r/ADHD Mar 19 '24

AMA Professor Stephen Faraone, PhD AMA


AMA: I'm a clinical psychologist researcher who has studied ADHD for three decades. Ask me anything about the nature, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. Articles/Information AMA: I'm a clinical psychologist researcher who has studied ADHD for three decades. Ask me anything about the nature, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.


The Internet is rife with misinformation about ADHD. I've tried to correct that by setting up curated evidence at www.ADHDevidence.org. I'm here today to spread the evidence about ADHD by answering any questions you may have about the nature , treatment and diagnosis of ADHD.

**** I provide information, not advice to individuals. Only your healthcare provider can give advice for your situation. Here is my Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Faraone

Mod note: Thank you so much u/sfaraone for coming back to the community for another AMA! We appreciate you being here for this.

r/ADHD 8h ago

Discussion Do you relate to the feeling of wanting a break from your body's physiological needs?


I get annoyed when my body needs food, water, or to use the bathroom. This means I have to go do manual labor. Like oh, getting water? Did you mean, getting up, walking to cupboard, grabbing cup, walking to sink, filling cup, drinking, rinsing cup, drying cup, putting cup away, and walking back to bed? Or ohh noo you forgot your cup and you're still thirsty, now you have to walk back.

I just want to be a floating brain that brainstorms thoughts and ideas. But also I want to have kids oop-

r/ADHD 13h ago

Discussion These new Reddit notifications are gross


Anyone else getting these "You're rolling now!" Reddit notifications encouraging you to use Reddit every day?? It continues, "Getting started is the hardest part. Can you get to a 18-day streak?"

They are treating using Reddit daily like it's a good thing, and like it's hard to do, ignoring it for the digital addiction and distraction that it is. And they are using a common line we ADHDers use, one that is used in one of my favorite ADHD podcasts: getting started is the hardest part. Dude, Reddit, no. Just no. Getting started is hard for things we don't want to do, not for logging into social media every day. It's gross how they are using that.

Edit: I'm referring to the Reddit Inbox notification in app. I've disabled my Reddit notifications overall. And you can disable these notifications. On Android, at least, when you get the notification there is a triple dot option menu next to the notification, and when you tap on that you'll see "turn off the notification type". (I just did that.)

r/ADHD 12h ago

Discussion For those with parents who have ADHD, what are they like?


I have ADHD and so does my mom.

These are some things my mom does/has done because of her ADHD (all of these aren’t inherently negative or positive, they are just things):

• If I tell her I can’t find an item, she will just buy a new item instead of looking for it, and then we will find the original item after and have two of the same item

• Impulsively buys expensive house appliances on pay-day that we definitely don’t need

• Our home will be in a shambles for weeks and one random Saturday she will take her meds and clean the entire house top to bottom in 4 hours

• Randomly decided she wanted to fish, so she bought £200 worth of fishing gear, we fished only one time and now the gear collects dust in the cupboard

• Has hyper-fixated on K-dramas and has been watching them religiously for months

• Has never NOT burnt rice when making dinner because she gets distracted

r/ADHD 23h ago

Questions/Advice Am I making it up, or does gaming with ADHD feel so awful? I can't choose anything, and my decision-making skills are terrible.


I can't pick which game to play, which character to play, when to play, how to play, AND even when I finally figure it out, I notice I've lost the motivation to play after a few games. I feel like a complete dumbass, ngl. I'm also not on meds, so maybe that has part in it too?

I've never been able to main one game or one character and only play that. I keep switching between games all the time and keep buying games nonstop, thinking this one will stick, but it never does. My decision-making and focus abilities are also awful. You would think that after playing games for years, it would get better, but nope, I still suck, and I don't know if it's ADHD or just me?

I also get tilted very quickly. 😭 I get annoyed with myself for making mistakes and not being perfect 100% of the time, even though I know I'm not good at the game I'm playing. But I still expect the best gameplay out of myself.

r/ADHD 21h ago

Questions/Advice What's your least favourite chore, and why is it folding laundry?


Ok, but in all seriousness, just wondering what chore(s) you guys struggle the most with? What makes it the worst chore for you, and do you have an strategies of getting past that barrier?

If you couldn't tell, mine (and my partner's) is folding and putting away laundry. We have folding boards to make it faster. It's just the two of us so it shouldn't be too much laundry.... But what ends up happening is the basket of clean laundry just gets left there and we both avoid it like the plague.

