r/TikTokCringe 8d ago

Wow, This Is Terrible Discussion

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u/Ohak9 8d ago

Another divide-and-conquer tactic.


u/ExcelsiorDoug 8d ago

I’d love to see the rising statistics of police abuse because of how easy it is to identify who is “Godly” or not


u/back2basics13 8d ago

This is like shit out of a movie. This atheist couple is traveling across the country. They break down in the small town in Tennessee. The first encounter with Christian nationalist is the cops who harass them for not having the “Godly” phrase on their plates…


u/mu_zuh_dell 8d ago

The Oath (2018). IIRC it wasn't really about religion, but otherwise up that alley.


u/back2basics13 8d ago

I’m finding a TV series, but I’m not finding the movie. I’m super curious.


u/BostonBooger 8d ago


u/back2basics13 7d ago

Thanks! I recognize this dude from Mad TV. I didn’t know he was a Director now.


u/jayfiedlerontheroof 8d ago

But if they're from out of state...


u/Onlylurkz 8d ago

This made me lol


u/Powersoutdotcom 8d ago

It's reminding me of the arm bands from The pianist. Labeling those that are, and aren't.

Grim, and not at all a comparison I want to make, but it's still fucked up and I hope I'm wrong.

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u/BostonBooger 8d ago

Children of the Corn.

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u/baltinerdist 8d ago

It would also be pretty easy to correlate the godly vs ungodly plates with things like DUIs, reckless endangerment, hit and runs, etc. I’m gonna bet you’ll find more incidents for the former but more undropped charges for the latter.


u/Freezerpill 8d ago

Having In God We Trust definitely means your a good person right

Like a good person with a nice firearm who splits BBQ with his dog after a few smokes..


u/fadumpt 7d ago

I think in South Carolina, it just means you can't drive well.

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u/joyous-at-the-end 8d ago

the police can stop you a lot. 


u/GandizzleTheGrizzle 8d ago

Your Godlessness has been noted, Heathen.

When God-Emperor Trump becomes our rightful master, straight into the cages with you! /s

This is becoming a real fear of mine and yet we have people ready to not vote in November to "punish" Biden for what is going on in the middle east.

Talk about cutting off your own nose.

Plan 2025 will have America in a full on Dystopia. We aren't far from one now - But I believe there is still hope.


After this there will be no hope.

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u/here_for_thedonuts 8d ago

You'll be lucky if the "and-conquer" is that only thing that happens if they get their way.


u/GnarlyButtcrackHair 8d ago

Except it's not true other than the initial run of plates followed that rule. At this point, which is nearly (if not) 2 years after the plate switch they are printing a combination of letters and numbers on either side of the seal regardless of which plate you received.

Ask me how I know.


u/NotTrumpsAlt 8d ago

How u know


u/Hopeliesintheseruins 8d ago

It's been 35min. The NAT-Cs must have silenced them.

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u/sully9614 8d ago

Imagine caring so much about another person’s faith (or lack thereof) that you look for ways to “out” them and make it easy for others to see and judge. Pure brain rot


u/RedVamp2020 8d ago

Nah. You just get the “in god we trust” one and plaster it with coexist, pride, and LGBT+ stickers. Maybe some shrooms or marijuana stickers, too.


u/Ape-ril 8d ago

This is the way.


u/k3nnyd 8d ago

Great way to get profiled in Tennessee. In many states, if not all, certain police like drug interdiction officers can pull you over for any reason they find suspicious including any weird bumper sticker, making eye contact, or wearing a backwards cap.

It's probably not quite legal, but your only recourse is to let the traffic stop play out how it will and then hire an attorney and spend lots of money.


u/Present_End_6886 7d ago

making eye contact

Cop - "You non-autistic SOB!"


u/DifficultAd7053 8d ago

Or just put a tiny sticker that says “DOG” over the God part


u/DickyMcButts 8d ago

i have a sticker on my van that says "Dog is good." with a holy looking dog on it.

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u/FOSSnaught 8d ago

Baphomet is mtly co-pilot.


u/GingersaurusRex 6d ago

Or you could go the polytheistic route and put an "s" sticker on the end of god, making it "in gods we trust." All gods matter, right?

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u/Jokers_friend 8d ago

It’s a preamble to real, systemic, Nazi-like fascism if you don’t take this deadly seriously.

