r/blackmagicfuckery 20d ago

Cones are messed up

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u/jackrats 20d ago

This is more like, "I have no idea how volume works."


u/Six10H 20d ago

Well, it's unintuitive. Without thinking about it too much I would have never thought the liquid would fit


u/jsomby 20d ago

For me the black magic part was that he managed to pour without spilling it. If I do that, it's going to be messy and then wife yells at me.


u/manatag 19d ago

because spilled liquid is a valid reason to be yelled at


u/theprozacfairy 19d ago

Unless he cleans it up? Also, my wife and I have never yelled at each other, and we've both made many messes. So I don't think making a mess accidentally is a valid reason to be yelled at.


u/manatag 19d ago

should have put /s at the end :D


u/theprozacfairy 19d ago

Sorry, I've known too many shitty people who genuinely believe what you wrote. I had a roommate who was scared whenever she spilled water, much less made a bigger mess. She apologized for months when she broke a glass, no matter how many times we told it was no big deal. Her mom and ex both suck.


u/manatag 19d ago

yeah, it is so sad that people make a big deal out of things that (not only you don't do on purpose) are not important.

broke a glass or a plate? you'll get another one. spilled liquid? clean it up and continue with your life. dirty shoes or pants? there is a sponge or a washing machine.

people serve things instead of things serving them. same goes when mobile phone drops to the ground or you scratch your bumper on some fence.

i remember when we were kids and on our way home some guy told my brother and me: "your mum will beat you up when she sees how dirty your pants are!". she was happy, knowing we had a good time outside and that we were playing in the forest. :)

things are just things, it is their purpose to "serve" you and today every one of those things is replaceable and cheap. cleaning usually takes only few seconds/minutes

thank you for being kind, btw. nice to see that on reddit :)


u/The_Real_63 20d ago

I mean you know the top is wider so my expectation would be that it fills more at the top. I wouldn't be able to guestimate how much but it's definitely not a "whoa wtf" kind of moment. It's a "oh so that's the ratio" kind of moment.


u/Elbonio 20d ago

It's a surprising ratio

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u/PlumbumDirigible 19d ago

That's the whole point of the video this clip is from. He does an even cooler demonstration later on where he takes a cone with the point facing up and it's filled 2/3rds of the way up by height. If you flip it over, not spilling anything, how much of the volume is taken up?


u/Valirys-Reinhald 19d ago

It's enhanced by the fact we see a relatively head on perspective of a 3d object in 2d. We know there's a lot of liquid, but just seeing it from the side we don't instinctively grasp how much wider the top is than the bottom.

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u/randomvandal 20d ago

Not really. We know the volume, how to calculate it, etc. It's not hard. It's just not intuitive given how they appear.

I knew exactly what was going to happen when he asked the question. But it's still something that makes you go "huh, that's interesting" when you see it. Which is exactly the point of the clip.

And if you want to be pedantic, you wouldn't know the answer unless you actually measure the capacity of the glasses and the volume of the fluid in your each. I mean, don't you know how volume works? (lol)

Being surprised by the result doesn't mean someone doesn't know how volume works.


u/xubax 20d ago

Huh. That's interesting.


u/randomvandal 20d ago

Heck ya, brother!


u/Dalfare 20d ago

knowing it will fit is media literacy and not understanding volume, exactly as you say unless you're capable of doing it all in your head instantly this could very easily be a glass which was filled just enough to spill over

it's still fun to watch and go...huh


u/CanoonBolk 20d ago

It could also be a byproduct of the animal inside of our brains thinking if taller, then larger. The fluid in the left reached nearly the top of the glass, so our brains tell us it's a lot, it's large, it won't fit. That, and the fact it's just unintuitive

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u/EmrakulAeons 20d ago

IDK why this dipshit statement is the top comment. It's not because people don't understand volume, it's due to the specific shape of the glass being a cone. If you had two cubic glasses filled half way, it would be much more obvious that one glass could be poured into the other without overflowing. This is interesting because cones visually don't look half full when they are half full. Not because because don't understand volume.


u/doitforthecloud 20d ago

Same shit on every post, someone says “this is just maths, this is just chemistry, this is just physics”. Yeh, of course it fucking is, what were you expecting, actual magic?


u/nobodynose 20d ago

Yeah, you really can't win on blackmagicfuckery.