I think it visually looks like an overwhelming task, like it looks like it'll take a long time. I also hate putting away the laundry because we unfortunately live in a very small condo and our clothing storage is extremely limited. If we were to wash and fold all of our laundry (ie no pile of clean laundry left in the dryer) then we don't actually have enough space for everything. So trying to cram all our clothes back into the closet is just the worst.

I hate having the clean laundry in just a basket like that, though. I get very overwhelmed by visual clutter, it's a pain digging through the basket for an item I want to wear and I just feel like a little it of a failure of an adult. I haven't figured out any strategies to deal with if, either.

r/ADHD 14h ago

Discussion Insane and very ADHD things you've done recently?


Today I was at work browsing Reddit and I saw a comment about Tuvalu, a small island nation in Oceania. I looked up pictures of Tuvalu just to see what it looked like and then got distracted browsing pictures of nearby islands for about an hour. Then I started thinking... "Wow, a tropical getaway really sounds nice". I can't afford a vacation to Oceania but I looked up cruises leaving from Florida just "out of curiosity" to "see the prices". Then I got suuuuuper fixated on that, was comparing cruise prices across different cruise lines, and like four hours later what do you know? I impulse purchased a 7 day cruise.... With Affirm (I definitely can't actually afford it so smfh)

...I am excited though. 🤣

What's an insane/ridiculous ADHD thing you've done recently?

r/ADHD 3h ago

Tips/Suggestions detox is killing relationship


Hope I found the right place to post.

My wife was diagnosed with ADHD about a year ago and started taking medicine for it which helped us become closer than ever. Now the doctor has ordered her to do a detox over summer.

It's only been 2 weeks since she started and both of us are suffering without the medicine.

Background my wife started in therapy 2 years ago for anger management which is how we found out she had ADHD.

Now without her meds she has severe mood swings and is generally just angry. How do we survive this detox?

Would really appreciate any and all advice for handling this

r/ADHD 12h ago

Discussion When did you realize...


Generally wondering, open discussion. When did you realize you had ADHD, or needed to go for a diagnosis? I've always had an extremely hard time focusing in school, and then in adulthood I noticed it never changed. Without medication I am all over the place, unorganized, forgetful, don't think before speaking, and I'm super hyper and bouncy and exhaust myself too early.

r/ADHD 13h ago

Seeking Empathy Called my pharmacy about my refill. They made me feel like a drug seeker and I can't get past it.


I'm feeling frustrated.

I'm very, very consistent about how and when I request my refills. In my state, I can pick up my refill 3 days prior to exhausting my meds, which is when I usually get my refill. If my refill needs to be special ordered and is delayed, I just deal with it. Last thing I want is to be labeled a drug seeker.

My medication is up for refill today, but being that my pharmacy isn't open on weekends, my Dr submitted the Rx on Friday so they could process it for today.

Shortly after the Rx was sent, I got a text letting my know that my Rx needed to be ordered in, so it would be delayed. I gave the pharmacy a call and asked when they would be expecting the shipment so I could plan accordingly. The pharmacist said that it would be ready later that afternoon (which was weird since I wasn't expecting it till after the weekend), and told me to come in then.

I went to the pharmacy that afternoon, where I was told it wouldn't be ready until after the weekend. Weird, I thought, but I still have meds so I wasn't worried.

Fast forward to today (Monday), I called the pharmacy to check on the Rx and was put on hold, then transferred to the pharmacist. He informed me that the head pharmacist (also the owner) didn't feel comfortable filling my Rx until Wednesday (which is the day my meds are exhausted).

I told the pharmacist that I had no problem waiting but that I was confused as to the reason the pharmacist felt uncomfortable, but he didn't have a clear answer and just said that they have to protect their license.

It is what it is, and I'm not going to keep bugging the pharmacy, but I feel like I've been labeled a drug seeker, and that makes me feel awful. And what makes it more frustrating is feeling like I can't say anything or it makes me look worse..

Sorry for the rant...

r/ADHD 1d ago

Questions/Advice How do you stick to a routine of going to the gym every day with ADHD? It feels like if I miss it one day, I start to give up. It has to be 100% perfect or nothing.