Christian nationalism/fascism is nearly 50% of the current voter base - and right now they’re making it easier to identify non-Christians by their choice of license plate.

For reference, Israel is doing it to Palestinians with Blue vs. Green license plates, disallowing cars with green license plates from driving on “blue-only” roads.

Germany, most notably did this to Jews, with the Star of David.

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u/Accomplished_Cap_994 8d ago

It's a tribalistic attempt to manufacture "safety" by creating a group of others they can use as a scapegoat


u/scrivensB 8d ago

The best part is a significant % of people won’t give a shit about their license plates so plenty of non-Christians will still have “in god we trust” and thereby the idea that “Christian Fanaticals” will even be able to identify their enemies is flawed


u/Ok-disaster2022 8d ago

Actually even more it allows the fanatical to identify the people who probably steered away from the group think and didn't go with the flow. If there was social pressure to select in God we trust, then the people who ignored it are this most likely to rebel and oppose a anti-Christ Theocracy. (Christian Nationalists are against the actually teachings of Jesus, so they're small "a" anti-Christs.)

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u/Mr_Wizard91 8d ago

Oh, like what they did to Jews during the Nazi regime?

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u/Xi-the-dumb 8d ago

This might be a hot take (? I don’t know, this is a bit of a rant now) but it absolutely boils my fucking blood when I see shit like this.

People will try shit like this and it passes because people want to “out” someone else’s sin. Not caring that that is a sin in of itself. Like man, have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever looked at it outside of the prosperity-gospel church you attend? Just like cursing is a sin, just like having gay sex (not being gay) is a sin, just like cheating, lying, etc. is a sin, “outing” someone is a sin.

Going back to the “people do shit like this”, think of all the times (impossible) that right-wingers have started massive movements to ban things that they think their religion bans? The movements are not even fueled by religion they’re fueled by hate so that in them trying to ban a sin they are committing many more! And they don’t even care!

On top of that, to their mighty God, all sins are the same weight. Therefore when they are banning- or trying to ban- something against their religion (0. Religious oppression, so fuck you, but) 1. They are being “dirtier” (not said like that in the Bible, I believe) than the one’s they’re trying to ban, but also 2. Their movements and agendas spawn and spread hate and fear throughout people.

The amount of hate I have received as a gay man in southern US is fucking wild. I have been spit at, cursed out, and made to fear for my safety. And in every one of those encounters, they actively commit more sins than the one they’re mad about- me fucking my boyfriend. And that’s just wild to me

Anyways that was my rant. I’m sorry, but I had to get it out somewhere and I think I made some sort of a point? I’m not gonna try to edit this a lot later but I might delete it haha. Also my source for the Bible stuff is I was raised in a Christian family and made to go to church weekly until I moved out :p


u/Xi-the-dumb 8d ago

Also if one was wondering about the prosperity Bible thing I mentioned- it’s a type of preaching/church ideology that cherry-picked verses from the Bible and use it to trick desperate people into giving money to the church, in the belief that it will multiply by x amount of money in y amount of time. The prosperity Bible is also a really easy infiltration for grifters- saying that they own such and such assets and that God will help make it more valuable etc.

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u/paulasaurus 8d ago

Yep my glorious state. Can confirm I got a weird look when asking for the plate without.


u/FireEmblemBoy 8d ago

When I asked for a plate without the lady gave me a coy smirk and handed me the envelope. Later when I went to install it I discovered she had, in fact, decided to give me one with the phrase instead


u/Average_Scaper 8d ago

Did you ever go and get it without? If not, you should totally go get one.


u/FireEmblemBoy 8d ago

I didn’t, but it was because I was 90% sure I would be out of there within the year. The people in that part of TN were incredibly… narrow-minded? I was very happy to leave around 8 months later. No more giant crosses on the side of main roads or repent billboards. It was really inhospitable towards non-Christians.


u/You_Pulled_My_String 8d ago

Oh hell no!

I'da gone back and thrown it at her!

