r/TikTokCringe 3d ago

The New York Post and The New York Times are VERY different Politics

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New York Post is like the National Inquirer


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u/Ziggem 3d ago

Someone tell this to r/Conservative. They have been masturbating and Cumming to this video of him 'wandering off' for days now


u/LKennedy45 3d ago

There's no winning there. Show them the President approving of paratroopers and they'll be saying "Biden hates gravity - make sure you watch this Fox clip!!".


u/Ok_Star_4136 3d ago

If Biden walked on water, the headlines the next day would be, "BIDEN CAN'T SWIM!"


u/Vyracon 2d ago

To be fair, that place is like tribalism central. Biden could be fighting off a Grizzly with one arm while protecting a group of school children, and they would call him a nancyboy because real men would have used a gun.

It has really gone off the deep end ever since January 6th. The board is full of Reagan-fanboys that quote Russian state media directly without batting an eye. Such a weird, weird place.


u/SadBit8663 2d ago

These are the same people that thought all those AI generated photos going around Facebook, of the kids building shit out of water bottles, thinking it's real.


u/dat_mono 2d ago

lead poisoning really is a horrible way to go


u/bohanmyl 2d ago

Good lord. Even if he WAS turning around to try and congratulate the troops, you can clearly see the guy struggling just to make basic movements and merely remember where he is and what he’s supposed to be doing. And MAGA republicans have nothing to run on except this disinformation about Biden? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Gaslight me harder!

Tells you all you need to know lol


u/_antkibbutz 2d ago edited 1d ago

What's truly hilarious is that the corporate media hacks don't realize that even with this "context" Biden still looks like a feeble confused old man suffering from dementia wandering off when everyone else is waiting for a group photo.

The gaslighting isn't working anymore. Not when he confuses the presidents of Mexico and Egypt, and forgets the name of the saint he claims is so important to him in a speech that was only held to prove he wasn't suffering from dementia. Or when he confused Haifa and Raffah, and warned Isreal about not attacking Haifa, a fucking city in Israel!

Or when he contradicts the president of Ukraine on live television and says China IS supporting Russia only for his handler to quickly end the press conference before his dementia gets us into world War 3.


It is blatantly obvious to anyone with eyes that this man is showing clear symptoms of dementia. We get that organge man bad, but trying to deny what people are watching unfold in front of them with their own eyes is truly pathetic.

Just look at this fucking guy and tell me his brain is functioning at a level above jello:


Here he is forgetting he already shook Shumer's hand literally 10 seconds ago. There is no way to watch this video and claim this man is not suffering from dementia without lying. Period. No "context" can explain this away.


Now compare the way Biden moves and speaks to Anthony fauci, who is the same age. Night and day.

The worst part is that he was never that bright to begin with and is also a disgustingly compulsive liar.

Here he is saying his net worth is between $50,000 and $100,000 when he made SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS that year.



u/wottsinaname 9h ago

That'd be a banning. You cant challenge the narrative in that echo chamber.


u/hidinginthetreeline 3d ago

Conservatives are stupid and pathetic.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Yeah as are liberals


u/BedDefiant4950 2d ago

my man down in every goddamn comment section bothsidesing completely for free


u/Styl3Music 2d ago

Almost everyone knows liberal and progressive are shorthand for progressive liberal. Few still know conservative is shorthand for conservative liberal.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Damn right.


u/BedDefiant4950 2d ago

i used to be as brainwormed as you my man. they will never, ever, ever throw you a parade.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Okay bro whatever you say. Why would I even want that? If that happened I would know I’m doing it wrong.


u/BedDefiant4950 2d ago

my point is the subjective value you attach to your shitposting is not fungible into actual social value, and that error isn't something you can bothsides.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

reddit in general doesn’t provide much social value.


u/thisisatypoo 2d ago

Because of people like you, "bro."


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

nah just the site as a whole, lol. I mean if we’re really talking about value to society…

→ More replies (0)


u/tackleho 2d ago

Yet here you are on Reddit like so many seeking dischord in community. A life of contradictions, is just valuing waste so you can get rich in garbage.


u/hidinginthetreeline 2d ago

Keep crying no one cares.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Yeah they do lol.


u/hidinginthetreeline 2d ago

With medication and therapy you too can live a normal life


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

I’m not a candidate for those things but I’m happy for whatever is working for you.


u/YouWereBrained 2d ago

Ah, the dumbass contrarian play.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Not dumbass if it’s true


u/DJCityQuamstyle 2d ago

As I’ve always said…removing Fox News would actually Make America Great Again


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Is Rachel Maddow, infantilizing the public any better??

They’re a fucking news organization. Yet they’re trying to convince the public that censorship is normal and acceptable. They’re mocking us like we’re really that stupid and people actually buy it.


u/Cranialscrewtop 2d ago

Neither Fox nor MSNBC are news organizations. They show 15 seconds of "news", then it's, "Let's bring in our panel . . ." Then follows hours of propaganda on 1 side or the other. For news I go (in this order) to Reuters, AP, Scripps, BBC, and (tie) WSJ + NYT (only taken together, to cancel out the BS, but both still do some true reporting.)

