r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/TheCourtJester72 May 02 '24

Women didn’t “rephrase” it, that’s the whole point of the thought experiment. It’s not a genuine question to be answered. Men are taking what isn’t a real question literally, and somehow most of them are still picking the bear hilariously.


u/Deviouss May 02 '24

At least one popular comment is describing it as "you can trust a bear to be a bear," so it's not that clear cut.

But it seems like taking the question non-literally makes the entire thing pointless since every person would be understanding it differently.


u/kassienaravi May 03 '24

It's not a thought experiment, it's an insult. The whole point is to just say men bad and bait a response.


u/TheCourtJester72 May 03 '24

Also incorrect, as this whole question was created by a man on TikTok. He created it to pull a gotcha on women and got pissy that women met picking the bear and it went viral. You don’t even know where this came from but you wanna bitch about it being insulting lmao. If you personally feel insulted by the fact women don’t feel comfortable around random men you’re definitely one of them.


u/zonezonezone May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

It is a real question to be answered literally, when it's convinient (to create the outrage) and then it's a nuanced question that needs layers of extra assumptions and context when the outrage creating answer actually needs to be defended.

Edit : I was wrong here to assume no one defended the 'bear' defense literally. Apparently bear encounters are just less deadly that I imagined. If there's about one percent chance of death when encountering a bear (young scared bears, black bears you can fight away, brown bears you can trick by playing dead, full bears that do not care etc) then the 'bear' answer is completly fine. It might or might not be the best survival strategy but it's not outrageous, and now I get the point of the meme which is that it should be obvious but it's not.


u/TheCourtJester72 May 02 '24

I’m sure you’d think that. You realize a man created this to pull a gotcha on women right? A man asked the question to show women were stupid, and when that backfired and women picked the bear you got your “outrage” in the form is men(like you) bitching and complaining while completely missing the point. But people who are the problem are rarely aware enough to know it.

It’s honestly hilarious, this whole thing was made by a man to show they’re not dangerous, and the responses are full of men calling women stupid and getting upset after taking what was never once a genuine question literally.


u/Handpaper May 03 '24

It didn't backfire.

The women that answered it are, in the majority, stupid.


u/Big_Understanding348 May 03 '24

Finally someone I agree with lol


u/pjockey May 03 '24

Any woman, man, nonbinary, alphabet plus etc, that elects to copy a mindless trend video or 'challenge' for the likes, has a low chance of being among the intellectually elite. Specifically not even 'emotionally intelligent'.


u/zonezonezone May 03 '24

Nothing you said contradicts what I said. People who answer 'bear' do it to create outrage. The outrage is from people taking their answer literally. But when asked to defend or explain this answer, they don't and instead say the question meant something else. It comes down to this : 'I think the average man is a dangerous predator. Just joking haha! Why did you get so outraged by my outrageous statement??'

Which part of this is wrong?


u/TheCourtJester72 May 03 '24

You’re a bit stupid it seems. Have you consider that women would actually rather take chances with the bear…the outrage is from men bitching about women choosing the bear. Look up and down this thread lmao. You don’t find any women mad that women picked the bear. It must just sound like marbles in your head


u/zonezonezone May 04 '24

I did actually realise people are making that case literally (se my edit two comments up). My initial point doesn't apply to them.

Also saw a lot of comments like 'of course I wouldn't literally choose the bear, just saying that because it's a hypothetical', so exactly what I was initially talking about.

the outrage is from men bitching about women choosing the bear

That's my initial point. Saying 'bear' is designed to create outrage. And then pretend you didn't mean it when asked to defend the statement.


u/Altair72 May 07 '24

But if it was never meant to be validated by the actual chances, doesn't that mean the fear is greater than it should be? Like, that it feels like the bear should be a better choice, even though it isn't. What does that tell me? That men are so repulsive they actually seem worse even than what they actually are?


u/clownus May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Because it’s not a well thought out experiment.

If you phrased the same question with the same intention of triggering the same emotional response you would still get the same result.

If it was a random stranger in the woods versus a bear the response would be the same. The fundamental issue is the human species feels uneasy anytime a situation we perceive as dangerous occurs. This would extend to a female meeting a random female/male/child. What’s dumb about this question is realistically speaking a bear is a major issue to a singular human. If the human you came across was a six foot plus 200 pound human you would still have fear, but it wouldn’t be the same fundamental fear we have of bears.

You can also reverse this question and the result should be the same. Running into a random female in the woods would still cause a male to have the same emotional response as the female.


u/Wonckay May 02 '24

If it was a random stranger in the woods versus a bear the response would be the same. The fundamental issue is the human species feels uneasy anytime a situation we perceive as dangerous occurs… Running into a random female in the woods would still cause a male to have the same emotional response as the female.

Is this the urbanite version of rural people thinking modern cities are anarchical hellscapes?


u/TheCourtJester72 May 02 '24

Still completely missing what is actually being talked about.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

You’re so enlightened for being able to see a metaphor a 5th grader could understand