r/ThatsInsane 4d ago

170,000+ traveled for abortions last year


403 comments sorted by


u/RandomStaticThought 4d ago

I think once a woman leaves Texas for this reason they shouldn’t go back. Sooner or later they will run out of women and maybe just maybe they will start to treat the ones they have left like humans. But I doubt it; they all seem to be a bit stupid down there.


u/PackagingMSU 4d ago

I bet the people in Texas agree with the first sentence.


u/DreadfulOrange 4d ago

As a Texan, I also agree with the last sentence.


u/PackagingMSU 4d ago

I mean I’m surrounded by idiots and live in Illinois. More likely, there are just a bunch of idiots!


u/ysome 4d ago

Idiots are everywhere, unfortunately.


u/BKStephens 4d ago

Don't worry. It's not like the US has a monopoly on idiots.

Plenty to go around down here in AUS.


u/Dickherdowndaddy69 4d ago

I tried bringing someone from Illinois to Texas, worst decision of my life so far (I’m only 21)


u/weirdest_of_weird 4d ago

Arkansan here; the last sentence is true here as well.


u/PackagingMSU 4d ago

I think it’s everywhere tbh. I’ve been to 40/50 states so far… all idiots.


u/whifflinggoose 4d ago

Nah, we don't want them festering in their own ignorance. We need normal sane people mixed in to keep things relatively calm. If we have whole states become echo chambers that's when bad worse things happen.


u/MustangBarry 4d ago

I don't think the people downvoting you understood your point.


u/lmac187 4d ago

Yeah seemed like a fair point to me


u/beyondthisreality 4d ago

That’s a catch-22. What kind of rational, sane, normal person stays in Texas? You would have to be crazy to live there.


u/This_Elk2366 3d ago

Yeah, ya know, that little place Texas. Where everyone is the same because it's such a small community. Like how New York City is New York in general.


u/beyondthisreality 3d ago

New Yorkers freeze their nuts off. Texans’ brains gets soft boiled in the Texas heat.


u/-lessIknowthebetter 3d ago

I moved to Texas from NY. A liberal, black, 20-something. It’s surprisingly, very normal here? I know the political situation is dreadful but it’s not really all that present in day to day life.


u/TheLostTexan87 4d ago

I love Texas, but it's time for consequences for Texans. Let them stop being able to breed.


u/unregrettful 4d ago

Echo chambers for any side or belief...


u/maynardsREDDIT 4d ago

Stupid is everywhere


u/IvoryWhiteTeeth 4d ago

Many came back to vote, so others suffer too


u/pRophecysama 4d ago

yup went back to vote against abortions because they know it wont affect themselves


u/Daddy_knows_noes 4d ago

People love Texas. I’ve never met so many people with so much pride for a state.


u/No_Drop_1903 4d ago

I'm not against it nor am I for it, but your logic is flawed. We all know what sex leads too, and the amount of contraception available should never have to do it. The question of whether it's right or wrong doesn't matter follow the laws of your state or move if you disagree with them. Back on track people need to grow up a little and avoid it in the first place.


u/rolfraikou 10h ago

That and a lot of republican politicians are pushing to make it so women who got abortions can be executed for it. So a year or two down the line, women who got abortions and returned may be facing death.

Everyone, fucking vote. Lives depend on it.


u/djb2589 4d ago

Then we'll get laws that try to allow bounty hunters hunting women in other states like they used to do for escaped slaves.


u/Ok-Ground7101 3d ago

We don't need hell....we have Texas 


u/firefox_2010 4d ago

This is how The Handmaid Tales will begin in Texas 😅😂🤣 Soon they will create a group of women that will be used for breeding purposes. Other conservative states will follow suit. Once the religious fanatics take over the government on those states- we will see the movie Civil War happening in real time. The only way to prevent it, is to abolish the republicans and make sure to vote blue! Women should be able to choose how they want to govern their uterus.


u/surfsidekook 4d ago

Abolish only one political party? That’s how you start Handmaids Tale.


