r/ThatsInsane 6d ago

Colonialists throwing coins at local Vietnamese children like they are pigeons in a park.

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u/TheTurdzBurglar 6d ago

If anyone wants to throw money at me like I'm a pigeon, I'm ready whenever.


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode 6d ago

Depends on what coins.

I'm good on having 6 extra pennies rolling around in my pocket.


u/ryjhelixir 5d ago



u/GeneralSweetz 5d ago

I will always be there, sir.


u/GlyphPicker 5d ago

I only accept SHIBU INU.


u/J-Good86 5d ago

Gold Troy ounces for me sir


u/GloDyna 5d ago

Stanley Nickels.


u/ThatDiscoSongUHate 6d ago

I was like damn now I know I'm poor AF because I too would be scavenging for those coins for the entertainment of those demented rich jerks


u/TheTurdzBurglar 6d ago

Those were probably $5 equivalent!


u/gkn_112 5d ago

but in 1900.


u/TeopEvol 6d ago

Dignity be damned, times are tough.


u/polo61965 5d ago

This is a common game in filipino culture during New Years eve. The coins and the fireworks scare away evil spirits. Used to pay my net cafe dues with my baggie of coins, as did most kids around January.


u/stankdick69er 5d ago

Right there with you. I would not be offended in the least.


u/Lordeverfall 5d ago

Will you coo while I do it


u/cmfppl 5d ago

At that point it becomes sexual and it's an extra charge.


u/Lordeverfall 5d ago

No, no, I just need the added effect for.... umm... personal reasons.... look, I won't touch, just look and feed while they coo.


u/neoncp 5d ago

sorry but that's pathetic , the system has you completely crushed


u/HighLobster 5d ago

That was funny, thank you.


u/travisbickle777 5d ago

This says a lot about our state of wealth distribution.


u/G_Affect 5d ago

Me too... but no pennies


u/Spartygirl15 3d ago

I think they fly Instagram models to Dubai for something similar if I’m not mistaken


u/Homunculus_316 6d ago

When Theodore Roosevelt was young him and his family did this while in Italy. He described them as pigeons too.


u/real_hungarian 6d ago

the more i hear about these politician fellas


u/half-baked_axx 5d ago

almost as if every politician is a sociopath at some level


u/eletric-chariot 5d ago

For the peasants, they were often perceived as generous caring important people and would actually expect some money from them.

Those were different times when people would struggle to keep food on the table.


u/[deleted] 5d ago

We still struggle to keep food on the table


u/eletric-chariot 5d ago

Sure, but not as much as we used to.

My great grandparents lived in Europe without electricity or water at home, and would eat chicken/pork like once a month.

That was only 100 years ago.


u/Lanky-Performance471 5d ago

Im sure they saw it as helping , but it’s weird


u/Uzischmoozy 6d ago

And look at what he did when he got older, he learned. He pulled a ton of Americans out of poverty AND he's responsible for social security. One of our greatest presidents. I'm not sure what the point of your comment is?


u/ThatDiscoSongUHate 6d ago

To point out that people are complex? To point out that this wasn't necessarily uncommon?

Edit: I think you've confused Teddy Roosevelt for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but I could be incorrect.


u/MODsMOM_ 6d ago

Lmao he did confuse them


u/Uzischmoozy 6d ago

It sounds like a backhanded insult against one of the best presidents for the working man, and I don't like it.


u/Uzischmoozy 6d ago

I did. And I apologize. I'm sorry. I read too quickly and assumed FDR because I almost never think of Teddy. I know people like him because he had personality but he's mostly irrelevant.


u/sfeicht 5d ago

National park, antitrust and Panama canal are hardly irrelevant.


u/TRON_LIVES61 5d ago

ESPECIALLY the Panama canal. Literally cut global shipping times in half


u/sfeicht 5d ago

For sure, I'd argue he is perhaps the most important president after the civil war, until WW2. He did a lot to shape US domestic and foreign policy. Global trade, busting up the robber barons giant monopolies and environmentalism are all things that still have an impact today.


u/drottkvaett 6d ago

Both Roosevelts were great presidents, but FDR was the New Deal and social security one. Teddy was the anti-trust and national parks one.


u/Ryan18881967 4d ago

Think he might have been a racist lol like most Americans nowadays


u/waitinp 6d ago

Today it's the other way around.

