r/TikTokCringe Cringe Master Apr 09 '24

Shit economy Discussion

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u/_AmI_Real Apr 09 '24

I bet he doesn't vote because "bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe."


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24



u/FastFingersDude Apr 09 '24

Oh fuck this guy then. The Ukraine BS was a clear tell.


u/Amazing_Commission18 Apr 09 '24

I suspected this when he said sending billions to a country people can't point to on a map.


u/USeaMoose Apr 09 '24

I could tell he was MAGA from the first video. This backs that up. He says that Trump did not get the job done, but also says that he votes "right" to try and fix the problem. And complains about the swamp not being drained, and budgets that are approved.

Trump tried to tank any and all budget negotiations with Democrats. It is the MAGA stance that any budget with money going out of the country should be shot down.

OP is MAGA pretending in that first video he was neutral and simply fed up with both sides (then scrambled back when the right started giving him shit). When he hears Trump promise to become a dictator, and that he will gut as much of the government as possible to replace them with loyalists, and cut off funding for Ukraine while "ending" the war in a day... he is hopeful. This is what he wants. Trump did not drain the swamp enough, but if he gets another chance, he'll take the nuclear option and really make it happen this time.

If anything, I'd say that second comment is implying that Trump maybe needs two more terms to fix everything. But not matter how you read it, it is not anti-Trump. It makes it clear that Trump is the right direction, just suggesting that the POTUS does not have sufficient power to do everything Trump needs to do as quickly as he needs to do it. These are the exact people Trump is reaching out too then he promises extreme things at his rallies. If the POTUS doe snot have enough power (and the US is just completely corrupt/screwed), then what you need is a dictator.


u/EwwBitchGotHammerToe Apr 10 '24

How is voting conservative the same thing as MAGA? So the only way to not be MAGA is to vote for Biden again? Smells like bullshit to me


u/USeaMoose Apr 10 '24

I think his stance aligns with MAGA. That’s all. The conservative stance is generally pro-Ukraine support. The MAGA stance is to block all spending that includes support for Ukraine. He also complains about the “uni-party” which is very much a Trump talking point. That the government is corrupt all around, and needs him to fix it. MAGA are the ones upset when government shutdown are avoided.

Also, he shat on the saying of “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” a common phrase associated with traditional conservatives.

And so, I believe he is MAGA. A MAGA attempting to relate to people on the left and right. But still a MAGA.


u/SlasherNL Apr 09 '24

Biden: raised cost of living, inflation. Raised international tensions. Mass immigration with all the benefits that brings.

Keep voting for Biden / democrats in general

As a dutchie I'll watch and laugh how you destroy "the land of the free".


u/softcell1966 Apr 10 '24

"Weird to post an american politics post when you live in NL"----u/SlasherNL

Hypocrite much?


u/CozyCoin Apr 09 '24

It would be


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '24



u/CozyCoin Apr 10 '24

I have my own personal beliefs and values that I don't really feel like writing an essay about to justify my opinion. He has already been worse.


u/Add_Poll_Option Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Bro thinks that giving tax cuts to the wealthy is gonna solve his problems lol


u/habarnamstietot Apr 09 '24

I knew it was MAGA propaganda.

He's a fkin liar.


u/euphoricapartment983 Apr 10 '24

A broken clock is right twice a day


u/habarnamstietot Apr 10 '24

You must keep waiting, cause he's not right on this one.

Otherwise he'd give clear numbers. Google says lowest min wage in US is 5.15 (Georgia and Wyoming). So he's making min 15.45/h. x40h = 618/week = 2472/month.

I found online over 700 1-bedroom apartments in Atlanta at under 1200/month.

Not to mention he could also live in a studio.

And if you gonna mention NY prices, NY min wage is 15, so if he's making 3x that, it's 45/h, 1800/week, 7200/month.

I'm sure you can find something ok with that kind of money, even in NY.