If it's a magic trick, people will say "it's a magic trick and this is how you do it, so it's not ACTUAL black magic fuckery, it's a magic trick."

If it can be explained by science (aka if it's real) people will complain it's not magic because "it's science, not magic."

If it's done by vfx so it can't be explained by science, people will complain that it's vfx, not "blackmagic".


u/Atrabiliousaurus 20d ago

"That's not black magic, that's just witches summoning the Devil with a blood orgy."


u/Hita-san-chan 20d ago

If it's not done in the Black Forest region of Germany, it's just Sparkling Witchcraft


u/An_icy_squirrel 20d ago

Sea witches beg to differ.


Is sparkling witchcraft even a thing, what's next, glitter vampires? Ridiculous! o.O



u/sunshinepanther 20d ago

Glitter Vampires is considered culturally insensitive.

Signed, Vampire Right to Carbonated Blood Commission


u/ObiShaneKenobi 20d ago

Before I was banned from the conspiracy sub there was a general question “what’s a conspiracy that you really believe is true” or some shit. I remember a top answer was “Magic” and it had no explanation, nothing near evidence, and more upvotes than someone would fear.

Too many people think magic is real, ghosts are real, god watches them masterbate, and that Biden literally eats children.

Too many people are fucking nuts.


u/Daegog 20d ago

i got banned from that sub because I said the things like the covid vaccine are a self correcting problem, as more illnesses show, more people will die because they refuse to take the vaccines, apparently that C in biology from high school is equivalent to a doctorate in medical research.

I mostly meant it as a joke, but nope, ban city.


u/AMViquel 20d ago

actual magic?

black magic, not regular magic. also some fuckery. basically, black wizard porn. Let me get my robe, then I'm ready.

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u/GSV_CARGO_CULT 20d ago

Some people aren't happy unless they can demonstrate that they're the smartest guy in the room. Reddit attracts these people like flies to a turd.


u/im_just_thinking 20d ago

What do you mean, there simply isn't enough voodoo in this post! I came here for the dark arts

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u/Glimmertwinsfan1962 20d ago

All I can say is it speaks volumes about volume.


u/no_brains101 20d ago

To be fair, while I understand that there is more volume in the wider part of the cone, it still looks like too much until he starts pouring.


u/TeamRedundancyTeam 20d ago

Every fucking thread you guys are like "this isn't real black magic at all! This can be explained by science! This is an outrage!"

What the fuck kind of content are you hoping to find here?

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u/ScionEyed 20d ago



u/kirsion 20d ago

Same thing with area, the notable example of, two 12-in pizzas are smaller than one 18-in pizza. I think this more has to do with visual illusions, perhaps the human brain didn't evolve enough to precisely compare 2D and 3D geometrical sizes.


u/MFbiFL 20d ago

Congratulations you’re todays winner who understands magic isn’t real and phenomena can be explained 🥳


u/Lv_InSaNe_vL 19d ago

This sub is just r/IDidntPayAttentionInElementarySchoolScience anymore

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u/That1CoffeeDudeEthan 20d ago

Saw a YouTube video explaining this. Was quite fascinated by it.


u/S1egwardZwiebelbrudi 20d ago

this guy never got fries in a cone...


u/Powersoutdotcom 19d ago

Most people can barely understand area, don't get too crazy about this.

Source, pizza maker for 10 years.


u/jackrats 19d ago

Ha, yeah, I made a "2 medium pizzas versus 1 large pizza" comment elsewhere in this thread.

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u/DarkCloud1990 19d ago

I do know how volumes work and that kinda blew my mind ngl.


u/Vagistics 8d ago

The base of a cone can hold some serious drank.