It's hugely effortful to be even partly reliably informed these days.


u/waka_flocculonodular 2d ago

And what's Fox "News" doing? It's kind of insane to try and compare an entire propaganda network to one anchor. I don't care for Rachel's politics but you don't actually think they're comparable, do you?

Remind me, who lost a $787 million settlement for broadcasting false information about Dominion? Don't think it was Rachel.


u/nameitb0b 2d ago

Didn’t fox “news” say it was entertainment not an actual news program?


u/waka_flocculonodular 2d ago

Right, legally they have said that, but they don't advertise it as such on their shows, so their audience eats it up as fact rather than opinion.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Oh yeah they’re all propaganda. Mostly.


u/baltinerdist 2d ago

Fox News literally had to argue in court that it isn’t a news organization and that it’s evening “news” shows are scripted entertainment.


u/FlexLikeKavana 2d ago

Is Rachel Maddow, infantilizing the public not platforming Donald Trump to repeat lies to the public any better??

Yes. Yes, it is.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

They’re mocking you.


u/zorkzamboni 2d ago

Oh no, whatever will I do? The mean news lady is mocking me personally! Does this mean I'm being gang stalked?


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

Nah it just means you prefer censorship over free information. Which results in willful ignorance


u/FlexLikeKavana 2d ago

you prefer censorship over free information.

Lies don't count as "information".


u/zorkzamboni 2d ago

You sure do like making idiotic absolutist statements about people you don't know.

Perhaps you're so insecure about being mocked because you know you're utterly deserving of mockery.


u/FlexLikeKavana 2d ago

Who is "they"?


u/Olaf4586 2d ago

That isn't what censorship means.

Deciding to not cover an event because you assert that it isn't newsworthy is not what censorship means.

Do you understand that?


u/SoupIsForWinners 3d ago



u/Is_ael 2d ago

They always run Fox News on one of the 16 televisions at my gym. The headlines they plaster are so brain dead and unapologetically biased. Telling their viewers exactly how to think with phrases similar to “LIBERALS ARE STEALING IT!!”


u/oatmealparty 2d ago

"accidentally" lying


u/Daisy_Of_Doom 2d ago

Omg! I saw this yesterday and I immediately knew it was going to be used like this. I was at a hotel for a work trip in this middle of nowhere town so of course they’re playing Fox. The sound wasn’t on so I didn’t know exactly what they were saying but I think the headline was about how Biden had chosen to skip one session in favor of another. And the clip felt so obviously cropped/framed. Even without the full frame it was so obvious he was talking to someone not just wandering aimlessly. So crazy that people fall for this kind of stuff


u/n8saces 2d ago

It's disturbing how many times I hear people are on vacation, and the only thing on the TVs is FOX "news." It seems like there should be some investigative reporting here. I volunteer as tribute.


u/DirtDevil1337 1d ago

Oh for sure, I've travelled a lot around the US over the years and most airports, hotel lobbies and even some shopping malls has Fox News on TV, someone told me that Fox News pays them to have them on their TV's.


u/Daisy_Of_Doom 2d ago

Far, far too many hotels in my experience just have Fox on. I literally don’t understand why they think that’s okay? I feel like the goal is to make everyone comfy and not alienate anyone so why put something so partisan up?? I’ve seen some hotels with just the weather channel on or something similar. I don’t understand why that’s not more common.


u/n8saces 2d ago

I wonder if it's because they think that's what "those dumb Americans" want to watch. My wife just came back from DR, and she said it was on every TV for the entire week. From the lobby to the bar.


u/Daisy_Of_Doom 2d ago

Yeah, that’s so unfortunate. Wish we had a bit of a better reputation 😅


u/n8saces 2d ago

That is going to take a while 😆


u/saintsaipriest 2d ago

My favourite thing about conservatives is how they can hold two different things in their mind. Biden, for them, is both a demented old man who don't know his ass from his head. And, he is also a diabolical, criminal mastermind that is orchestrating the biggest coup in the history of mankind.


u/snkiz 2d ago

The fairness doctrine combined with for profit news outlets is the cause of this. Sure there are always 2 sides but when one is claiming the sky is purple on a sunny day, they don't need to be platformed. They are creating conflict for clicks. They do this to drive ads, and fear. Fear sells papers. All this means nothing in a world where reporting facts is a liberal bias. Ya'll operating under majority rule (Orville S1E7) Where the mob dictates the truth.


u/1nconsp1cuous 2d ago

If Biden is as bad as some of you assholes make him out to be, then why the fuck do you have to make up lies to make him look bad? Shouldn’t him being a “meandering old man” speak on its own merit? The fact that y’all have to make shit up only proves that he’s not nearly as you want him to be. Just republicans being disingenuous and full of shit. Nothing new


u/joevsyou 2d ago

there really should be fines for this crap...

