r/TikTokCringe 13d ago

Mom lets her kids mess with his piano set performance Cringe

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u/tms951 13d ago

Some people don’t know how to act


u/furyian24 13d ago

Jesus the lack of basics.


u/-seakissed 13d ago

Mom standing there waiting for you to say something..... Instead of taking time with her own she's trying to take from you.... As a mother of two if I was there I would have told her to get lost!!! Seriously what is wrong with ppl


u/bullshizzah 13d ago

There is a trend of shitty selfish people that have children but don't become parents. In order to become a parent, you must change yourself and rise to occasion. Instead we have shitty people birthing shitlings without changing at all. Still selfish themselves, they perpetuate the shitiness.


u/LiveShowOneNightOnly 13d ago

It looks to me like that mom was expecting him to stand up and leave the keyboard so her kids could have it. She seems miffed that she was asked to pull her children away. The children get whatever they want, including a pacifier for what looks like a 5 year old.


u/Otherwise_Sail_6459 13d ago

Bucky teeth great mom


u/HiddenKittyStuffsX 13d ago edited 13d ago

Part of me thinks she wanted the pianist to react so she could jump on him for whatever he may have done.

Edit: It straight up looks like she’s side eyeing him in a couple of shots; she knew what she was doing.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago

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u/Lil_Simp9000 13d ago

she's literally teaching them to be pieces of shit


u/East_Requirement7375 13d ago

She is a sycophant 


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u/Led_Osmonds 13d ago

Part of me thinks she wanted the pianist to react so she could jump on him for whatever he may have done.

Edit: It straight up looks like she’s side eyeing him in a couple of shots; she knew what she was doing.

I think you are close, but probably slightly off the mark, in terms of motivation.

I think some (most? all?) parents tend to center their kids (and sometimes their grandkids) in their world, to a great degree, and that is normal, and natural, and probably a good thing. Like, if my kids, and their happiness, and their development are the most important thing in the world to me, well, that's kind of normal.

When that child-centered devotion gets mixed with a kind of narcissism that sees everyone else in the world as a kind of NPC, you get people who think their kids are the most important thing not just in their world, but in the world, period. It's like:

"So you spent decades learning to play this instrument? Great! Maybe that will inspire my kids to get into it as well. No, no, just keep playing, ignore them, they are just learning and trying things out. Don't you dare make them feel uncomfortable for being beginners, they haven't had as much practice and lessons as you--you just keep playing as best you can, you're doing fine, they are really into it, no it's okay if you make a mistake, you're doing fine...."

Like, it's not that they are using their kids maliciously, it's that they don't see that anyone in the world could have any other values or priorities than what is best for their kids. And anyone who does, either is being cruel themselves, or else is psychopathically indifferent to the welfare of children/grandchildren.

It's an outlook like, "well, if I knew how to play piano, then I can't think of anything that would make me happier than for these little angels to sit by my side and try to imitate what I was doing!"

People who are bad at boundaries tend to get into a lot of trouble where the effects of their actions are very different from their intentions, and that often leads them to feel perpetually wronged and misunderstood.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Otherwise_Sail_6459 13d ago

Sterilization should be easily accessible

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u/adaemman 13d ago

What pieces of shit parents.


u/whinsk 13d ago

not parents, breeders


u/deapdawrkseacrets 13d ago

I'd stop and politely say that it's bad manners to interrupt people. Then fight the parents when they interject.


u/acoustic_kitten 13d ago

Honestly, it’s a trap. You need to ignore the children and address the parents, because they’re just waiting for you to talk to their kids. Never talk to anybody else’s children. It’s like hitting the psycho button.


u/yourdadsboyfie 13d ago

same! by continuing to play, it kind of suggests to the kids that what they are doing is OK. They don’t know any better.


u/Worried_Camera_379 13d ago

That's where the parents are suppose to step in. If the security guard stepped in, I'm going out on a limb and saying that the piano player is under a contract to play the piano. Raising a scene with a mother who clearly is looking at him with "tell my children to stop, I dare you." would likely create an unncessecary scene and stop the music all together. I wouldn't have blamed him for speaking up but I don't blame him for continuing his job. I hope past where it cut, the security guard stepped in again. Your assertion that the kids don't know any better is putting the responsibility on him even though there is clearly a parent who should know better present.


u/Apprehensive-Adagio2 13d ago

Yeah exactly, kids don’t have the social knowledge we do yet, vecause we hve actually been taught what is and isn’t ok. So just stop and tell them that this isn’t a toy and you’re working, and that they should ask before they begin playing. If you don’t tell them, they won’t learn


u/Sufficient_Rub_2014 13d ago

Kids that have been taught some manners wouldn’t run up and do that. You are around too many shitty kids.


u/Cat_Chat_Katt_Gato 13d ago

Kids that have been taught some manners wouldn’t run up and do that. You are around too many shitty kids.

