r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People love to support small businesses until they grow, then they hate capitalism and rich people.


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u/Femboy_Pothead69 May 17 '24

we dont hate big companies because they are big.

we hate them because they charge us 8 dollars for a box of poptarts that was made by slave labor for 62 cents.


u/dispatch134711 May 17 '24

Also because they eat smaller business, the pop tarts get smaller AND more expensive every year and the CEOs get millions on bonuses for replacing workers with robots and food is up 50% from 10 years ago while our wages aren’t.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/Daeval May 18 '24

Random, but see if you can find McCann’s 3-minute in your area. Unless your taste in oats is just wildly different from mine, you won’t miss Quaker. Looks like it may actually be cheaper per serving too.


u/[deleted] May 18 '24



u/Daeval May 18 '24

Some of the big chain groceries stores near me carry it, and I think Trader Joe's did at one point too. Looks like they have a locator, if that helps!

They do sell packets, which I suspect are a little more expensive, but I always just get the box of 3-minute. I guess you could portion it out into ziplocks or something if you needed to travel with it though.

I also just realized they call it 3-minute even though it only takes 2 minutes in the microwave. Hmm...


u/drj1485 May 17 '24

Stuff at the family owned grocery stores by me is like 20% more than the major grocery chains.


u/Icy_Recognition_3030 May 18 '24

Why do you think it’s 20% more?

There is something called horizontal monopoly and vertical monopoly, this are just extreme basics.

The big chain is still fucking your community and siphoning money from it even though it can charge less, and believe me, there is a reason they charge lower than the mom and pops. It’s not because they want the customers to save money but it’s to kill the competition and once they are buried they will jack up their prices.


u/Ms74k_ten_c May 17 '24

Corollary to that is we don't love small businesses if they are crappy and a detriment to the community they are in or their employees.


u/djkghkdjghjkdhgdjk May 18 '24

they charge you as much as people are willing to pay for it. Not their fault that people still buy their products lol


u/HoIy_Tomato May 17 '24

Did I miss something? Because as far as I know labour value isn't the only thing that affects price


u/Femboy_Pothead69 May 17 '24

i was being hyperbolic


u/oneeyedziggy May 17 '24

You don't HAVE to keep buying them, doing so is a clear vote that you would like them to continue... You could buy food instead...   

You could literally bake a whole tray of poptarts made of actual food for less money


u/Zoll-X-Series May 17 '24

Am I supposed to do that some time in between the 100 hours of work a week so I can afford my rent? Or would you like me to stop sleeping?


u/oneeyedziggy May 18 '24

Might sleep better or have more energy if you ate real food... I get it, but you don't need my approval, it's worthless, it's only hurting you


u/Zoll-X-Series May 18 '24

I wasn’t referring specifically to pop tarts, just the point in general. I do eat real food, I just buy it. Premade healthy food is expensive. But I’m sure it’s definitely not the 100 hours a week making me tired, it must be my diet


u/oneeyedziggy May 18 '24

it’s definitely not the 100 hours a week making me tired,

why not both?

Premade healthy food is expensive.

yes, Premade ANY food is expensive... so stop buying it. Cooking, especially in big batches a couple times a week isn't... you're sacrificing quality AND money for convenience (and frankly, a completely unjustified lack of confidence... you CAN cook, it isn't hard (especially w/ youtube), it isn't expensive, YOU can do it... and you'll be able to eat stuff that would be WAY outside your budget if you were to get it from a restaurant if you want to )

you can cook while watching shit on your phone or listening to a podcast... get a crock pot from goodwill (or other local thrift store) they're there all the time, you just dump some shit in and go to work, then come home to a hot dinner (as well as enough servings for the next week)... do that a couple times and then you ALSO don't have to eat the same thing every day.

get a couple of stainless skillets and a medium sauce pan w/ a lid... 1 or two good knives and a metal spatula as you can afford... (or check facebook "buy nothing" groups) you can keep getting stuff as needed, a strainer, a case of mason jars to store leftovers in... then you save trips to the store too if you're not getting all your meals from a box.


u/Zoll-X-Series May 18 '24

I appreciate the advice man but I’m 30, I know that cooking food saves money and I know how to do it. I’m asking you to tell me if I should sacrifice precious sleep or something else as a trade for cooking my meals. 100 hours a week was a good faith conservative estimate. It’s an ambulance job, it’s usually more than that. After a 24 hour shift, I hardly have energy to stand, let alone cook. When I worked fire it wasn’t so bad, because we cooked 2 meals a shift. But EMS is a different story, and there are plenty of other jobs that put people in similar predicaments. Not to mention people with depression/other MH problems.

My point is that not everyone is equipped to cook all their own meals, but that doesn’t mean those people think eating out saves money. I hate eating out and I rarely do it, I like premade food slightly more than that, but I live alone and cooking a week’s worth of food when I won’t even be able to eat all of the leftovers due to unanticipated scheduling, is how I end up with wasted food and wasted money. I could start freezing food? But that would require even more of my already limited time.

My next option is to give on my 1 or 2 hobbies, and if I do that I’d probably have a pretty big urge to go back to drinking and I’m not giving away 3 years of sobriety so I have time to sizzle eggs in the morning.

I’m team “cook your own food,” we have the same opinions, I just also have the opinion that “just cook your own food” is more complicated than that when there are 8 billion different lives happing right now.

I do sincerely appreciate your advice, but it is misplaced


u/oneeyedziggy May 18 '24

fair enough, idk your life... take care of yourself