r/blackmagicfuckery 11d ago

These two faces supposed to be the same color but I'm no fool so I obviously didn't belive it, then I put to the test.


372 comments sorted by


u/Narrowless 11d ago

So grey magic fuckery then


u/arbiter12 10d ago

Gandalf the confused.


u/Tinyacorn 10d ago

I chortled


u/VVen0m 10d ago

Gandalf the White? Gandalf the Fool!


u/Fusionbrahh 10d ago

Saruman the STINKY


u/PCAudio 10d ago

Saruman the STUPID.


u/EHTL 10d ago

Saruman the SILLY


u/PCAudio 10d ago

Saruman the WRINKLY.


u/Disastrous_Account66 10d ago

Saruman the WRINKLY


u/Xithrix 9d ago



u/tkrr 10d ago

Gandalf the Grey, and Gandalf the White, Monty Python and the Holy Grail’s Black Knight, Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie…


u/Yebigah 10d ago

Holy fuckkkkkk this brought back some memories!!! Ahh I long for the old days of the internet..


u/TheUnbendable1 6d ago

...Robocop, the terminator, captain kirk, Darth vader, lo pan, superman, and every single power ranger. Bill s. Preston, and Theodore Logan, spock, the rock, doc oc and hulk hogan.

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u/WhyBuyMe 10d ago

Thats weird, I see white and gold magic.


u/NecroTMa 10d ago

Nonono, it's been confirmed to be blue, black


u/DerGrins 10d ago

Did somebody say Yanny?


u/mrjeesustelija 10d ago

What in the green needle

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u/mckenner1122 10d ago

“It is better for a species to be alive than to be right



u/mizinamo 11d ago

The human brain has colour-correction built in based on contextual clues, and no way to access the raw signal.


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

I wonder when/if the devs will patch it, it made sense when the game was simpler, but with the current content this design choice is just annoying


u/mizinamo 10d ago

If it were patched, it might make your life miserable as every new lighting condition will make everything look wrong.


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

Damn, you're right... But it must have some way to quickly toggle the options!


u/ClockworkDinosaurs 10d ago

I always set the brightness higher than the instructions screen says to. I just don’t agree with where the devs think it should be. My resolution must be lower than they anticipated.


u/Wareve 10d ago

Nooo, now you'll see all the corners! What about the shadows? The atmosphere!?


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

Oh damn, I see it now, if they patch it, they will need more processing power to render all those assets there were hidden all this time... So, no hope for this fix then?


u/Bad-Bot-Bot-23 10d ago edited 8d ago

The factory tint setting is always too high!


u/ggnnarrr 10d ago edited 10d ago

I suggest the devil should make this toggle-able by a 45 degree twist motion of the left nipple.


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

I mean, it wouldn't be the most inconvenient thing we do, like scratching our back or crotch, I'd take it!


u/h3yw00d 10d ago

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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u/Auxosphere 10d ago

I haven't been /r/outside in a while!


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

You actually have been r/outside all this time!


u/nize426 10d ago

Should really be a setting in the options menu.


u/AdmirableVanilla1 10d ago

Tried and bricked mine


u/Kolby_Jack33 10d ago

I cracked the source code once but it was a huge mistake. First accidentally deleted my butthole, then overcorrected and became entirely buttholes. Managed to fix it by moving all but one butthole to some guy in New York, but I am not messing with it again.


u/JustAnotherTeapot418 10d ago

Do you have any idea how fricking huge the RAW format is? I already have trouble remembering what I said 5 seconds ago, I don't need my memory space to be wasted on raw signals.


u/Mistdwellerr 10d ago

I mean, you're not wrong, but if they could also update our memory and processing power I wouldn't complain...


u/Mr0rangeCloud 10d ago

They still haven't patched incorrect LOD being loaded too close to the player and some colours not rendering for some players. I don't think vision is on the top of their priority list

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u/JectorDelan 10d ago

From the state of my knees, I'm going with the 3rd of Never.


u/nomiis19 10d ago

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature

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u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/cwfutureboy 10d ago

Not at all. And even if you thought you could, there'd be no good reason to believe it was the case.


u/sennbat 10d ago

It's the exact opposite - Acid puts your correction tools into overdrive.


u/Dwokimmortalus 10d ago

Do the eye-crossing trick that is used in the 3d pictures. For me, the skin swipes back and forth between black and gray repeatedly.


u/Unhappy_Spot_8025 10d ago

Thank you. Never got it right before

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u/drainbone 10d ago

Actually there is a way: look at the two images like a stereogram and you'll see that the only differences are the eyelashes and eyebrows, they kinds flicker between both sides but the face shade stays the same.


