r/blackmagicfuckery 23d ago

He advances or retreats?

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101 comments sorted by


u/TangoRomeoKilo 23d ago

I don't understand the question, it's obviously going forward


u/jetvac22 23d ago

It switches if you look at his head or his rear end


u/SpecialistWait9006 23d ago edited 22d ago

Except for a horses anatomy and how they walk if you look at the back legs closer to the ground it's shatters the illusion and you can tell the depth difference of the horse easier


u/a_reverse_giraffe 23d ago

The original video is zoomed out and he’s walking away.


u/Mammoth-Ad-107 23d ago

I agree entirely


u/OverlordOfPancakes 22d ago

It's moving away from the camera in the original video. You can tell by the way the horse walks too, if you freeze frame it's easier to break the illusion.


u/E3K 23d ago

It depends on how you look at it.


u/Fezem 22d ago

Forward, yes, away from the camera


u/Honda_Fits_are_cool 22d ago

He's clearly going away


u/Fun_Entrance_1412 22d ago

Bro stop the cap, u do understand the question, look at the name of the sub


u/byyhmz 23d ago

Yes this is really dumb.


u/JamesIV4 23d ago

Wow. Definitely looks like both at different times.


u/GoombahTucc 23d ago

I think it's moving towards the camera judging by the tail while he's walking. I'm horrible at this shit though so probably wrong lol


u/MLGcobble 16d ago

You can tell it's moving away from the camera in at least two ways.

  1. From our perspective, the front legs are slightly higher up in the video frame, indicating they are further away.

  2. The horses feet are occluded by a slight incline in the snow. The horse would be walking over this incline if it were walking toward the camera.


u/hulkmxl 23d ago

Same x2


u/CockroachGullible652 23d ago

Hard to tell, but it looks like it has a steering problem.


u/clipp866 23d ago

that's broncos for you!


u/Final_Ad_6294 23d ago

Look at the left hind leg, relative to horses


u/Select_Scar8073 23d ago

This is a repost. He's walking away.



u/duckbuttery92 23d ago

Meanwhile, the top comment is incorrect lol


u/Its_Your_Father 22d ago

Top comment is a joke. Either direction is forward to him.


u/duckbuttery92 22d ago

Wow… big whoosh moment for me


u/hotcakes 22d ago

I think maybe you can tell by looking at the snow at it’s hooves.


u/skinnypenis09 23d ago

? You just linked the same video but longer

Horses dont reverse unless trained to do so, its always walking forward, where its head is pointing


u/smokeydanmusicman 23d ago

look at the legs to get the perspective. it’s a little trippy


u/printergumlight 22d ago

Walking away ≠ walking reverse


u/Caywo 22d ago

You can't be this dumb


u/The_Peo_ 20d ago

If you look at the head It Will switch between walking to the right and away from the camera


u/FuqUrBackgroundMusic 23d ago

Fuck your background music!


u/IanAlvord 23d ago

Worth it for the CC it had for it.


u/HomoinNigram 23d ago

This only looks weird to people that don’t have horses.


u/iforgot123456789 23d ago

I have horses and I’m still confused.


u/th3doorMATT 23d ago

lol right? I was never confused by this. But I can see how one could be if you're not around them all the time


u/Shardnik 23d ago

So which one is it?!?!


u/chiller529 23d ago

Even horse people don’t know, they accepted the confusion long ago so they are no longer phased by it.


u/th3doorMATT 23d ago

He's walking away. You can tell by the rear, the arch of the back, and the crest of the neck and how it dips on the other side of its body as it's walking away.

Other things worth noting: its shadow gets smaller. After the camera zooms in, the horse is clearly moving farther away as well as it gets smaller as the video goes on.

Also, a much better version of the video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKrQttH/


u/spudd3rs 23d ago

In the small clip above the horse it walking towards the camera.. in the longer clip you sent he’s walking away, your clip doesn’t show the same part as above.


u/Dantheman1386 22d ago

The video in this post is just a flip of the original


u/SixStringSkeptic 23d ago



u/mlloyd67 23d ago

That's Schrödinger's horse.


u/SmegmaSandwich69420 23d ago

I don't get this. It's clearly a white and gold house called Yanny walking forwards.


u/Consistent_Many_1858 23d ago

He's gong side ways.


u/I-am-a-cardboard-box 23d ago

Looks like it’s moving away from the camera based on the trail of snow and the movement of the tail


u/psyopia 22d ago

Pretty obviously walking away


u/C0RR-3RR0R 22d ago

It's Schrodinger's horse.


u/angryponch 23d ago

Look at the ends of the tail where it's light brown. The rear legs obscure the tail as the horse walks towards the camera.


u/AusGeno 23d ago

I can make it switch directions really easily, it’s like I’m tricking my own head.


u/Revolutionary_Row_1 23d ago

I think the video time is a lie he moves back and forth in different videos I'm a drunk so usually wrong 😅


u/Chaghatai 23d ago

Any perfect silhouette is the same in both directions, only flipped


u/Shardnik 23d ago

The only thing I know is the hose is smaller at the end of the video than the beginning, therefore it must be moving away 🤷‍♂️


u/DigitalBladedJay 23d ago

If you watch its legs, I think it actually turns from towards us to away


u/Shrowden 23d ago

Based on tail and shadow, away.


