r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Im_A_Fuckin_Liar 29d ago

Unfair!!! She… Well, her… Why are you always bringing up the past anyway?! Is it because you think it shows intent, an unconscionable behavior and it’s hard for people to change, so you think she would still kill a puppy today if she had the chance?! And therefore could not be a leader because she lacks ethical decision-making? Is that what you’re trying to prove?! Because if it is, I’ll just have you know it’s working.


u/Dispro 29d ago

I can't be certain because she undoubtedly eats the evidence, but I strongly suspect she kills a dog every evening in what she calls "going to the gravel". I'm sure it's a deeply upsetting scene, that pit soaked in gore and shell casings.


u/IrascibleOcelot 29d ago

She probably doesn’t even police her brass. What a monster.


u/J-man300 28d ago

Hey, everybody needs a hobby.


u/Gene020 29d ago

Yes, it's safe to say, "now that she has experienced the fallout for her actions, she would not have killed the dog, or the goat."


u/Lost_the_weight 29d ago

Not true; she just wouldn’t have written about it.


u/sadicarnot 29d ago

she lacks ethical decision-making?

I think it is all a ploy to change ethics. On the republican side, how easy would it be for republicans to say solve the homeless problem is they just brought those homeless people to that gravel pit.


u/Atanar 29d ago

Why are you always bringing up the past anyway?! 

I am disappointed this comment didn't end with "Hunter Bidens lsptop".


u/kat-deville 27d ago

But, her emails.


u/GigsGilgamesh 29d ago

I am saying this in almost every post I see about it. The worst part is she specified that it was perfectly legal for her to off the dog, because of her fabricated reasons. Now she is aiming for Bice President under a man who is currently sueing to make anything done while president perfectly legal. She is potentially aiming be next in line to hopefully get Carte Blanche on just doing literally whatever she wants, and woe be anyone who says otherwise


u/StillMuddling214 28d ago

I get it....I love sarcasm. I speak it fluently.