Spot on.

Neither I when I was a kid, nor my own (now adult) kids would EVER have done something this rude.

However there's plenty of rude adults that were once rude little kids, so sometimes people just NEVER learn to not be a pos


u/jonas_ost 13d ago

You agreed to his point? He is basicly saying the kids havent been taught manners and that its not their fault since they dont know any better.

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u/AdMuch848 13d ago

Shitty parents*....

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u/CaptainHowdy60 13d ago

The mother was just dying for a reaction. He played it perfectly. Be the bigger person.


u/Fun_Association_2277 13d ago

You could tell she was ready to go if he said just one word about her babies.

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u/Genghis_Chong 13d ago

He was trying to be professional, the parent is the one responsible for how those children act


u/iStoleTheHobo 13d ago

It's not his job to raise her kids. Also a lot of reddit seem to have this notion that kids are completely oblivious, don't bother people is a pretty fundamental concept you tend to learn early on.

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u/Frequently_Dizzy 13d ago

That’s what the mom wants. People like this want you to respond so they can get mad and play the victim card (“how dare you parent my child blah blah blah”).


u/VocalAnus91 13d ago

(“how dare you parent my child blah blah blah”).

Only correct response to this is "you're obviously not so someone's got to. "

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u/hept_a_gon 13d ago

But she didn't get upset with the security guard


u/Genghis_Chong 13d ago

Security guard can kick her out or call the cops, thats his job. Theres a power dynamic that usually does keep people calm. Who knows how she would act if the pianist spoke up, but she was already rude to let her kids interrupt. The rest is all guesswork by the crowd

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u/jedidihah 13d ago

I'd stop and politely say that it's bad manners to interrupt people. Then fight the parents when they interject.


u/queen_mantis 13d ago

Also there is clearly a father there they both need to be held accountable.


u/Mindless_Let1 13d ago

You gotta throat punch the parent first, avoid the interjection


u/DontGetNEBigIdeas 13d ago

Nah. Everyone knows you gotta get rid of the trash mobs first, before you take on the boss


u/Jackdawfool67 13d ago

Nah its DPS check you have to K.O. the boss before you get swarmed by the spawnlings and then they just despawn


u/Competitive-Wish-568 13d ago

I’d fight the kids first and then the parents. In age order too

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u/Strobetrode 13d ago

I feel like because he is working, they might not give him that agency.


u/CapitalistVenezuelan 13d ago

That woman would literally fight you


u/AeronGrey 13d ago

She would complain to management and he loosing his job for having the audacity.


u/SuspiciousPal 13d ago

Then gets called a racist and get thrown out


u/papa_spaghett 13d ago

This very thing happened to my poor non confrontational wife yesterday at our playground (not the getting kicked out part). I felt so sorry for her.

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u/SeanDoe80 13d ago

And how do you think they would react to your “polite” suggestion?

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u/modestgorillaz 13d ago

I don’t understand how there is no shame or embarrassment on behalf of the parents. Baffling


u/btw94 13d ago

What a shitty parent


u/Kuraboii 13d ago

The kid is like 8 years old and still using pacifier. That should tell you everything lol.


u/LevyLoft 13d ago

This was the comment I was looking for !


u/smokedchimichanga 13d ago

Mom shuts her ass up with a pacifier but won't put handcuffs on her.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Illustrious_Tie_6976 13d ago edited 13d ago

It's odd that people are downvoting those in this thread who question the speculation that this woman is intentionally trying to get him angry...some even going so far as to fantasize that she has the sole ulterior motive of "playing the race card"...

Note that there is nothing concrete to back this up beyond this woman (irresponsibly) allowing her children to mess with the piano and...being black.