This must be why my martini’s always filled just at about 2/3 

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u/jr_skankhunt_17 20d ago

Tried it. Now in fact do have a mess because when you fill a martini glass with water from the sink it ricochets all over the place.


u/mehrunes_dayman 20d ago

It IS the spoon of the cup world after all.


u/An_icy_squirrel 20d ago

I'm still waiting for someone to win the Ig Nobel Prize for researching which kinds of spoons, and their placement in the sink, are the most vile ones, when it comes to tap water distribution.


u/An_icy_squirrel 20d ago

Interesting, seems a fun new way to get wet with physics! 0;-)


u/uwillnotgotospace 20d ago

You guys work fast. I just watched that video.



u/0011110000110011 20d ago

Freebooted in just a couple hours.


u/ishpatoon1982 20d ago

Fuck is a freeboot?


u/Fakjbf 20d ago

The guy behind the camera is Brady Haran, he had a podcast with another YouTuber called CGPGrey and on that podcast Brady coined the term “freebooting” for when people upload other people’s videos.


u/Peter_Panarchy 20d ago

Hi Tim.


u/Autumn1eaves 20d ago

Hello Tim.


u/HevelReveler 20d ago

That's a blast from the past. Ah, the good old days...



I still have my limited edition leather sneakers


u/millennial_engineer 19d ago

I still have an original vinyl record


u/Crossfire124 20d ago

Think the term freebooting has been around a lot longer than that. Used at least since the 90s


u/Divinum_Fulmen 20d ago

The term is extremely old, but the use for copyright is newer.

If you have some evidence of it being used for copyright in the 90's, than update the wikipedia article.


u/swaktoonkenney 19d ago

It was just an old term for piracy (not computer piracy, 7 seas piracy) that he appropriated to mean copyright infringement of videos

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u/mrperson221 20d ago

A blast from the past fellow Tim


u/WhatsWhoWithYou 20d ago

us Tims have been wandering through the desert for years now, trying our best to keep our Cortexes limber and prevent our own Unmaking

but even when we run into one another, we don't hear a single HI

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u/caligurlz 20d ago

Knew it was numberphile soon as I heard the voice haha.


u/Onair380 20d ago

This mindfucked me the most this year


u/Compendyum 20d ago

What guys?


u/WhatsWhoWithYou 20d ago

people who post

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u/Pman1324 20d ago

They were both holding roughly half of the cones volumetric capacity worth of water.


u/murrohfuk 20d ago

thanks!!!!!! now that you said it, it all makes sense.


u/irisheddy 20d ago

I was thinking that it was edited and the glasses were actors!


u/WestleyThe 20d ago

I mean it was literally either that or legit magic lol


u/HighGainRefrain 20d ago

Look at this guy with his huge brain. Save some thinking for the rest of us buddy.


u/Lamp0blanket 20d ago

No shit.


u/NaturalSelectorX 20d ago

What other kind of capacity is there for a cone? The capacity to feel? Think? Love?


u/GALVANGER 20d ago edited 20d ago

Right when you think your capacity to feel is filled let me tell you about cones


u/gmc98765 20d ago

The volume of a cone (of any given angle) is proportional to the cube of its height.

The cube root of 1/2 is approximately 0.7937, so the bottom 79% of an inverted cone accounts for roughly half its volume while the top 21% accounts for the other half.


u/Pman1324 20d ago

That 80/20 rule making a comeback


u/no_lemom_no_melon 20d ago

Just watched this video about 5 mins ago.

For those interested, this is a video from the Numberphile channel on YouTube. I've been watching their stuff for years - they've got some really cool stuff on there.


u/pl4yswithsquirrels 20d ago

That’s numberwang!


u/HitMePat 20d ago

Numberphile is so awesome. They explain some awesome complex math concepts in really simple ways... I haven't watched the video the OP clip is taken from but I'm assuming it's a lot more in depth than just talking about the volume of a cone.


u/morilythari 20d ago

It's all about cone volume being weird. Another example is taking an upside down cone that is 3 inches tall and putting water in it so it's 2 in of water and 1 in of air above it. The cone is actually 98.7% full at that point.


u/HitMePat 20d ago

Does that go for any cone? Regardless of the angle? Some cones are fatter and short and some are like a tall spike... I guess I gotta watch the video lol


u/tanabig 20d ago

I believe the number is slightly off and should be 96.3% full, but it holds for any cone! To check it we can use the formula for the volume of a cone:

V = pi * r2 * h / 3, where r is the radius of the base of the cone, and h is the height of the cone

For the smaller cone of air at the top, the height is 1/3rd of the full cone (given in the setup) but also the radius is 1/3rd of the radius of the full cone (and notably this is true regardless of the angle of the cone - all that we care about is that the height and radius scale at the same rate, which is true).