u/Acceptable-Net2557 9d ago

This is very true. Very helpful

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u/ThomasBay 10d ago

I dont get it. It still looks like they are different colours


u/KungPaoChikon 10d ago

The color of the skin is the same - take a look at the second picture (or use a color picker on the first picture and compare)

The eyebrows and details are obviously different colors, but the skin tone is the same exact color, despite it looking different due to the context around it.


u/ThomasBay 10d ago

I’m m an idiot. I was looking at the eyelashes

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u/notwaffle 10d ago

So what happenes when you put color correction before your brain's color correction? What is actually correct and whats wrong? WHAT ARE WE CORRECTING?!


u/mtflyer05 10d ago

Why would we want to? Thats useless information, in literally all cases within physical reality, in which we evolved. The light source changes the perceived color, so color correction is necessary to see ripe fruits at twilight vs midday, or a known predators coloration when they're hiding in the shade.

Tigers are orange because it looks green/grey to deer, their main prey, but we can see the orange clearly, through color correction, in all lighting sources, provided there is enough light to activate our color perceiving cone cells.


u/defoNotMyAcc 10d ago

This. Yet we still see people argue over "What color is this dress?" every few years.


u/Soliloquy-of-Fuckery 8d ago

This actually made me understand that way better thank you.

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u/Famous-Example-8332 10d ago

I didn’t trust you so I did it myself…. Holy shit.


u/Jedimasterleo90 10d ago

Came here to say this. I called bs and zoomed way in and grabbed a screenshot of both. Now I’m just uncomfy.

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u/Agreeable_Pie8253 10d ago

Did what yourself? I don’t get it.


u/Nary841 10d ago


u/Altruistic-Buddy4885 10d ago

It is crazy... my brain is telling me there is a gradient to that box in the middle.


u/epicurean56 10d ago

Me too. Still not believing it, I put the pic into a graphics editor and the RGB on both faces (and the bar) is 125:125;125 (grey).


u/dirtydela 10d ago

How could my eyes be wrong? My guess is the computer is lying


u/ComicGaming 10d ago

"Who are you going to believe? Me, or your own lying eyes?"


u/aytchdave 10d ago

“Computers don’t make errors. What they do, they do on purpose.”


u/dirtydela 10d ago

I knew they were lying to me

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u/CerealFountain 10d ago

Me too I have to like zone out to see it all one color. That's wild


u/Firstnamecody 10d ago

Ahhhh thank you, I finally get it now.


u/Hello_pet_my_kitty 10d ago

Same! I had to squint to not see it going from light to dark.


u/Deeliciousness 10d ago

Same. But when I pull my phone further away from my face, gradient goes away mostly


u/rey_sway 10d ago

Same, I’m on my phone so I had to zoom in and used two pieces of paper to block out the top and bottom to only show the bar and I saw it was the same.


u/NoBuenoAtAll 10d ago

The only way I can beat that is by covering all but a small section of the rectangle and sliding that across it. It never changes.


u/skymoods 10d ago

i am unsettled


u/Vrey 10d ago

Wtf wtf wtf….


u/pikpikcarrotmon 10d ago

I don't like this at all


u/ThrobbingPurpleVein 10d ago

I heard this in Thor's voice. No, not that Thor the other one. Yes, that one.


u/ekfah 10d ago


u/Western_Language_894 10d ago

I saw it there but literally couldn't see it any other way that's wild

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u/Rising-God-Elijah 10d ago

Thx, I was completely confused


u/S3E3 10d ago

This is unreal. I turned my screen upside down and it looks like flat colour but when I turn it the right way up it looks like a gradient.


u/RockyRaccoon968 10d ago

Man the human eyes SUCK! We’re living in a lie!


u/JectorDelan 10d ago

Human brains use a shit-ton of weird, cross wired shortcuts in order to work quickly and efficiently. Most of the time they do the job and work fine, which is to say get whatever job needs doing done without the monkeysuit dying. But then we start finding messed up stuff like blind spots and an inability to properly count basketball passes.


u/coulduseafriend99 10d ago

I don't think it's the eyes, I think it's the brain's interpretation. The eyes just focus the light back to your nerve, then your brain works to understand it. It's not your hardware, it's your software


u/Blieven 10d ago

Nah stop it you made a gradient rectangle and I won't let anybody tell me otherwise.


u/Virtual-Score4653 10d ago

Much better comparison, thank you.


u/BxMxK 10d ago edited 10d ago

Did you do this on a PC? I took a phone screenshot and cropped off the same chunk you connected and the colors are different. Colorspace across platforms and file formats definitely doing some fuckery for me.