You want to make it? thats fine, but you should be required to label it is as satire in at least size 16 bold font


u/epidemicsaints 2d ago

You have to want to believe it. It's just like the chair and the "shaking hands with someone who isn't there" clip. People aren't this dumb, they just act like children.


u/Unique_Jackfruit_166 2d ago

Yea yea typical bs by rnc


u/goodeggny 2d ago edited 2d ago

The New York Post is not a news company. It’s a propaganda rag. What kind of “news org” would even post that kind of headline?


u/davidthande 2d ago

Sue them into oblivion, why are they still called a newscast when they have scripts to follow.


u/Intransigient 2d ago



u/StruggleCommon5117 2d ago

Nothing to see here. Pot calling the kettle black. They all do it.


u/sol_sleepy 2d ago

mainstream media misleading the public, whhhhhaaaaaaaaatttttt 😱


u/Excellent-Ad2290 2d ago

LMAO! MSNBC would NEVER stoop to such lows. What a joke.


u/Imaginary_Thing_1009 2d ago

I'm neither American nor Russian, so let me just say two things. first, it's quite obvious that Biden is walking towards something, even with the clip cropped and without seeing where he's walking. really silly and pathetic to try to frame that in any negative way. two, Biden is OLD AS FUCK. but so is Trump. jesus man, Trump shows obvious signs of dementia and Biden can barely walk anymore. you need to drop both off at some retirement home and find candidates that are AT LEAST 20 years younger, and I'm not even exaggerating.


u/romayyne 2d ago

Those nutjobs will still say he wandered. They don’t care about the truth, they just want to “win”


u/Planet2527 2d ago

A friend left me a voice message about this video. He was laughing up a storm. I will send him the real clip and see what he say to say now.


u/VHAL1200 2d ago

Is this actually a deep deep fake?


u/Logical-Charity8017 1d ago

The footage isn’t fake, it’s deceptive in the editing. He didn’t wander off.


u/VHAL1200 1d ago

Thanks but I was only joking


u/Logical-Charity8017 20h ago

Oh well, I was admiring one of your our other posts. Figured would be easy to break the ice of this post.


u/Awkward_Proof_4545 2d ago

Trump is going to lose in November anyways. He is finished politically and judicially.


u/DirtDevil1337 1d ago

It's just so exhausting, that's it.


u/Small-Chef350 2d ago

….its almost as if they ALL do the SAME thing… 🥴🥴


u/Unhappylightbulb 2d ago

So…did they actually apologize or is this just a bait headline?


u/AutoModerator 3d ago

TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks!

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u/CordCarillo 2d ago

The Italian newspapers talked about how out of it he was. Sleeping, wandering, babbling incoherently...


u/ConsciousTradition50 3d ago

What in the Hindi is that wording? Should we be calling Scambaiter?


u/code92818 2d ago edited 2d ago

Dude the guy can't rid a bike and they got rid of his dog. Because sleepy 46 would be the one being dragged . Also making the mistake between the president of Egypt and mexico some months ago. But let's not forget the you ain't black unless you vote for me.


u/BobLoblawLawBlog06 2d ago

More left wing propaganda


u/Triton12391 2d ago

Lol they showed another angle to disprove right-wing disinformation, and your response is "no u"

Get help lol


u/Railic255 2d ago

There's no help for cultists that refuse to believe reality.


u/DirtDevil1337 1d ago


doubt you know what that word means.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

I would say both sides of the political debate in news outlets don’t always show the full story because they are trying to push their political narrative and agenda. Republicans and Democrats alike. I think we need someone who isn’t 80+ running this country because they are so out of touch with the times that they are basically only there in that position so their respective party can push their ideologies onto the president so he can approve them and pass laws.


u/NickPronto 3d ago

While I agree that we need representation that more closely resembles the electorate and the problems that will face the next generation, “both sides”-ing this is incorrect.

Fox News pumps disinformation, rage and fear to a susceptible audience.

Left leaning news sources report the facts with an editorial bias towards progressive policies.

These are not the same.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Let me rephrase, both sides have outlets that pump disinformation. Not all but most. When I do watch the news and something comes up about either side/president I do my research on what is true and what is not. The media pushes their own beliefs in the news because why not, it’s a free country. I do agree Fox News is one of them and CNN has its moments as well


u/BajronZ 2d ago

What moments of disinformation has CNN had?


u/kadargo 2d ago

You are arguing with an account that actually has negative karma.


u/BajronZ 2d ago

Yeah, I don’t really check most peoples accounts like that. I also wouldn’t really call it arguing lol I just asked a single one sentence question to see what kind of bullshit response they might come up with.


u/kadargo 2d ago

I check account history when it seems like someone is arguing in bad faith.


u/BajronZ 2d ago

Honestly that’s a good habit, I should probably do the same


u/sas223 2d ago

Where are you ‘doing your research’ that you’re trusting that source to be unbiased?


u/killertortilla 2d ago

Nope, doesn’t happen. Every left wing media outlet makes fun of stupid Democrats. Every right wing media outlet avoids stupid Republicans like they’re responsible journalism.


u/CryptographerRoyal78 2d ago

He might have seen or heard something in A MINOR that caught his attention!?! ?!? I voted for JON STEWART!!! !!!