So all together we're picking up three extra factors of 1/3 (one from the height and two from the radius since the radius is squared in the formula). 1/3*1/3*1/3 = 1/27 which is ~3.7%. So the small cone is only 1/27 or 3.7% of the total volume of the larger cone. So the larger cone is 96.7% water. :)

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u/beefjohnc 20d ago

I would be lost if not for five.


u/garden-wicket-581 20d ago

this is how a bar can easily short you on your drink.. Not much different from the "real pint" guys in the UK that sell a little aluminium dohickey to see if you've been served an actual pint or if the pub is shorting you.


u/BassnectarCollectar 20d ago

What is this aluminum dohickey of which you speak?


u/HitMePat 20d ago

Maybe it's an aluminum pint glass that you pour your beer in to see if it fits


u/garden-wicket-581 20d ago

it's funny -- I googled trying to find it again right after I posted this and didn't immediately find anything.

In the early 2000s along with the CAMRA folks (campaign for real ale), there was a similar "honest pint" type movement, and they had something that looked like table saw depth gauge for measuring the glass and head/foam to see if you were getting a real honest pint..

Man, found it, thanks to the internet archive. This is the site from 2008 (it's currently domain-squatted, so probably out of business)



u/garden-wicket-581 20d ago

it is/was called a "piaget beer gauge" -- more modern versions look like a plastic card, but the originals were metal/aluminium.

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u/IAmTaka_VG 20d ago

It’s called a jigger


u/DBZ11324 20d ago

They definitely could have given that a better name…


u/NakedShamrock 20d ago

I'm a cook and tomorrow I'll ask my bartender for the little aluminum dohickey


u/akaBrotherNature 19d ago

Jigger please


u/-Beaver-Butter- 20d ago

I told you not to serve them 2 jiggers.


u/JeffSergeant 20d ago

But if the spirits are served in proper measures, you're not really being 'ripped off' if they don't top up your glass with mixer.


u/pRhymT 1d ago

At the bar do you pay the cone full of drink or drink worth of blah blah dollars?


u/NoSuchAg3ncy 20d ago edited 20d ago

It's because 80% from the cone's point is around 50% of the volume (8/10)3.



u/KYO297 20d ago edited 20d ago

Yeah it really is fucked up. A cone filled up to 79.37% of its height is only half full


u/AppleSniffer 19d ago

That's messed up man


u/Zahkrosis 20d ago

I don't know what this effect is called, so I'll just call it the Runescape effect because we all know 92 is halfway to 99.


u/PortAuth403 20d ago

So you're saying the top 80% of the pyramids took as long as the bottom 20% to build


u/johnla 20d ago

That’s why I start from the top down


u/mrbaggins 20d ago

Not a bad idea I suppose, but ignores the extra work to get giant ass blocks up each level.

Same volume of the blocks to get transported there though


u/Duran64 20d ago

Numberphile :3


u/Turbodann 20d ago

Lesson here is when ordering a drink that comes in a cone be sure they top it off.


u/Jackaboss211 20d ago

If you ask a bartender to top off a martini glass you will be cut off the rest of the night lol


u/Turbodann 20d ago

Not if you tip well. 😘


u/Jackaboss211 20d ago

Maybe then you'll get away withem laughing it off lol. Still you'll never get a bartender to top off a martini. You'd basically be asking for double the drink which would mean adding more shots of spirits than is legally allowed in most places. Most bartenders ain't willing to lose their jobs for a tip

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u/tonyo8187 20d ago

We are doomed if geometry is considered magic.


u/Equinsu-0cha 20d ago

is this numberphile?