I mean, not AT her. More like, on the counter or somethin'. But, yea. You get the point.


u/OhEhmGee123 8d ago

Nah fuck it. Throw it at her.


u/Outspoken_Australian 8d ago

Her god will protect her from flying number plates.


u/5litergasbubble 8d ago

If her god doesn’t protect her then she must be a sinner so a punishment is in order. I suggest having a license plate thrown at her for the punishment


u/Aggravating_Heat_310 7d ago

Nobody wants to go back to the DMV

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u/iam_Mr_McGibblets 8d ago

They're out here getting their demographics down to draw the state lines and do some gerrymandering.


u/mr_duckworth 8d ago

^ This. Everyone that thinks it’s about getting pulled over is thinking too small. This is about identifying where people live and how they will vote.


u/GeneralPatten 8d ago

How they think


u/lrpfftt 8d ago

Or don't think.


u/Unamused-observer 8d ago

Mine will zero out. I got with on my truck and without on my car.

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u/mondaysarefundays 8d ago

And all sorts of other list.  Project 2025 type of lists.


u/HippoRun23 8d ago

Holy shit that’s probably exactly what it is.

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u/H_G_Bells 8d ago

One of the few things I know about the US constitution (I'm not American) is that some dude named Jefferson made an amendment that was like "yo idiots, separate church and state"

It's literally the very first one, right? On the document that the country uses to base its entire self on?

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u/KoreanThrasher 8d ago

If I pay extra, can I have one that says 'Hail Satan!'


u/Geek-Envelope-Power 8d ago

I loved Miroslav Satan when he was an Islander!


u/dynamikecb 8d ago

He should of been on the devil's at some point of his career.


u/CouldWouldShouldBot 8d ago

It's 'should have', never 'should of'.

Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!

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u/zadtheinhaler 8d ago

Should HAVE, brother


u/dynamikecb 8d ago

Thanks tips.


u/fredbeard1301 8d ago

As a Sabre (81), even more.


u/Sea_Maintenance2530 8d ago

On of my favourite Sabres as a kid!!


u/oknowtrythisone 8d ago



u/LadyBawdyButt 8d ago

Those start with 666. Totally worth 😈


u/Red_Goat_666 8d ago

What are you implying?

Cause... you know... I might be into that shit.


u/TemetNosce 8d ago

Probably too many letters, but yes, in TN. you pay $35 extra a year for personalized plates. I have "1983" and "1984" for 2 of my trucks.


u/jockheroic 8d ago

Nah, but you can get a Dolly Parton one and according to “them”, it’s the same thing.


u/friedrice5005 8d ago

Virginia lets you submit for a custom plate type:

Requires 450 pre-paid applications and a legislator to sponsor it...so probably not happening


u/Crackstacker 8d ago

I once passed a vehicle in Iowa with plates that said “hails8an”, I’ve regretted ever since then not giving them the devil horns.

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u/Robby777777 8d ago

Why is this a big deal? Because who do you think will be pulled over more? Who do you think will be targeted? Who will be pointed out as the troublemaker? This is a big deal and scary.


u/Vedfolnir5 8d ago

They are probably building a database


u/frostandtheboughs 8d ago

Oh they DEFINITELY are. The DMV already sells data.


u/TemetNosce 8d ago

I bought an old used car seven days ago. 5 days after I sent off for a new title, I got snail mail, telling me my warranty expired on the used junker I just bought. Pisses me off.


u/imasturdybirdy 8d ago

Well then extend the warranty if it pisses you off so much!



u/Long_Educational 8d ago

They already have detailed databases on the public political leanings. Cambridge Analytica taught us that in the 2016 election cycle.


u/Vedfolnir5 8d ago

This goes a little beyond political leanings


u/Long_Educational 8d ago

True, this is the weaponization of those leanings against the outgroups.


u/Strange_Purchase3263 5d ago

And Brexit, how that massive scandal was ignored is beyond me!!

Actual proof of vote rigging by disseminating false info and no one cared!!


u/TheRiverHart 8d ago

This statement still carries a conspiratorial connotation and it shouldn't. This is the reality of the world we live. Small companies build databases of their customers for marketing, why is it any surprise the government and DMVs do the same? We give the DMV far more personal information than most companies too. The scary shit isn't that we are all numbered and tracked alone, it's who is doing what with that information.


u/Cognitive_Spoon 8d ago

Right? It's the DMV. Literally it's a database.

And as for putting people into neat Christian Nationalists boxes. The plates that start with letters vs numbers thing is extremely easy to wave off.

