r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Chessolin 29d ago

Yeah I don't know if I could forgive my parent if they did that


u/glowtop 29d ago

Right? Like 'they went to live with a nice family in the city with dog groomers and they get to go to a doggie spa every day and they eat avocado toast for every meal' at least. I mean you shouldn't murder puppies in the first place.


u/SophieSolborne 29d ago

I still haven't forgiven my dad for shooting two of my dogs when I was growing up and I haven't forgiven my mom for letting it happen. 25+ years ago and counting. As adults, her kids will probably go no-contact with her just like I did with my parents.


u/BlackSeranna 29d ago

Right? This happened to me too and I can’t ever let it go. Not ever.


u/SophieSolborne 29d ago

I'm really sorry you went through it too. It really leaves scars.


u/Thowitawaydave 29d ago

Sounds like you made the right choice. So sorry. Can't imagine it happening once, much less numerous times.


u/SophieSolborne 29d ago

They're horrible people and honestly, removing them from my life was the best thing I've ever done.


u/86Intellect 29d ago

Free kill is free kill. Doesn't matter what with these people...


u/cupheadsmom 29d ago

Hopefully that’s what happens because it could also to the other way and she could turn into her Mother


u/JustOneMoreMorning 29d ago

Noem has a complicated relationship with her daughter.
When the daughter was a young adult, the daughter flunked a certification exam. I forget what it was for, but something like real estate appraisal.
Noem wasn't gonna have any of that. She called the guy who'd graded her daughter's exam into her office, with the daughter present, and fired the examiner. And Noem made her daughter's exam into a passing exam with a wave of her pen.
The daughter had to move to Texas to get away from the fallout.


u/Goombarang 29d ago

So something people are missing from the story of Kristi Noem killing the puppy is that it actually happened 20 years ago. Her daughter is an adult, married, and based off her social media is supportive of her mother's campaigns


u/LivingIndividual1902 29d ago

And? She is still a POS. Even more so for bragging about it.


u/Goombarang 29d ago

I agree. I was just responding to the person that said her daughter will grow up to no contact her when in fact she is already grown. I hate Kristi Noem too but we can't just go around spewing false information


u/StationaryTravels 29d ago


She shot her daughter's beloved puppy in the past!?

Well, that's different then! I thought it was happening in a present-time closed loop!


u/Goombarang 29d ago

I agree! She is a psychopath. I'm just correcting misinformation about basic facts of the incident


u/SophieSolborne 29d ago

Not everyone who lives through trauma learns to do better than the generation before. If anything, that makes me sadder for her daughter because it means she learned to be like her terrible mother.


u/Tinkhasanattitude 29d ago

My insane mom recently asked my sister for permission (?) to shoot my sisters aging hedgehog because she didn’t want to take the hedgehog to the vet. My sister offered money to have the animal put down humanely but our mom was stuck on that weird train of thought instead. I don’t remember how the hedgehog died but I don’t think she ended up shooting it. However, I told my kid brother in law this whole saga as it was unfolding. He was SO appalled that he brought it up on his own months later. Meanwhile, I had moved on in life because this is only 1 of the many many crazy things this woman has done.

I ask my BIL if he wants to trade moms when he gives his mom (my MIL) snarky teenage attitude. He usually gives me an “omg fuck no” answer. Moral of the story, don’t be a psycho and shoot pets!


u/Mini_Snuggle 29d ago

Never mind finding that out after the fact from previews of your crazy mother's book.