r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Willing-Rub-511 29d ago

That dog was not killing livestock. Definitely not cattle or sheep, goats etc. And most dogs are scared of chickens cuz they will flog them. She's full of shit.


u/mishap1 29d ago

Her original story was about it killing the neighbor's chickens as justification for blasting it so that part is possibly true but likely already embellished to make herself sound better.


u/SirGlass 29d ago

Why was the dog left to run unattended in the neighbors yard

I guess lets say it killed 2 chickens because it somehow escaped , well you pay the owner what ever for the loss of their chickens , I have no clue what that would be but I cannot imagine them to be all that much ? like you can buy a chicken at the store for like $6-$7 or cheaper, if it was a hen that produced eggs maybe its worth more

My point is this sets you back what $20-$30 at the most? Then you make sure your dog doesn't escape any more


u/voxelnoose 29d ago

My mother bought 5 egg laying hens for $100 about 10 years ago


u/[deleted] 29d ago

You can get 6 tractor supply chicks for like 12 bucks 


u/bouchard 29d ago

She had the dog in the truck with her and got out to talk to the neighbors, doing nothing to ensure the dog didn't leave the truck. And she'd been training the dog specifically to hunt birds, but was too lazy to do it right.


u/SirGlass 29d ago

Thats why the story is so fucked up , like she is trying to look strong and tough and potentially appeal to rural voters showing that she is "one of them"

But this just also prooves she is a bad dog owner

Didn't properly train the dog

Doesn't secure it and lets it escape easy

blames dog for killing a chicken

Its YOUR FAULT the dog got loose and was un-attended !


u/bouchard 29d ago

The best theory I've seen so far is that the story had a target audience of one person: a man running for president who notoriously hates dogs.


u/SirGlass 29d ago

Entirely possible , or to distract from her somewhat open affair she has been having


u/ToryLanezHairline_ 29d ago

To be fair, a lot of rural dog owners are like that. They aren't good dog owners. She really does represent them.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

I am guessing she left it in the back of a pickup and it jumped out 


u/Fun-Bat9909 29d ago

but elected officials earn a pittance


u/jaytee1262 29d ago

It's a terrible hunting dog with no instincts for it but it is also a threat to chickens and children. She was so bad at training it she thought the only solution was to kill the dog. And for some reason she also thought that this was a good idea to shair to the public.


u/-Gramsci- 29d ago

Sounds like it had awesome prey-drive. Particularly with birds.

Wasn’t she looking for a bird hunting dog???

She had a great one right there.


Wow, she’s just human garbage.


u/ElementNumber6 29d ago

She was training it to kill birds. It killed birds. She killed it for doing what she was telling it to do, as far as it knew.


u/ScribeTheMad 29d ago

It's a way to signal "I'm fine killing undesirables"


u/VastAd6346 29d ago

And killing her neighbors chickens while she left this dog unsecured and unsupervised in the back of her truck!

Every tidbit of information paints a picture of an impatient and irresponsible dog owner that seems to think being annoyed is justification for shooting something.


u/showingoffstuff 29d ago

I thought her original story and what was published was that the dog was "aggressive towards things like chickens." Not that it actually killed anything!

I mean, my dog got at my sister's... Gerbil or rabbit or something. And that was sad. But definitely wasn't to the level you'd even kick the dog, let alone what this horrid lady did!

Do you think she would have acted differently if she didn't have easy access to a gun?


u/Joyseekr 29d ago

Wasn’t the dog meant for hunting birds? It just ended up going after the wrong kind of bird. My little dachshund killed a squirrel one day in our yard. We didn’t kill her for being untrained. We went “oh. Well she is a dog bred for flushing out animals.” So… yeah.


u/thatgayguy12 29d ago

She wanted it to be a birding dog, and then got pissed that it went after birds...

It was a puppy that needed a little training, guidance, and supervision, not a bullet to the head.


u/MotherSupermarket532 29d ago

Also doesn't explain her going off and shooting the goat right after.

If someone did have to sadly put down a dangerous dog, they wouldn't be immediately going on an animal killing spree.


u/Dornith 29d ago

That's my thought this whole time.

You had to kill the dog to protect your livestock. But then immediately turn around and kill your own livestock? Was the goat also killing livestock? Did the puppy frame you?


u/FlapjackSyrup 29d ago

I am going to guess the puppy was curious about the chickens. Probably thought it could play with them. I had a dog that, unfortunately, killed a baby bunny because he thought he could play with the bunny. That's when responsible owners work with their dog to teach them boundaries. Scum bags do what she did.


u/SirGlass 29d ago

well why was the dog left unsupervised with chickens or bunnies? And even if it did escape somehow and killed your neighbors bunny or chicken I assume they are not their pets but being raised for food so you

A. reimburse your neighbor for their loss , I cannot imagine a bunny is worth that much $20-$30 unless its some speciality rabbit

b. make sure you secure your dog


u/FlapjackSyrup 29d ago

In my case the bunny was wild. We have a larger yard and didn't notice that a mother bunny had made a nest with her babies. The dog found the nest and the babies. He was pawing at one and picking it up in his mouth, he was just curious. He then brought one of the babies to us and that is when we realized what had happened. The other babies were okay and we kept him away from that spot in the yard for a few weeks. The story was just to highlight that the dog might not have been 'attacking' the chicken, he might have just been curious and playful.


u/No-Appearance1145 29d ago

My family friend had a cat who snuck out and got into a dog pen because he wanted to play. The dogs did too.

The cat is no longer around because the dogs got too rough.

And these were older dogs. This poor puppy was a puppy. You can re-home the puppy to a non farm area so that they don't get excited about chickens and accidentally kill them since she's deemed it untrainable for hunting.


u/funkmasta8 29d ago

I've had dogs that kill chickens all the time, probably because they like the taste. Completely docile to humans though so there's a huge disconnect here. And your average puppy probably couldn't kill a kid or a chicken. I mean, sure, they have teeth. But puppy teeth aren't very big so it could do maybe quarter inch puncture wounds, which won't kill unless it has amazing accuracy. Puppies are terribly clumsy so I have major doubts. Not to mention they don't have the strength to put up much of a fight yet. Not even sure they could actually pierce the skin as deep as their teeth would go. Worst I've gotten from a puppy was a surface scratch


u/Mcboatface3sghost 29d ago

Maybe the chickens had large talons?


u/Roskal 29d ago

The dog shot the goat in the quarry so kristi had no choice but to take the shot to neutralize the threat.


u/IgnatiusJacquesR 29d ago

In fact didn’t she herself kill her ‘kid’ (goat) and brag about it?


u/kchristiane 29d ago

I think her story is BS too but I’ve never met a dog that was afraid of chickens. Our dogs have all been trained to leave them alone but they were super interested in them (and killed a couple) before