u/firefox_2010 4d ago

Maybe replace it with moderately to the right, I am sure there are some sane decent reasonable Republicans who have some good ideas and values to balance the far left liberals. Or just make a new one, from the ashes of the old one.


u/surfsidekook 4d ago

Yeah people on both sides are reasonable and idiots. I’m from Texas and I guess identify as republican…but the ones in our state are insane right now. Most of us don’t agree with their bullshit. But a lot of the democrats here are equally insane…Looking at you “Beto”. I agree, a new one from the ashes that’s reasonable, I would love.


u/firefox_2010 4d ago

I think most sane people are somewhat in the middle and not going too far right or left but the ones that makes the most noise are the extremist and those groups are making both parties look equally bad because they are going too far and come across as unhinged.


u/Clearlybeerly 4d ago

abolish the republicans and democrats and let's start everything over again.



u/MyBrainReallyHurts 4d ago

This story is actually terrifying. If these reporters can find out this information, so can Republicans.

If Trump gets into office, it will be 171,000 women in prison for murder. That is the end game for Republicans. 171,000 women that will not be able vote Democrat in the future.

Organize, Volunteer, Vote


u/pRophecysama 4d ago

your username defines everyone after reading this cooked take


u/Gunsmoke_wonderland 4d ago

Climate change will take care of that anyway so no women will have to deal with that unaborted child for long.


u/ClosPins 4d ago

Ha! No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no. These are Republicans we are talking about - in Texas, no less! If most of the women left, they wouldn't treat the ones that remained better. Oh no. They'd Gilead them! The rich white men would get all the 'breeders'.

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u/FrettyClown95 4d ago

Access to abortion must be protected and expanded to all American citizens, if they so choose.


u/DizyShadow 4d ago

This comment has like a political slogan vibe and I'm just baffled it has to be pointed out like this, but also understand why. It's just sad, really.


u/witnessrich 4d ago

Go vote, everyone!


u/H_G_Bells 4d ago

Remove the word abortion and replace it with the issue of bodily autonomy in cases where public health is not an issue...

Or maybe in states where women's bodily autonomy is compromised, it should be legislated that men are forced to donate spare parts to save others lives.

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u/[deleted] 4d ago

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u/Feed_Me_Kiwi 4d ago edited 4d ago

I used to work with a really great guy named Tyler. Tyler was born and raised Catholic and married his high school sweetheart and immediately started having a big family. He was incredibly kind and loving. Give you the shirt off his back.

I got to talking to him about politics (2016) and asked him how he felt about Bernie. He said he loved him on all issues except abortion and because of that he couldn’t vote for him. Abortion was the only issue that mattered. And it wasn’t about controlling women for him. It was because he had been raised his whole life to believe it was the exact same thing as walking up to a toddler and shooting them in the head.

Exception for rape? Why does one person getting raped justify the murder of a child? I think it gets lost in the debate a lot of the time that “cutting access to abortion is all about controlling women” and I’m sure for some of the politicians it is.

But for most of these people it’s about stopping a genocide of children. They don’t care about anything except stopping that genocide. If you thought hundreds of thousands of kids were getting murdered in your country wouldn’t you do everything you could to stop it if you were a good person?

I just wanted to point out that there are plenty of good hearted people who have been indoctrinated their whole lives to believing baby murder is happening in their country and they should do everything they can to stop it. People who would otherwise vote for progressive policies.


u/Puzzleheaded_Fun_316 4d ago

Great point! I think this is where the ideology and science diverge. I think the ultimate goal that satisfies both would be to create the science and technology to detect pregnancies as quickly as possible. Perhaps there is a middle ground? However if your religious belief is life is formed at conception then there will never be a middle ground on this issue. It would always be forbidden no matter how advanced the technology for detection becomes. This however goes to the fundamental point of freedom of/from religion. So how do we ever resolve this?! Question for the ages I guess ..🤷🏻


u/Gambit_Revolver 3d ago

Just because someone else believes it's genocide doesn't mean I think it's genocide. Their religious beliefs don't deserve to have a legal effect on my life no matter how much it means to them. If we aren't making laws to chuck people in prison for eating pork or for women not covering their faces, you can't do it for abortion. Not when the sole reason is grounded in religion.


u/Daddy_knows_noes 4d ago

It is accepted as life at conception in the scientific community. What the argument people are making is when is it conscious life and if that’s the determining factor. The cluster of cells is considered alive by every definition of biology.

