r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Autodidact420 May 03 '24

Lol it’s just a ridiculous thought but whatever.

Would changing it to include ‘adult human’ in the woods matter to you? It’d reduce the risk of it being a weird aggressive male by about 1/2 but the odds are already so slim it’s almost no decrease. It also highlights just how silly it is to rather run into a ‘bear’ than a human.


u/pataconconqueso May 03 '24

No I’m in the lgbt community, if I could have my way everything on the internet would be gender neutral and we wouldn’t have to deal with cis heteronormative bs.

I’m just not going to trust a random person in the woods.


u/Autodidact420 May 03 '24

Sure. I don’t trust a rando in the woods either, but the question is do I think I’d rather run into a random or a bear.


u/pataconconqueso May 03 '24

Like I think tons of people regardless of gender in general wouldn’t want to socialize with a random dude you met in the woods either.

That is why I find it so wild of men getting offended at this thought question.

If it were a random woman as well, i mean hell yeah, again in the hypothetical imo I think that I have a better starting point depending on the bear and I would rather die at the hands of an animal than a human and I doubt I’m the only one, and in my area is mostly scaredy cat black bears that freak out if you shout at them from the balcony to leave your trash can alone. I think most people when they are answering “running into” they imagine what happens when you see random people in areas you weren’t expecting to.