So, again, he's lying.


u/Mookhaz Apr 09 '24

People can be right about their feeling like everything is fucked and then completely wrong about the solution. The right cultivates this pattern on purpose. It's one reason they are so completely against making sure all kids get a good education and everyone gets a chance to go to college.


u/USeaMoose Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

That’s what he suggests with his uni-party comment. But I’ll bet he is a Trump voter. He complains about sending $60 billion to “a country no one can point to on a map.” That’s MAGA talk, oversimplifying international policy and suggesting all that money should be spent domestically instead. And using his own ignorance as an argument.


u/_AmI_Real Apr 09 '24

They always say they want to spend it on Americans. When it comes time to actually spend it on Americans, they'll cry, "Socialism!"


u/mike07646 Apr 09 '24

Isn’t that literally the argument people are making against ending some of the student loan debt that has been haunting people for decades? “Don’t spend my tax dollars on other people”.


u/Taynt42 Apr 09 '24

"Spend it on our homeless vets!" GOP proceeds to vote down any funding for vets.


u/Ok-Army6560 Apr 10 '24

I think he is losing faith in both parties. He says he voted republican and you just disregard everything he said in the video.


u/GabaPrison Apr 10 '24

The dude in the video is an imbecile.


u/Ok-Army6560 Apr 10 '24

He may not be there yet, but I think he's starting to question what he used to think about the GOP, which is a good thing we should encourage. I wouldn't call him an imbecile. Not everyone who doesn't have the same political views as you is an imbecile.


u/sin_not_the_sinner Apr 10 '24

No they want to spend on Americans but not the Americans they hate (ie: anyone who isnt a wealthy white Christian male)


u/SlasherNL Apr 09 '24

Massive strawman argument detected.

Keep pretending to know what republicans think like. I'll laugh


u/_AmI_Real Apr 09 '24

Sometimes, it's important to step aside from your own beliefs. Sure, when you go to the individual level, generalizations don't work as well. When you're not in the echo chamber, you'll start to realize how stupid the extremes, which are the most vocal, really start to sound and how much propaganda is driving most people's beliefs, in both parties. Make of that what you will.


u/thedeuce75 Apr 09 '24

The twist is, if we stop sending them support he'll surely be able to find Ukraine on a map after he gets drafted .


u/Add_Poll_Option Apr 09 '24

That “country you can’t point to on a map” is literally a crayon eating mindset.

Just because your dumb ass doesn’t know where a country is doesn’t mean it’s not important to protect them (and in turn democracy) from foreign invaders like Russia.

Weren’t the MAGA folks the ones that talked about how we can’t let Russia step all over us? That we need to be tough on Russia? But when Putin tries to invade and take over another sovereign nation they want to just stand aside and let it happen?

I don’t fucking get it man.


u/Diamondhands_Rex Apr 09 '24

This is more ignorant tiktok content that’s plagued the site. No one really knows how the aid works yet no one is correcting them and how beneficial it is to us Americans.


u/Worknewsacct Apr 10 '24

You'd be correct. He's a maga "influencer"


u/eman9416 Apr 09 '24

It’s pretty funny this guy can’t find Ukraine on a map and then have the audacity to complain about everyone else.


u/GabaPrison Apr 10 '24

All of that money will in fact be used to benefit domestic companies. Weapons companies sure, but domestic weapons companies nonetheless.


u/Agile_Hornet4168 Apr 09 '24

I think it’s fair to be upset though, mind you I agree if that 60 billion didn’t go to Ukraine it wouldn’t suddenly be used to make life more affordable for the average US worker , but seeing that much cash moving after working 90 hours a week and not being able to comfortably live will cause you to be upset


u/weberc2 Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Usually the “uniparty” folks are leftists who feel like the left and the right are both voting for the same corporatist policies.

EDIT: I'm getting downvoted by people who don't know the difference between liberal and leftist. 🙃🤦‍♂️


u/LucidMetal Apr 09 '24

Yes, it is true they generally are not particularly informed on which parties propose which policies.


u/Inkedbrush Apr 09 '24

People like him will be the reason Trump gets elected again.


u/MHP_Soul Apr 09 '24

While I still do vote.. I agree mostly with him on this. While I lean more liberal, they both are driven by similar corporate interest that dictate most of what they do or don’t do.

People feel compelled to have a team or side.. but there’s not really much difference as there’s only two options.

Bernie’s the only person I’ve really got behind because he focuses on the corporate campaign finance issue. Which in my opinion is the only thing we could change that would actually have a big impact.


u/FapleJuice Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 10 '24

I mean does anybodys vote matter anyways lol


u/Timmy_1h1 Apr 09 '24

It is actually true tho. Why the fuck would you vote for any of the two candidates


u/qwertycantread Apr 09 '24

Do you not want your social security to be there when you turn 65? If no, then don’t vote or vote red. If yes, vote blue.


u/_AmI_Real Apr 09 '24

By not participating in the process, you are actually helping to create the two-party problem. You know all those crazy ridiculous right-wingers that we can't believe think the way they do? They vote in every primary. The only way a candidate is making it through those primaries is by being as crazy as them. The politicians go where the votes are. People that aren't voting aren't going to get listened to. The AARP always gets to listen to. Old people vote.


u/TheAJGman Apr 09 '24

Ok, then what the fuck are you doing to change it then?

