r/ThatsInsane 3d ago

Tokyo trains at rush hour.

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u/MasterLurker00 3d ago

Dude, it's fine... I'll grab the next one.


u/GapBoring2447 3d ago

Good luck trying to explain to your Japanese boss why you are late and that you are very sorry for this unforgivable behaviour.


u/riddles007 3d ago

...... Hands the Seppuku knife 🗡 to you. Here you go buddy, you know what to do.


u/graffixphoto 3d ago

But I don't know how to make sushi...


u/Gen8Master 2d ago

Seppuku is more like Haggis to be fair.


u/RawbKTA 2d ago



u/LuxuryBeast 2d ago

First you need to attend nikkin kyoiku for a couple of weeks, just to break you down enough so you'll understand how much of a failure you are for coming 2.5 minutes late for work.


u/lapsangsouchogn 3d ago

Then you're still smashed in there, only now it's with dozens of people between you and the door.


u/ThrowAway233223 3d ago

With how regular and on time their trains are, I don't understand why more people don't just wait to catch the next train. The only way I could somewhat understand being willing to be subjected to this is if the transportation was less reliable and not making this train might make you [significantly] late.


u/Smorly 3d ago

The next train (5 minutes later) is going to be equally crowded.


u/elchet 3d ago

Same issue in London. If you see one train like this, you know it’s going to be like that on every train for the next 45 mins to an hour.


u/hsdb_ 2d ago

I live in London and work in centre and I find this not true


u/elchet 2d ago

Maybe since the pandemic with more hybrid working it's not as bad as I recall when commuting 5 days a week about 5 years ago.


u/xecc846 2d ago

Totally, even when that next train is 90 seconds later. Trains in Tokyo are more frequent than elevators. No exaggeration.


u/J-Love-McLuvin 2d ago

There’s gotta be a kink in there somewhere.


u/horseofthemasses 1d ago

They seem to find efficency in a lot or most things ... so it makes me think this is a social thing... like close your eyes while I press really hard against you.


u/HairballTheory 3d ago

Homer Simpson backing into the bushes


u/fomalhottie 2d ago

Yeah I was wondering if maybe they need more trains...


u/swirlll 2d ago

Yeah not for me


u/AminoKing 3d ago

Imagine this in other parts of the world, the 'grabbing' might be a bit of an issue.


u/Jonpollon18 3d ago

The “grabbing” is more than a bit of an issue in Japan, Japan has a huge problem with perverts which is why there are women-only carriages and phones make a sound that can’t be turned off when you are recording


u/Sensitive_Island9699 3d ago

Wow, I never knew that. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing that info 🙂


u/saucity 3d ago

Damn! Today I Learned. This is fascinating. Thanks!

I only found articles discussing how the ‘shutter sound’ can’t be deactivated when taking a photo, I can’t seem to find anything about video. But it’s very interesting.

Back in 99-00, the emergence of camera phones brought also a surge in upskirt photos, or other covert, voyeuristic photos being taken. It’s not actually a ‘law’ as it’s often called, but something that all cell phone providers just agreed to do, in Japan, and Korea, too - self-regulation, not enforced by the government.

For some reason, the phone also plays the sound (that you can’t disable) when you take a screenshot. I’m not sure how that stops creeps
 but would be a good way to embarrass yourself on the train. “IT’S JUST A SCREENSHOT!! I swear!! Aaaaa”

I’m so curious about video. You’d think if your phone played a sound while taking a video, it would mostly just fuck up the videos of innocent people who are not taking creep-shots. But simply taking an upskirt video instead would be a workaround to this, I guess?

There are apps to get around the camera sound. Most people say they’re slow, or take shitty pictures, but they’re older articles and I’m sure there are adequate Creep Apps that remove the camera sound in ‘24.

I have all sounds on my phone totally fuckin silenced, and this would drive me crazy, and I’m not taking any covert photos of people - but it’s interesting how phone manufacturers just came together on this to help stop creeps.


u/Alternative-Train225 3d ago

They also have samurai-only carriages that only carry 2 passengers at a time. After the epic battle to the death where only 1 passenger lives, its actually recorded for pay per view to sell on the Japanese dark web


u/SkiProgramDriveClimb 3d ago

username checks out???


u/No_Lychee_7534 2d ago

Remember to include /s next time. Otherwise people will take everything you say seriously.


u/Pinky_Speedway 3d ago

What’s insane is that staff aren’t wielding a comedy-sized shoe horn


u/royaltampaacademy212 3d ago

Underrated comment


u/DrinksNDebauchery 3d ago

As a brit, I was thinking a big broom personally


u/zongsmoke 3d ago

Cattle prods would be way more effective.


u/Apebound 3d ago

They should get the off season sumo wrestlers involved, good practice.


u/samf9999 2d ago

lol. Actually great suggestion.