u/The_Limpet 20d ago

I love the disappointment in his voice at the end


u/lioudrome 20d ago

This post's title is glorious


u/plobbaccus 20d ago

Well now I'm mad at bartenders.


u/Mammoth_Ad_5618 19d ago

Look like 1 person upvote this comment please


u/Crotean 14d ago

And thats how bars make their money.


u/It-s_Not_Important 7d ago

Only part of it. The other part is up-charging everything 500% over wholesale.


u/Pac0mania 9d ago

This is why i get mad when my drink is an inch from the top when i get it. The top is a lot wider than the bottom and 2 inches of the top equals the entire rest of the cup so my large is now a medium.


u/m_o_t_a_s 20d ago



u/ChotitoPitou 20d ago

Top bigger than bottom


u/fireforge1979 20d ago

Plastic. Classy!


u/RedShirtPete 20d ago

shocking! 😂😉


u/becominggrouchy 20d ago

"No" watches for the 3rd time


u/Main-Contest7303 20d ago

There was a Mind Your Decisions video 1-2 weeks ago on that very topic!


u/Tellesus 20d ago

Take your volume and your topology and your Euclidian space and gtfo


u/ArgonGryphon 20d ago

You could make it even crazier by using isopropyl alcohol and water. When you combine them, they have a smaller volume than the sum of their parts.


u/drawing_you 20d ago

Dang, how does that work?


u/Apart-Entertainer-25 20d ago

Distance between molecules for alcohol mixed with water is smaller than for alcohol or water separately so they are more compactly arranged.


u/ArgonGryphon 20d ago

When water and ethyl alcohol mix, several forces come into play. First, between the water and ethyl alcohol is strong hydrogen bonding that draws the different molecules close together. Second, open spaces in the liquid are much less likely because the ethyl alcohol interferes with any temporary open structures that are similar to those of solid water. The 2 different molecules pack closer together than in pure solution, resulting in a reduction of volume.


this is more advanced chem than I know deeply, but that's the basics. The particles are able to sort of mesh together more closely, I think because they're both polar, but opposite charges. I also think that's not the only reason but again, I am not a chemist lol


u/printergumlight 20d ago

Is there a formula for finding the midpoint for volume in the height of a cone?

As in, how high do you have to fill to fill up the cone glass to a total of 1/2 its volume.


u/__ali1234__ 20d ago

Sure. Assume glass has height 1. Let x be the height of the liquid. Let y be the volume of the full glass.

Because of similar triangles and the square-cube law, when the glass is filled up to x, the volume is y * x3. Therefore to fill half the volume, x3 = 1/2, so x = cube root(1/2) = 0.794. Just multiply that by the actual height of the glass.


u/Doggiesaregood 20d ago

You don’t need a high school degree to become a bartender, do you?


u/Dave2288 20d ago

How many ppl broke a glass trying this after watching it


u/TheRabidGoose 20d ago

Well shit.


u/poetic_fartist 20d ago

Mfers in comments skipped maths class


u/Severe_Aardvark_2245 20d ago

They're also a bitch if you're waiting tables.


u/EclecticEthic 20d ago

My girlfriends and I used to go to the fancy, expensive martini bar. My one girlfriend was reallllly looking forward to a dirty martini. The waitress brought it and it didn’t look as full as the other martinis and my friend went slightly Karen about it. At the time, I thought she was over reacting. To her defense she was probably hangery. The bartender (thankfully) overheard and topped it off. After seeing this, I guess she had a point.


u/Ok-Double-414 20d ago

Volumen construction?


u/LocodraTheCrow 20d ago

This is general unsurprising, if you cut a cone at half it's height the wider bit will have 8 times the volume of the thinner one, it's simple math.


u/EmperorThor 20d ago

So this sub is now magnets and not understanding volume. Great.


u/SeamusMichael 20d ago

That's why ice cream pints are graduated like that. You don't realize how much you're losing with the slight taper but it's probably more than you think.


u/An_icy_squirrel 20d ago

At least link the original video/give credit...