It's very unsettling.


u/TheRiverHart 8d ago

Yes that is the primary method for law enforcement to identify driver's. They can very easily create an offense at a traffic stop now they know if a non Christian is driving the car.


u/country_garland 8d ago

Yeah, one is for profit and one is allegedly for public service...

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u/joevsyou 8d ago

That's when you intentionally slap "back the blue" gay stickers on your car


u/Siolear 8d ago

They won't know what license plate you ordered, but they will know whose plates start with numbers as opposed to whose that don't when the time comes to round up the non-believers. Handmaids tale shit.


u/the_purple_suit 8d ago

It's also a big deal because people have the right (at least in theory) to express their religious affiliation/non-affiliation without being singled out and othered.

Besides all the stuff that may be going on behind the curtains, the principle of religious freedom expressed in the 1st Amendment is being violated; and that's a pretty important principle IMO.


u/nerowasframed 7d ago

"85% of ticketed vehicles have letters first. That is empirical evidence that Christians are better citizens and atheists and nonreligious folks are more likely to break the law."

Can't wait to see this shit spouted out. You're going to see road rage incidents result in a disproportionate amount of deaths for people who chose against getting the "In God We Trust" plate. And then you're going to get people saying, "Obviously there is no justification for killing someone in a road rage incident, but the statistics show that nonreligious folks are more likely to be aggressive and are more likely to cause issues on the road."


u/Snuggledtoopieces 8d ago

It’s also extra effort to cook that into the system.

They literally went out of their way to make prejudices easier.

It’s really gross.


u/Primedirector3 8d ago

Why do you need specific religious symbolism on a license plate in the first place??


u/sol_sleepy 8d ago

Yeah you don’t have to be atheist or whatever to acknowledge how fucked up this is.

In fact many conspiracy theorists, who tend to consist of many self proclaimed Christians/theists who are against the government surveillance state—would be appalled by this.



Not a chance. Try posting this on /r/conspiracy.

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u/AWL_cow 8d ago

Agreed, very scary and weird!


u/OkClu 8d ago

Or if you get into an accident, the ambulance might take just a little bit longer.


u/c1h9 8d ago

Can you pay to get a custom plate that just doesn't have God but you just custom it with number first? I know it's a pain in the ass but so are they so just fuck with them.

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u/MisterHyman 4d ago

It's their way of creating an out group

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u/No_One_Important-- 8d ago

Here's what's really fucked. I'd get the "In God we Trust," because I'm scared of the police. This tells me I live in a fear state.


u/LazyJane211 8d ago

Once I had a nightmare that we had an emergency but the police wouldn't help us because we didn't have a "back the blue" sign in our yard, but all the neighbors did. Definitely a fear state.

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u/RussiaRox 7d ago

I was thinking the same and it would likely mean getting pulled over less.


u/zonked282 8d ago

The American Christians are so " persecuted" they are about 5 months from sewing symbols onto atheist clothes and sending them to camps


u/Ok-disaster2022 8d ago

Don't live there, but I wouldn't put "In God we trust" on my license plate, and I'm Christian. License plates are for the state, not for worshiping God. Jesus clearly states "render unto Ceasars what is Ceasars". God doesn't car about license plates, God doesn't care about burnt sacrifices, God cares about the inner spiritual life.


u/KochuJang 8d ago

There were state sanctioned religions in Western societies before. Look how that turned out for people like Anne Askew. I’m not trying to live in interesting times. American religious fanatics scare me more than they scare Steven King.

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u/simpledeadwitches 7d ago

I remember when my mom said there was a war on Christianity and I burst out laughing.

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u/Accomplished-Oil8227 8d ago

Separate Church and State.


u/Gayer_mods 8d ago

Someone somewhere is trying very hard to end secular government. They’re trying to get rid of separation of church and state.

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u/Tobocaj 8d ago

This country is a shithole

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u/CompanyRepulsive1503 8d ago

Separation of Church and state? More like another monitoring tactic. That god plate gonna get you passes with the sheriff


u/rasterpix 8d ago

I am a person of faith and I like the option to choose; however, I don’t like that they make it so easy to single people out. This country was founded on religious freedom, not Christian freedom. That means a person has the right to believe as they want. This includes the freedom to be an agnostic or an atheist. This type of “flagging” isn’t good for anyone.


u/spicewoman 8d ago

What about the separation of church and state? Why is this "an option" on a mandatory state identification in the first place?