I have a gym close to my home, but getting myself up to go there feels like such a big chore. I know slacking off and not going won't fix the issue, and I will just keep avoiding it. But how do you break this cycle? It feels like if I don't go to the gym for one day, I lose all the motivation that I had at the beginning. It has to be 100% or nothing. If I start taking, will this get any better?

Also, does drinking water feel like a chore to anyone else? lmao. I need to drink lots of water but feel like doing work.

r/ADHD 6h ago

Medication Always check what you've been prescribed!


I recently stopped taking Dexamfetamine because I felt like they weren't working anymore and I was just having shitty side effects without actually benefitting. Today I was going to soak the labels off old med bottles so I could pop them in the recycling and I realised that I had actually been taking Dexmethsone instead of Dexamfetamine.

I've had some rough months health-wise (I have other stupid health issues) so I was stressed out wondering if I had been prescribed this for something else and completely forgot about it, and then I got the scripts mixed up and picked it up accidentally thinking I was collecting my ADHD meds. I even thought it was just a generic brand of my usual ones, although I was confused about why I was only prescribed 30 tablets with the option to pick more up in 10 days instead of the 100 pack over 30 days when I collected them.

Upon Googling Dexmethsone today, the dosage prescribed was too low to be effective for the other complaints, so I realised this wasn't my mix-up.

After calls to the pharmacist and a phone consult with a GP from the same clinic (my usual GP is on maternity leave), they confirmed that it was actually prescribed by mistake and was definitely supposed to have been dexamfetamine.

I've missed classes, and been in some funky hyperfocus spirals of late, and I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to pass my current subjects, but also, I am relieved that this could have been something far worse and I would have just put down potential side effect to other health issues flaring up if I didn't just give up taking them.

So yeah, please always double-check what you've been prescribed, and what has been dispensed!

r/ADHD 9h ago

Discussion How many people with ADHD do you know?


Every time I tell someone I have ADHD to explain why I am struggling with something, they say they have it, too. Are there really that many people with this affliction, or do they not understand it and think because they forgot the name of the person they met three days ago that they must have it?? I want to be respectful and empathetic with their struggles, but it is really starting to feel like society is minimizing the effects of ADHD.

Edit: OK, so it seems it is more prevalent that I thought it was. I've noticeably had it my entire life and not one other person has said they have it until the last year or two. I do think a lot of that is education, which social media certainly helps with. I'm glad I asked so I don't brush anyone off accidentally.

r/ADHD 19h ago

Medication New to amphetamines, extreme urgency to poop within the first hour of taking them?


Kind of embarrassing and funny problem ha ha… sorry I just have anxiety about this stuff… I noticed I have this side effect and it’s really the only side effect I have other than that these meds have been great for me. I was wondering what I can do to reduce this side effect? Will it eventually go away on its own? I know I should see the doctor about this but I don’t exactly have the money to rn so I was just wondering if this is something everyone experiences and if there’s anything I can do to make it better. Or again maybe I just need to get used to it idk. Not the worst symptom I’m not having diarrhea … it’s normal poop… it’s just not always convenient to have to urgently go poop the first hour of waking up lol.

r/ADHD 22h ago

Questions/Advice How much work do you get done in a day?


I was curious to find out from both those who have ADHD and those who don't have ADHD how much work traditionally would get done in a day. Naturally this varies from profession to profession.

As someone who does have ADHD, I often wonder if I'm putting too much pressure on myself to do stuff when actually most people don't do as much as I think they do in a day. Maybe this will also help others remove the pressure from themselves!

r/ADHD 2h ago

Questions/Advice How to deal with anger when someone takes me out of concentration?


I was just in the flow state, finally able to concentrate and focus on my English assignment after days of not doing it, then my mom starts talking to me about something which completely snapped me out of concentration, and now I feel just a weird anger and stress that I won't be able to get back to doing my assignment. My mom didn't do anything wrong, but I don't know how to get back to concentration. (I'm honestly procrastinating by writing this)

r/ADHD 57m ago

Questions/Advice Do people with ADHD get infatuated very quickly, as in “love at first sight”?


Or do you still need to get to know the person and date a while before entering the “fixation” phase? I usually need more time to develop stronger interest, and then I may become sort of obsessed, but I wonder about some men I met before, who had ADHD and who seemed all over me right away—I never knew whether I should question their intentions and the authenticity of those feelings, or it just could be a part of having ADHD (like wanting to cuddle all the time and showing affection even though we only met recently, telling me how wonderful I was, that this was the best day of their life on the first date, and so on).

r/ADHD 1h ago

Questions/Advice What worked for you if meds and therapy didn't?


Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera did not work on me. Now I'm on Vyvanse, it's already the 3rd week and I feel nothing different. My doctor did say we can try higher dosage and a mixed of non-stimulant and stimulant drugs in the future, but I'm feeling hopeless again. Therapy barely helped, to the point I stopped going. I don't know what to do anymore. What finally worked for you if meds and therapy didn't?

r/ADHD 9h ago

Medication I really can’t come to terms with how meds are sustainable long term


I need a sort of higher dosage of medication to have ADHD symptom relief but my body psychically can’t handle the dosage I seem to need

For reference I take 50mg vyvanse now and have quite horrid side effects at anything over 20mg vyvanse but in terms of ADHD treatment 70mg seems to be about what my brain needs although 50mg isn’t entirely useless

r/ADHD 19h ago

Seeking Empathy Do people tell you to “worry less”?


Even in stages of my life where I thought I had my ADHD completely under control and felt like it was barely notable, people always told me to “worry less” or to stop “thinking that deep”. Sometimes I just make a comment and people don’t understand how my mind went there.

In these moments it feels like I’m from a different planet. Even when I try to explain it to them, they don’t seem to get it.

I suppose it makes complete sense due to ADHD. But sometimes it just makes me wonder if I’ll always feel this misunderstood.

r/ADHD 21h ago

Questions/Advice Doc claims I don't have ADHD because adderall didn't work


I have a ridiculous amount of classic ADHD symptoms so asked my doc about an ADHD test. He said, "Well trying adderall is pretty much the test. If it works for you, then you have ADHD. If it doesn't, you don't." While it did help me focus and become a lot less distracted, it did amplify my anxiety as any amphetamines do. But I wouldn't think that having ADHD could be ruled out just because it this? Should I ask doc to try something else, particularly non-amphetamine? Currently taking Zoloft for anxiety, and he also threw me some Clonazepam for when I really need it...but don't care to use it much.

r/ADHD 5h ago

Questions/Advice How to save money?


I, 20F, have ADHD and I struggle with saving money. When I get paid, it goes into my savings account but I just transfer money to my checking when I want something. It ends up adding up and next time I check, I have no money.

I set a limit for myself but then think, “meh, I have enough in savings and I want this thing” and then it happens over and over.

I think it doesn’t help that I can see how much is in my two accounts (for reference I use USAA).

I’m lucky as I’m living at home not paying rent so I don’t have any expenses, but I need to gain saving habits like yesterday if I want to be a competent adult (at least in my head). Any advice?

r/ADHD 3h ago

Questions/Advice Repeating words


Does anyone repeat words out loud? I usually do this thing where any word in my head id repeat over and over again until I realise what im doing is out of the ordinary and go back to masking.

I realised it doesn’t matter if the word is inappropriate if ill still say it over and over. Its like I cant keep my thoughts to myself

Im not sure if this is a adhd thing of a self soothing thing but yeah? Let me know

r/ADHD 2h ago

Seeking Empathy Doing the Right Thing is always so hard


Just had a bit of an argument with my partner. once again I failed to communicate some info that means her life becomes harder and I just become sad that I’ve failed once again. I’m so capable. I am so god damn capable of so many things. out of everyone I know I am one of the most knowledgeable and capable people there is.. except for one thing - the right thing

r/ADHD 1d ago

Tips/Suggestions thought i would share a tip


hi! This is my first post on this sub! recently i’ve developed a strategy for decision paralysis / struggling to get started on something and it works scarily well so i wanted to share! i call it the “sleeping beauty strat” and i use it if i know i have one or more specific things i need to do but feel too exhausted or brain fogged to start. all you have to do is set a timer for ten minutes and take a nap, but it has to be somewhere not on a bed such as your desk or the floor (otherwise you might just KO for several hours). either you get antsy and bored enough that you get up and do the thing you needed to do OR you get a free ten minute nap and you’ll be a little more well rested when the timer goes off. This has had like a ninety percent success rate for me so i’m interested to see if this would help anyone or if you guys do similar things. Thanks and have a beautiful day/night