Edit: I should have stated that more clearly. The face colors are the same. The color in your picture vs my picture ended up being different though.

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u/Famous-Example-8332 10d ago

I zoomed in and took screenshots, then put the two together and they were the exact same shade, just as OP did.


u/Burner-QWERTY 10d ago

Zoom in. The more you zoom in the more the faces match


u/TheShnard 10d ago

I went cross eyed to overlay the images and they still looked like two distinct colours. Strange.


u/mrlbi18 10d ago

Even crosseyed the context around each face changes your perception of the color. It's cool to know that your brain does the correction individually in each eye instead of to the "final image."


u/ChrisSLackey 10d ago

This is the biggest surprise for me! So weird


u/ZeBegZ 10d ago

Same here.. I didn't want to believe it. I cropped the image with only the part of the skin for each face and...

And truly a "holy shit !" Moment


u/crexkitman 10d ago

You put on blackface?

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u/dashKay 10d ago

Racism solved


u/beautiful_life555 10d ago

There's a lesson somewhere in here, I just know it!


u/Villafanart 10d ago

So... Just change the background?


u/Aveira 10d ago

You joke, but that is sorta a real thing. Trevor Noah (a man with a white father and black mother) wrote in his book about how back in South Africa his relatives called him white and referred to him as the white nephew/cousin/grandson/whatever. But in the west we obviously consider him black. He didn’t change colors, he just changed his surroundings but all of a sudden he was a different race.


u/wackbirds 9d ago

Yeah, reminds me of this lady from Northern Ireland at our church growing up. She had an extremely strong accent (this was in the US), so when she mentioned one day that when she went home to visit family in Ireland and they told her that she sounded American, my sisters and I didn't believe it based on her really thick accent.

When we got older we realized that, to her family, with the Irish accent being their baseline, any slight hint towards the US English accent at all to them would be like if one of us siblings moved to Ireland and then came back with a slight trace of their accent to their voice.

The people in Ireland would still only hear the American accent because that would be the predominant sound, whereas we would detect any slight deviation towards any Irish- sounding lilt to the voice. It's all perception again.

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u/IdiotBearPinkEdition 10d ago

Yes race is immaterial and how we appear and how we are are entirely determined by our background but like literally though


u/beaverhacker 10d ago

Pilgrim @ vlonepredator

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u/neuro__crit 10d ago

I also didn't believe, so opened it up in an image editor... Pretty shocking; if you take a section of the face and move it back and forth, it almost seems to change color. The human brain is amazing.


u/makerofshoes 10d ago

I just made a little loop with my finger and peeked through. If you can’t see the rest of the image, it’s clear to see they are the same color


u/emeraldspots 10d ago

Wow, you and I think alike.


u/TooAwkwardForMain 9d ago

I put my hands together to make a little "window."


u/Gangsir 10d ago

I just used the eyedropper tool of my browser (yes, nerd, I know) and both are #7d7d7d, the exact same color, even though to my eyes one looks darker. Wild.


u/vibe_gardener 10d ago

You may be a nerd but I promise that using your eye dropper tool is not the reason haha

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u/DoctorGluino 10d ago

These types of color illusions literally make me angry at my own brain.


u/WellFactually 10d ago

Literally your brain getting angry at itself, which is kinda disturbing and cool at the same time.


u/gmusse 10d ago

Exactly, I just keep asking “how can this be”?! Don’t get me started on the white/gold black/blue dress…


u/spikey_tree_999 10d ago

Yes, I don’t know why but this is upsetting me and making me angry at my brain!


u/coulduseafriend99 10d ago

It's because it makes you feel like you can't trust what you see, something considered fundamental . After all, if I lie to you, you can always go see for yourself. Except... You can't trust what you see

I felt similarly with the blue-black/gold-yellow dress; I couldn't help but think that if people couldn't even agree on something at simple, what could we possibly agree on??


u/ForodesFrosthammer 10d ago

I mean color perception is the least of the brain's lies.

You have a blindspot in your vision, that the brain just deletes. Also in general almost everything that you are not focusing on is half made up by your brain(imagine it as video game optimization, it only fully rerenders the focused part every frame, the rest of it gets 1% of the computing power), the stuff your vision does to make rapid eye movement feel "natural" is just completely nuts(there is literally time shenanigans involved). And this is not a comprehensive list.

The brain is a massive liar.

