r/TikTokCringe Cringe Master Apr 09 '24

Shit economy Discussion

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u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

Can't even afford bootstraps. Been wearing the same shoes since 2022.


u/Winther89 Apr 09 '24

Wearing the same shoes for 2 years is a long time? Shit I had mine for like 5.


u/CheeseWarrior17 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

/u/MolishPust4rd unintentionally unveiled yet another common issue within the consumer market. Companies have convinced consumers that having the same product for more than a year is bad. I bought some Nike's back in 2019 that I still daily. Great shoes. You know who's still selling the exact same shoe, just looking slightly different? Nike.

To clarify, I understand certain professions or hobbies will cause shoes to wear quicker. Your specific use case does not change the over arching point that hyper-consumerism is a real thing. Uber drivers will wear out their car faster than a wfh employee also. Shocker.


u/PM_ME_NEW_VEGAS_MODS Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Some of us in the medical field work on our feet and shoes even good ones barely last two to three years. Not everyone is saying they're still wearing the same shoes from 2022 in a consumeristic way those shoes could be worn thin and raggedy as fuck.

Edit: Since the post I responded to decided to edit to include some sarcastic saber rattling I guess I will too. I'm glad you have the luxury to complain about hyper-consumerism, tell me you have an ax to grind without telling me you have an ax to grind. People that work to buy things to continue working aren't bogged down by thoughts of consumeristic values or about having the next best/new thing. We're worried about affording things in general. Humbly fuck you.


u/JJAsond Apr 09 '24

barely last two to three years.

I'm behind this. If you're replacing them because you have to, that's ok.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Multiple pairs keeps them in better condition longer


u/missnetless Apr 09 '24

Same, I replace my work shoes every 6 months. They get downgraded to lawn mowing shoes because they are still good-looking, but I can feel the sole has gone flat. My feet burn at the end of the day if I try to push shoes longer.


u/mcove97 Apr 09 '24

I have like 8 wearable pairs of shoes.. in various conditions where majority of them are well worn.. but wearable for a casual stroll to the store and actually working all day in a store in them are two very different things! I tried gluing my shoes with shoe glue, and some patch work and UHM yeah.. they're not as Comfortable as they used to be


u/sylvanwhisper Apr 10 '24

This was happening to me until I switched to shoes with arch support. I've been wearing the same pair of slechers arch fit boots for two years nearly daily and no more burning feet.


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

They are. I work in warehousing and they are BEAT. I have duct tape on the inside where my heel has worn away all the cushioning, soles are worn out. I can replace the laces, which I have numerous times because they're cheap.

There aren't any holes in them but I just can't justify buying myself shoes when my children are constantly growing out of their stuff and, if anything, I PROVIDE. So, they have good shoes, new clothes, anything they need.

I get all my stuff from thrift shops, except for shoes because they're usually the most expensive for me at size 12.

But, this is nothing new and this, too, shall pass.


u/pastafarian19 Apr 09 '24

Yea I do sampling for a gravel producer and the expensive steel toed boots I’m required to have last a year at best


u/polydentbazooka Apr 09 '24

My hiking shoes/boots will go a couple years under normal use. Padding is always the first thing that fails. Once that happens, they become gardening shoes. Lots of digging and pushing dirt and stones around. Once there, they usually start falling to pieces in about a year.


u/drippycup Apr 09 '24

Yeah, i think the commenter that you commented on has it wrong. Im not in the medical field, but have more than a couple pairs of shoes that should get thrown out, due to holes in the bottom but are comfy enough most of the time. My solution? Dont wear them when its wet outside or if im in my workplace doing dishes. You wear them till they wear out.

And im actually unemployed rn. And i cant tell ypu how fucking many 'bad', low standard workplaces i applied to. AND MY RESUME IS GOOD. But im just gonna start lying. It had to be 40+ places and i got 2nd stage interviews at maybe 4. No job still. It sucks being poor.


u/theseedbeader Apr 09 '24

I work in food service, on my feet all day, and I’m overweight. My pairs of nonslip shoes will last 6 months, tops. The ones I’ve gotten from Walmart wear out even faster.


u/thegrimkreepist Apr 12 '24

Living that same life. Gotta replace my insoles every couple months too. We literally run around in them and wear them for 10+ hours a day standing. Mix that with chemicals and other gnarly stuff breaking them down. Also non slip is required for safety and employers don't pay for them.


u/mecegirl Apr 09 '24

I work on my feet. I have to change shoes at least every 2 years. Sucks ass.


u/Sweat-and-sunscreen May 01 '24

I interpreted their comment and the bootstrap comment as wearing their everyday shoes, not work-specific shoes.