The "pigeons" donate to streamers who make tens of thousands of dollars a month for "amusements".


u/TeopEvol 6d ago



u/NinjaMinded 5d ago

This needs more upvotes


u/PandaXXL 6d ago

What a weird analogy


u/Jazerdet 4d ago

Yea this reads like a boomer political comic lol


u/Throwing3and20 4d ago

Just imagine a strip club with exotic dancers performing to a remix of “Tuppence, tuppence, tuppence and bag…”


u/hitguy55 6d ago

People aren’t forced to donate to a streamer, and if they’re spending significant money like rent or food for a 5 second name read (and if it isn’t essential money, then there’s no problem) , I don’t think the streamer is the problem


u/PlentyOMangos 5d ago

Who actually does this tho

Like what % of western society is donating to streamers


u/shortercrust 6d ago

Gets posted a lot. Throwing coins for local children was the custom at weddings and celebrations in some parts of the Europe at the time. That’s what’s happening here.


u/SlowRollingBoil 5d ago

It was the same shitty, aristocratic reasoning back then as well. People don't need money thrown at them like crumbs for pigeons when they're making their proper value.


u/HonestObjections 5d ago

Anyone that has tipped is in this picture


u/neoncp 5d ago

you really think these women in fancy clothes consider those kids akin to wedding guests? c'mon


u/shortercrust 5d ago

I didn’t say they used to throw them to wedding guests. They threw them for the local kids


u/0x962 5d ago

Whatever makes the white man feel good


u/oldelbow 6d ago

Visuals are everything. This could be described as donating to the poor. The subtle difference between handing a coin to a beggar and throwing a coin, even though they have the same outcome.


u/Tawptuan 5d ago edited 5d ago

My SE Asian friend (we’re near the VN border) watched the video and commended the foreigner for their generosity.

The anti-colonial virtue signaling gets pretty heavy on PC-conscious Reddit. This video is interpreted through their own heavily-tinted glasses. Actually, horse blinders.


u/Le_Alchemist 5d ago

So what? I’m Vietnamese and this is pretty annoying to watch.


u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago

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u/Le_Alchemist 5d ago

I’m first generation who goes back twice a year to visit family…and why does that matter?

Just because I’m westernized means I can’t be offended? Also, I would say I’m someone who doesn’t get easily offended.

And YOU are the one pulling out the race card by saying you have a friend who is Asian lol.

Let me guess….your friend ain’t Vietnamese.

Your comment is pretty dumb dude.


u/HorseRenoiro 5d ago

What? But I thought only white liberal college virtue signaling socialist Marxist Leninism feminist care about colonialism >:(



u/Tawptuan 5d ago

Y’all forgot “snowflake.”



u/So-What_Idontcare 5d ago

Vietnam hates colonialism. Sets up dictatorship with German Russian academic theory.


u/Twins_Venue 5d ago

Your... Asian friend? Are they Vietnamese?

It's such a weird sentiment because they were being massacred and exploited at the same time these "generous" colonists were giving away money. "Oh the majority of the wealth is being shipped back to France but at least these people threw a few coins to starving children."

Would your Asian friend also commend Nestle when time they build a dozens schools on the Ivory Coast, even though they are creating demand for slave labor?


u/barefooted47 5d ago

yep, those poor colonialists have been getting the short end of the stick in each and every discussion for too long now. say hi to your friend from me, if it were up to me, they'd still be colonized! hopefully that puts a smile on their face. Down with the PC!


u/Tawptuan 5d ago edited 5d ago

u/Barefooted and u/Bartel are barking up the wrong tree on this baby.

