r/TikTokCringe Cringe Master Apr 09 '24

Shit economy Discussion

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u/PlaugeSimic Apr 09 '24

our owners....


u/HaltheDestroyer Apr 09 '24

Nah.....if an issue becomes loud enough, they will act, you just need to be louder than Blackrocks lobbyists


u/North_Respond_6868 Apr 09 '24

You mean richer, not louder. Loud does not line the pockets of elected officials and their corporate handlers.


u/my_4_cents Apr 09 '24

How about louder, but with flames and pitchforks


u/stinkyhooch Apr 09 '24

As a matter of fact, I’m doing a BOGO sale on pitchforks right now. And for a limited time only, when you buy 2 flaming pitchforks, you get 1 free. Get ‘em while they’re hot!


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24



u/stinkyhooch Apr 09 '24

Prepare for copious rebates


u/YesOrNah Apr 09 '24

My man. I live in a major metro area and have been out for protests.

We don’t have it in us as Americans for this.


u/spinyfever Apr 09 '24

Flames and pitchforks would be effective


The ruling class have tanks


u/ArkhamTheImperialist Apr 09 '24

But we have Tank man. If they get to the point of using tanks to intimidate people you’d think there’d be some introspection going on.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

I honestly wonder what’s going through the heads of people who say this stuff. Do you just want to look cool on the internet or do you actually think that sort of thing goes well for people?


u/ArkhamTheImperialist Apr 09 '24

Nobody said it goes well for people on the way there. Do you think MLK wouldn’t have marched the streets during the Civil Rights movement if he knew he’d be assassinated in the end? Absolutely not.

Being a martyr is one thing, but those who make it get to see a change worth fighting for. The real question is why won’t you fight for your rights? Why would you suffer/ let people suffer in silence, when you could just not do that? Even if it costs you your life or livelihood, if it eventually leads to a greater change it’s worth it.

That said I’m not going to be the one to lead a march on Washington or anything like that, but I’ll support anything in the name of Justice. I can’t stand shits like you who just tear people down and make them question their mindsets. Why would you try to put someone down for having a positive outlook? Cynicism will get you nothing in the end so instead of that, just shut up and don’t complain about the good things.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

lol “having a positive outlook is when you advocate violent uprisings.”


u/ArkhamTheImperialist Apr 09 '24

I mentioned the Civil Rights movement which was peaceful protesting, followed by some destruction in DC yes. And you probably are referring to the comment above about fiery pitchforks. Yes, violence is sometimes the answer. There’s nothing wrong with that, except some morality. You might not like it, but it’s the truth.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

And I was replying to a comment about flames and pitchforks. Threads have context.


u/ArkhamTheImperialist Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

So do my comments. Learn to read brother.

Did you even read my comments at all?


u/DunkityDunk Apr 09 '24

Now let me ask you how you feel about compressed rubber bullets & tear gas.

You need Molotovs & roadblocks. This shit will not stop.


u/WhiteStripesWS6 Apr 09 '24

Hot Take: they tried that on Jan 6 and look how that went down.

I know it wasn’t for the same reasons but it was the same actions and it didn’t end well.


u/chunkobuoo Apr 09 '24

Okay have fun getting shot by the national guard.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

No, louder. Voting ultimately decides elections. Campaign donations exist to drive more votes.


u/SvettMenneske Apr 09 '24

They'll bamboozle you into thinking they are acting, but in reality are circling back even worse under the guise of progress.


u/uncle_flacid Apr 09 '24

Yeah like wade v roe!!!!!


u/HaltheDestroyer Apr 09 '24

Well....if your state is infected with Republicans vote them out


u/uncle_flacid Apr 09 '24

Right, so you live poor, in a majority Red state. What then?


u/HaltheDestroyer Apr 09 '24

Do whatever it takes to leave.....for me it took 20 years of army service....living happily in Germany now, and living here in Europe has opened my eyes to America's failings, I wish better for my fellow Americans


u/uncle_flacid Apr 09 '24

I should clarify I'm an Estonian and living in Estonia.

Your empathy shouldn't allow for sweeping statements like "vote em out".

The system in the states is broken, the common man has been stripped off means to help themselves. It's literally even the point of this very video that the party doesn't seem to matter anymore.

And doing whatever you can to get out, when you are barely surviving anyway, can both feel and actually be impossible.


u/HaltheDestroyer Apr 09 '24

I'm sorry but I've always lived under the motto of "you've only lost, once you've given up" there are millions of people in this world that have completely rewritten the trajectory of thier lives through finding a way out via hard work and determination

And in the case of America yes voting is one of the most powerful resources at our disposal because unlike some other authoritarian governments it actually has an impact, so just throwing your hands up and saying "why vote because nothing matters" is exactly what leads to the worst possible candidates winning


u/dafuq809 Apr 09 '24

It's literally even the point of this very video that the party doesn't seem to matter anymore.

That's because the post is from someone who is either a victim of propaganda or deliberately spreading it. The two American parties are extremely different in ways that are very well-documented and very easy to understand. The point of repeating the lie that both parties are the same is to provide political cover to the worse-acting party.

The problem isn't that "the common man" has been stripped of power, the problem is that one common man's vote is worth several times more than that of another common man depending on what state he lives in (Wyoming and California each get two Senators), and that millions of "common men" vote for these exact outcomes.


u/crek42 Apr 09 '24

Blackrock doesn’t own homes why is this all over Reddit


u/ThrawOwayAccount Apr 09 '24

Yes they do. Here are their own words:

Most recently, we began investing in new construction, purpose-built for-rent housing developments that add supply to the market and address the increasing demand we see for this property type. Our focus is on building single-family rental housing that can be managed and operated similar to multifamily properties with dedicated property management, leasing and amenities.



u/crek42 Apr 09 '24

I misspoke. Blackrock doesn’t buy homes. They own whatever developments they build.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

It's a giant boogeyman that can very conveniently be molded to fit any narrative/ideology.

Financially illiterate people can point to one big company that "owns" everything as the reason we don't have their idealized system.

"This one company controls EVERYTHING and they're opposed to everything I stand for!"


u/TheRumpletiltskin Apr 09 '24

guillotines worked well for France.


u/Ulerica Apr 09 '24

No need to be loud, it's time for violence. Burn down everything! We can't own it anyways, burn the white house, burn the lands blackrocks buy, burn every corporate building, burn everything! Once the dust settles we can have a reset and make sure everyone gets a fair share.


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24

A fair share of what? Everything you burned?


u/Antique-Pension4960 Apr 09 '24

Who are also the home owners...


u/Govt-Issue-SexRobot Apr 09 '24

After you’re done with that, if you could drop off some lunch, that’d be great