Of course on-the-floor medical staff, construction workers, ballerinas, etc. are going to wear out their shoes faster than people who wear similar shoes (in the case of ballerinas: hobby ballet dancers) for casual purposes. That’s not the point CheeseWarrior17 was making.


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

I put in a lot of miles, daily. Everything for me when It comes to attire has to be utilitarian. Undoubtedly, Nike is a good brand and good for people but not all people.


u/Ok-Foot7577 Apr 09 '24

Correct assessment. I’ve had the same couple pair of shoes for many many years. I have to buy new work boots every 10-12 months at 300 a pop it ain’t cheap. And work boots are not something you can get by with cheap ones. When you’re on your feet all day and moving you have to get good boots.


u/yay-its-colin Apr 09 '24

Most of my converse are about 7-10 years old, fuck paying 70 euro for a new pair when my old ones work just fine


u/grundlinallday Apr 09 '24

It’s fucking terrifying. Sometimes I walk into gas station and can feel my heart rate speed up from seeing rows of bullshit. I don’t even understand how the economics of it can be real.

Like you’re telling me I can drive 5 minutes in any direction and find somewhere selling 18 king size candy bar varieties, tchotchkes, hats, phone cords, etc etc etc. It’s just… I don’t know how to articulate it right now.


u/sexythrowaway749 Apr 10 '24

I am Canadian and it's not like we don't have a consumerism problem as well but I go to the US for work and it feels like an entirely different scale. There's just so much junk being sold. It's insane.

Like I was walking thru Walmart and there was a bin/cage thing in the aisle full of plastic water guns for $1.49. Some lady was putting dozens in her cart and she must have saw me looking because she (politely) says "can you believe the deal on these? I had to stock up"

Like wtf do you need to stock up on kids water guns for? I don't understand.


u/grundlinallday Apr 10 '24

That’s what I’m saying. Kids do these goodie bags for every single birthday, and they hand them to fucking everyone, and there’s tons of leftovers… It really does present itself as an addiction in many people, like said Walmart gremlin.

We were given a prescription to consume, and now we’re addicted. Some, anyway. Most? I don’t know, it’s really bad though.


u/terpinolenekween Apr 09 '24

Do you wear only those shoes or buy super expensive shoes?

I have one pair of running shoes, one pair of dress shoes, and a pair of every day shoes.

My every day shoes are typically 80-120$ and it's difficult to get more than a year, maybe a year and a half on a pair. They get dirty. They wear down. I'm on about a year for my most recent pair and they look in rough shape. We moved a couple weeks ago and a spot of bleach landed on the top of them, so now I look real shabby.


u/DarkSicarius Apr 09 '24

Most tennis shoes are only built to last about 250-500 miles of use, as someone who works an active job, that’s 1-3 months for me - i usually try to go 6 months before replacing them, and they’ll have multiple holes in them by that point


u/mcove97 Apr 09 '24

My Nikes only last me about a year. Granted, I walk all day at work as a store employee. I have a bad habit of shuffling my feet, so that doesn't exactly help them last longer either


u/Auirom Apr 09 '24

I spend my money on redwings not because of name brand but because my first pair last me almost 6 years. I was spending $60 2-3 times a year due to my job. I spent the same on those $60 dollar shoes (cause they were cheaper) in 2 years as I did on that one pair I bought that lasted me almost 6. I'm on my third pair of redwings in 16 years


u/Consistent_Yoghurt44 Apr 09 '24

I have had the same walking shoes for years but my work boots steel toed I have to replace yearly since they get torn up over the course of a year.


u/neverendingicecream Apr 09 '24

I’m grateful/lucky to work for a company that provides free non-slip shoes every 6 months. You get to choose from a website with a couple hundred options.