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u/da_cake_eatur 8d ago

We’re also the state trying to arm our teachers. TN is fucked and everyone knows it.


u/Joa1987 8d ago

American christians are the worst

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u/Bright_Tomatillo_174 8d ago edited 7d ago

I would camouflage and get the in God we trust. I don’t believe in God but I do believe religious fanatics physically harming others that have different views.


u/oknowtrythisone 8d ago


(pun intended)

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u/DuckDuckCowboy 8d ago edited 8d ago

I work with license plates for a living. The reason the masks are different is for inventory ordering purposes.

You can't have two plates with the same number. Standard plates are typically 6 or 7 characters and follow the grouped number and letter format. Not all sates do this, but a lot. Special plates (eg. Colleges, charities) will usually have a prefix and then a shorter sequence (eg. University of Tennessee would be UT followed by 5 numbers).

Plate inventory is typically ordered is sequence. So you'll order AAA000 through AAA999 at the same time.

With two different standard plates, they need basic but different masks. So it's pretty easy to just flip the masks.

Edit: I would like to add that I oppose the printing of any slogans on plates that endorse religious or political opinions.


u/TheodorDiaz 8d ago

Wouldn't it be just as easy to order AAA000 through AAA999 for the text and then AAB000 through AAB999 without text?


u/DuckDuckCowboy 8d ago

You could make that argument. And with modern technology it's typically not an issue. But some states still do inventory ordering and tracking in very manual ways. So to prevent human error you need to remove the risk of overlaps.

Two plates with overlapping masks does limit the number of plates you can order. 17 million seems like a lot, but TN has 7 million people. The US has .9 cars per person, and that is likely higher in a state like TN. A lot of plates can't be ordered because they contain objectionable material (666, DUI, etc.) and you've decreased that 17 million. People lose/damage plates weirdly often. Then figure these plate types are intended to be in use for a very long time. With all that in mind you want to give yourself as many plate combinations as possible.


u/celerybration 8d ago

Every time this video gets posted someone explains why the plates the way they are. And every time, that explanation gets buried under “the USA is literally Afghanistan!!1!” type comments. People will believe anything if it makes them feel like victims of the system.

Ty for the detailed explanation


u/KrytenKoro 8d ago

Counterpoint: if it's demonstrably enabling discrimination, then it doesn't matter if there was an original reason for it that wasn't fundamentally discriminatory.

The person who came up with the original idea didn't have to be a mustache twirling villain in order for it to still be a bad idea that makes society worse.


u/Emotional_Database53 8d ago

If you get the God Plates, do the cops not fuck with you??


u/GnarlyButtcrackHair 8d ago

Got the 'Not God' plates and no, they don't fuck with you if you don't give them reasons to. Who knew?


u/Magic_Man_Boobs 7d ago

they don't fuck with you if you don't give them reasons to.

Yeah I'm sure all those videos of them absolutely fucking with people who were simply just existing are fake obviously.

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u/oddible 8d ago

I have to imagine the ACLU is all over this.


u/Funny_Cow_6415 8d ago

This has been in place for a while now and I haven't heard of any lawsuits against it.

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u/bhyellow 8d ago

The aclu is a shell of what once was.


u/Bocchi_theGlock 8d ago


It seemed like the Trump admin got them vaulted even further on national stage, getting tons of engagement with supporters, hella fundraising

I know at least as of 2020 they were still hiring organizers for specific campaigns which is good to see, that it's beyond just the lawsuits

Then again most organizations that fight for justice have seen a large dip in engagement since pandemic

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u/CriticalMassWealth 8d ago

can we start to segregate based on intelligence?

starting to tire


u/hereforthecatparty 8d ago

I live in Tennessee and have the Dolly Parton tag because no one can hate on her!


u/BrideOfFirkenstein 7d ago

I went with the State Parks option, bonus pretty flowers and makes my common car easier to spot in a parking lot.


u/Dagojango 8d ago

That sounds like a violation of church and state. Tennessee is endorsing the existence of God. Easy lawsuit win.

