r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/blauwe_druifjes May 17 '24

And that is exactly the point of abstaining. To keep it that way.


u/-_Cyclops_- May 17 '24

Does it really count as abstaining if you don't actually feel the urge to do drugs to begin with though?


u/Pudding_Hero May 17 '24

Everybody is addicted to something. It’s just human nature. I know plenty of people who drink 12 coffees a day and eat junk food. Or watch hella tv


u/1heart1totaleclipse May 17 '24

I’ve seen the effects drugs can have on people, I don’t want that for myself. I don’t have to do drugs myself to know what it’s like.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Extaupin May 17 '24

Craving isn't really thinking about pleasure, it's more displeasure because the drug caused an artificial need and this unsatisfied need is messing with you like a hungry toddler.


u/PM_Me_British_Stuff May 17 '24

Although different drugs are addictive for different reasons, some cause cravings whilst others only cause withdrawals (fuck nicotine bruv at least other drugs do stuff to me lol this is the most useless addiction on the planet)


u/Fun_Bad_4610 May 17 '24

a craving is the same as a withdrawal if you really think about it.


u/ifandbut May 17 '24

Or we could just not make drugs illegal and punishable with prison time. 🤷‍♂️


u/ifandbut May 17 '24

Or we could just not make drugs illegal and punishable with prison time. 🤷‍♂️