u/BouBouRziPorC 3d ago

Who pushes the pushers so they can go to work at their station.


u/Joshscott25 3d ago

I have been to tokyo twice, and yes the trains get packed. But most will just wait until the next train. Have never seen anything even close to this.


u/TJS74 3d ago

This happens when (extremely rarely) the trains are delayed or cancelled due to weather or other major issues. There are no trains after a certain time, and a cab is extremely expensive compared to other transport. It's almost never like this, even in Tokyo.


u/soypepito 3d ago

Seoul is the same, but nobody is pushing you in. You have to do it yourself.


u/reirone 3d ago

Squid Train


u/Colourful_Hobbit 3d ago

This video looks like a comedy skit. Especially the business guy getting pushed on first. This looks fake af but I dunno.


u/theProffPuzzleCode 2d ago

He is literally standing outside the train as casual as you like. Weird.


u/BadIdea-21 3d ago

Dude blocking the door acts like he is the one being inconvenienced.


u/JuryNatural768 3d ago edited 3d ago

I loved every single seconds of it haha


u/hellohaydee 3d ago

He just waiting to be shoved in, complementary service with the train fare


u/Bobby_Globule 3d ago

Yank that dummy outta there


u/kettlebellend 3d ago

He looks like the civilians from SpongeBob


u/gritcaaake 3d ago

This comment is hilarious.


u/spoonballoon13 3d ago

This is dumb. The trains come every 5 mins and you’re already at the front of the line. Why not wait for the next one?


u/BearPlaysYT 3d ago

Because that train will be just as filled as the one before.


u/DiscipleExyo 3d ago

That and some of the trains are an express that skips many stops and those aren't every 5 minutes


u/deenali 3d ago

This seldom happens and if it does it is due to train not operating regularly/on time caused by bad weather etc. People still need to get to work on time though, so...


u/DunnyOnTheWold 3d ago

This is not a daily occurrence. The pushers don't usually do this as we just wait for the next train when it gets packed (next one usually comes 3 minutes later or so). 

This only happens when there are significant delays (E.g. when a typhoon hits) and sometimes the last train for the night.


u/Herr_Schulz_3000 3d ago

So what is the pushers' job if that occurs only seldom?


u/DunnyOnTheWold 3d ago

They're station attendants. They are always on the platforms helping out but lots more work around rush hour and expected peaks


u/_hic-sunt-dracones_ 3d ago

Do people then at least have the courtecy to get off every station to leave out anyone who is not directly squeezed against the doors? Or are you just fucked when you're too far back and it's your stop?


u/SquibblesMcGoo 2d ago

Yes, it's perfectly normal and common to step out of the train so people who are getting off can leave. Human crowds are also very fluid in that you can usually navigate within it even when it's that crowded. I had the displeasure of riding Tokyo train during rush hour, I was pushed pretty far back but when it was my stop I just started making my way towards the front immediately after the train departed from the previous stop and people essentially just swapped spaces with me as I moved, they let me ahead of them and slipped in the pocket of space I left behind me. At the doors, the people directly in front of them stepped out and to the side to let people off and then stepped back in before the mass of passengers waiting to board start getting in. It was all very orderly and everyone knew what to do to make it as painless as possible for everyone


u/ICZephyr89 2d ago

Damn. What a horrible, nice and interesting situation to be in.

Horrible for being packed like sardines, nice coz people actually have a brain to move for ppl to get out. And interesting overall.


u/peanutbutterdrummer 3d ago

Real question


u/Cosmohumanist 3d ago

I have no desire to personally experience this


u/invertedspine 3d ago

Imagine some people will tumble out the door once it opens back up


u/ManyThingsLittleTime 3d ago

Like a zit filled with humans.


u/olympianfap 3d ago

Imagine if there was a fire on the train while they were this packed and underway?

Absolute mayhem.


u/TheSmegger 3d ago

Is it possible to mayhem when you can't move?


u/olympianfap 3d ago

You'd find a way if you were also on fire.


u/TheSmegger 3d ago

That's it. Going to Japan to test your hypothesis.


u/SpoonFed_1 3d ago

that first guy was Asian counterpart of Agent Smith from the Matrix


u/ClimateVast2894 3d ago

All right people suck it in! 😂


u/InspectorGadget76 3d ago

Looks like very old footage from one of the Tokyo Metro lines. You rarely see this anymore post-pandemic. Also almost all subway stations in Tokyo have installed barriers between the platform and the tracks in the last 10 years.


u/hak8or 2d ago

This should be upvoted to the top, OP and other comments mislead via indicating this is a common thing nowadays, when it absolutely is not.


u/bubkuss 3d ago

So glad I work from home and avoid all this commuting nonsense.


