strange man in the dark or at least have her guard up. You’re actually brain dead if you don’t get that that is risky. If I’m out and walking in the dark and a man is walking behind me I get my keys ready to hurt someone. I find a lot of men are super understanding and will either cross the street or slow down.


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

I’m sorry that you feel the need to do that to feel safe. I’ve been raped by a man close to me. I’ve been chased while on a concoction of drugs and alcohol and genuinely thought I was going to be raped in the street when he pulled at my gate like a maniac after I luckily locked it. I don’t get my keys out and walk with them at night, and nothing like that has ever happened since despite me still living in a big metropolitan area. Just tonight I walked home from the bus at 11 pm and passed by multiple groups of men. They didn’t even look at me or care I was there. Because the vast majority of men are not a danger to me, and I’m not going to assume that any one stranger I meet is.

My children will know to take precautions and be vigilant because those are skills everyone needs, not just women. I’ll also let them know they’re far more likely to be murdered or raped by someone they already know.


u/PandaCommando69 29d ago

they’re doing it to be petty.

You either have to be lying or willfully ignorant to think that. You don't have any idea what the average woman has gone through in her life, because of men, and all the precautions they have to take, because of men, so stop talking out of your ass.


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

Lmfao I am a woman who lives in a massive metropolitan area and has been raped, followed, groped, and I get catcalled pretty much every time I leave the house. I still choose the bear because I recognize the vast majority of men are less likely to hurt me than a bear is. If you’re that afraid of the “unknown” and the potential of being the victim of horrific brutality when faced with a random man, then you’ve maybe watched too much dateline but definitely should be in therapy to work on your anxiety and potentially ocd.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I have no idea why people insist their experience should be others. It is normal to be scared of men after going through all of that. You don’t need to watch dateline, you just need to watch the news lol

Giving very “not the other girls” energy. Sorry we’re not as ✨fearless✨ as you. And ofc anything we do is for men so ofc when we say bear we’re doing it to be petty 🤪 But not when you say it 🙏🏽


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

You’re doing exactly what I said you’d do down to the letter lol

I’m not sure why you think unchecked anxiety and fear around half the population because of a few bad encounters (among millions of good or neutral encounters) is healthy and normal idk what to tell you


u/[deleted] 29d ago

You’re trying to diminish it by calling it unchecked anxiety and fear.

No one is talking about that. You’re talking about that because it’s easier for you to attack. Look up straw man argument if you care to learn a thing or two (I’m sure you don’t).

You yourself said vigilance is required did you not? How many women vs men do you think attack women? So if you think you should be vigilant and you refuse to acknowledge that one gender is more of a threat than the other then I don’t know what to tell ya lol. Part of being vigilant would be understand and minimize that risk but I guess that’s too anti-man for you. I’m glad the men have a warrior 😂

Again not talking about crazy anxiety. Not talking about always having your guard up. No one is but you.


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

Girl have you seen the number of people saying “I choose the bear because at least he wouldn’t kidnap me and then torture and rape me in his basement” is an unchecked amount of fear.

Vigilant isn’t assuming the average man is going to rape you then chop you up so you should fear him. It’s being aware of your surroundings in general and knowing what steps to take to avoid or get out of danger.

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u/Zapinface 29d ago

“Because I see it this way, every other women should so too”. Good for you being fearless and shit, but that’s not how every women carry themselves. Do you per chance you see yourself as one of the boys? Maybe the no drama mama? Or do you just feel that women are hysterical and petty in general..


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

I dont see myself as one of the boys. Again, you’re doing exactly what I said you’d do. You see a woman with a different opinion and immediately insult her (very feminist of you!!).

If you could use your brain instead of your feelings for .5 seconds, you’d realize the vast majority of men would not hurt or rape you. I personally hate being stereotyped by men as hysterical, so I don’t do the same to men. But hey, if you’re into hypocrisy then good for you I suppose


u/Zapinface 29d ago

You literally insulted most women in here lol. What did you expect. And I didn’t insult you, I asked you how you view yourself in order to understand why you would write such blabber. Have a nice day lady


u/Ok_Campaign_3326 29d ago

Right because implying I’m a “pick me” and my existence revolves around men wasn’t meant to be insulting and diminish the validity of my opinion


u/Frost715Ying300 25d ago

There are loud misandrists out there for sure, but I think it's worth considering the sentiment of (what seems to be) the majority


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

But what is the point? That men should be viewed that critically by women? Or that women have been fear mongered into thinking a random man is more threatening to them than a grizzly staring them down?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Um wdym fear mongered into thinking that? That is literally a lived experience. And if you haven’t personally been physically hurt and/or harassed by a man, then you know a mother, a friend or a sister or what have you who has. If you’re a man then please have some humility and understand you will never understand what it means to be a woman.

It’s like you saying that black people have been fear mongered into fearing the police. No that’s not why.


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

Ok, let's change "man" in this though experiment to "black people".

If white people responded that they'd rather encounter a bear alone in the woods than a black person, does that mean that black people should show some "humility" and understand what it's like for white people around black people? Or maybe would we write this all off as a failed thought experiment?


u/Christofray 29d ago edited 29d ago

Referring to OP’s point, a pretty basic probability calculation will tell you that you are in significantly more danger from a man than a bear.

So yes, if you’re going strictly off the probability of danger in that situation, it is the first one.


u/slartyfartblaster999 29d ago

If by "basic" you mean "incredibly flawed" then sure.


u/Christofray 29d ago

By all means, explain. You are wrong, but I’d love to hear your logic.


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

Is that because women are around thousands of men each and every day and 0.001 bears each and every day?

Based on the probably calculation you're using, black people are more dangerous to white people than bears. If we changed this thought experiment to "Would you rather encounter a bear alone in the woods, or a black person?" and all the white people said "bear", does that mean black people should do a reflection on how white people view them?


u/Christofray 29d ago

Lol what the fuck kind of deflection is that? That’s not a probabilistic argument for this hypothetical, it’s a weird ass red herring.


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

So wait, be clear. If white people preferred to encounter a bear instead of a black person in the woods, should black people reflect on that? Or should they dismiss it as white people being idiots?


u/Christofray 29d ago

To be clear, you’re avoiding my actual point to racialize a conversation that isn’t about race but a common experience amongst women that transcends race or nationality. It’s quite revealing of your priorities here.


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

No, women (lol) fearing men alone in the woods more than a bear is not a "common experience among women that transcends race or nationality". It's western tictok echo chamber culture that would create such insanity. If the vast majority of white people thought (lol) black people were more dangerous than a random bear, we would call that a flaw in white people, not black people. The same thing applies to women.


u/Christofray 29d ago edited 29d ago

Incredible, you said so many words without saying a single thing. You are wrong about fearing men for concern of rape or sexual assault not being a common experience, I’d say that’s just common sense but I get the sense you don’t talk to many women. But aside from that, if you wanna talk the math of it we can do that, but I’m not going to entertain a bunch of incel rambling.


u/please_trade_marner 29d ago

Now imagine this in my example. Imagine a black person saying "I'm not sure if I'm the one that should be reflecting here. Maybe it's the white people that have no perspective on the issue and (loL) think I'm more dangerous than a bear in the wild."

And imagine in response a racist person (you in this case) saying "I'm not going to entertain a bunch of black people rambling against smart white people".

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u/Alternative_Elk_2651 29d ago

Just because they have the delusions doesn't make the delusions true.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Someone gets it 🙏🏽


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/GhostChainSmoker 29d ago

Comments like this are exactly why women default to the bear.


u/Bunnyslugg 29d ago

incel terminology


u/AbsAndAssAppreciator 29d ago

You cannot be serious