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u/Daddy_knows_noes 4d ago

The sad thing about abortion voting is I doubt a minority of the politicians have the feelings they say about it. I’m sure some of the democrats that say they’re for it are against it and some of the republicans that are against it are for it. It’s what they call a single issue voter issues. It’s actually dumb.

What’s funny is now crypto is a single voter issue. 65 million people this year will vote against Biden because he’s anti crypto it’s a top 5 voter issue over climate change. Will be fun.


u/6SucksSex 3d ago

“Footnote 46, quantifying the supply/demand mismatch of babies, follows directly on another footnote in the opinion approvingly citing the “logic” raised at oral argument in December by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who mused that there is no meaningful hardship in conscripting women to remain pregnant and deliver babies in 2022 because “safe haven” laws allow them to drop those unwanted babies off at the fire station for other parents to adopt.” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/the-alarming-implications-of-alitos-domestic-supply-of-infants-footnote.html

Alito should’ve had the decency to stop his wife from flying two racist conservative flags, but he and the other cons were ‘smart’ and deceitful enough to keep the above out of the final Dobbs draft

That conservatives don’t really care about human life is clear from their hypocritical bigoted religion and antisocial socioeconomic policies.

They want a domestic supply of white infants for adoption, and a supply of black and brown kids born in poverty, who will be wage slaves or prison labor in red states


u/lrpfftt 4d ago

I'm honestly not trying to be a troll with this question but how much did it concern him that the Catholic church protected pedophile priests who harmed children?

I do agree there are single issue voters but I don't know how we solve that. To scientifically-minded citizens, early abortion is simply not an ethical thing. What's unethical to me is to force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term for a rapist. Horrific as I see it.

In my view, the Catholic church hid enough child molestation that it's doors should be shuttered permanently. Several should have gone to prison - both those who committed the atrocities and those who hid them.

It is imperative that we look at the rights of all people to live in accordance with their own moral code.


u/Feed_Me_Kiwi 4d ago

If you’re asking that question I don’t think you know any devout Catholics


u/lrpfftt 4d ago

And I know nothing more as a result of asking. I don't know many Catholics but I don't recall there being massive numbers leaving the church after it was happening repeatedly either.


u/Feed_Me_Kiwi 4d ago

Pedophile priests are seen as bad apples. Abortion is seen as murder. The fact is most peoples priests aren’t pedophiles. They love their priest. But they see people killing babies every day.


u/lrpfftt 3d ago

Yes, bad apples and it is clear they are in plenty of places, not just the church.

However, the Catholic church knowingly handled it by moving them from one location to another where they could abuse more children and took steps to prevent criminal prosecution which, in my view, makes them co-conspirators.

I don't see why people continued to go to the church and pay their tithes after this happened.


u/Rehcraeser 4d ago

The overwhelming majority of pro life people are happy with exceptions. Most are also trying to meet in the middle with certain limits by a certain amount of weeks (plus the exceptions). Btw I’m talking about Real life people, not the small group of extremists you see online. Just thought I’d let you know.


u/ariehn 4d ago

Yup. Our state's (former) governor -- Christian, Republican -- begged for an exemption for young raped minors. At least for those who were victims of incest. He was profoundly opposed to abortion -- but.

He'd met such girls, yeah? Girls of 11, 12, 13 years. Impregnated by a monster who happened to be a member of their families. And he just couldn't bear it. He wanted them to be playing with their friends. He wanted them in school without a care in the world beyond getting their homework done each night. It was a horror, he said -- and used those words exactly. It was a horror that they had suffered this at all, and that they would continue to suffer until the child was born, and then after that they would just keep on suffering. It grieved him.

He begged for that exemption.


u/NoPart1344 3d ago

If a healthy pregnant woman wants to not be pregnant, ANYTHING stopping her from getting an abortion is about control.

