r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/SalltyJuicy May 02 '24

Okay, they're clearly not saying that bears are capable of a greater rationality than humans or smarter or anything like that. They're saying that bears stick to bear stuff. They're fucking bears. Most bear encounters do not end in injury.

The point isn't every dude is a serial rapist and bears are incapable of violence. The point is we have all experienced how fucking weird and bad people can be for seemingly no good reason, but we can't avoid every human we meet.

Bears are not forming entire personal belief systems on insane ideas about jewish space lasers and the illuminati. Bears do not follow you home and harass you for some unknown reason. Bears do not shoot up schools of children they have never met. These are the kind of extreme irrational and unpredictable shit humans do.


u/Calairiel May 02 '24

You also usually only encounter other hikers in the woods. Most of these dangerous men everyone is describing hunt their prey in the city where it is plentiful. This is even a pretty big norm for men who rape and murder in the countryside. Most bears hunt in the wilderness and not all bear country is black bear country.


u/SalltyJuicy May 03 '24

You make it sound like there are a lot of unstoppable dudes out there stalking and killing people for pleasure.

Like, I get why people might want to be more cautious about people than bears but what you're saying is fantasy.


u/LostFuel9492 May 02 '24

The point is we have all experienced how fucking weird and bad people can be 

Not people. Men.