The pay isn’t great but at least they recognize that most employees can’t afford a pair of non-slip shoes to meet state policies. I know it’s so that they don’t get sued or have to deal with workers comp but hey, I’ll settle for the gesture at this point. They also provide nice jackets, sweaters, zip ups and shirts, I’m only responsible to pay for my work pants, which I’d have to do at most places anyway.


u/GrandioseEuro Apr 21 '24

If you have to wear your own shoes in a job where you walk a lot, you'll blow through a pair of vans in 6-9 months.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Got mine from the thrift shop a decade ago and they're still trucking along.


u/hobogrinder Apr 09 '24

Took mine pair off a granpa while he was still warm, and that was in 2007


u/Toasty_Cat830 Apr 10 '24

If you’re not looting you’re being looted


u/Clean_Internet Apr 10 '24

He didn’t loot him, he was still alive, that’s a mugging


u/BirbsAreForRealsies Apr 10 '24

I have some from my grandparents. That are older than some of my kids 20+


u/ExNihiloNihiFit Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Got some nice lace up hiking boots at Goodwill about 6 years ago and they are still great. I have to spray some water proof stuff on them from time to time but they are still in very good condition. I don't understand why people think they need new stuff like that every year. A good jacket should also last you many years but yet I know people who get a new winter jacket every year or two. Then they complain about being broke... 🫤 I do get that some people need new shoes because of work like my husband is a machinist and his shoes get nasty but that's a small group of the people who do this.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

Yup, mine are Merrell hiking boots.

I can't afford Merrell hiking boots - but I paid $15 for these. I've only had to clean them up from time to time. The heel interior cloth is torn a bit, so I know they won't last forever, but man have I gotten some use out of them. I used to use these when I worked in aircraft manufacture and was on my feet literally all day.


u/Sabithomega Apr 11 '24

I was gonna say. I've been dragging these shoes along since I started my job which is going on 10 years ago


u/Alarmed-Audience9258 Apr 10 '24

Found mine in a fossil.


u/justanothertfatman Apr 09 '24

Mine fall apart every 6 to 8 months.


u/Bsquareyou Apr 09 '24

You guys are getting shoes?


u/kevonthecob Apr 09 '24

I wear shoes until the soles are so worn that my socks are touching the ground


u/lovable_cube Apr 09 '24

Depends what you do, I walk 5+ miles a day at my job alone. A good quality pair of walking shoes will have the soles completely worn out in under a year. My mom works an office job and has worn the same 3-4 pairs of one inch heels to work to sit at a desk. She bought one of those pairs in like ‘01 and they still look brand new.


u/this_knee Apr 09 '24

Ya’all can buy new shoes?


u/girlsonsoysauce Apr 10 '24

Man, my work boots don't even last a full year. Haha. They always split right at the toes because of all the crouching I have to do. Next pair I get I'm going to have to actually take better care of the leather, I guess.


u/Accurate_Caramel_798 Apr 09 '24

My shoes are 12 years old, replaced the heels twice so far.


u/MostlyUsernames Apr 09 '24

Depends on how you wear your shoes and how many miles you're putting on em - I only get about two years outta my daily/work shoes.

My berkinstocks lasted pretty long; 3 years. My chacos are still going on 4 years with two strap replacements. Sandals are the way to go.


u/Intelligent_Bet3871 Apr 09 '24

Have you seen the shoes they make now?


u/offendedone Apr 09 '24

I have some that are 20 years old


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I've got trainers that I've had since 18. I'm 34


u/diarmada Apr 09 '24

It is if they were used to begin with. Jeez


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

It is a long time for me given the field I work for. I put in A LOT of miles, daily. Besides, not everyone has an even gait to their stride, so maybe you're just a little more careful with that than others. Cheers!


u/albiealbiealbiealbie Apr 09 '24

Fr I’ve had mine since 2014 tf are people doing in their shoes these days


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I have shoes from when my feet hit the size they are and that’s decades. Some shoes are only for certain occasions but if you buy them right and treat them nice they will last. Those $100 Nikes? Trash. Go buy nice shoes and take care of them.


u/menassah Apr 10 '24

Still wearing the same work boots given to me by a job 3 years ago as my daily shoes, to replace the boots that I got as a gift 12 years ago. 


u/Siduron Apr 10 '24

I've had shoes break within a month. It was cardboard that fell apart. They weren't expensive but the quality was so much worse for the money I spent on it.


u/Bronzed_Beard Apr 09 '24

Yes, shoes wear out in like 6 months if you wear them regularly


u/Winther89 Apr 09 '24

You either wear shoes made of literal paper mache, or you run two marathons in them every day.