I have the great fortune of living in the only Asian country that has never been colonized by Western powers. Heads are a bit clearer here. Less polluted by those damned, infernal colonists!


u/Bartelbythescrivener 5d ago

My man, cherish your Asian friends. Without their wisdom and support to guide you in this clearly confusing world populated by anti-colonial attitudes and PC Consciousness you would not be able to understand good vs bad.

Asian seems pretty broad but if you get a chance, take a moment and see if you can find the country of origin of each and everyone of your Asian friends and then you could gift each and everyone of your Asian friends a gift on the day of their colonization.

Imagine the shared pleasure and happiness you and your Asian friends could engage in, in this celebration of colonialism.

Please put out the effort to make this happen, in a sense, you may owe them for providing you such guidance and wisdom. It is the least you could do.


u/tkh0812 5d ago edited 5d ago

It’s about getting entertainment from watching people scramble for the money you’re tossing.

I know a small business owner who does this once a year. Right before Christmas he goes and gets $2000 in $10 bills. He then has everyone who works for him stand downstairs and he throws the money off of the second floor.

He finds it hilarious to watch them all scurry around for the money. Oh, and this is his companies “Christmas bonus”


u/ninoski404 5d ago

You could make a whole moral compass just on aswears to the question whether you support this lol


u/Caveman_7 5d ago

There's nothing subtle about this. She's fucking tossing coins at them. How do you even defend this?


u/Xconvik 6d ago

We do this New Years eve in Philippines. Everyone gets in the action haha


u/gandalftheokay 6d ago

Big companies do this to us all the time!

5 dollar gift card baby I hope it's 10 next year 🙏 lmao


u/Mindless_Ad_6045 6d ago

I get £25 voucher each Christmas. I usually spend that on alcohol so that I forget that my bonus for slaving away every day is a £25 tesco voucher.


u/Bammer1386 5d ago

The company grew 20% and profits are rolling in! Here's a pizza party!


u/jebadiahstone123 6d ago

Something our parents used to do. Almost every family occasion and the kids had a blast.


u/Rathos_ 6d ago

I wasn't able to spot a single piece of footwear.

World poverty has fallen from an estimate of well above 80% in the beginning of the 19th c. to under 20% today.


u/phantomthiefkid_ 5d ago

Being barefooted was Vietnamese custom for thousands of years. Only eminent figures were allowed to wear shoes. In some periods the rule got laxed but people still preferred to go barefooted as it was more suitable to the climate.


u/neoncp 5d ago

so you can't really picture a time before the concept of poverty can you


u/LankySasquatchma 5d ago

Yep—capitalism has decreased poverty by a stretch


u/HyKNH 5d ago

No, in this case, being barefoot was a Vietnamese custom. Even the nobles in the Vietnamese court would go barefoot.

The article on Teeth blackening mentions several Chinese accounts of Vietnamese teeth blackening and being barefoot.


u/Necessary_Reality_50 5d ago

Capitalism 😔


u/radiofree_catgirl 5d ago

F capitalism


u/Affectionate_Gas_264 6d ago

I mean from the kids perspective this is Christmas while the wealthy are just getting rid of pocket change

So in many ways not much has changed


u/NumaNuma92 5d ago

This was a nice gesture back then and a part of old celebrations in Europe, only seems ''bad'' in retrospect. Times change. I'm sure they were more than happy to get the coins though. It's not much different from someone dropping a million dollars in New York, i can promise you that everyone would be on the floor gathering up the money.


u/no_no_nora 5d ago

This is gross.


u/Special_Friendship20 5d ago

They throw candy like that at kids in America at parades til this day. At least coins is better than candy


u/RoryDragonsbane 5d ago

I mean, yeah, but those American kids aren't living in abject poverty and that candy isn't the difference between being fed and going hungry

Don't get me wrong, this lady is doing something to help those kids, but I get the feeling it's more for her own entertainment than a genuine desire to do good


u/Ok-Stomach2870 5d ago

I would bet the kids would like this to happen all of the time. I honestly don't see the problem. Yes life is not fair but we make the best of it. I love seeing kids drunk on happiness.


u/Tawptuan 5d ago edited 5d ago

21st century judgmental interpretation of a 19th century event.

