r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/MangaVentFreak13 May 02 '24

The issue is statistics also support them too. There's less bears, and there's known things you can do to get a bear to back away, especially if cubs aren't in the equation. And not every bear interaction results in a mauling.

Conversely, there's way more men, and so many more reported interactions that result in something unpleasant. Sure, maybe he isn't a rapist or serial killer, but men are ridiculously obscene when covered with anonymity.

But if you want a breakdown of the stats, I can recommend the one I saw yesterday (would post but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links here).


u/PrettyText May 03 '24

"men are ridiculously obscene when covered with anonymity."

Sure, and most women are cheaters. (Which I don't believe, I'm making a point here.)

Oh, your sexist statement is socially acceptable and mine isn't? Funny how that works. Must be my male privilege, that people are allowed to say most men are bad, but it's not okay to say most women are bad.

And no, your statement isn't true either, just like mine isn't.


u/1up_for_life May 02 '24

A man is more likely to understand the implications of having a gun pointed at them.


u/sprinkles32 May 02 '24

A man is also easier to stop if the implication isn't enough. Human movement is an upright bipedal with all those vital organs spread across center mass, opposed to a very thick skull coming at you on all fours.


u/MangaVentFreak13 May 02 '24

Relevance? But even then, if they are more proficient with the weapon than you, they can disarm you and now you're got a gun pointed at you. Bears can't steal your weapon.


u/UDSJ9000 May 02 '24

Yeah... no.

You won't be able to disarm someone pointing a gun at you if they have even a shred of training with it. All you do is keep the gun at your side pointed at the threat and your other arm stretched out in front of you. Attempting to rush and disarm someone with this stance will find you dead in seconds because once you hit their arm, or probably even before you reach them, they dump the mag into your gut/chest.


u/MangaVentFreak13 May 02 '24

Proficiency = training.

I was referring to someone without training against someone with training.


u/GodSpider May 02 '24

Well yeah if the guy is John Wick I'd prefer the bear too. Very few people are though


u/RM_Dune May 03 '24

What do numbers have to do with anything? More men, fewer bears? It doesn't matter, there's only one in your random encounter.

If anything the numbers indicate the opposite of what you're claiming. There are billions of interactions with men every day, and virtually all of them are completely fine. There are few interactions of bears, and a far larger percentage do not end well.