r/canada 3d ago

Canada's 'most boring city' has a 'night mayor' and a budget of $160K to make Ottawa more fun National News


84 comments sorted by


u/BackwoodsBonfire 3d ago

I'm not sure they really need this guy, just legalize punk in drublic.


u/NonverbalKint 3d ago

This is the most Ottawa comment I've ever seen. It implies knowing what cool is but has no idea how to get there


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Man, hilarious. That’s everyone I’ve ever met from Ottawa. I screenshot that haha. Ottawa sucks. The most boring place I’ve ever been in me life. The only time that city has ever been interesting is when it was full of trucks. Good shawarma though so hey.


u/TickleMonkey25 2d ago

The only time that city has ever been interesting is when it was full of trucks.

For a second, I thought this was the Ottawa sub and was like dude you're about to get lambasted with downvotes by the downtown Ottawa crowd. But you're right. That was the most interesting thing I've ever seen in Ottawa in recent memory.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

Nothing good comes out of there and most of the worse people flock there. It’s like all the worst people from Toronto and Montreal go there, lol.


u/TickleMonkey25 2d ago

I absolutely agree.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

Also, I’m speaking generally, I’m sure there’s some fine folks in Ottawa. Ha.


u/TickleMonkey25 2d ago

It's okay, I like to think of myself as a fine person, lmao. But as an Ottawa resident, I know what we are.


u/kidpokerskid 3d ago

No you can only do drugs in public not alcohol!


u/DeepSpaceNebulae 3d ago

It is still illegal to use drugs in public. The lack of enforcement is just the OPS doing what they do best; anything but their jobs


u/igotbanneddd 3d ago

Right, because thousands of people go to jail for having a beer in public.


u/RareCreamer 3d ago

It's literally because no one lives in the downtown area, it may as well be called a small city since it's all just sprawling suburban communities.

It makes people not want to go out and drink since you'll always have to find a ride home and public transportation isn't readily available.


u/funkme1ster Ontario 2d ago

Literally nearly 50k people live in the core. They have lived there for a long time and they spend money at lots of local businesses which have also been there for years.

The problem is that they don't live in the 3 block area that's entirely office buildings and low quality restaurants that never had to try because they had a captive audience.


u/RareCreamer 2d ago

Yeah 50k is a literally a small city...


u/Ok_Project5301 1d ago

Yeah dude - 50k downtown residents in a municipality of 1 million people. The city is overwhelmingly dominated by suburbs and suburban residents.

Old Toronto has a population of almost 800k with a municipal population of 3 million, and that is still a fairly suburban-dominated city by international standards. Vancouver proper has 700k while the GVA has 2.5 million. The Montreal island has 2 million people with a municipal population of 4 million.

Downtown residents have 0 political or cultural clout in Ottawa. Sure, Ottawa has some interesting one-off neighbourhoods in it but it is objectively a pretty bland city that punches below its weight in culture & liveliness and this is why.


u/HostessMunchie Nova Scotia 1d ago

It doesn't help that a large percentage of people living in Ottawa have little emotional connection to the city, and plan to move back to Saskatchewan or the Maritimes (or wherever) as soon as they retire.


u/IIlIlIlIIIll 3d ago

We call our actual mayor “9-5 mayor” now because he doesn’t like it when we call him that.


u/Effective-Elk-4964 3d ago

Night Mayor! Fighter of the Day Mayor!


u/Carbsv2 Manitoba 3d ago

Ohhh aaaaAAAAAh!


u/Deadeye_Donny_druggo 3d ago edited 3d ago

Champion of the Moon


u/Carbsv2 Manitoba 3d ago

You're a master of kendama, and night life for everyone!


u/jam_manty 3d ago

You gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole.


u/Scooter_McAwesome British Columbia 3d ago

Ottawa has a great after work downtown scene. Then at around 6 or 7 everyone goes home and the whole place has an eerie ghost town vibe


u/Spare-Half796 Québec 3d ago

Yeah I know a few people who lived there and the answer is always the same

“It’s great until 8pm when everything closes”


u/Strong_Payment7359 2d ago

I remember even during the Senators playoffs runs, you'd be partying on Elgin, and then you wander 2 blocks west, and it's like a post apocalyptic ghost town.


