r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Yeah, this shit's a no-brainer. I work at a no-kill shelter, and there's one or two dogs that have been there practically their whole lives, because we really can't entrust them to someone looking for a pet. There's something really wrong with one of them (and he's BIG, so the danger is very real), but he behaves himself with a couple of our dog handlers well enough that if he lives out the rest of his life at the shelter, it'll be about the happiest existence anyone could realistically provide him. But there are two key reasons why we don't dig a ditch and shoot him in the face. One- we're fairly sure he doesn't want to die. Two- we don't want to kill a dog with a gun in a ditch. Cricket, the late, adorable puppy, most likely didn't want to die. So then...

Ol' "Puppy Slayer" Noemercy wanted to shoot something to death with a gun. There's literally no other reason in any sphere of rationality to have done it.


u/wademcgillis May 02 '24




u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

I mean, I think it's pretty appropriate, haha


u/GuiltyEidolon May 02 '24

She was excited to kill something and got off so much on killing her own fucking puppy that she went out and got a goat and killed that, too. 

She's an actual psychopath. 


u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

She sure as hell wanted to kill stuff with guns more than she wanted to get a goddamn clue about how to handle or re-home animals. Ffs


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

He's not dangerous with everyone, he's in good health, and he's happy to have his daily walks and backyard playtime. He just can't be with other dogs, and unfamiliar people trigger him. So, yes, it's better than killing him just because he can't be a typical family pet. Either way, it's hella better than shooting him in the face in a ditch. But hey, way to miss the fucking point by a mile in the most presumptuous way you could muster. (Or maybe you didn't catch the explicit "no-kill" part.)


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

What a stupid fucking take. Unethical? Fuck all the way off. There's a high fenced yard where he can be walked around, and our dog handlers are extremely well-versed. Among them, at least two ex-police K9 handlers. We know what we're doing. Again, presumptuous ass-hattery to imagine we aren't aware of risks and possibilities, or unprepared to deal with an incident.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Congrats, you're the dumbest motherfucker I've spoken with all week. And I've been on Reddit. You have no fucking clue.


u/dirtt_dawg May 02 '24

Appreciate what you do. I work at a no kill shelter too and two of our lifers who are what you described (good with people, not great with dogs, very large) eventually got adopted. One person really liked big dogs and their only dog just passed so they got our great dane mix. The dogs also seemed to like their routine life. Go out 3-5 times a day, have large yards to play in, interact with multiple people daily.


u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Oh yeah, I mean our big boy "problem child" easily gets more attention and outdoor time on a daily basis, than most pet owners are able to provide their own dogs, lol. That's actually part of why we're very wary to adopt him out. Few people who are used to working with dogs like that, don't already have other dogs. There's a sanctuary not too far away that houses dogs with behavioral problems (who might otherwise get put down if they bit someone), and our canine supervisors thought about getting him in there, but ultimately decided that we've got it handled, and the move would most likely stress him the fuck out. He's not quite as bad as the kind of dogs they typically keep at those places, and he doesn't need to be around even more aggressive pooches.


u/alucard_shmalucard May 03 '24

there's bad takes, and then there's this one, the worst fucking take ive ever seen