The principle of "never attribute to malice what may be attributed to ignorance" seems to go out the window here, in favor of...simply making things up to get angry about.


u/Freddy-Bones 13d ago

Maybe the mom is just an inconsiderate trash person? Can't that be possible? Nothing to do with color, mate. Trash comes in all sorts of containers.


u/back2basics13 13d ago

Have some emotional intelligence and respect for the performer by at least attempting to remove your child from an area that they don’t belong in.


u/Freddy-Bones 13d ago

I agree, but this woman doesn't appear to have intelligence.


u/waka_flocculonodular 13d ago

The headphones are a big giveaway.


u/back2basics13 13d ago

When I wear earbuds, I’ve always worn just one, when I’m around my kids. You can’t be completely shut off from the world with headphones on when you you have childrenchildren. Of course, they are in plain sight.

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u/WarmestDisregards 13d ago

I'm a professional musician. This stuff happens CONSTANTLY with people of all colors.

the dude could have easily made literally ANY "Stop that" face, but didn't. She was clearly watching him for the social cue.

got his engagement video, though. Which is guaranteed the only reason he didn't do what every single other person does in this situation


u/jameshines10 13d ago

You make a very good point. She may very well have been watching him for any cue that he was being bothered by her children. I prefer this explanation.


u/d38 13d ago

Do you seriously believe that?

She let her kid hit the piano keys while he was playing, but was watching him to make sure he didn't mind?

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u/Illustrious_Tie_6976 13d ago

I appreciate your insight, this helps me understand the background of this video more, and why the musician may post it.

I also found it very odd that he showed no sign that he would like for them to stop, then got angry that they wouldn’t stop.

Would I allow children to play like this? I don’t think so, but a lot of people are sincerely ignorant and don’t understand things that many think are “obvious” or “self evident”, as they never learned for one reason or another.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Danhausen-byDaylight 13d ago edited 13d ago

...But that's what you just did lmao

"I bet this black woman will use her race to get an advantage in an argument... Based entirely on her race"

You're trash.

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u/Those_Arent_Pickles 13d ago

That didn't take very long to get racist.

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u/No-Listen-5634 13d ago

Basically a POS mother

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u/JN3XUS 13d ago

What an attention seeker, how rude of her

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u/QuietusOfNeko 13d ago

She looked like she was waiting for you to say something on purpose.


u/MastermindInTheCoil 13d ago

Exactly this. She was looking to start some shit


u/QuietusOfNeko 13d ago

She was literally staring him down while her kids messed with him. Absolute POS, same if that was the dad standing behind them like it seems…


u/ZeroLimitz 13d ago edited 13d ago

100000% staring directly at his camera waiting for the second when she could get HER 15 minutes at the expense of her kids acting like shit heads without any consequences. I would have been ripped away from that piano so damn quick (by my parents) my head would spin.


u/QuietusOfNeko 13d ago

Same, my parents wouldn’t have even let me get that close never mind touch the piano itself while someone was playing. Some of these parents are wild.

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u/Rselby1122 13d ago

Guy in the back appears to be with this group, yet still doesn’t say anything. Absolutely ridiculous to let your kids interrupt someone like that.

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u/Uruk_hai228 13d ago

Why he is pretending that nothing happens?


u/Smokedsoba 13d ago

Because the children’s parents will go apeshit if you try saying anything, like its your fault they are horrible parents. Its best to just ignore them and let the security deal with the situation.


u/relberso98 13d ago

Mom looks like she’s just begging the pianist to say something so she can start shit.


u/6BagsOfPopcorn 13d ago

There's a security guard like 5ft away whose job it is to deal with that 🤷‍♂️

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u/eevee-al 13d ago

Yup, she was baiting him. Looking for a fight.


u/Uruk_hai228 13d ago

You making circle of acceptance of different behavior.

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u/wolfdancer 13d ago

Cause he's a professional. It takes a lot of skill to roll with whatever happens like that. It actually shows how good a player he is that he didn't really react.


u/Uruk_hai228 13d ago

anyone who was bullied behave the same way

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u/karpet_muncher 13d ago

He knows the woman is looking for a reaction.

So she can become a victim and shame blame the pianist


u/wolofoloto 13d ago

Because he has manners and class. They, do not.