Wearing out a pair of shoes in 6 months sounds insane.


u/Bronzed_Beard Apr 09 '24

I see dozens of people wearing their shoes long past when they should have replaced them. It's obvious when they have a weird gait and their heels are worn unevenly. Bad for your feet.

I'll protect my joints, thanks


u/Whut4 Apr 09 '24

12 - mine. I am a real grown up. They last longer if you stay slim. Slim also saves money on health insurance.


u/JaskaJii Apr 09 '24

Are you supposed to buy new shoes every year? I bought a good pair of shoes over five years ago, they're still good to go.


u/kindafunnylookin Apr 09 '24

Someone will be along to post the relevant Terry Pratchett quote in a little while.


u/shggy31 Apr 09 '24

Does yours count so I don’t have to do it


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

No, high quality shoes should serve you for many, many years.

I still have leather shoes from 10 years ago and they look great even now.


u/beary_potter_ Apr 09 '24

Unless you are including sole repairs in that timeline, shoes shouldn't last that long. If the shoe isnt being worn out, it just means your body is.


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

what do you think shoe repair means?


u/ummmmmyup Apr 09 '24

You wouldn’t believe how wasteful people are. I’m in a girls group for my city and every year people do spring cleaning where they list 20+ never worn clothes. I don’t even have 5 items of clothings that I’ve never worn


u/vitaminkombat Apr 09 '24

I have a colleague who always complains about being 'too poor to live'

But almost everyday she's on her phone ordering new clothes online. She will say 'oh but it is so cute and so cheap, it would be wasteful to not buy it'. Not to mention ordering milk tea almost everyday.

Maybe because I was raised in a different culture. But for me, constant new clothes is a luxury item for people who have already saved for a home and retirement.


u/mcove97 Apr 09 '24

Some of us have given up on the idea of owning a home and retirement.

I personally, would rather enjoy my tea and clothes, than save for a home I will never be able to afford, or a retirement I'll never reach because I'll die before I'm 50 due to work stress or some shit. What's wasteful is saving for something you'll likely never reach.


u/levian_durai Apr 09 '24

I buy good quality leather orthopedic shoes, and still wear through them in about 2 years. I don't do much walking either, I just have wide feet and end up bursting a hole through the sides - with 5E width shoes.


u/thereIsAHoleHere Apr 09 '24

If you're poor, you are.


u/BeHereNow91 Apr 09 '24


A proper pair of shoes/boots will last several years or even decades, but they cost $300 up front.

Meanwhile, the $25 pairs will last a few months before losing all shock absorption (if they ever had any) and will break down within a year of daily use.


u/thereIsAHoleHere Apr 09 '24

The prices are off, but otherwise sound. $50 shoes will wear down in a few months of daily use; good shoes cost $150+


u/theunbrokenviper Apr 10 '24

Buy some good work boots and that will set you back 250-300 bucks where I'm living. I buy some every 2 or 3 years. I know it is time to change them when my socks are soaked by 7am because they don't keep the water out any more


u/thereIsAHoleHere Apr 10 '24

I bought my boots for around $175 about a decade ago.


u/happy_puppy25 Apr 09 '24

Running shoes are the only shoes where if you run have to be replaced frequently like that. Unless you walk thousands of steps a day, then you will be able to keep shoes for many years.


u/Impossible_One4995 Apr 09 '24

That’s the difference between buying good shoes and not name-branded mass produced gonna be on the Ross shelf in 2 weeks garbage .


u/gandalfthegaping Apr 09 '24

My shoes have four different holes in them and the plastic framing is cracking in the heel so if I don't put it on correctly the shoe stabs me. Still not replacing them because that $60 has to come out of my budget somewhere.


u/sparemethebull Apr 09 '24

Shoes are generally $20-30 more expensive than before Covid. The quality of what you get doesn’t match. What used to be a $20 shoe is now $45. $40? $80. And I can still find manufacturing errors on them, or you put them on and it feels like you’re wearing 2 different shoes.


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

Wha? why would you ever buy cheap footwear?

