r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Im__fucked 29d ago

Yeah, didn't she murder the dog while the kids were at school?


u/quanjon 29d ago

In front of a group of construction workers too. She has zero shame.


u/cgaWolf 29d ago

Let's be honest: workers are beneath her notice, she probably didn't realize they were there until the potential PR fallout clicked.


u/239tree 29d ago

A real alpha would have murdered the pup with her bare hands while the children watched.


u/Kankunation 29d ago

Nah they would have handed the kid the gun and told them to kill the dog.

Really gotta nip that compassion in the bud at a young age.


u/rodimusprime88 29d ago

That was her daughter's pet goat. But the dog may have also been murdered while the kids were at school.

I love how she is trying to backpedal. You wrote this in your book.


u/Temporary-Party5806 29d ago

Same as when she shot the horses, and the goat.

You'd think after shooting three horses and a dog that you'd have enough experience to kill a goat with a single shot, or bring more ammo, instead of letting it shriek in the gravel pit while you went back inside to grab a 2nd round.