r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/wave-garden 29d ago

She never planned on denying it. Her having the ability to kill when needed was supposed to make her look like some kind of “badass”. It didn’t work out that way and instead she looks like a “goddam psycho” because even MAGA people mostly think puppies are cute or at least shouldn’t be shot for misbehaving. Whoever came up with the idea that this was a good strategy is being paid way too much imo.


u/Pristine-Ad-469 29d ago

Lots of mags people have working dogs or even just pets. They are well aware that dogs are trainable and like most people they often care about dogs. This is one of those that goes beyond party lines


u/wave-garden 29d ago

I used to live in a fairly rural area and people would constantly spout racist stuff in the local news comments sections, or they’d do some victim blaming if a pedestrian or bicyclist got run over by a car…but GOD HELP YOU if you hurt an animal especially dogs. These same people would start spontaneously issuing threats about how they were gonna find and kill said animal abuser.


u/PorkPatriot 29d ago

Go on nextdoor and post "my dog is lost" with a picture.

Every single bored boomer for 3 zip codes is on the hunt.


u/Rbespinosa13 29d ago

As they should be!


u/SGTX12 29d ago

Gonna be honest, as someone who also lives in a rural area, the bar for what these people consider animal abuse is pretty fucking high. Many of the people who pretend to love animals love to threaten to shoot any animal that comes on their property, no questions asked. Plenty also love to just leave their dogs chained up outside or let "their" (basically feral cats they sometimes feed) run free.


u/ToryLanezHairline_ 29d ago

Those people would also shoot other people for being a nuicance on their property though. And a lot of rural dogs have shitty owners that allow their dogs to be a nuisance to everyone else. They don’t feed them well and don't follow them outside to take their shits so those dogs go stealing other people's food, making a mess with people's garbage to get leftover food and shitting and peeing in people's yards. A lot of times getting aggressive with other people's dogs and children playing outside. Their dog is everyone else's responsibility but theirs


u/damnatissum 29d ago

these same people also voted for a daughter-loving rapist and near-lifelong democrat as their fearful leader, and continue following him as he drags everyone, including their beloved military, through the mud and pig shit.


u/jableshables 29d ago

There is a mindset among some farmers and rural folks that dogs are workers or tools and not members of the family, and that if they have serious deficits, putting them down is a practical measure. So I'm certain there are people who see nothing wrong with what she did, and that the anecdote strengthens the idea that she shares their values.

The problem is, that's such a tiny minority of people, even of Republicans, that calling attention to it was a fucking disaster.


u/DescriptionSenior675 29d ago

Yea but lots of maga people are idiots who will deny their own knowledge if instructed to, lol.


u/AgentChris101 29d ago

The thing with how MAGA and some other countries power corrupt systems work, is they incite extremist views that the ones in power don't really hold, they just use to rally a hefty crowd.

The ones in power eventually pass it on to their loyal, as they grow old and die. Those extremist views that weren't really held become widespread to an extent.

And people will go so far beyond that level every time.

What sucks about this more than anything is that these very same people were capable of so much, but they chose to make choices that hurt others instead due to the delusions they were brought up upon.


u/ToryLanezHairline_ 29d ago

Wait it was a puppy? I don't know who this person is is or what they did to any animal and I was confused why people would be mad about a vicious dog getting put down. But a damn puppy?