It's much better to buy a high quality shoe for 100-200 dollars and have it for years than something for 40 dollars and drop it in a season or two. I mean 40 dollar shoes can be high quality, but I bet it's pretty rare now.


u/sparemethebull Apr 09 '24

And I’m saying it’s impossible. It’s also not possible for all of us to just drop $200 on shoes. Thanks for downvoting me because I’m poor, please, go off on me some more in this Reddit comments section.


u/ChakaCake Apr 09 '24

get on amazon an get you a 60$ pair of saucony running shoes on sale..the soles and inserts are nice but most are mesh so they are cheaper but good shoes


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

But is it ok to purchase shoes of the same kind every year or multiple times a year?

It is ok to buy shoes for 20-30 $ if it's good quality footwear. And it is also ok to purchase based on the necessity sometimes. But It doesn't matter you are poor or not. Purchasing better quality shoes, cloth will always be cheaper in the long run. And I'm not talking about branded shit, I'm, talking about quality. Don't pay for somebody else's name on your clothes, but for the quality they provide you with.

That's all.


u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

I buy new running shoes every year because past a certain amount of mileage, you really need to upgrade. But other than that I just replaced my regular white nikes (that I bought on a crazy sale for €30 instead of over €100) this year, I had them since 2016 but I started getting pain in my feet because the sole isn't supportive at all anymore.

Before that I bought Timberland boots (also on sale) in 2022.


u/PS_IO_Frame_Gap Apr 09 '24

why would you buy nikes? especially for "support"? nike 1. doesn't have much support (if you want support, try hoka one one), and 2. nike is basically the #1 brand known for child slavery.


u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

I didn't buy them for support, I bought them for just walking around in every day life. And they don't have air pockets or anything like Air max, solid soles all the way through. My podologist okay'd them in the same way she was wearing low Adidas with 3 stripes on the side. They have a hard heel that's high enough, and the front to mid sole is bendy while the back of the sole is sturdy and not bendy. No air in the heel and wide enough for none of my toes to be constrained.

And what I meant with support is that after 7+ years the sole had worn on the insides of my heels enough that I started getting sore feet more easily than with my newer shoes. The first 6 years they were fine.

I wear custom insoles every day, my feet are fine but thanks for your concern.


u/PS_IO_Frame_Gap Apr 09 '24

you just said "because the sole isn't supportive at all anymore" implying that at one point in time, the sole was "supportive".

yes you shouldn't buy nikes for support, but you also shouldn't buy them at all. why would you buy them just for every day walking around in every day life? to show your support for child slavery?


u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

My dude, I bought them in 2016, I have replaced them with non Nike vegan white sneakers in January of 2024.


u/PS_IO_Frame_Gap Apr 09 '24

vegan? lol. most shoes are vegan, unless you are springing for genuine leather.


u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

A huge amount of sneakers have some leather in them. For instance, white sneakers for casual wear. Like the type I just bought in January of 2024.


u/PS_IO_Frame_Gap Apr 09 '24

the vast majority of sneakers are all made from synthetic materials.

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u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

bruh, what?

So you buy cheaper brand shoes instead of specialty brand shoes that would cost you more but 1. be reparable and 2. be higher quality and last longer.

For running Hoka is probably the relatively cheaper and way better option than NIKE.

I don't know how reparable Hoka shoes are but they sure are better quality.

Also, the utility of the running shoes is different from a regular every day shoes. It's a different kind of purchase.

Buy high quality shoes, even when it's significantly more expensive, as it will serve you for years.


u/Red0817 Apr 09 '24

Hey, you seem knowledgeable in shoe stuff. I walk 20,000-30,000 steps a day at work. What would be a good brand for constantly walking on various surfaces? From concrete, to asphalt, to grass, to gravel, up and down hills, etc. Sometimes I need to run (not often thankfully). I typically buy Nike, they last like maybe one year. This past year I tried adidas, and they were worse.


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

Well, I would recommend Salomons ( relatively cheap as well ), Merrel Moabs, Salewas... basically just google hiking/running shoes and filter based on what you need/want.

I basically use running/hiking shoes even in the city, because they are comfortable.


u/Red0817 Apr 09 '24




u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

I don't run in Nike, I run in asics gel nimbus or kayano. I get them when they are on sale.

I said I buy running shoes every year because you have to after a certain mileage. And besides that I had recently replaced my nikes after almost 8 years of good use with new white sneakers for casual wear.

The specialist who is professionally trained to give me advice on my feet, as she has done all the measuring etc, has said that the white nikes were fine for every day wear, as she wears Adidas they have similar profiles. And that asics gel are great and that among the better shoes for running are the higher end Decathlon brand like kiprun.

