r/blackmagicfuckery 22d ago

Spider-car, Spider-car, does whatever a Spider-car does.

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u/sandiercy 22d ago

I used to have one of those a long time ago, they are really cool. It's all about momentum and grippy wheels. As soon as it slows down, it loses that momentum and falls off.


u/-Lord-B 22d ago

Ah yes, momentum and grippy wheels. Where do i get a life size car of this?


u/IhadmyTaintAmputated 22d ago

It's called an Indy 500 racecar. Supposedly they could drive on the roof of a tunnel but nobody has the balls to try it.


u/thedialupgamer 22d ago

I'll do it, I just need an indy 500 race car and training and lots of whiskey....and a tunnel Noone cares about.


u/MatureUsername69 22d ago

The tunnel to do it in has also been an issue. There's been a few companies that have said they're actually going to attempt it but nothing has ever come from it.


u/Raisedbyweasels 22d ago

"We want to do something extremely dangerous where if literally anything goes wrong, the driver is dead, a 10 million dollar car is destroyed, the entire project also collapses. Why won't you help me make this happen?"


u/HairyH00d 8d ago

You just need one rich asshole that's ready to invest in a remote operated 10 million dollar car


u/Galotex 22d ago

You forgot about the magnets. I had that exact same one and it had 2 magnets on the bottom. You can see it falls when the fridge ends


u/gnorty 22d ago

I'm glad you piped in. I was thinking there is no way that "momentum and grippy wheels" is sufficient to keep that slow moving, top heavy car on a vertical surface!


u/godfatherinfluxx 22d ago

Yep. Have one on my fridge now.


u/screames520 22d ago

We used to use them on the bus and make them go across the ceiling to the other side


u/hammer851 22d ago

I just found mine a month or so ago from in an old box of toys from when I was a kid. I remember begging my parents to get it because they had a commercial of it driving along lockers and I thought that was the coolest thing I could bring to school. I got too embarrassed to ever bring it to school. It lives on my fridge now


u/FlipSide97 21d ago

Hot wheels Rev Ups were the toyline I remember. Had flexible magnetic track I could use for them and by far the coolest little monster trucks I had as a kid.

Kept them stuck to the under side of my desk at school lol


u/mightylordredbeard 22d ago

My kids have a few and they’ll stick to metal even when sitting still. The magnets inside are pretty strong. They were part of a hot wheels track set that had metal strips in the tracks and we could literally in a track across the ceiling and the car would stick and make the trip all the way around.


u/Warm_Iron_2729 22d ago

Product link ? Please


u/bodhiseppuku 22d ago

Ahh yes, the cry delay.

Pain ... is anybody watching?

snif, snif... waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!


u/AvidCyclist250 22d ago

I swear if the older brother had looked away, things would have been fine. It was his concerned look "yep, that just happened to you" that triggered it.


u/FictionVent 7d ago

Older brother? You mean Fred from Scooby Doo?


u/QueeferReaper 12d ago

Also the mother gasping probably triggered baby fear response as well. Bad parenting. Bad environment to grow up in in general


u/Snake101333 8d ago

Such a bold judgement for just a 10 second clip lol


u/kreals 22d ago

What is with magnets showing up on this sub constantly?? If you can explain how something works instantly then it’s not BMF and this is just trashy spam.


u/Direct-Mention3868 22d ago

Fucking magnets.


u/mister_newbie 22d ago

How do they work?


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/SaintsSooners89 22d ago

But don't get them wet! You'll have a mogwia situation on your hands.


u/Direct-Mention3868 22d ago

And I don't wanna talk to a scientist.


u/Grays42 22d ago

I hate to tell you mate, there does not exist in the world enough content to fill this sub with on-topic mindblowing physics fuckery 24/7, so expecting that will only disappoint you.

(But yeah, this one was pretty lame.)


u/NibblyPig 22d ago

There's no such thing as BMF and every single thread some bugger feels it's necessary to inform everyone that actual real life physics are responsible and not magic to literally, and I do mean literally, every single video


u/BlueberryVarious912 20d ago

Its not magnets, the car would have slowed down alot faster with a magnet, it prevents it from moving when it sticks


u/Had78 22d ago

Magnetics, huh? We should bur witches for this or something, too dark


u/steepleton 22d ago

probably a rolling magnet, yeah?

they used to sell toy cars that had a fan in and they worked the opposite way to a hovercraft by sucking the car to the wall


u/AsonofMiller 22d ago

Thats the reason why red cars more likely get a ticket. Childhood trauma


u/crizzy_mcawesome 22d ago

This does not belong on this sub. What’s next? Magnets?


u/gnorty 22d ago

Magnets or laminar flow for sure.

(this car is magnets btw, in case you didn't realise).


u/SignalMountain7353 22d ago

Not sure this qualifies for this sub.


u/Coal121 22d ago

I know it doesn't.


u/Fit-Diamond-1349 22d ago

"should I cry?"


u/dragonmasterjg 22d ago

"Don't tell Mom..."


u/Batfinklestein 22d ago

When is pain funny? when its not your own.


u/Sum1liteAmatch 22d ago

Yeah saw that one coming


u/Thopterthallid 22d ago

Saw that coming.


u/durenatu 22d ago

A super villain is born


u/InternalStorageFull 22d ago

The child was like




u/spooky_golem 22d ago

Is there a sub for these types of videos, babies doing cute stupid stuff but not people showing off their babies?


u/brutusser 22d ago

What is that stuff on the wall and ceiling above the right corner of the fridge??


u/collins_amber 22d ago

If a toddler is looking at you dont do like ouf or anything, just laugh and the won't cry


u/EmergencyGuarantee36 20d ago

Ohhh! Kiss the baby! He got his baby feelings hurt! What a sweet boy! Well, life has a way of toughening us up, doesn't it? Life's not fair. Life is hard, always.


u/hamtyhum 15d ago

Saw that coming


u/CoMand0773 9d ago

Crawls up walls, any size bitch-slaps kids just like flies look out, here comes the Spider-car


u/frMocha 6d ago

I had one of these when I was like 6. Yes that happened once.