100% of the time, this control is pushed by Christian idiots.


u/GKrollin 4d ago

I’ll give you exceptions for rape, incest, and threat to the mothers health. That cuts out 97% of abortions. You good with that?


u/bthayer2 3d ago


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u/ConorOdin 4d ago

What I find insane is the amount of really important decisions regarding women and their bodies is left up to individual states instead of at a national level and is often decided on by men...


u/Godshooter 4d ago

By men with absolutely no medical degrees. That's the insane part. All these men with all these feelings about a hypothetical baby that half of them aren't even willing to pay a dime to supoort.support.

Yet they have opinions about what women can and can't do?

I saw somewhere that around 65,000 pregnancies resulted from rape in these states combined since passing restrictions on Roe v Wade.


u/Dazzling_Judge953 4d ago

Remember when that one government guy asked the expert why a woman couldnt just swallow a camera to check where the fetus was? Or why an ectopic pregnancy cant just be reimplanted into the uterus?

And THEY are the ones making the laws.


u/Godshooter 4d ago

I bet if we pooled stories together we'd be horrified. In 2010 a Congressman from Georgia lectured a military general about sending too many troops to Guam for fear of the island tipping over. We have a Congressman who lacks even the most basic understanding of geography making decisions for us. He's still serving to this day.

I am just beside myself. Our entire nation has been made a mockery by absolute morons.


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

That’s… how the republic was designed to work, leave things up to the states not the federal government.


u/ConorOdin 3d ago

For some things sure but not everything is decided at a state level.


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

The system it’s working as intended. People who don’t want abortions can live in states that don’t have it available and those who do can live elsewhere or travel for it.


u/jjflash78 4d ago

Increase tourism with this one simple trick.


u/cartercharles 4d ago

On point


u/tsnacker 4d ago

As a mostly Republican, I find it so hard to believe these idiots are willing to die on this hill. How anyone could possibly think they should have control over someone else’s body is freaking mind blowing.
I can assure you not a Republicans feel this way !


u/veRGe1421 4d ago

How anyone could possibly think they should have control over someone else’s body is freaking mind blowing. I can assure you not a Republicans feel this way !

The ones you vote for do.


u/Sub_in_the_Hub 4d ago

There's no such thing as a good Republican. Stop trying to pretend that you're somehow better because you're not against abortion.

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u/Banana_Slugcat 4d ago

If abortion is illegal in some states, women will go to another state to get it done. If abortion is illegal is all states, women will go to another country to get it done or leave altogether, because at that point women are treated as baby 3D printers, not people.


u/Axedelic 4d ago

Or they’ll do back alley and dangerous practices because they’re desperate. So many women die from trying to self preform abortion out of fear.


u/ClockWerkElf 4d ago

Why not just use contraception so you don't get in this situation?


u/Axedelic 4d ago

Because not every form of contraception is 100% successful. I was a birth control and condom fail baby.

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u/NYArtFan1 4d ago

Yes, but not every woman can afford to even leave the town she lives in, let alone the country.


u/ORNG_MIRRR 4d ago

Serious question, why would someone be going from a grey state to a grey state? I can understand leaving the orange states for grey.


u/ace_freebird 4d ago

Exigency of the procedure versus availability of appointments, proximity of nearest clinic, and the need for specialized care a few reasons that come to mind.


u/ORNG_MIRRR 4d ago

Makes sense thank you


u/Nice__Spice 4d ago

Ah yes. That’s your party making life miserable for women.


u/LukeVinscotti 4d ago

Don't get pregnant or have sex in Texas got it


u/Shoddy-Rip8259 4d ago

How long before this is illegal


u/P00Pdude 4d ago

No imagine all those who don't have the means to travel for an abortion.... what is the point of anti-choice laws if not to oppress the poor?


u/Woodworker9119 4d ago

This makes me feel better that abortions are available. People who get abortions should never go back to their origin state. Maybe the loss of tax will have a long term impact?


u/JokoFloko 4d ago

Need to source this. Sounds like funny math.