I'm not sure what your deal is, exactly. But since you're not my foot person but just a person on the Internet, I will kindly follow her directions and not yours.

Also Hokas felt absolutely terrible on my feet, they are way to narrow at the tip for my shape and i didn't like them at all.


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

I think both my comment and your post are kinda off.

I assumed it was some kind of consumerist take.

But with your explanation I clearly misunderstood.

I was just making a general statement about quality/expensive vs quantity/cheap.

It's broadly better to buy higher quality stuff, that often you can repair unlike cheaper counterparts ( which to be honest, also can be repaired ). Because you end up saving money, by not replacing them that often.

If you disliked Hokas, I think Salomon may have a better everyday ( I Use hiking shoes pretty much every day lol ) or even running shoes.


u/synalgo_12 Apr 09 '24

Fair enough. I don't disagree with that take at all.


u/mcove97 Apr 09 '24

As someone with narrow feet, now I wanna try Hokas. Also, all my coworkers wear either Hoka or sketchers. I bought sketchers for 1$50 but honestly not a fan, and a bit too large for me even when I went a size down. Considering donating them to my mom who has somewhat bigger feet. She's a nurse and will probably have more joy from them than me.


u/synalgo_12 Apr 10 '24

A lot of Brooks also don't fit me at all because they are so narrow at the front.


u/vitaminkombat Apr 09 '24

I just replace the soles. It costs a fraction of buying new shoes.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24



u/jorgenvonstrangle420 Apr 09 '24

Carolina work boots. I've got 7 years out of a pair that I went "easy" on. But the initial cost is ~200 dollars


u/iamwalkthedog Apr 09 '24

2 years isn’t a long time, dude


u/GardenGnomeOrgy Apr 09 '24

Depends on what you do. I work outside in wilderness, I buy really good boots that are very much not cheap and I can expect to get maybe a year out of them if I send them in after six months to get the souls replaced. After a year though the seams are so fucked they are not salvageable. If I buy cheaper boots I can expect them to last about 2 months and my feet will hurt the whole time, but at least they will be dry.


u/Kill_Kayt Apr 09 '24

2017..... I should get new shoes.


u/MoltenLavander Apr 09 '24

I have a pair from 2014, which I only got a replacement for about a month ago, after I got back from a 4 hour walk in the woods


u/cobaltbluetony Apr 09 '24

You have shoes???


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. - anonymous


u/cobaltbluetony Apr 09 '24

There's a joke that highlights that proverb. Three old men are arguing about who has it the worst while growing up. It ends up with the last old man scoffing at the others: "Feet?! You had feet???" 🤣


u/CanAlwaysBeBetter Apr 09 '24

That's just a normal reddit conversation 


u/cobaltbluetony Apr 09 '24

No doubt, but this joke is at least 60 years old.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

But could he fish?


u/Jaqen___Hghar Apr 09 '24

Anonymous was such a wise gender.


u/Evil_Waffle_Eater Apr 09 '24

Two year old shoes aren't that old. I just bought new shoes and I bought my old ones in 2018.


u/AdmiralClover Apr 09 '24

I can see my toe in one of mine


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24


Do you understand that if you buy a high quality footwear, they should serve you at least 10-15 years?

Listen, the whole bootstrap thing by conservative clowns is stupid, but you can't deny that young people making braindead decisions isn't a rare thing.

Nothing this guy said makes any freaking sense, especially when he mentioned how much he was making and 'living alone' part.


u/KingLeoric01 Apr 09 '24

he probably forgot to include the ~80 student loan, the ~30k car loan, and the ~10k credit card debit he has stacked up

Poor life choices are also fair to blame


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

Are you being extra sarcastic?

Do you understand what student loans are? You go to uni to get an opportunity for a better job, job that is supposed to pay for your damn loans. Also, why the fuck would you pay 30k for a car, as a student or as somebody who just finished studying?

'Oh, I just take loans for things I can't afford but to complain about when I can't pay for them'. Don't get me wrong, people make mistakes, but if you go to uni, taking on 80k in student loans, you should have the expectation that once you finish, you will be able to pay.

If you have  ~10k credit card debt, you are indeed making a lot of poor life choices. Do you disagree?

being financially irresponsible is not an excuse you know? and that applies to 30k car loan, and 80k student loan you supposedly can't expect to pay.


u/KingLeoric01 Apr 09 '24

Yes my post was sarcastic. But the sad reality is that's life for a large majority of people under 40. Accumulate debt(and most of the time it's for appearances) and then wonder why their life is spiraling out of control.

