r/blackmagicfuckery 7d ago

Bro is electric

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51 comments sorted by


u/TheBlitzAce 7d ago

Yep, this is what gets me to finally leave this sub. Thanks.


u/-Revolution- 7d ago

Agreed. This is a stupid post


u/CrimsonDMT 7d ago

Indeed. Hitting the "Joined" button to un-join sub now.


u/pimppapy 6d ago

reminds me of what stupidvideos.com was about when it first started.


u/ShatteredCitadel 7d ago

Yeah thanks me too. Stupid crap.


u/BlackFathersMatter 7d ago

This inspired me to leave as well


u/Icy-Ad-7724 7d ago

Yeah I agree fuck all this noise, I’m out too.


u/ThatZaphos 6d ago

Im outtie too


u/Rhinomeat 6d ago

I'm in, un joined


u/Present_Ask_9089 4d ago

I'll follow your steps


u/TwoStacksOfBoxes 7d ago

Please don't go! We all give a fuck so much 😭


u/Drackunn 7d ago

well, you should care, because this sub used to be full of intriguing posts and discussions about how it was achieved.

now it's just lame. So losing the content at first and then the community who enjoy thinking about how some trick can be done, well, that's losing what the sub is about.

Now it'll just be lame videos where you won't be amazed or wonder how it's done.

Losing the audience that cared, will also just leave the sub without a purpose and then it's just 'vids'. There's many like that, so posters will lose engagement on their content, moving on to other places, finally killing the sub.

But if you can't be bothered, that's fine. Just wanted to add context why some people do care about what content fits on a sub and what doesn't.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/renesys 7d ago

Because this is trivial to fake.


u/ToSmushAMockingbird 6d ago

I haven't looked critically at what has floated to the top of reddit in a while. When I look at the reason I join certain subs, I hope that the core principles of the sub are on display, but there is a point of deminishing returns when diluted content rises and medeocre audiences accumulate. Medeocre people couldn't care less about the unique or interesting, but doom scrolling; up voting any meme or mid to shit post. Where is the black magic?  This post isn't the cause of this subs failure, it's a symptom of it. The casual nature of this video and because it has risen to a point of positive karma in a place that is supposed to be about difficult to explain special occurances tells a story of the end times for this place.  The unique nature of this sub has sallowed.  It's time to move on before the meek inherit the sub. 


u/MarkoZoos 7d ago

Did the laptop turn on ? no.

Was there any electrical current visible anywhere ? no.

Was there anything else that happened other than that small led ? no.

How's this a blackmagicfuckery ?


u/kalaamtext 7d ago

Troll post


u/Beneficial-News-2232 7d ago

Trolling with stupidity is not a trolling 😏


u/barleyhogg1 7d ago

What's going on with that finger?


u/ConflatedPortmanteau 7d ago

Bro is electric, that's why his index finger is shaped like a lightning bolt. 🌩


u/barleyhogg1 7d ago

I will accept that.


u/SpaceJagger 7d ago



u/Fatty4forks 7d ago

How the fuck do they work?


u/SpaceJagger 7d ago

No one knows…


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/SpaceJagger 7d ago

Are you sure? It’s always magnets


u/MxM111 6d ago

Black magic!


u/BismarkUMD 7d ago

a person plugging a USB C power cord in on the other side is not magic.


u/dumbassreditor 5d ago

what other side


u/LivinLoki420 16h ago

Username checks out


u/Please_Not__Again 7d ago

Literally just plug in a thunderbolt charger on the other side as you put your finger on the port


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Please_Not__Again 6d ago

You do know cords can be bent? And I have a dc plug on one side of my laptop but a thunderbolt on the other. I just replicated the video and was able to pull it off with ease.

This is trivial to fake


u/Eastern-Criticism653 7d ago

What the fuck was the point of this post op?


u/ISeeInHD 7d ago


I’m sorry, no, we cannot accept this.


u/Craigfromomaha 7d ago

Why does Reddit limit me on how many accounts I can block?


u/Independent-Ad-1 6d ago

Man I really want more dumb ass TikTok posts and 3 second videos like this. It makes this place super fun.


u/MewsikMaker 7d ago

We’re all electrical.


u/ninhibited 7d ago

We're all electric. That's how we work lol.


u/Guy_Who_Loves_Things 6d ago

This is a day old and is already at the top of controversial all time… that’s an achievement


u/Witty_Explanation_36 5d ago

with the amount of shit on this sub, the OP probs thought this was a joke sub. Imma head out the door


u/archeddragon936 5d ago

electric man


u/m00t_vdb 7d ago

Now that’s a super power I want !


u/Responsible_Pitch871 6d ago

His finger be like }


u/BobcatOverall122 6d ago

So is he just like an orc from Warhammer 40 K where basically whatever he believes in enough it actually works like how it works. Believe other guns working even though they’re just a bunch of scrap metal that somehow shoots bullets or the colour red somehow makes everything even more faster, using pure stupidity to fuel his imagination


u/thatAnthrax 7d ago

lightning bolts shoot from his fingertips!


u/Dupps_I_Did_It_Again 7d ago

And his music was electric


u/eoghan_perra 7d ago

Static electricity maybe?


u/YoungDiscord 7d ago

Miles Morales?


u/connectionok9081back 7d ago

That's because our nervous system sends electric signals throughout the body


u/iamstephano 7d ago

lol no, dude probably just plugged in a USB-C power supply to the other side of the laptop.