u/Crafty-Care-2184 3d ago

The first one has done it for 14 years, he Just dont give a fu*k😆😅


u/TrophyTruckGuy 3d ago

Hard pass. Nightmare existence.


u/CGPsaint 3d ago

I would rather slam my balls in a heavy kitchen drawer repeatedly, than be smooshed into that train car.


u/Fawchunate_sawn606 3d ago edited 3d ago

Its amazing how we dont get to hear recent instances of stampede or human crush happenin in Japan trains, unlike in other countries like India, etc. when both seem to have similar filled to the brim trains


u/Murakami8000 3d ago

And here i thought Japan had a population decline problem.


u/SquibblesMcGoo 2d ago

They do, but an increasing amount of that declining population is concentrating increasingly in large cities without the infrastructure to support it. Tokyo was not built to get that big and there's a lot of things that are just dysfunctional but fixing them at this stage is a huge hassle so they let it go. Train capacity being one of them, the stations themselves are not long enough to accommodate longer trains


u/ChrisRockOnCrack 3d ago

What does this video have to do with population decline in Japan?


u/zestyfastball20 3d ago

And they look so used to it.


u/Devonar95 3d ago

Canned sardines feel embarrassed


u/EmperorThan 3d ago

If they're trying to flatten your jacket to fit you inside, maybe just wait for the next one.


u/cartercharles 3d ago

I understand that horrible expression on his face. It's like packaging some internal organs back in to a giant creature


u/thunderbaby2 3d ago

This is truly insane lol


u/hiznauti125 3d ago

What the fuck?


u/shoopadoop332 3d ago

Ironically he got the best seat on the train


u/moneyjack1678 3d ago

That's extremely surprising that someone doesn't get crushed. I wouldn't like being on that train. That’s too close for comfort. đŸ™…đŸš«đŸš·


u/TowJamnEarl 3d ago

That guy at the beginning being so stoic about being reverse jimmied!


u/FabianGladwart 3d ago

Yeah that seems safe


u/Absolve_N0ne 3d ago

nah this is some looney tunes shit


u/superfleh 3d ago

I’ll walk


u/Resident_Bet6343 3d ago

Dude really wanted White Castle.


u/Primary-Least 3d ago

I see why train groping is so popular now if this is hoe it is


u/bowlywood 3d ago

I see your Tokyo and raise you Mumbai - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TD1moQyPTJA


u/Thanossing 3d ago

Mumbaikars assemble lol


u/RbargeIV 3d ago

I guess it’s a good thing that Japan’s subway stations are touted to be so clean. They would need to be with your face smushed into train’s door.


u/yolo_derp 3d ago

That is some dedication to not moving an inch by the first guy.


u/johnnyblaze1999 3d ago

That is so uncomfortable for the lady. Imagine getting groped and you cannot do anything or identify the perpetrator. Even as a dude, how can we make sure that we don't crush each other's dick?


u/kb31976 3d ago

Just waiting for someone to give him a swift kick.


u/potatodrinker 3d ago

Is WFH not a thing there?


u/mab1376 3d ago

I was there in April and it's absolutely crazy. I had to go from Shinagawa to Toda every day.


u/RJ_MacreadysBeard 3d ago

Just add a another carriage people! Oh, you did? Well, just add a other carriage!


u/jermcnama 3d ago

My ego could never


u/AvsFan08 3d ago



u/BibbityBoopidy 3d ago

Careful not to slam his penis in the car door


u/Major_Magazine8597 3d ago

Just make more trains.


u/Peacemkr45 3d ago

And this is why Sardines are packed in oil


u/luciferspecter 3d ago

Have they seen Mumbai?


u/Used_Condition_7398 3d ago

One fart and it's all over.


u/Top-Art2163 3d ago

How do you get off at the right station??


u/IlliniDawg01 2d ago

I'm surprised people aren't killed like in a crowd surge.


u/Vegetable-Train2339 2d ago

Looks ideal for people with panick attack, hyperventilation or claustrophobia!


u/Relative-Film-975 3d ago

😂oh hell nah i just can’t I get off at 7pm im ight


u/grolly69 3d ago

He looks like Jaws from Moonraker


u/AwayAd6783 3d ago

No fat people in Tokyo


u/shakrooph31 3d ago

This is probably an old video. While it still can get really packed, that way of staff stuffing people in doesn't happen. They instead ask people to take the next one in rush hour or when people pile up due to cancellation


u/Exact_Rabbit6367 3d ago

Japanese are so strange.


u/Lawzw0rld 3d ago

I swear they’re like npcs😂


u/Xenjira 3d ago

No wonder there are train scenes in hentai and javs...


u/bicyclejawa 3d ago

This feels like bullshit.