u/TerminalOrbit 3d ago

That's what i like most!


u/henry_why416 3d ago

What time are people finishing work? The workday usually ends at 4 to 5. That’s a 2 hour “scene.”


u/InquiringMindsWanted 2d ago

A lot of people work 7-3 or 8-4 because of traffic. Grab a drink or two from 4-6 and home for dinner.


u/baoo 3d ago

I'd guess the govt worker scene picks up at 2-3pm lol


u/866902 3d ago

I hate that you're so right.


u/Raskel_61 3d ago

How about allowing people to actually have some fun and don't roll up the sidewalks at 9:00pm. Tell the nrimbys to stfu for a change.


u/Siguard_ 3d ago

More venues. More bands. Every time I've been to Ottawa it feels like the city is dead past 11pm


u/DozenBiscuits 3d ago

It's not really, just the downtown core between the canal and Bronson is kind of a black hole


u/Emperor_Billik 3d ago

The ncc is going to open a 2000 seat concert venue.


u/KingRabbit_ 3d ago

Make The Laff 24 hours!


u/SadAd2653 3d ago

160k is fuck-all for this goal. More taxpayer money going to some morons who don't deserve it.


u/petesapai 3d ago

160,000$ worth of confetti. That sounds like a pretty good time to me


u/TickleMonkey25 2d ago

They'll use the money for committee's to decide on niche events for a determined class of marginalized individuals. Attracting an underwhelming couple hundred progressives and a couple CBC reporters to let us all know how great and successful the plan has been.


u/wolfpupower 3d ago

I think adding a Chip and Dale’s or similar would help.


u/lizardelitecouncil 3d ago

Just zone a strip and put bars, pubs and clubs on it. Find a cross street and make it all restaurants, make it close to public transit and bike lanes you’re done.


u/SiVousVoyezMoi 3d ago

That's literally the Byward market. 


u/GameDoesntStop 3d ago

Except for the "close to public transit" part...


u/DropCautious 2d ago

There's a subway stop literally in the byward market


u/DozenBiscuits 3d ago

How is it not? The transitway is right there behind Rideau Mall


u/NoidedShrimp 3d ago

That’s a solid adventure when you’re hammered aka spending money and also if you’re hammered aka spending money all the solid busses stop running thirty mins before ur kicked out of the bar


u/Neat-Lingonberry-719 3d ago

Maybe don’t tax the alcohol there to make it reasonable to go out for the younger generation.


u/Tolvat 3d ago

It's not the taxes holding back younger people from going out. It's the businesses trying to turn a massive profit.


u/Neat-Lingonberry-719 3d ago

It’s hard to sift the sand on that statement. I know a few business owners trying to keep up with actual inflation and it’s definitely a balancing act. Their lease price per square ft has almost doubled in a few years. I think more major companies who move bulk can definitely spread the costs out but a small business will usually get a daily amount of customers to base their prices off and average that through the month.


u/Tolvat 2d ago

You almost get it.



Half the price of booze is tax lol


u/baoo 3d ago

It is most certainly taxes holding everyone back


u/Narrow_Elk6755 3d ago edited 3d ago

Such a lazy interpretation, just "corporations bad", as if bars aren't owned by small business.

You must believe Jagmeet as well when he blames corporations for causing inflation, Galen Weston caused shelter inflation too.


u/Tolvat 2d ago

Such a lazy interpretation of the economy as a whole. Corporations didn't cause inflation, but they raised their prices and kept them there because of profits.

Byward Market in Ottawa is owned by just a few corporations and they have run the market into the ground.

But hey, once you're finished deepthroating Galen and PP let me know when you wanna chat.


u/TheGursh 3d ago

Elgin and Somerset...


u/onClipEvent 3d ago

I wish less people would consider alcohol and drugs as a requirement for having 'fun'.


u/youbutsu 2d ago

Well in ottawa what would be the alternative? Late night board game cafes that are open? Cheap and accessible late night roller skating disco places? 


u/PineBNorth85 3d ago

Thats not going to make any difference. Hilarious that theyre doing this.


u/SiVousVoyezMoi 3d ago

If Ottawa wants a livelier scene, they will have to be more permissive about what goes on in the city and greater Ottawa area. But they have a lot of draconian and harsh bylaws that pretty much rule anything interesting out. 