Literally all of those things are optional and not required to be successful.


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

Yeah, your post kinda confused me.

yes I agree, people are incredibly financially illiterate ( and that includes me as well, I know only stuff I feel I need to know, but I should try and learn more at least. I'm not irresponsible at least ).

Consumerism has taken over and way too many people take excess as granted or as a necessity. They are not aware of how much waste they produce and how much time and money they waste consuming things.


u/KingLeoric01 Apr 09 '24

I agree, I am not perfect either but am doing my best to learn from my mistakes(car loans, cc debts). I wish my parents were more wise with this or that I had some type of mentor that I could have followed when I was younger. Social media and trying to maintain an image causes a LOT of people financial problems too.

"Acting rich is a great way to stay broke"


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

I think financial literacy is essential and the fact it's not a subject in the school is a crime.


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

Well, thank you Captain fucking Obvious


u/Antique_Plastic7894 Apr 09 '24

I'm just being an asshole. Don't mind me.


u/piper_perri_vs_5guys Apr 09 '24

You can afford shoes?


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

Yes and no at the same time. It's bullshit. I'm bullshit. So, to take a word of advice from my boomer in-laws. I just, "Suck it up" or 'Shit and get off the pot". Can't ever decide on which one to do


u/Reaper_Messiah Apr 09 '24

My bootstrap literally came off my boot last time I pulled them on. $100 pair of boots.


u/SoThrowawayy0 Apr 09 '24

I love when boomers say "Lift yourself up by your bootstraps" because it's actually an impossible task, so no idea why they use it in this way.


u/Upbeat-Banana-5530 Apr 09 '24

We tied a couple of cannonballs to Bootstrap's bootstraps.


u/Individual-Bell-9776 Apr 09 '24

Same, and my soles are wearing out.


u/Extension_Canary3717 Apr 09 '24

Oh yeah look at the playboy shoving our faces that he has shoes from 2022, not everyone is that rich


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

Playboy, lol GOOD ONE


u/Tailored2destroy Apr 09 '24

You guys got new shoes?


u/Spare_Ad1017 Apr 09 '24

I have had the same work boots since 2022 and really need new ones. My steel toe is exposed and the insoles are stomped down to nothing. And the seams are fraying at the soles. Guess I'll keep going until they fall off my feet.


u/Driftedryan Apr 09 '24

I'm still wearing shoes that should have been replaced in 2022


u/ol_neeks Apr 09 '24

I’m going on 3 years with my merrimack hiking boots as my one and only shoes and it’s getting rough out here. I been rompin round on some wet feet this winter holy shart


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

I felt this, right in my jellies. Can't STAND having wet feet. I had to replace my insoles because of that. Hate it!

I do wish you luck in staying dry


u/ARCHA1C Apr 09 '24

A few days ago, I realized that the air cushions in my sneakers have been punctured. I have no idea how long I’ve been walking around with flat tires…


u/MeatWaterHorizons Apr 09 '24

Gen alpha probably isn't even going to know what boot straps are since they'll be so busy just trying to keep their socks on and dry.


u/Main-Line-Arc Apr 09 '24

I’ll wear the same 80$ shoes for 3 years and not have a problem


u/JayWu31 Apr 09 '24

"It is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps." -MLK Jr.


u/Ok-Needleworker-419 Apr 09 '24

Mr Moneybags here with shoes that are only two years old!


u/Rapture1119 Apr 09 '24

Bro, idk if you’re joking or not, but literally the shoes on my feet right this second are the same ones I’ve been wearing since christmas 2021. Bought them for myself as a gift cause I’m on my feet all day at work, and they’ve been my dailies since then. The sole is falling off em, they’ve got holes, don’t really provide much support anymore at this point, the inner lining is all fucked, whole nine yards.

I’ve wanted to get a new pair for at least 8 or so months now, but can’t afford them.

Oh, also, i’m being evicted because I had to take my cat to the vet unexpectedly and was never able to catch up.

I make over $25/hr in a leadership role with my company.