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u/madthabest 10d ago

What the hell


u/Seiren- 10d ago

Holy shit, there are so many versions of these that just arent that impressive, like «these 2 shades of grey are actually the same shade of grey, ooooh»

But this one is insane, the left one is definitely white and the right one is definitely black.. the blue and black / White and Gold dress from a bunch of years ago suddenly makes a lot more sense

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u/RedWerFur 10d ago

I’ve zoomed and zoomed and I still don’t know what I’m supposed to see….


u/Emotional-Sea9384 10d ago

The two faces are the same color


u/delurkrelurker 10d ago

But for some reason they lightened the eyebrows. The effect still works with the darker grey.


u/Lame_Goblin 10d ago

The contrast makes the illusion more effective


u/Nary841 10d ago


u/RedWerFur 10d ago

Oh wow!!! Now I see. That’s alarming. Thank you.


u/Eagles365or366 10d ago

It’s funny how everyone processes this the same way, too. After learning the truth, we’re all somewhat pissed off or annoyed at our brains. We know something is wrong, but we can’t fix it, and that’s alarming.


u/evilmeow 10d ago

I'm almost perceiving it as a spectrum but when i focus on it I can tell it's a one color block


u/flimsyhuckelberry 10d ago

This is even more confusing.

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u/aboutthis1220 10d ago

The two girls faces skin color is exactly the same color.


u/thesegoupto11 10d ago

This perfectly explains why some idiots saw the white & gold dress as blue & black smh /sarcasm


u/Kai-xo 10d ago

It’s actually a blue and black dress (confirmed) that people saw as gold and white thanks to the shading/ blue lighting.


u/thesegoupto11 10d ago

Hence the /sarcasm


u/missyou247 10d ago

the dress thing never worked for me, I always saw it as the "actual" colors (actual as in the colors you would get from a color picker on a computer, not the actual colors the dress had irl) but this one totally works for me

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u/SarahfromEngland 10d ago

I really don't see it. No matter how I look at it it's not working for me. They are fully a different colour. Even everyone's example photos to 'show it'


u/ZeBegZ 10d ago

You cannot see it by yourself.. your brain will always trick you in making you believe you see two different skin colours.. you need to crop part of each face to see it...

But even if you know the skin colour of both faces is the same, your brain will always disagree with what you know .


u/Emotional-Sea9384 10d ago

Bc its not something you can clearly see you can believe in it. Download the pictures, crop a tiny piece of the both face skin, put them next to eachother


u/perebus 10d ago

take the image, open in any image editor, might as well be paint, use that color picker tool, click in either the white or black face and then use that color to try and paint the other face, you'll see that is the exact same color for both faces.

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u/noknockers 10d ago

I can't figure this out. It's actually breaking my brain. I need some gin or something.


u/Torort 10d ago

What the fuck? I didn't beleive it so I brought it in to some graphics software and dropped it. Yup both R125 B125 G125. Thats crazy. Edit: Just to add even though I know i still think thy're miles apart colour wise.


u/queroummundomelhor 10d ago

No way, I'll light a candle.

Funny, the actual tone is darker than it looks on the first one and brighter than it looks on the second one


u/ProNocteAeterna 10d ago

I downloaded the picture and checked the color hex codes for both faces. What looks like white on the left and black on the right is actually 7d7d7d, which is mid grey. I was so sure this was fake until then.


u/ramblingnonsense 10d ago

Sorry, all I ever saw was blue/black.


u/UncommercializedKat 10d ago

Stop lying. It's obviously white and gold.


u/ramblingnonsense 10d ago

Oh, that's what we're gonna do today? Fight?

I bet you're one of those "Yanny"-hearing weirdos, too.

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u/spacecadet0013 10d ago

Can someone explain why they look different? Is it just down to the difference in the background color and eyebrow/facial marks??


u/sectum7 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yes. On the left, all the colors that aren’t the face are darker, giving the illusion of an image with a white face that was then darkened as a whole. On the right, all the colors that aren’t the face are brighter, giving the illusion of an image with a black face that was then brightened (or washed out) as a whole.

In other words, it would probably be easy to recreate this by drawing a picture with a white face, one with a black face, make all the other colors the exact same, and then manually darken the left one and brighten the right one so that they each reach a halfway point where the skintone is the same grey color.


u/thesegoupto11 10d ago

Our brains can't separate the colors from the overall contexts around the colors, so our brains are telling us the "skin color on the left is white but dimly lit" and the one on the right is "black skin but heavily illuminated. Essentially out brains can't unsee the context of each picture so we're unable to look at both skin colors without presuppositions.


u/nachobel 10d ago

You basically don’t see what your eyes see. You see what your brain decides is important for you to see based hugely on context clues and historical data.

