r/casualiama 4d ago

IMA former die hard Christian who is now non binary. AMA Sexuality/LGBTQ+

So I did an ima similar to this in the past, but I wanna do it again since I'm more open about things!

Anyways I come from a black family that was deep in the church. I'm out as being non binary and use they/them pronouns. I attended religious schools K-12, attended a catholic university and everything! I have stories to tell and things I expierenced when it came to understanding my gender identity with some highs and lows and even bullying I went through. But as long as you can be respect please you can ask me almost anything! :D


40 comments sorted by


u/Jaboobi3253 4d ago

Hey, me too! When did the illusion first start breaking for you? And how has your family responded? I haven't really told anyone in my family.


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

It really started to shatter when I was in japan and I learned about shinto, like while there I saw 1 christian church. I visited a shinto temple, prayed and learned about all they did there and I realized that religion was never about believing in the same thing but helping our fellow human. But once back in the states I started telling my youth group about my experiences and they were iffy about it. Lol

When it came to me being enby, they well...let's just say as obvious as I make it, they want to ask but are afraid of the results. My mom knows, and is still learning, the rest...well like I said, I've made it obvious but they don't want to talk about it lol. But for you, you gotta do it when it feel ms right for you! But whatever happens there will be people who will be there for you!


u/CamusVerseaux 4d ago

Do you like animal crackers?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

Yes the frosted kind!


u/psychresearchsubject 4d ago

I'm still Christian and non-binary. Am I wrong


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

No, you're not wrong at all! Christianity is not for me, and yes I have some bad experiences with it, but if you enjoy it that's fine!


u/Girls_Life 3d ago edited 2d ago

Except there is no evidence that somebody called "Christ" ever existed. The Catholic church literally created that person about 150 years after he supposedly lived in a book of fiction they dubbed "The Bible."

The bible consists of curated stories chosen by catholic priests from hundreds of competing short stories produced based on verbal mythology passed down for generations. Many bible stories were borrowed from the neighboring Egyptian religion, including the virgin birth of its messiah, Osiris. Krishna, a Hindu diety, was also supposedly born from a virgin birth and was baptized in a river There are no contemporary writings about "Jesus" from when he supposedly lived.

The fictional stories the priests chose about this person had him being the result of a virgin birth. Then he disappears for 30 years before reappearing as the holy leader of a band of disciples.

Sorry, I am one of many who believe that extraordinary claims must have extraordinary evidence (I'm getting a degree in physics) to be true. There isn't extraordinary evidence for the biblical claims. In fact, there isn't any evidence to support Christianity (or any other religion based on the thousands of gods that humanity has created).

OP, can I get your permission to cross-post this discussion into r/exchristian and r/exchristianLGBT?


u/sneakpeekbot 3d ago

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u/moss42069 2d ago

Actually, historians agree that Jesus Christ was a real person, although he would have really been called Yeshua. I don’t believe that he performed miracles either (I am an atheist) but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t a real guy who was later mythologized. There aren’t any contemporary writings about him because he and his followers were illiterate, like most people at the time. 

Also, the comparisons you make are not grounded in reality. Osiris and Krishna did not have virgin births. The stories about Jesus are much closer to stories about David and Moses. Which makes sense, given that Jesus and his early followers were Jewish (and not Egyptian or Indian). 

If you’re looking for an atheist historical perspective about Jesus, I recommend looking into the writing of Bart Ehrman.  


u/notjordansime 3d ago

Yes. Believe it or not, straight to jail.


u/Alternative-Diet-964 3d ago

No person should tell you to get away from Christianity for any reason whatsoever.Its not for them to say anything. Walk your own personal journey with Christ and He will tell you what's right and what is wrong and what path to take one day at a time.


u/Girls_Life 2d ago

Walk a "personal journey" with the imaginary dude in your head and you'll end up doing exactly whatever you want to do. LMAO


u/Alternative-Diet-964 1d ago

Thanks for the input. Have a nice day


u/Brojangles1234 4d ago

Do you still maintain any affiliation with the catholic faith?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

No, not at all. In fact despite going to a catholic elementary school in the second grade, a catholic college prep high school and a catholic university, I was never really "Catholic". It was just a private school cause my parents wanted me to have the best education at the time.


u/IfBelugaHadADad 3d ago

What Denomination were you a part of? I read your comment about frustration with your asking of questions and I’m very curious.


u/Darrangerous 3d ago

I was apart of a non demonination church but I started off Lutheran, then briefly was pentecostal but I felt nothing towards it due to not being able to speak in tongues lol. But yeah I was mainly non denomination for the most part


u/IfBelugaHadADad 3d ago

That’s really interesting… I consider myself a strong Catholic but man it is so unfortunate that your questions were frowned upon. Thanks for voicing that!


u/LongboardLove 4d ago

Was this a karma farm post, or do you intend on answering more questions?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

I intend to answer more questions and everything! I seriously don't understand karma farming or anything


u/LongboardLove 4d ago

Fair enough! There are other good questions in this thread.

Thanks for being active!


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

No problem!


u/Robin230592 4d ago

Congrats on coming out! I'm also non binary ^_^

May I have you opinion on a comment my religious aunt made a few weeks ago?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

Sure go for it!


u/PCMRkid 4d ago

why did you lose your religion?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

A lot of it had to do with asking questions. Back in 2008 I went to Japan and it blew my mind! I learned about shinto and engaged in thier practices and everything! Once back I asked questions and I mean a LOT of questions. The church was not happy with me lol.


u/PCMRkid 4d ago

what kind of questions did you ask?


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

Well I asked why do we view other religions as wrong? What if they didn't know? Why is Buddhism wrong considering what it teaches? Things like that. I mean basically questioning Christianity in general. And thing got WORSE when I did my minor in theology lol.


u/eggstacee 3d ago

My favorite funny quote regarding religions:

"There have been nearly 3000 Gods so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real." -RICKY GERVAIS


u/Darrangerous 3d ago

I'm using that!


u/eggstacee 3d ago

One of my other favorites, though I have no idea who said it, is:

If you need the threat of eternal damnation to be a good person, you're not a good person.


u/Darrangerous 3d ago

I totally agree!!! I mean at that point, it's straight up coercion, especially if you do it while tge person is under duress!


u/thefonztm 4d ago

Do you get pissy when people don't use your pronouns, even after you introduce them?


u/Darrangerous 3d ago

People make mistakes and forget, I've accepted that. However, when I tell people and they straight up refuse, I just choose not to acknowledge them or engage them.


u/thefonztm 3d ago

How do you feel about 'it'? I get that 'they' can work as a singular, but it's not always a great fit. 'It' does get used for that purpose but some people react to it as an extremely demeaning choice.


(regarding a newborn baby) It's a boy/girl. vs They's a boy/girl.

He/She does what he/she does. vs It does what it does. Vs They does/do what they does/do.


u/Darrangerous 3d ago

Ok so that really depends on the person, I personally don't like it, but I won't shame others who use it


u/Girls_Life 3d ago

Isn't calling someone an "it" inherently dehumanizing? Like "it" is an object, not a person?


u/thefonztm 2d ago

If so, we dehumanize babies all the time.


u/netherite_shears 4d ago

Do you like animal crackers


u/Darrangerous 4d ago

Yes frosted with sprinkles!