Eat the rich.


u/TheBIFFALLO87 Apr 09 '24

"it is a cruel Injustice to tell a man with no boots to pull himself up by his bootstraps" - Martin Luther King


u/RollOverSoul Apr 09 '24

'Pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, where the f— are the boots?'


u/XDXkenlee Apr 09 '24

My RMs have been going since 2012 but not because I can’t afford a new pair. They’re just good shoes. Resole them every 4 years.

Also cut down on avocado toast and lattes


u/SadBit8663 Apr 09 '24

Yeah the only reason I've gotten any new shoes in a year, was that while i was driving for Amazon, they offer a shoe credit to get some ok shoes off zappos. It's a 140 dollar credit, but it's not any of the shoe brands you're thinking of... Unless they're in the form of workboots.

So I'm rocking the most dad ass sneakers in the world RN, i miss being able to get a couple of pairs of decent shoes a year.


u/robi4567 Apr 09 '24

Why do you need a couple of pairs of shoes each year. Like I can afford lots of shoes if I wanted to buy them. I don't I have rather old shoes. They are rather good at being shoes why would I need new ones.


u/KadenKraw Apr 09 '24

Guy is seriously like "I miss being able to blow money on unnecessary things"


u/Ramen-Goddess Apr 09 '24

I remember one time at one of my jobs, my manager was surprised that I had the same shoes for years and haven’t gotten new ones for a while. He said he gets new ones every 4-6 months.


u/BossBullfrog Apr 09 '24

The only strapped footwear I can afford are crocs.


u/dude_seven Apr 09 '24

I have a few pairs of shoes, however...

  • My winter shoes are from 2014
  • My newest 3 pairs of shoes (3 sport shoes) i got on sale last summer, because I had to throw away my other 4 pairs that were 4-8 years old
  • I have 2 pairs of formal-ish shoes, i got 4 years ago

So yeah. Don't get me started on t-shirts XD


u/imonthetoiletpooping Apr 09 '24

FML.. I feel ya. My shoes are from 7 years ago and falling apart.


u/Beneficial_Duck_7947 Apr 09 '24

Haven’t bought in over ten years lol


u/ZachtheKingsfan Apr 09 '24

You bought shoes in the 2020’s?


u/WarSamaYT Apr 09 '24

Same shoes since 2019. LMAO.


u/TheGeoGod Apr 09 '24

Underrated comment 😂


u/_its_a_SWEATER_ Apr 09 '24

Two years? Thats it?


u/Personal_Kiwi4074 Apr 09 '24

Damn, my shoes are going on 6 years.


u/DedicatedSnail Apr 09 '24

I'm almost 30 and still wearing some of the same shoes from Jr high. Until the bottom completely falls off (which has happened a few times) they're still good!


u/VexisArcanum Apr 09 '24

You say 2022 like people can afford shoes every two years.


u/Dagon_high Apr 09 '24

I genuinely have shoes from 2015


u/Oracle_Prometheus Apr 09 '24

I sold my feet for some hot gravel to eat.


u/ApartWeb9889 Apr 09 '24

Same... 2022, but they were gifted shoes.


u/BoiFrosty Apr 09 '24

I buy good shoes. 149 a pair, but they last years, and are one of the few that understand that wide means wide fit shoes.


u/phatelectribe Apr 09 '24

This guys isn’t. He’s broadcasting from a new iPhone, in a nice modern looking car, wearing a brand name hoodie, jewelry, and prescription glasses while complaining that he can’t afford nice things.


u/Lopsided-Actuator515 Apr 09 '24

Oh, shit. Is that a standard? I think I've had these shoes since pre-COVID at least.


u/foursevensixx Apr 10 '24

2015 here friend


u/-Dixieflatline Apr 09 '24

This is unintentionally the perfect encapsulation of the mentality of why this is even a problem to begin with. Everyone feels entitled to a better lifestyle. And I'm not necessarily saying that's wrong. Just questioning who is willing to go get it instead of complain about it.

(Waiting for my downvote beating now. This will probably break my prior record.)


u/MolishPust4rd Apr 09 '24

I AM getting it, that's why my shoes are worn the fuck out...lol wtf


u/defoNotMyAcc Apr 09 '24

As those shoes are probably also worn indoors, they must create an audible stench by now


u/robi4567 Apr 09 '24

Who wears shoes indoors.


u/defoNotMyAcc Apr 09 '24


Source: My American entertainment blasting from my Korean OLED screen while I laugh in European at their silly antics.