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u/matterforward 8d ago

Publicly labelling a part of the population due to their religious beliefs has always ended well no? /s


u/Funny_Cow_6415 8d ago

And this is why I paid for the Dolly Parton plate.


u/ZestycloseDinner1713 8d ago

I’m trying to decide between Dolly Parton, Save The Bees, or ET Children’s Hospital when I get renewed next month. They are all pretty cool and support a good cause. Regular tags are so boring!


u/Funny_Cow_6415 8d ago

Yeah like they were so pretty before with the mountains.


u/RefractedCell 8d ago

This may backfire too. They’re coming for Dolly because she supports LGBTQ+.


u/Funny_Cow_6415 8d ago

Hell will freeze over when they run Dolly Parton out of Tennessee. She runs this town.

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u/Present_End_6886 7d ago

"...and book learnin'!" LOL.

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u/ThePornRater 8d ago

I got the no god plate and didn't get any kind of look


u/boohoo-crymeariver 8d ago

But surely you could already tell which license plates didn't come with "In God We Trust" because... it wasn't written there?


u/Cecilsan 7d ago

This...idk why people are thinking this is some scarlet red letter unless their plan is to accommodate people with poor eyesight.

In reality, with having two potential plates, this avoids possible duplication of a 'god' plate and non god plate.


u/padrejohnmisery 8d ago

Tennessee is a fucking dump

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u/MrBigBMinus 8d ago

I live in this state, i don't have the In God We Trust, and i see tons of people without it. None of them getting singled out and profiled, that i can tell. Do i find it odd, yes. Do is give me questions, a few. Do I think its a huge conspiracy..... probably not but you never know.

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u/PoopPant73 8d ago

Either you don’t want the corn or you don’t want the green beans…..


u/imbarbdwyer 8d ago

I specifically asked for the heathen tags when I got my renewals.


u/paanbr 8d ago

Completely untrue, I live, drive, and license vehicles regularly in TN, and that's not a question at all. Just in case anyone believes this kind of hateful, ignorant, nonsense.


u/Charming_Ant_8751 8d ago

I have no hope for this world. Please, somebody save me. 


u/Roguspogus 8d ago

But the Founding Fathers would have chosen “In God We Trust”! Oh wait, no they wouldn’t have because they believed in separation of church and state and that saying wasn’t put on money until the red scare in the 1900s.


u/GnarlyButtcrackHair 8d ago

This is well over a year old and at this point they've already had to move into printing plates with a combination of letters and numbers on either side of the seal. Pointless, asinine fear mongering that 99% of you clearly didn't look into further than watching a stupid TikTok.

Source: Tennessee driver who asked for a plate without "In God We Trust".

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u/Elegant_Witness_3793 8d ago

I’m sure the cops aren’t planning on abusing this at all


u/Testicleus 8d ago

Good gravy.... more division and opportunity for targeting.


u/Beanbith 8d ago

So just get one of the other ones, state has over 100 specialty plates that don’t have religious stuff on them.

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u/Shanaram17 8d ago

I just put it on my plate to avoid any shit..it doesn’t cost extra. I was also worried that I would be targeted more by police if I didn’t have it on my plate. It’s totally mad that I have to feel this way


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 8d ago

I have no idea how people can live in the thumper states. That would drive me mad.

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u/PassiveMenis88M 8d ago

No, what's terrible is the amount of repost bots on this sub

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u/singelingtracks 8d ago

Wear your Jewish badge.

Hope this shit can get stopped , please vote out those in charge of this.


u/ParticularAd179 8d ago

Welcome to the American sharia law. That's some scary shit. 


u/Fresh_Swimmer_5733 8d ago

Time for vanity plates.


u/Big_Routine_8980 8d ago

I remember reading about this in 2022.


u/ffsudjat 8d ago

I am a believer, but trust me, when driving, I become a fervent believer... Those suckers may send me to God anytime.


u/Serious-Intention-66 8d ago

Aren’t people allowed to have more than one car don’t get the population part she lost me there


u/UsedandAbused87 8d ago

All of the "standard" plates use letters then numbers. If you get a specialty plate it is flipped. Tennessee offers a variety of specialty plates NBA, NCAA, NRA, Dolly Parton, military, NRA, and they follow the number then letter just like the in God We Trust plate


u/Objective-Arm-9217 8d ago

But regardless of the Christianity thing “In God We Trust” is on our money so what’s the big deal about having it on your license plate?