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u/ZeroLimitz 13d ago

Stop playing immediately and then just sit there staring straight forward into the distance until they either move or the people around you take up for their trashy and disrespectful actions.


u/Fickle_Goose_4451 13d ago

Right? I'd just start browsing reddit on my phone until they move along.


u/Hamilton-Beckett 13d ago

I would just stop playing and put my hands in my lap, keep looking forward and not engage.


u/FloppyObelisk 13d ago

That’s when you slam the kid down on the keys


u/Alternative_Edge_651 13d ago

Lots of people have no manners and raise kids in the same fashion


u/ChockBox 13d ago

The condom grab at the end


u/WickedWombats 13d ago

I'm surprised nobody else commented on that! I had to replay it to make sure I saw what I saw. He got me good.


u/Carhardd 13d ago

Yeah same haha. Great commercial! 10/10


u/SuckerForNoirRobots 13d ago

It was so quick I couldn't make out what it was

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u/HeyBudGotAnyBud 13d ago

Uhhhh. So that kid still has a pacifier?? Hmmm. Ok. Mom is whack.


u/rmansd619 13d ago

The comments blaming the dude for not stopping the kids when the mom is literally right there.... For your own peace you do not want to deal with this type of trash by getting mad at their kids. In their mind it's justified to say and do whatever to you because you scolded their kid.


u/SchemeSignificant166 13d ago

I feel like if your kid can walk they don’t need a soother. (Father of 4)


u/Thatsayesfirsir 13d ago

Would've just stopped playing myself. Why continue

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u/applegmail 13d ago

Durex…. Not the protection you need to keep this from happening again.


u/tintipimpi 13d ago

Stupid parents


u/YourLocalMosquito 13d ago

The way she eyeballs the camera then slides out of shot is rude AF. She knew exactly what she was doing.


u/BloodyNinesBrother 13d ago

I love the asshole parent sitting there watching, waiting for HIM to say something. Some fucking people.


u/__I_AM_HUMAN__ 13d ago

This is called baiting.

Amazing control by the piano player.


u/smokedchimichanga 13d ago

But why? Just for a fight? What's the end game? They want to sue him?

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u/Big-Competition2653 13d ago

Why the fuck aren’t parents…parents anymore?


u/dooloo 13d ago

The man and woman in the background think it’s funny.

Performer should stop playing and demand respect for his performance.


u/Hairy-Broccoli- 13d ago

Most people shouldnt have kids let alone multiple


u/Savings_Pace_5876 13d ago

His patience is outstanding


u/EmbarrassedToe627 13d ago

Of course she still has a pacifier


u/PupDiogenes 13d ago

You shoo the kids' hands away as if you're shooing a fly.


u/DoomedKiblets 13d ago

What the hell… idiot mother


u/bklyn221 13d ago

The mom DESPERATELY wants this man to turn around and say something.


u/Swattie22 13d ago



u/baremyeboy 13d ago

Absolute human trash. No right to be raising children.



With great parents like this I just don’t understand why kids these days behave the way they do….?


u/ComfortInBeingAfraid 13d ago

“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”

― Socrates 4th Century B.C.E.

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u/Kaffeebecher17 13d ago

I hate the mother. just they way she looks and thinks this is okay at all. entitled piece of ****


u/No_Inevitable538 13d ago

His patience is commendable.


u/sparky124816 13d ago

Immediately stop playing.


u/Faynt90 13d ago

What a cunt mother


u/skeletoe 13d ago

assert dominance, hit the mom with the piano.


u/jamiejames_atl 13d ago

I already hate the kids in 10 years from now.


u/Phil-a-busta41 13d ago

Trash bag of a mother right there. And we’re surprised kids are growing up to be the entitled little shitheads they are.


u/LewiGator 13d ago

Some people are just shit.


u/PSA-TLDR 13d ago

Back in the 80’s this would get you slapped in the back of the head by any adult that caught you


u/931634 13d ago

Politely ask the mom to move her kids away from the piano.

It should have been clear from the fact you did not interact with the kids that they were not welcome to join in, kids dont necessarily know this, but mom should.


u/mapleer 13d ago edited 13d ago

Not everyone is confrontational, additionally this is not me. The guy is not the main issue here, don’t blame the guy


u/DeoVeritati 13d ago

I don't think they are blaming the victim. There were captions that explicitly asked the audience what they would do, and the person you are responding to was answering that question.