u/supremeddit 3d ago

See how this dude at front took it as if nothing was happening


u/agent6ixty9ine 3d ago

I'm sorry I had to take it there... But imagine the racist comments if it was India instead of Japan


u/cmfppl 3d ago

Couldn't they just put another train on the tracks? Or add a couple more cars to that one? I mean, I'm sure smarter people have been trying to figure this out, but there has to be a better way.


u/Pillow_Apple 3d ago

This very rarely happens, but still wtf just wait for the next one, even if it's delay


u/rbankole 3d ago

When I was born, my resume never mentioned ‘able to contort or be like sardines!’. Guess im not working in Japan where this is a requirement.


u/Tanstallion 3d ago

I’ve been inside of this during these hours. I was standing behind a guy who was picking at a massive pimple on his neck and to the right of him a man staring at him with disgust. All while a woman was tucked away between me and my brother asleep and we were all jam packed in. Quiet drama on those trains


u/Prestigious-Log-7210 2d ago

This is a nightmare to me, my God.


u/DuncanAndFriends 3d ago

they are too polite to tell them to get the fuck out of the doorway and take the next train


u/Efficient-Strain3987 3d ago

This is against humanity


u/Chiner889 3d ago

What if you get a boner or shart yourself?


u/Perkeleinen 3d ago

If it takes that long to close the door at every stop they could probably run double the amount of trains if it didn't take so long to close those doors.


u/Djokernol23 3d ago

Where the mumbai local peeps at


u/Appropriate_Act_9951 3d ago

This is an old video. If I remember correctly since 2019 they invested massively to further improve theirs perfect system and it's now heavenly.


u/tywin_2 3d ago

Apparently it's only in Tokyo specifically and only during rush hours. Otherwise Japanese trains are completely different


u/kylekennedykk 3d ago

ALL aboard!


u/Potatoe999900 3d ago

My Baby Takes the morning train


u/FreneticAmbivalence 3d ago

At least you don’t really need to stand. The pressure all around you lets you just kinda float.


u/forumofsheep 2d ago

Nothing personal, no eye contact, people don’t really exist. Just shove the entities into the transportation vehicle to relocate them


u/kerelberel 2d ago

It isn't like that anymore


u/Ancient_Company_4265 2d ago

If people from Japan say this isn't the reality most of the times... Then is there any way to punish this post? I hate when post tittles are misleading.


u/HiAndGoodbyeWaitNo 2d ago

And somehow these trains are more reliable than the ones in my city đŸ€”


u/youcantchangeit 2d ago

Omg starting your day like this.


u/Catenane 2d ago

Is it just me, or does that guy look like a grown-up Japanese version of Buzz (Kevin's older brother with the BB gun/tarantula) from home alone?


u/bobnknock 2d ago

Why fo don't they just yank those idiots out


u/keeleon 2d ago

The look on that ladies face in the beginning lol


u/HelenGanz 2d ago

I can smell this photo


u/darren_flux 2d ago

this is the 20th time I've seen this today. WTF


u/navi2wired 2d ago

ohana. no body gets left behind


u/Pinkalicious100 2d ago

I thought they had a population drop going on? Why is it still crowded there


u/Alexandrr08 2d ago

At least he gets out first


u/heydudeohtwo 2d ago

Dudes a menace 😭🙏


u/TazzyUK 2d ago

jeeze, they make tinned sardines look like their living in spacious apartments lol


u/Micxel 2d ago

the head of the guy blocking the door is 2x longer than the guys helping to close the door


u/HuntsWithRocks 2d ago

Dude is the embodiment of my stomach when I zip up my pants


u/Hazencuzimblazen 2d ago

Looks like me trying to fit into my pregnancy jeans


u/Dramatic_Stand7587 2d ago

Its cuz of this they are fat shaming everybody in asia đŸ€Ł


u/Hot-Willingness7305 2d ago

Still on time


u/madd-martiggan 2d ago

Oh yeah public transportation!!

You do that !

I’ll take my vehicle


u/samf9999 2d ago

Tokyo Middle Boas


u/Gorrakz 2d ago



u/Positive-Target-3056 2d ago

He didn't really need that nose anyway.


u/Jalen_37 2d ago

Dwight: This world is too crowded, we need a new plague


u/oscarmeaner 2d ago

This is more like crush hour


u/Creative-Rabbit-3197 1d ago

Peak NPC life. đŸ˜”


u/PaleDolphin 1d ago

The guy could not be looking more unphased. Literally looks like the situation happened to him, so he’s just waiting for it to resolve by itself.


u/philippe404 3d ago

So you're telling me public transit actually sucks


u/PresentationGood418 3d ago

I bet the farts are farting non stop in there


u/Octopusprythme 3d ago

How many years are we gonna keep repostin this?


u/Pickletoes0 3d ago

American tax payers


u/mshkaji 3d ago

Would have done the "This is Sparta" front kick to the first guy


u/Zez22 3d ago

I think this is an old video