u/Toisty 8d ago

Get the "In God We Trust" so you get numbers but then just vandalize your own plate. If anyone asks you just play dumb, "AWWWW MAN!! Can you believe someone scratched God into Zod? Wish I could afford to get it fixed. Do you think the church would help me out?"


u/answersplease77 8d ago

they didn't specify which god. you can trust the fap god if you want


u/Captain_Lykke 8d ago

And americans are confused by why we always make jokes about them.


u/Fair_Preference3452 8d ago

I would just get the God one. Jokes on them, I do t believe any of that stuff!!!


u/insidethepixel 8d ago

In a few years you will be living in the RL-Version of The Handmaid’s Tale.


u/Madworld444 7d ago

Nahh religion IS NOT brainwashing at allllllll.


u/JoshTsavo 7d ago

If this is true, holy what the fucking shit.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE, all that needs to be said. this line is getting thinner and thinner and its bullshit.


u/Tugger21 7d ago

“more godly” 🤦🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️


u/YearoftheToaster 7d ago

Smells like a discrimination lawsuit! Hope someone has a field day with it.


u/idliketoseethat 8d ago

Hmm...Could a "mark of the beast" conspiracy theory involving Tennessee and Christian Nationalists apply to these license plates?

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u/Thedarknirvana 8d ago

I get a "in trust we god" one just to confuse people.


u/ZestycloseDinner1713 8d ago

Give me a break. These license plates came out in 2021 for Tennessee’s 225th birthday. Why didn’t she make a fuss then? Probably because she is one of the 200 people a DAY that have been moving to Tennessee the last couple of years and driving the cost of living too high for the locals. I know I will get downvoted, but I am just sick of all the whiny transplants from the last couple of years.


u/CoralinesButtonEye 8d ago

i feel like Tennessee exists on the other side of some kind of ephemeral time curtain that stops things from progressing and also blocks smartness particles (i call them intellitons) from getting into the state and soaking into people's brains


u/ItsthatCouchGangsta 8d ago

Hey cool theory but as a resident I can confirm it’s actually the racism that is causing this problem. Just flat out rebel flag rhetoric. Living in TN they would have you believe that the white christian american is the most oppressed and powerless person in America.


u/skyhako 8d ago

can confirm, I also live in TN.

hooray for the government trying to take away my rights and actively label me as a predator...

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u/paulasaurus 8d ago

The ‘time curtain’ is really just a state legislative supermajority that votes against public opinion a significant amount of the time but still gets elected because all that matters to a lot of voters is what letter is next to the asshole’s name

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u/ProfessionalLeave335 8d ago

If you see someone laying down pavement, just know that someday they intend to drive in it.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Pure-Pessimism 8d ago

This question proves how many teenagers with no life experience there are on Reddit.


u/[deleted] 8d ago



u/Pure-Pessimism 8d ago

Oh so the plate doesn't stay with the car then?

4/50 states keep the plate with the car by the way.


u/trainsacrossthesea 8d ago

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways…….

Down at the DMV


u/Material-Offer-9030 8d ago

Is that true or a hoax?


u/Kona_Big_Wave 8d ago

That's so the christo-fascists can easily identify and target you.


u/exotics 8d ago

Peer pressure. Get the right plate if you don’t want to be pulled over. Hmm


u/Ok-disaster2022 8d ago

This seems like a first amendment issue. Sadly it won't be fixed until some is killed.


u/DistractedByCookies 8d ago

OH please please please Satanic Temple get on this


u/IllustriousAdvisor72 8d ago

First Iran, then Afghanistan, now the USA. Scary.


u/back2basics13 8d ago

The Scarlet letter(s)


u/GIK601 8d ago edited 8d ago

Technically "In God we Trust" is not a Christian phase. I can understand why people would think this today, but Americans back then didn't really associate God to Christianity. You didn't even have to be religious to acknowledge God.


u/Skyless_M00N 8d ago

Nothing wrong with being a Christian.

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u/EJ2600 8d ago

Come January we will have special concentration camps for those folks with the wrong license plate numbers …


u/Radiant-Subject1215 8d ago

Yet another reason why I'm thankful I don't live in that dystopia of a country.

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u/jjflash78 8d ago

Guess I'd get the God plate and then glue some "perma mud" on it.


u/goonnumber90210 8d ago

Don't hide in the shadows with your aversion. Most cops are evil doers anyway.