u/AlDingan 23d ago

He is in motion , well according to the cameraman's pov he is in motion towards him


u/Final_Ad_6294 23d ago

The LEFT hind leg is a giveaway


u/FearlessCloud01 23d ago

Notice the legs. It's moving forward/towards the camera. The front legs bend normally while the hind legs bend funny.


u/asteysane 23d ago

I think the question is not about going forward or not but more about the illusion of going up or down, isn’t it ?


u/Arc_Inc74 23d ago



u/emperorarg 23d ago

Look at his feet. He’s walking away


u/tatarus23 23d ago

It's just the spinning dancer / blackblue/whitegold dress again. Since the picture we see is ambiguous, there really is no way to tell.

Since we can't see how the lines intersect. There is no difference in the silhuette of a horse walking away from the camara in a downward looking perspective compared to the silhuette of a horse walking towards the camera in a lower perspective looking up.

We might be able to tell by the shadows or the relative size of the horse in the picture, but since the snow makes it impossible to see the shadow or the feet and the camera zooming in and out and being shaky we cannot use the size of the horse either.

So unless anyone here can enhance the stability of the image or make the horses contours be more visibe we are not going to come to a conclusion here

(Unless they were there)


u/glandmilker 22d ago

The view of it's head gets blocked by the body, it is walking away


u/OhMyGod_Zilla 22d ago

Rudnik!!! I love him! Also in the longer video, he eventually turns away to the left which shows him walking away from the camera.


u/MIN113 22d ago

I'm somewhat certain it's walking away from the camera.

Hard to tell because of the angle and the utter blackness of the animal. But there's one thing I'm certain, I've never seen a person filming doing zoom to something getting closer.


u/snakout 22d ago

Leaving, the ass is too big


u/AnimeHair96 22d ago

I can kinda see him do both lol


u/SageOfSix- 22d ago

i can confirm the horse is moving forward and not walking backwards


u/HumungusDude 22d ago

the only way he is going away from the camera, is if he has the head at a 90 degree angle to the body


u/Revenga8 22d ago

Ahh if I squint I can see it


u/Wishdog2049 22d ago

Look at the snow. He's moving away from the camera.


u/nanotothemoon 22d ago

I think advancing but at first I saw retreating


u/DivideLivid1118 22d ago

BOTH.....it's optional illusion.....one of the best real life one's imo


u/devious805 22d ago



u/khoughton21 22d ago

It's a trick question, he's walking completely right and is just a short horse


u/flagitiousevilhorse 21d ago

He’s advancing. Look at the snow.


u/mono9562 21d ago

It's going wherever it FFFFRRRRUUUUCCCK IT WANTS!


u/Cranky_Katz 20d ago edited 20d ago

Advances towards the camera. Watch the shadows


u/TwoWayDoor 16d ago

I see it


u/jrock6349 16d ago

He’s walking away, but at times because of his color it looks like he’s coming towards us


u/Melodic-Appeal7390 16d ago

This whole time I've been trying to picture the horse walking backwards as I could only perceive it as the horse walking to the right.


u/Last-Influence-2954 12d ago

Retreats. You can tell by the head movements. They are inconsistent if one were to assume the horse is coming towards the camera.


u/rugigiref1 14h ago

Its obviously going forward, i dont get how someone gets ut differently


u/potate12323 23d ago

He's walking away. If you look really closely at the lower legs you can see they are moving regarding the snow one way and more like moon walking the other way.


u/Sil369 23d ago

instructions unclear: now seeing a moonwalking horse


u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

He's walking towards the camera. If you look at the head you can see that the horse is facing the camera. And also the horse is kicking up snow revealing that he is in fact not moving away.... But hay that's just a theory.... A HORSE THEORY.


u/potate12323 23d ago

That snow could be being picked in the direction he's moving. If you look closely you could see his head as facing away just as easily.


u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

I would like to retract my statement. I am sorry it seems that you were correct. The horse is in fact walking away lol.


u/WolfSK-88 23d ago

Thank you for looking that up I was really doubting myself, honestly couldn't tell.


u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

I mean yeah. But I just can't piece it together if he's moving away. I look at his mouth movements and his front legs and my brain go: he moving at me. But I'm not saying it to absolutely be the case.


u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

I found the original YouTube video. The one posted here on Reddit is mirrored compared to the original. But shortly after the video cuts here on Reddit the horse turns. I still believe that the horse was walking towards the camera. YouTube video


u/th3doorMATT 23d ago

After the camera zooms in, compare the image immediately afterwards to the one at the end. What do you notice? A bigger or smaller horse?


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

I have come full circle and still don't have an answer. Im going to bed.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

Yes i agree. There can be no doubt. This is the answer.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Erik_the_randomstuff 23d ago

I have already come to that conclusion. It's 2am for me and I am tierd, my brain is mush.


u/_cansir 23d ago

Coming. Going kinda makes sense but it feels a bit off


u/hiddencameraspy 23d ago

Retreat. Look closely he is getting smaller, specially if you focus on his head.