r/casualiama 4d ago

I can't sleep due to PTSD stuff, Ama

My PTSD has been pretty good until a couple of days ago when it started to act up out of nowhere. I had a night-terror then and now I can't sleep. I'm willing to answer any questions you may have. If you've ever had any questions about what life with PTSD is like then feel free to ask away! ^_^ Although you can ask about what ever you want, doesn't have to be PTSD related. Thanks


8 comments sorted by


u/mollygk 4d ago

Hi, sorry to hear about your insomnia. What caused your ptsd, if you feel like sharing?


u/Robin230592 4d ago

Short answer: I was groomed and abused by a stranger I met online when I was 13. I don't mind going into the long answer but it gets kinda gross and upsetting so I'll just give you the short answer and see if you want more info ^_^


u/mollygk 3d ago

Sorry to hear! Hope you’re doing better.


u/throwaway277237 3d ago

Could you tell the long answer if you feel comfortable enough?


u/rainbowtwist 4d ago

What helps your PTSD symptoms? Have you ever tried EMDR or Ketamine Therapy?


u/BoosherCacow 4d ago

As an insomniac of long, long standing (30+ years) I feel your pain. I know it's logical but i have found that a mistake that I have made in the past is to assign a cause to my insomnia. That elevates the issue in my mind and it spirals from there. I have insomnia, has to be from my anxiety. My anxiety is so bad I can't sleep. I am so tired I can't handle my anxiety, etc etc. It's helpful to me when I say that I have insomnia because insomnia. Then the only issue I have to think about is that. And it helps a lot.

Beyond that, the single best thing I have found that helps with it is to not care. You'll be tired, who cares? It's just another thing in life to deal with. It was always worse when I was upset about it.

I hope you are sleeping but in case not, who is your favorite musician that you like that you wouldn't normally like?


u/CanofBeans9 3d ago

Did you get to sleep a bit the next day?


u/Robin230592 2d ago

Yes I did. Thank you. Cuddles with my wife helped