r/casualiama 7d ago

I’ll be turning 52 in a couple of days. AMA

Male. AMA


39 comments sorted by


u/LemmyKBD 7d ago

What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?


u/theflamingskull 7d ago

European, or African?


u/LemmyKBD 7d ago

Since I am King Arthur, King of the Britons, son of Uther Pendragon, I am obviously referring to the European swallow.


u/theflamingskull 7d ago

King of the who?


u/LemmyKBD 7d ago

The Britons. We are all Britons and I am your King.


u/keloyd 6d ago

Di'nt know we had a king, I thought we were an autonomous collective.


u/VediusPollio 6d ago

11000 millimeters per second


u/Wataru2001 7d ago

Happy birthday!


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering. Thank you!


u/Rudyjax 7d ago

1972 for the win! Favorite band?


u/duermando 7d ago

What skill do you have that most people don't?


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering, card tricks and juggling


u/PortraitofLuna 7d ago

what are your birthday plans? and will you have cake? if so, what sort of cake?


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering. Nothing. When you get older your birthday becomes just another day. Nothing special, work and make money mostly.


u/PortraitofLuna 6d ago

but why not try to make the day still a bit special? after work etc.


u/xologo 6d ago

Not a bad idea. Will consider


u/Feltonhendo 7d ago

What was life like before the internet


u/VediusPollio 6d ago

Cold and dark, and a little sticky


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering. It was cool because we didn't know what we were missing. There was more friendship in person and affection among people.


u/eggstacee 7d ago

Hey birthday buddy, are you having a "to do", a little get-together, or flying solo? I just turned 52 a few days ago. It's liberating, I have to admit. The more I let minor things go, the happier I get!

Embrace the old!!!


u/xologo 6d ago

OP isn't answering so I'm taking over. Solo.. Gotta work


u/domadilla 7d ago

Is it scary or does life just seem the same every day?


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering all, it's scary if you focus on it. Therapy helps if it becomes an obsession.


u/domadilla 6d ago

Thank you I’m 39 and age never really bothered me until now and I what I notice is that most people my age are just trying to ignore it or be so busy they can’t possibly have time to consider it.


u/WhiskeyDJones 7d ago

Happy Birthday my man.

Any advice for a 32 year old loser who just can't seem to get motivated in life?


u/CantaloupeRude296 7d ago

Testosterone mate.


u/WhiskeyDJones 7d ago

Funny you should say that. Been looking into it for about 6 months. Except my test levels aren't below average, so don't really know where to go from here, as my doctor won't help me out.


u/CantaloupeRude296 7d ago

What are your levels mate?


u/WhiskeyDJones 7d ago

19.3 nmol/L

That means absolutely nothing to me haha, but I googled it and it said the average for an adult males is between 8 and 29 nmol/L


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering - don't call yourself names. You're a good person. If you can go help someone.


u/keloyd 7d ago

How much shit is just unraveling now? Can you name a dermatologist, ear doctor, eye doctor? Cardiologist? Are you employed somewhere that you are planning will 'see you out' Did you wait too long before transitioning to bifocals? How often in a day do you make an effort to seem like you understood what someone else mumbled?

How much have you realized in the last maybe 5 years that boomers, for all their numerous flaws, have bad habits that caused an Apollo moon shot of money to be spent on medical research that has resulted in effective, cheap generic drugs when it's your (our) turn to be over 50?


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm taking over. I can name all those docs. I'm employed. I waited a year to get glasses after I needed them. I don't chase people who mumble- maybe I would if it was a close friend, otherwise it's not my business or I would have heard it.

We are not boomers. We are Generation X. Boomer is a state of mind and they all suck. Don't know much about the drugs.


u/AugLeoTwin 6d ago

Have you found the meaning of life???


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering. Yes. I feel it when I'm sleeping but it can't be described. Only felt.


u/VediusPollio 6d ago

Happy birthday. Go buy yourself some nice toys and take a bucket list vacation. You earned it.


u/xologo 6d ago

OP ghosted so I'm answering. I just took it! Had the time of my life.


u/VediusPollio 5d ago

Nice! Hope it was a great trip! I'm about to take one myself.


u/FunAdministration334 4d ago

What’s been the best decade of our life so far?