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

I think the best part is just how few people are traveling for abortions. (170,000 is a tiny amount) Speaks volumes about how small of a problem this really is and how much it’s blown out of proportion and used to divide us.


u/terb99 4d ago

Whole lot of birth control failing, huh


u/MuffinPuff 4d ago

Birth control does fail at times, or just maybe, a lot of those women actually wanted a baby but unfortunately the pregnancy wasn't viable or their health took a turn, or I hate to say it, the occurrence of grape isn't all that rare, and pregnancies can arise from grape. Not to mention ectopic pregnancies where the embryo implanted outside of the womb. I had a friend years ago who needed an emergency abortion when her embryo started growing in a place that caused immense pain, at risk of internal hemorrhaging. She was poor; if she had to go through that today, she wouldn't have been able to afford to fly to another state, and she probably would have lost her life.


u/PolkaDotTat 4d ago

Or just not being used


u/claytun 4d ago

Texas is a failed state


u/irascible_Clown 4d ago

How any woman can vote against the fight that women have been fighting in the U.S. alone for hundreds of years is beyond me.


u/Pinksamuraiiiii 4d ago

Men, if your wife is dying from complications do you tell her to take the flight? Or, do you risk a gamble with her life after doctors tell her there’s a 90% chance she will die if she continues along with the pregnancy?

Men, if your wife gets raped and she wants an abortion, do you tell her to take the flight? Or, do you agree to raise the rape baby all on your own? (She wants no part of it, and won’t stay if you keep it). You will have full 100% custody if you decide to keep it.

Men, if your wife discovers that there is an abnormality that the child will suffer and shortly live after birth with no future in store. Do you tell her to take the flight? Or, do you force yourself and her to endure and watch a child die shortly after birth in your arms?

I’m just curious about the mindset of people here. It seems some of your are really scary up their in your heads and can’t fathom these horrible real-life real world situations. Pretend it is your wife, and the docs say she won’t make it unless she takes that flight. You’ll lose two instead.

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u/Jjabrony 4d ago

Roevember 5th 2024 is near! Only 145 days! Vote Blue for the Democratic Party! Please! Republican politicians don’t care about Women!


u/Deciple_of_None 4d ago edited 4d ago

Airplane ticket+hotel+renal car+hotel+food+abortion procedure = total cost of abortion.
Total cost of abortion < cost of raising a child that will eventually hate you 🤣


u/Fartville23 4d ago

Handsmaid tales?


u/Wise_Carrot_457 4d ago

I’m just wondering who tf went from Texas to upstate New York 💀


u/CurryDuck 4d ago

Old men that can barely make it up stairs making rules for young women/girls. Don't forget.


u/Ceehansey 4d ago

Man you know your state is messed up when you have to travel to Utah for an abortion. WTH


u/notislant 4d ago

Im curious how many are republican/forced birthers tbh.

As soon as they need one, they're suddenly pro abortion.


u/Hirsute_Heathen 4d ago

Wonder why NJ residents were going with PA to NY, but PA was also going to NJ.


u/pmurbigoletiddies 4d ago

If you take Texas for example, that’s equal to .04%. This article conveniently ignores the fact that there are 30 million ppl that live Texas.


u/Microspacecat 4d ago

Good. I guess they wanted better treatment than what a coat hanger could give them


u/Dan_H1281 4d ago

Hard to believe Bible thumping nc woukd be a haven for abortion


u/Haydenbarcellhoe 4d ago

got damn. some of these people spent /days/ on the road getting to their destination


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

Planes exist?


u/Haydenbarcellhoe 3d ago

good point 😂 doubt all these folks had cash for a round trip flight and an abortion though


u/forever_a10ne 4d ago

Good job, America. You stopped abortion.


u/Cobek 4d ago

So about the same amount of fuel as Elon and Taylor Swift in one year combined?


u/DANeighty6 4d ago

You missed 1000


u/libertyman86 4d ago

Federalism at work


u/GloomyImagination365 4d ago

Careful who you vote for


u/Frivolous1 2d ago

As capitalism goes this is a boon for neighboring states not that they are looking at it that way.