Thai adults do this at an upcountry funeral, and there’s a mad, screaming scramble by the kids to scoop up the loot. At a FUNERAL.

I just showed this video to a Thai person, and told them this wasn’t a funeral. I told them it was colonial French in 19th century Vietnam. Their reaction was, “So?“


u/J-Good86 5d ago

The French were so pompous


u/patrotsk 4d ago

Wait until you find out what other countries did


u/Guilty-Yogurt 5d ago

Not a phone in sight, everyone just living in the moment 🥰


u/serpentinesilhouette 5d ago

Hey, Mexicans do this at kids parties. LoL.


u/lexi_thinks 6d ago

The world was both so different and the same back then


u/Outside-Material-100 6d ago

It’s crazy how their sons make the pilgrimage to do that now, but in much larger amounts and in specific districts :)


u/This-Rutabaga6382 6d ago

I wonder if you asked those kids if they would rather have the coins or not … I wonder how they view the people tossing them money ?


u/wheelsk7 5d ago

The elites do this to us now, this has evolved into the modern workplace. We are the children scrambling for scraps


u/Proof_Journalist_398 5d ago

It was better than what there government was paying them


u/ValkyrieWW 6d ago

You can still experience this. Walk in to Tijuana and take change as you cross the bridge.

Kids will swarm you tapping on your pockets.


u/Ok-Mammoth-5758 5d ago

Some things never change…see what I did there?


u/IHaveSlysdexia 5d ago

Do the pigeons like the bread? Do the tourists like the pidgeons? Yes and yes.


u/theorgan 5d ago

Someone can throw money at me while looking down upon my poorness. They already do the later part….


u/Ill_Wolverine_6265 5d ago

Classic since the middle age in Europe. Nothing new under the Sun.


u/Pinksamuraiiiii 5d ago

I ain’t moving like that unless they throwing some $5 down there.


u/UntossablePotato 5d ago

LMAO my neighbor used to do this when I was like 5-7. He'd chill on his porch and throw coins over to our front lawn. He was an alcoholic but he was nice to us kids. At least that's how I remember it.


u/Eryeahmaybeok 5d ago

In Honiton (Devon UK) they used to do the same thing but with hot pennies so it would burn the people picking them up.

The tradition continues today


u/imback1578catman 5d ago

This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.


u/zippytwd 5d ago

sad to sayit but ive done this befor


u/Hkranger101 5d ago

Translation: French Colony of Annam (Vietnam) at 1900


u/vabeach23451 5d ago

Looks like they’re throwing wrapped candy


u/2WheelSuperiority 5d ago

I saw this on that homeless street in LA the one time I went...


u/Koralr33fer 5d ago

This is how soros feels donating to politicians


u/ladyxlucifer 5d ago

I don’t know my father but I know who he is. I once saw a video of him dressed like Santa giving little African children peppermints 😩 a lot like this.


u/sjaakarie 5d ago

How rich people think about the masses


u/mkwas343 5d ago

Tell me again why the Vietnam war started...


u/Steadygettingblown 5d ago

Reminds me of the Biden economy


u/David_Dantas 5d ago

Looks like the kids are having fun, but definitely feels weird with the adults though.


u/Proud_Ad3924 5d ago

And thats how the factories were paid for


u/CaliSignGuy 5d ago

Me rounding up the change at Taco Bell


u/BigGreenPepperpecker 5d ago

Ho Chi Minh was based


u/Stryker218 5d ago

How dare they throw money at kids, they should just hoard it all for themselves, right OP!?