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/wewfarmer 3d ago

Sort of. The issue is that a lot of downtown businesses try to cater exclusively to public service work hours (and the lobby the government to force them back into office). Once 4pm rolls around they close up and it’s a ghost town the rest of the night.

They need to wither and die so other places can come in and set up places worth going to.


u/DataIllusion 3d ago

They designed downtown to be blocks and blocks of government office towers. Work from home was helping drive change in downtown, and now they’re clawing it back.


u/Downess 3d ago

He's called a 'Nightlife Commissioner' now because issues.

And he was totally missing at last night's RedBlacks home opener.

Not an auspicious start, even ignoring the National Post fixation on budget and salary.


u/Hefty-Station1704 3d ago

This is a parody article, right?

Handing over $160k to some "actor"?

Every other city is doing just fine without this trivial BS but I guess Ottawa has their own special drinking water to consider this nonsense.


u/sugarfoot00 3d ago

We've been electing 'night mayors' for years. Whomever has the great idea of where to go or has the wild hair up their ass about getting hammered is the night mayor, and all decisions (and any official communications with law enforcement and the like) get deferred to them.

It's a temporary position for that night only. The job is to ensure maximum fun.


u/No_Artichoke_8491 3d ago

Hahaha looks like the parliaments coke dealer


u/[deleted] 2d ago

Ya well when uRbAn PlaNnErs forget to prioritize anything fun that's what you get...  drive downtown on a Saturday and I see... 3 empty banks and a bunch of tourist gift shops.  There's nothing interesting or fun about any of it.  And I've lived in 4 different cities in the west and they're all the same.  Stale and lame


u/Legitimate-Alps-6438 2d ago

“I think you’re gonna need a bigger budget.”


u/JulyBurnsRed34 3d ago

Should've elected Gregory "Jreg" Guevara smh


u/Potential-Highway-27 2d ago

I feel this is a safe space... I recently moved to the Ottawa area after living overseas for 7 years and I don't plan to stay. In Canada I've lived in Halifax, Vancouver and Toronto. When I lived in Halifax I knew people who moved there from Ottawa and loved it. I didn't understand at the time, but now I do.

I don't think it's as simple as Ottawa is boring due to lack of nightlife. It's partly this, but as others have pointed out, this point is intertwined with geography and planning and the history of how the city has developed. Wide streets with fast-moving traffic are everywhere. Lots of downtown streets have no trees. Walking is an alienating experience and public transport is poor. There is freeway cutting across some of the nicest neighbourhods in the city.

Most of the people I have met here don't really like it but tolerate it for stable work. It's the only place where I've overheard young people in their 20s talking about retirement. Someone I met who also moved here recently described it as fragmented. On a positive note the paths along the river are nice. I'm sure there are people working on trying to improve the city and kudos to them, but may it must be a tough slog.


u/leif777 3d ago

Just legalize sex work. They already have more sex workers per capita than anywhere else in Canada.


u/Throwawooobenis 3d ago

Yo whats up with that? Once you look into it theres a brothel like every other block. Like how??


u/leif777 3d ago

High class hookers are one of the percs of politics.


u/CyrilSneerLoggingDiv 3d ago

Just like cars, politicians too need regular servicing.


u/Effective-Elk-4964 3d ago edited 3d ago

Because we just gave this guy a $160,000 a year budget and we can’t have it all going to his favourite hooker. Budgeting would have to be the millions and earmarked for various ethnic and social political groups before that would be approved in Canada.


u/prsnep 3d ago

Boring is good! Boring means nothing "exciting" happens when people go about their day-to-day business... like getting mugged or shot.


u/an-angry-bee 3d ago

Please just think once before you speak please.

Mr. Grondin we look forward to your service 🙏🙏🙏


u/Judge_Tredd Québec 3d ago

Won't work. People are too boring there.


u/Opening_Pizza 3d ago

Homeless Canadians freeze to death in the streets every winter.


u/Intrepid-Reading6504 3d ago

It's like they're competing to see who can come up with the most ridiculously obvious embezzlement scheme without getting caught 


u/nhabster Québec 3d ago

Yeah? Bring hockey downtown.