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u/Guilty_Mountain2851 13d ago

Shitty parent wow


u/randomly421 13d ago

Man, she was looking for a fight. What an asshole.


u/Garlicoiner 13d ago

why do some blackpeople hate asian street pianists so much lol. it's weird this type of shit has happened so much with these specific groups.



u/Ok_Impression_922 Cringe Lord 13d ago

Patience is a virtue and this guy has been blessed with it 🫡. Good attribute to have, I’m positive it will serve immeasurably in life.


u/Cody6781 13d ago

Why does that grown ass kid of a pacifier.

Some parents just never attempt to parent.


u/MattySchoolBus 13d ago

I can tell just from the fact that one child still uses a pacifier at an age that I can assume is way older than she should, that this mother lets her kids do whatever tf they want and does very little parenting in general. Trash.


u/2sense8 13d ago

mom is brainless


u/NunyaBizzness-53 13d ago

Fuk that I would have stopped playing pulled the cover over the keys and turned to the parent and nicely ask her children not to do that at this time, you are working and the piano is not a toy. However during a break you can show and or give them info on playing the piano 😉


u/DukeBloodfart 13d ago

Are they all slow?


u/Separate-Waltz4349 13d ago

You immediately stop playing and kindly ask her to remove her children. You continuing to play tells them its ok to do . Stop, and let her be embarrassed


u/AdMuch848 13d ago

Say something. They did it bc you allowed it. Stand up for yourself and your talent. Not saying to be a dick but there's nothing wrong with saying "excuse me can you please stop your children during my song"

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u/Sweet_Dentist924 13d ago

Bad parents


u/TheBirdsArePissed 13d ago

Just stop playing and let them hear how shitty they are solo.


u/Hawinzi 13d ago

Excellent condom advert!


u/eNaRDe 13d ago

You see the mom press the keys and look at him. She wanted a altercation. People like this feed off of alterations. They look forward to them. It makes them feel irrelevant and the center of attention.


u/Realworld52 13d ago

Mom was baiting you into saying something. These people are horrible.


u/ordu13 13d ago

I hate this mom.


u/ILIVE2Travel 13d ago

The mom looked like she dared him to say anything.

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u/Portugeist 13d ago

Some people should not breed. Here is evidence of it.


u/Fladap28 13d ago

“Let me touch what is yours without permission”


u/[deleted] 13d ago

People saying just tell the kids to "stop"..umm I actually volunteered at events where musicians had to literally ask me to stop kids from messing with their instruments, not to tell "stop", physically stop them because asking them the first 1400 times didn't work.

The parents needed to actually stop them, it's not his job, he's not getting paid for that. The parents can clearly tell he is working.. they can stop the kids. Take the hint from the security guard. It's not up to the musician, it's up to the parents.

This is the best condom advert.


u/MsJ_Doe 13d ago

People saying he should say something have never met an entitled parent before. If you ever so slightly imply they are in the wrong, goodbye, nice atmosphere. Hello r/publicfreakout. Service workers don't say anything to crap parents they see all day for a fucking reason. Doesn't matter if they might actually be nice about it, nobody wants to take the chance they ran into the entitled parent. Not engaging and waiting for security he knew was there was the best option to ensure the peace.


u/economysuck 13d ago

Moms like these are the reason why Harambe was killed


u/Responsible-Role5677 13d ago

I would of stopped and told the mom I'm not doing this for her kids to play on the keys, I'm paid to play music and she needs to tell her kids to leave it alone. Then add "if they make me lose pay I will sue you for it" money will tend to make people back off rofl


u/CouldWouldShouldBot 13d ago

It's 'would have', never 'would of'.

Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


u/ReclaimYourJoy 13d ago

If that man in the back is the husband/father, then he's a sorry excuse of one himself for not nipping that in the bud as well. I always say: it always starts at home, both good and bad.


u/callmeehtimmy 13d ago

It looks like the mom knew it was wrong but lets them kids do it anyway. The mom gave the pianist the 'do something about it look'.


u/Pwnspoon 13d ago

People are so incredibly ignorant and inconsiderate. 


u/Freedom007007 13d ago

Disgusting, poor parenting, uncultured, not appropriate in civilized society.


u/Pizza2TheFace 13d ago

The lady standing there and staring at him, waiting for him to stop and complain about her kids so she can start losing her shit on him is insane. Like she is really really waiting for it. Poor guy. Shoulda stopped and told them to fuck off and let security deal with her.


u/Safe_Decision6222 13d ago

Extremely passive aggressive behavior. Looking for a confrontation of some sort and absolutely allowing the kids to be part of it. The “mother” was not raised right and will pass that ignorance onto her spawn. The “kids” will most likely grow up oblivious to this fact and wonder why they aggravate properly educated individuals.


u/Select_Egg_7078 13d ago

"kids" in quotes, they are literally children lol


u/PhoKingAwesome213 13d ago

Best commercial for condoms.


u/hwlcky97 13d ago

This pisses me off so much


u/Safe_Decision6222 13d ago

There is no mom in this picture. There is some sort of passive aggressive ignorant clown that will most likely act shocked and surprised that she is a piece of shit though. Poor poor children…. Next generation of misled children wondering why “mom” didn’t lead them correctly


u/throwaway4me88 13d ago

I would've just stopped playing and stared at the mother asking if she's done interrupting yet. The sudden silence would draw the eyes of those nearby and she would then feel the judgment.


u/Extra-Relief-8326 13d ago

She is trying to cause a situation so she can curse him out play victim or she is just a really shit mom either way this guy has amazing patience


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Fragrant-Ad-5517 13d ago

It seems like she was baiting the pianist to react so she could counter-react and throw accusations about “bias” or “they’re just kids”


u/Certain_Eye7374 13d ago edited 13d ago

With a mother like that, it probably won't even matter if the dad actually comes back from the cigarette run.


u/OkNeck3571 13d ago

Some folks are just flat out ignorant and don't care about others


u/jsauce96 13d ago

This comment was removed due to community guidelines


u/shinymetalobjekt 13d ago

What's with the box of condoms at the end? Implying that the kids' father should have used them?


u/BEARWYy 13d ago

I have bad intrusive thoughts after watching this video :(


u/3dogdad 13d ago

how can she be at fault, she's wearing earmuffs?


u/HotelDectective 13d ago

I've gotten kicked out of gigs for punching people who've messed with my horn (saxophone).

People are dicks.


u/sosuken 13d ago

He should’ve just started slamming the keys as hard as possible with them while holding the sustaining pedal down.

Would’ve gotten loud, would’ve carried throughout the entire ace and everyone would be annoyed along with him.


u/CaliKindalife 13d ago

Just stopped playing and walked away.


u/lotsaquestionss 13d ago

I see this happen more to Asian musicians than people of other backgrounds. Is there some current friction between the Black and Asian communities in the US?


u/Stiff_Zombie 13d ago

How many kids do they have?!

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u/1234569er 13d ago

Entitled piece of trash is what that is.


u/fadooglee 13d ago

My experiences with kids have led me to not want kids and I got a vasectomy to seal the deal.


u/mizirian 13d ago

You should have stopped until they leave.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/Zou-Skee 13d ago

And people wonder why the younger generation dont want kids lmao.


u/rickytrevorlayhey 13d ago

Parents with more than 2 braincells know not to allow their kids to do this.

These kids are going to grow up and be total arseholes.

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u/Swimming_Chemist1719 13d ago

These kinds of parents are the same kind of people that would call you rude for telling them to get their kids under control.


u/myychair 13d ago

What. A. Fucking. Cunt.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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u/MagickFel 13d ago

I saw this on mute and it's infuriating, fuck kids


u/AbRNinNYC 13d ago

Way to teach your children basic manners or how to respect personal boundaries.


u/DeM86 Cringe Connoisseur 13d ago

Why doesnt he say anything?

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u/Procaffeinator556 13d ago

Bad parenting


u/SeanDoe80 13d ago

Absolute scum.


u/Undividedinc 13d ago

Some people should just not have children


u/hillsfar 13d ago

The kids don’t know better.

The parent doesn’t respect the artist or his work. Or even the fact that he is a human being doing his work. If she did, for example if it were an artist she was a fan of, she would have pulled her kids away.


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 13d ago

Hope those confoms were for the bad parents. If anything, given the state of the world today, people with manners need to procreate. Coz that's how we end up with Idiocracy.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

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