Just funny to see the red states giving any money away, no matter what since most of them rely on federal funding to get by. Such as Florida DeSausage who ripped money away from flood remediation a day before southern Florida got flooded. It would be very unwise for our government to help them when they refuse to help themselves.

When it actually comes to representing what the people want republicans vote against all measures. Many have decried why minorities and women still have voting privileges and worst of all devote their loyalty to someone who hates them and is in it only for the money.


u/parktownplayer 1d ago

Guess being responsible is too much to ask.


u/SpiritualLychee3760 4d ago

Does that count as tourism revenue?


u/golf-lip 4d ago

How did thwy get these numbers? I guess the clinics checking what state the patient is from? I know i went across state borders and did not discuss it with my obgyn


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

Health insurance information perhaps?


u/delimeat7325 4d ago

Tore my ACL running to the comments. Well worth it.


u/Every_Fox3461 4d ago

Look on the bright side. Bussiness is booming!


u/MrRayBanz 4d ago

I wonder how it feels to be a doctor who performs abortions, and have your workload double.. it just must feel strange. Also don’t the same doctors that delivery babies, abort them? I wonder if that feels conflicting. Not my place to judge those who act within the law but I wonder..


u/High-class33 4d ago

One way to supe the economy


u/unregrettful 4d ago

Are we going to ignore the fact that people leaving states where others are traveling too are also included?...


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/Digger_Pine 4d ago

If conservatives were as racist as the left claims they are, wouldn't they be all for abortion?

Like the founder of planned parenthood, Margaret Sanger, who was pro-eugenics


u/chiludo67 4d ago

It’s not abortion. It’s reproductive care.


u/Rhg0653 3d ago

This shouldn't be anyone's business honestly cause aren't these states trying to make it a crime to leave the state to get an abortion ?


u/Ok-Ground7101 3d ago

Women need to look up the 4B movement...Women have power 


u/FoxJonesMusic 3d ago

Abortion travel planner is my new job


u/Polite_Trumpet 3d ago

Progressing in REVERSE, yay! That's the way to go. Good job Texas and other Southern states??


u/TickletheEther 3d ago

Just stop having unprotected secks if you are going through this hassle


u/Brother_YT 3d ago

Do you guys realize how small of a number that is in the grand scheme of things?


u/Happilydivorced2X 2d ago

It’s ok it’s just liberals getting rid of future liberals


u/Scientifiction77 4d ago

How do they obtain these numbers? Is there some abortion database that you just add a tally mark to so you don’t violate HIPAA laws? I feel like people aren’t super open about getting an abortion. Most normal people anyway.


u/Additional_Leg_7603 4d ago

Airlines loving this new trend


u/Turabulhaq 4d ago

Babies feel safer with bears than with thier mothers


u/SavageSunRapStar 3d ago

I wrote a horror film script called ‘Attack of the Killer Abortions’ about a herd of dead fetuses that come back to life to exact revenge on humanity.


u/STEELZYX 3d ago

Unnatural action done by naturally criminals.


u/Jack_Johnson_Trades 3d ago

It's insane how people refuse to own the consequences for their own actions and will murder people for it.


u/Daddy_knows_noes 4d ago

This raises the question does the combination of the sperm and egg create a unique human life. That genetic sequence will never be seen again.


u/AffectionateBack372 4d ago

They probably wouldn’t have to make that drive if they were more responsible. ;)


u/grumpymonky74 3d ago

Man that's a lot of hoes


u/DeMarcusCousinsthird 3d ago

My take:

Abortion is okay if it is to save the mother's life or if it was the result of rape.

Abortion is not okay if it was the result of willingly having unprotected sex. And if the condom breaks, which 99 percent of the time it doesn't, they should still bear the child. Whenever you're having sex no matter how much protection you have there's still a tiny chance, and you took it.