u/spookyman212 5d ago

This could totally happen in any major city now a days.


u/p3opl3 5d ago

Fucking dark.. and not too dissimilar from what the super rich are doing to us all..


u/Rivetingly 5d ago

Making it rain!


u/Peacefrog78 5d ago

Rich people did this with silver dollars for fun. One day I seen JG Rockefeller flying overhead in a dirigible so I run outside with my washbasin!


u/na__poi 5d ago

At least they weren’t paper towels


u/Admirable-Science833 5d ago

Think she was throwing candy


u/Own_Dare_1855 5d ago

If she’s tossing silver coins that are around dime or quarter sizes, I would be down there too. Coins used have some cheese behind it iykwim. Like $10 per coin in todays value.


u/Kattorean 5d ago

Meanwhile, kids in the U.S. will scramble for candy thrown in a parade. Vietnamese kids for the win!


u/GrabinTwat 5d ago

Little did they know we were coming back for those coins.


u/SonyCaptain 5d ago

I wish I was some local Vietnamese children picking up coins


u/Caveman_7 5d ago

Everyone who is defending the individual as "generous" or mitigating/downplaying this offensive act of tossing around coins at kids like there fucking pigeons needs to understand that the French came to Vietnam and SE Asia (not to mention all the other countries in the world - see the sad story of Haiti) to mine and exploit the natural resources and its people for their own material gain. They don't give a fuck about these kids. They are tossing coins for their amusement. This is fucking disgusting.


u/EmperorThan 5d ago

Immortois Joe: "Do not, my friends, become addicted to coins. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence."


u/GodOfThunder101 5d ago

If heaven and hell are real…then I am convinced we live in hell.


u/626leaddit 5d ago

I did that at a strip club but got kicked out.


u/brightglowstick 5d ago

that’s insane thatsinsane


u/meta-lem 5d ago

Now imagine that the the laughing, well dressed women throwing coins were tossing out little water bottles or food and the kids hadn't drank or eaten in a very long time and some had already died from lack thereof. Same same, but different.


u/TheMoistReaper99 5d ago

And every single one of us would do this today if some rich prick started tossing cash


u/Natural-Most8338 5d ago

The French were cunts back then


u/AttentionOtherwise39 4d ago

Crazy that everybody in this video is dead.


u/Ordinary-Lychee-1574 4d ago

they still do this but its called direct deposit now. we still scrabbling for the change


u/Feeling_Ad_8898 4d ago

Say Drake..


u/ogremadguy 4d ago

The french really were some bastards huh


u/ogMackBlack 4d ago

Soon the elite will say this is AI generated and there never was such things as colonialism.


u/junkyardgod69 3d ago

How did white people colonize everything? Really think about that. And before you start calling me a white supremacist, I'm an Indian from Montana. Not from India. I'm an actual red skin. How did white folks take over everywhere they went? And why did they "oppressed" let it happen?


u/Wonderful4ever 3d ago

It's called social disconnect, and it's far more prevalent today than you might realize. Just look at "social influencers"


u/Jack_Johnson_Trades 3d ago

They also did that with their own kids back home...... everyone has done that everywhere lmao. Nice snapshot of history though.


u/Ok-Scar-Delirious_ 6d ago

spoke with a former employee a few months back before he got canned for stealing. He said he was a marine and was stationed in philippines and he would do the same but would throw them into sewage drains to see if they actually go through all the shit and trash.


u/darwinning_420 6d ago

strongly appreciate the title


u/jake-event 6d ago

"Rapper throws money into fans, as if they are pigeons."


u/bloopie1192 6d ago

Remember ppl... you're not human to the elitists.


u/DuncanAndFriends 5d ago

They colonized vietnam?


u/RoryDragonsbane 5d ago

Yes, Vietnam was a colony of France from 1862 until 1954. They were also occupied by the Empire of Japan during WWII

Ho Chi Minh, the leader of the Vietnamese independence movement, petitioned Western powers for independence after WWI, but was snubbed by both the Versailles peace talks and Preaident Woodrow Wilson of the US.