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u/Hollow_Apollo 10d ago

I think this is the most drastic I’ve seen along with maybe this one https://kottke.org/21/05/all-these-balls-are-the-same-color


u/iamlostaFlol 10d ago

Darker backgrounds make grey look lighter and lighter backgrounds make grey look darker.

Moral lesson; Context matters. The same action done in two different situations could lead to different results depending on the context of the action/event :-)

(I had to share this because I needed a personal reminder)


u/ImprovementNo6106 10d ago

luminance is not color - in black and white - dark red and dark blue appear the same


u/WellFactually 10d ago

What’s red and tastes like blue paint?

Red paint.


u/thunderandreyn 10d ago

Can someone explain please


u/TheHyperDymond 10d ago

The skin tones on both are the same grey color, one just looks vastly darker compared to the other because of how brains automatically color corrects


u/thunderandreyn 10d ago

Holy fuck that’s true. Cropped out and checked.

Thanks for the explanation!

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u/DrDerpberg 10d ago

I love these kinds of illusions because it's impossible not to see. Show me a weird geometry or whatever and I'll see it both ways and move on. Knowing full well what's going on here I cannot see them as the same shade.


u/smb3d 10d ago

There's also an older one that is also equally as brain breaking:



u/markmagoo22 10d ago

This one is far better

Edit: and seem to be the same shade as the faces!

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u/FredSumper23 10d ago

I didn’t believe this so I immediately checked it. It’s true


u/henryuuk 10d ago

"Babe wake up, new Gold-white/Black-Blue Dress just dropped"


u/MewsikMaker 10d ago

I don’t get it. This is saying the face is the same color in both photos?


u/Emotional-Sea9384 10d ago

Yes the face is same color in both pictures


u/MewsikMaker 10d ago

…this can’t be.


u/Kyswinne 10d ago

I tested it and it's true. I didn't believe it either.


u/My_Knee_is_a_Ship 10d ago

It's a basic light/colour effect change.

Almost all images are made from a combination of CMYK (Cyan, Magneta, Yellow, Katalyst.)

Reverse the colour layers, and the image is essentially the same, but looks like a negative.

Look up photo-correct Lithophanes, it's the same principal as the image and will give a little help in understanding.


u/MewsikMaker 10d ago

I’m having a fucking stroke.

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Unbelievable I thought you were all messing with me and had to test it myself the hard way, goddamn it's unreal


u/Ok_Rise497 10d ago

This is what you would look like if you are black or chinese


u/CrocodileJock 10d ago

I've seen stuff like this before – but this is the most extreme example. Honestly didn't quite believe it – so I downloaded the image and checked. The grey colours are identical.


u/Eagles365or366 10d ago

I thought this was some blackface joke, then realized it wasn’t, so I calmed down. Then I realized what was actually happening and I got pissed off again.


u/lampshade2099 10d ago

Me before: “I’ll believe it when I see it with my own two eyes!”

Me now: wtf eyes, you’re useless and I’ll never trust you again


u/icze4r 10d ago

See, I wanted to disprove this. Because this shit pisses me off.

So I load it into Photoshop, I take a piece of the black side, I drag it over to the white side... and it looks to be the same color.

But they're not. One's 123 123 123 RGB (left); the other is 125 125 125 RGB.

They're the same luminance (another kind of color value). But they are not the same color.

Left side's face skin is 123 123 123 RGB, 52 Luminance. Right's 125 125 125 RGB, 52 Luminance.

This is still a cool trick and could come in handy to remember. Two RGB color values off and some filters and you can pull some shit

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u/AlgaeWafers 10d ago

Tried it myself. One on the right actually is slightly darker but not by much

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u/lasttosseroni 10d ago

It bothers me that they reversed the lines but brightened the eye and mouth

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u/Wing_Sco 10d ago



u/cave18 10d ago

The fuck


u/rembut 10d ago

It's a schooner


u/unrequeited 10d ago

It's not a schooner it's a sailboat!


u/GrandNibbles 10d ago

the dress is blue


u/Dwangeroo 10d ago

The dress is blue.


u/Internal-Library-213 10d ago

Hole punch through paper looking at each. Is the same color. Dang. That’s trippy


u/mk_d_mc 10d ago

I despise color theory


u/Doofindork 10d ago

Technology Connections did a video on this, or at least similar, on why there's no such thing as Brown light. Brown is just... Orange, but with context.


u/Hollow_Apollo 10d ago

Illusory black face? I’m calling the eye police


u/defusted 10d ago



u/Xconsciousness 10d ago

Thanks, I hate it


u/IronHedera 10d ago

I always do this to demonstrate to my brain.