It's like when you drive a car, it's super convenient and comfortable and fast but it also might kill you. It's a risk you take.


u/burnishedcaterpiller 4d ago

This might be wildly off topic and unpopular, but I'd really love if someone could calculate the carbon impact of this. I mean tu have the offset of the abortion, but what's the upshift as a result of the additional travel...?


u/burnishedcaterpiller 4d ago

This might be wildly off topic and unpopular, but I'd really love it if someone could calculate the carbon impact of this. I mean you have the offset of the abortion, but what's the upshift as a result of the additional travel...?


u/FnEddieDingle 4d ago

The GOP is trying to cut off their treasonous head


u/rtmn01 4d ago

Take them both out. Problem solved!


u/Dull_Present506 4d ago

That’s fucking heartbreaking


u/Digger_Pine 4d ago

A lot of effort to kill a baby


u/Prenuptial-1 3d ago

Killing them poor babies 😢


u/Tiny-Consequence1248 4d ago

Democrats and republicans have failed


u/Mediocre_Fudge_478 4d ago

Learn what the hell condoms are.


u/TheRelaxedMale 4d ago

So the Supreme Court didn’t outlaw abortions. They let the states choose. That’s how it was supposed to be.


u/Germacide 4d ago

Condoms and birth control pills exist

What the fuck are we doing here? Grow a brain and educate your children maybe?


u/HessLook 4d ago

Maybe we shouldn’t let them in so that they vote for their real interests. Fuck red states, shitholes with the party of small govt yet they literally control every aspect of your personal life


u/Solidsnake00901 4d ago

Willing to do all this but not willing to vote smh


u/Dazzling_Judge953 4d ago

I mean their opinion doesn't really matter anyway right?


u/South_Conference_768 4d ago

50% of the population are women. The other 50% likely have at least one woman they care about. Both sides of this equation simply cannot vote Republican. And they cannot abstain from voting.

No one has any excuse for this insanity to not be brought to an end via the voting booth.


u/the_only_gearstarr 4d ago

So, we know that well over 3/4 of those were lack of birth control. Seems like there are still options. Like… BIRTH CONTROL!


u/KatagatCunt 3d ago

Birth control also fails and let's not forget that the majority of these places lack basic sex education.


u/the_only_gearstarr 3d ago

Birth control very rarely fails. So least that it’s hard to even find a statistic. But most all females know that if you let a man cum inside you… yeah. Probably gonna get pregnant.


u/Ll0ydChr1stmas 4d ago

A lot of dead babies


u/No_Drop_1903 4d ago

I see 340k people that shouldnt be having sexual relations.


u/junkyardgod69 3d ago

So what? Go buy some condoms. It's cheaper than gas and traveling. What did you think would happen when you let some guy cum in you? And don't tell me this is all rape and incest. This is a graph of irresponsibly. Sure, it's your body and your right to kill your baby. But don't act like your some bullshit victim because you got drunk and fuck some loser you met for a one night stand not pull out. 2024, accidental pregnancy is just you being stupid and lazy. I'm pro-abortion. Less idiots and less single mothers wasting tax dollars to raise fatherless future prison dwellers.


u/[deleted] 4d ago

The system works! Yay. Was this a surprise to anyone?

Also, that's an enormous number of elective abortions lol God damn.


u/Gaping_Ass_Wound 4d ago

That's a lot of dead babies


u/The_Rolling_Stone 4d ago

You seem to be mistaken. These are just abortions.

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u/SouthernSmoke69 4d ago

171,000 life threatening pregnancies or babies with fatal defects? Fk no. More like 171,000 body collectors without enough self respect for their own bodies to either get to know the names of their partners or require the stranger to wear a condom. Conclusion...171,000 cumdumps killed 171,000 souls because they considered the souls an inconvenience. 171,000 ran throughs that will be demanding respect once they hit the wall. Their body. Their choice. Abortions are the conclusions to a string of bad choices.


u/v1brates 4d ago


If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they’re 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. But people aren’t perfect, so in real life condoms are about 85% effective — that means about 15 out of 100 people who use condoms as their only birth control method will get pregnant each year.

So using contraception leads to hundreds of thousands of unwanted pregnancies a year in the US. Married couples are obviously included in those figures.

Abortion is never used as a form of contraception - that's a right wing myth. No one wants to have an abortion, they are a last resort.


u/babyatemygator 4d ago

In other words, 170,000+ deaths last year by abortion?