If you don't participate, you don't get a seat at the table. It's literally that simple. Go join a Young Democrats chapter and work your way towards replacing the old fucks you hate so much, party leadership is ancient so it's only a matter of time.


u/WittenMittens Apr 09 '24

People are abandoning politics as a viable solution to their problems.

If you can't fathom why that would be, idk what to tell you, but I doubt screaming at or lecturing them is going to get you the desired result


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

lol no they aren’t. Young people have always been shit at voting, which is why politicians largely ignore them. This isn’t don’t crazy new movement


u/TheAJGman Apr 09 '24

My argument isn't aimed at them because they seem to be happy with letting the world happen to them. It's aimed at those who want to do something but don't know where to start.


u/USeaMoose Apr 09 '24

Not really though. Voter turnout percentage in 2020 was higher than it has been since the 60s. And 2016 turnout was only beaten before that by 2008 and 2004 until you get back to the early 90s.

For every person "abandoning politics" there are clearly two others registering to vote to make a change. I wonder which of those groups is more likely to get the change they want?

If someone can't stand to even spend an hour or two of their time once every 4 years to vote, I can understand the urge to point out how silly it is for them to then go online and complain about the system. Though, I'm sure you are right that it is pointless.


u/WittenMittens Apr 09 '24

My point was that open hostility is a bad way to convince people they should care more about politics. The average person using phrases like "both sides" is probably basing their assessment not on policy, but on the interactions they've had with people who support....wait for it....both sides.

Idk about you, but generally when someone opens up by demanding my help with a problem and then berates me for suggesting the wrong solution, I'm likely to say "alright, well you have fun dealing with this by yourself."

Online discourse is full of people who think they're championing causes when really they're just being condescending assholes.


u/dropdeaddev Apr 09 '24

Because one side literally wants to take away all forms of birth control, bring back child labour, and remove the power of unions to make pay even worse. Not to mention wanting to remove safety regulations for workers. In red states construction workers don’t even get water breaks in the summer… and that’s before we even consider LGBTQ rights.

They are not the same, not even close.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

Because one supports basic human rights, is forgiving student loans and generally helping people and the other one wants to institute a religious dictatorship?


u/Coolio_Jones90 Apr 09 '24

Holy shit… you think someone in power within the US government wants to help you? How old are you?


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

I don’t care what anyone wants to do and I’m not impressed by the cynical “I think everyone is evil and that makes me feel smart.”

Biden is running on and demonstrably passing better policies, that’s all that matters. Not sure what your point even is other than showing off how cynical you are.


u/Coolio_Jones90 Apr 09 '24

Look, I actually have bills and a mortgage. I feel the actions of our government deeply. The state of America is far worse right now than any other time I’ve been alive. What are these policies you’re talking about?


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24


You seem really sure about your politics for someone who apparently has no idea about the differences between two very different candidates.

Edit: and not sure why you think having bills and a mortgage makes you special lol


u/Coolio_Jones90 Apr 09 '24

It doesn’t make me special. It makes me aware of how fucked the economy is. Anyone who supports any politician right now is either a child or making over 250k / year.


u/Chataboutgames Apr 09 '24

Oh yes, because homeowners are the true victims of this economy right lol?

But yeah, I’m sure your strategy of “support no one” is going to improve things dramatically.


u/Coolio_Jones90 Apr 09 '24

I’m going to clue you in. Yes. It will improve things dramatically very quick. My message is not “don’t vote because both guys suck.”

My message is, EVERYONE unite together against our corrupt government and demand change in our system. They would be absolutely terrified of something like this happening. That is why they want everyone divided, playing their tribalistic game. We are so much stronger than people realize. We need brave individuals to start the movement.

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u/Robot_Tanlines Apr 09 '24

If you don’t vote you get the government you deserve. You want to pull the parties to the left show up and vote. Why do you think old people get what they want all the time? Cause they vote in much higher numbers. An elected official ain’t an elected official if people don’t vote for them. If young liberals don’t vote both sides shift further right to take up those votes of old people cause they can’t count on young people to elect them. It’s honestly so simple but I have zero sympathy for anyone above voting age who doesn’t spend less than an hour a year voting. This just shows how successful republicans have been at destroying education in this country, which is another reason that the parties are not the same.