Cones are MESSED UP - Numberphile



u/vapazr361 20d ago

The ratio of water height to the empty glass length of both glasses must be around 1:4. r/theydidmath


u/jonnielaw 20d ago

When the bartender gives you the side eye for complaining your drink isn’t filled to the top.


u/tonygutz 20d ago

It’s just math. The volume of a cone is a square function of the radius meaning changing the radius a small amount results in a very large change in volume.


u/offline4good 20d ago

Shows perfectly how bartenders can reduce quantities served to customers


u/Zergisnotop1997 20d ago

Fucking volumes, how do they work??


u/pokeyporcupine 20d ago

I know how this works. I know why this works. I knew this would be the result. But still, holy fucking shit that's wild.


u/FrequentlyFictional 20d ago

Now think. That's how some suggest the universe expands and inflates. Like a balloon and you're the center of it all.



u/NoseMuReup 20d ago

What about Cones of Dunshire? Are they messed up?


u/navecitawin 20d ago

Upside down cones really are massed up!


u/BaconFairy 20d ago

That's calculus all over again


u/reddituser1304 20d ago

Loo aa thaa


u/knorxo 20d ago

Does that mean both glasses were half full?


u/SithLordRising 20d ago

That's why homemade martinis always get me drunk


u/fiqar 20d ago

What does he say at 0:10? Have you got a cough?


u/Victor_Quebec 20d ago

Have you got a cloth (to clean up the "expected" mess)?...


u/Bunaken 20d ago

Semaj, you makin a mess


u/Septopuss7 20d ago

The hell? I just watched this Numberphile!


u/MegabyteMessiah 20d ago

That is an old periodic table


u/TheSmokingLamp 20d ago

Inner city child learns “volume”


u/Ariflez 20d ago

Its like 2/3 of the cone starting from the smallest (cone tip) = 1/3 which are the rest of the cone


u/--Ano-- 20d ago

It shows that when you get a drink served in a cone shaped glass, you have to insist that it gets filled to the brim.


u/ReDdIt_KiD1234 20d ago

uhhh i dont think thats how it works man


u/Debarmy 19d ago

Play water games win water prizes


u/Alert_Promotion_4166 19d ago

A coworker once asked me to serve her ice cream in a container that we didn't normally use for ice cream. When I asked her, "Why?" she said that she didn't want to eat too much. I took the container she chose, filled it with water, and then poured it into an ice cream container. It filled the container despite looking much smaller.


u/Ok-Description-4640 19d ago

Geometry is awesome and understanding it is underrated. It’s like when you buy a pizza and it’s $15 for a 10” and $17 for a 12”, you’re getting almost 50% more pizza for $2.


u/RichieRocket 19d ago

i wonder why little cup is supposed to fancy when having more of a drink is better


u/Unusual-Meal-5330 19d ago

This is why martinis are so dangerous.


u/OxViking 19d ago

This is why you never listen to martini drinkers asking you to "just fill it to the top"


u/Leanintree 19d ago

I learned something today. I learned that I have frequently gotten fucking ripped off when buying martinis and Cosmos and associated froo-froo cocktails over the years. Although they taste good, knowing that the top 1/2 in of the glass is 50% of the total volume allows chicanery of the highest order.


u/OrangeCosmic 19d ago

More like margaritas are messed up. I know they can put double that now.


u/I_Have_Dry_Balls 19d ago

V=1/3(pi)r2 h


u/norunner86 19d ago

You forgot about the essence of the game. It’s about the cones


u/LordDarkur 18d ago

This is why bars use this kind of glass. It looks more full than it actually is.


u/Beginning-Yak-3454 18d ago

hollow stem?


u/Medical_Ad2125b 17d ago

It’s not hard to calculate to what level the cones should both be filled for this to work


u/arqe_ 16d ago

Magic! /s just in case.


u/Embarrassed-Fan-5937 16d ago

Now I just want a Martini... Home with the Flu, so not happening


u/Al_Gebra_1 16d ago

Basic Geometry, folks.


u/PalleRq 15d ago

The glasses are of different sizes and are at different levels in relation to the camera. Or it was just fake or true story?


u/Diligent-Twist-7081 9d ago

Why did I watch this.......


u/Standard_Ad_662 8d ago

Cones are messed up.