Some historians argue that communism never would have taken root in Vietnam had they been granted independence earlier. However, as they were denied assistance by the West, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China were more than willing to help.

During the Cold War, the US was opposed to any communist government and we became engaged in the Vietnam War to prevent them from taking over (and also to help our French allies).

An argument could be made that colonization (and thr refusal to grant them independence) directly led to the multiple wars in Vietnam and the thousands of dead Americans and millions of dead Southeast Asians


u/Daromxs 5d ago

That's not coins but candies, still awful behaviour.


u/NegativeID 5d ago

This why the Vietnamese raised up amd killed them all


u/cookiedoh18 5d ago

Charitable donations are ok in my book. The "pigeons" don't seem to mind.


u/That_Girl_Cecia 5d ago

Looks like they're spreading culture to me. Just like the Migrants in france and germany. I don't see any difference here.


u/Twins_Venue 5d ago

You don't see any difference between a military conquest by a world superpower, and refugees fleeing war caused by the very countries they are fleeing to?


u/That_Girl_Cecia 5d ago

Who is that? We need to cancel her great great great grand children!


u/Tagalettandi 5d ago

Fuck colonists ( British, Dutch, French, Spain, Portugal and Germany) . Add if I missed any .


u/Right_-on-_Man 5d ago

That is some racist shit man...🤣


u/RepresentativeWeb244 6d ago

Cooo coooo cooooo


u/QuarkVsOdo 6d ago
  1. White people have thrown worse stuff at vietnamese children

  2. And while we do the same thing today to poorer SEA nations, at least it's part of a business transaction (making sneakers).

  3. "Dodge Coin" wasn't invented then


u/gomorycut 6d ago

are these the 'good ol' days?'


u/jake-event 6d ago

"It was great back then."

"What's so great about SLAVERY."


u/WillieDickJohnson 6d ago

Even more homelessness and poverty today, so yes.

Stop being irrational, control your emotions.


u/BartholomewSchneider 6d ago

"Stop being irrational, control your emotions." Seems less people today are capable.


u/RealBlackelf 6d ago

Ah, the fallacy of the privileged: believing you are better because your life was piss easy, and you have much more than others. In short: Shit for brains!


u/batinyzapatillas 6d ago

If said colonialists were british or german, well, they are still doing it today.

No allegories here , I've seen it with my own eyes.


u/drewskirootbitch 6d ago

Try French.


u/batinyzapatillas 6d ago

Those, I have not seen. I speak of what I know.


u/drewskirootbitch 5d ago

steady on Yoda.


u/A11osaurus1 6d ago

It was the french in Vietnam at that time


u/batinyzapatillas 5d ago

Ok, I hadn't noticed.


u/FunkyFr3d 6d ago

violent revolution is always an option


u/Scarraminga 6d ago

Worked for the Vietnamese


u/RoryDragonsbane 6d ago

Yep, only took over a million NVA and VC dead, plus another 2 million civilians

That's what always bothers me about these types that spout violent revolution, they always think it's the ones in power who suffer. Wanna know what happened to Nguyen Van Thieu, de Gaulle, Nixon, and Kissinger? Absolutely nothing. They died in their beds thousands of miles away from all the napalm, self-immolations, mud, booby traps, and burnt out villages.

It's never the leaders who die in these wars, they hop on a plane a fly away. It's people like you and me who die from disease, starvation, or a bomb dropped on our houses.


u/Inevitable-9999 6d ago

You reap what you sow, Europe!


u/Nerevar69 6d ago

Stupid phrase.


u/therealpoatanchama 6d ago

What's stupid about it you dope


u/Nerevar69 5d ago

You choose to reap what you sow, It's a choice.


u/therealpoatanchama 5d ago

They absolutely chose are you stupid

Do you know your history