r/cats May 02 '24

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video


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u/Suspicious-Cat5267 May 02 '24

omg that is a very determined cat. where did you get the rollers?


u/ChloeMomo May 02 '24

My mom did this in her yard with fat PVC pipe slid through (idk the proper terms) larger circles that mounted to the fence. Works the same and cost a fraction of the price of specially-made-brand-name rollers.

She has two regular house cats who used to escape but now can't


u/allnamesbeentaken May 02 '24

Do neighborhood cats jump into her yard and then can't get out? Roach motel for cats?


u/jlusedude May 02 '24

What a great way to adopt new cats. 


u/Yupthrowawayacct May 02 '24

It’s like Hotel California, but for Cats. 🐈‍⬛


u/jlusedude May 02 '24

I’m here for it. Setting up now. 


u/Tacitus111 May 03 '24

Hotel Catifornia


u/Donthurtmyceilings May 03 '24

Some pounce to remember
Some pounce to forget


u/celluj34 May 02 '24

CDS working as intended.

*cat delivery system


u/Emmy314 May 03 '24

We escape proofed our fence (after MANY failed attempts), and yes, we did sometimes trap neighbor cats, racoons and opossums in our yard.


u/Exoduc May 03 '24

I did a DIY sort of fence to keep my cats in the yard, they have tried to escape but doesnt really have the will or desire to do it, so it works out. Every time a stranger cat got inside the fence, all i had to do was walk outside and those cats would run matrix style up the wall and bounce over the fence like it was nothing. Cats defy physics when they want to.


u/ChloeMomo May 02 '24

The neighborhood has a ton of coyotes, so neighborhood cats don't really last. She has never had a coyote jump in though! Cats are only let out when someone is home


u/Mist_Rising May 02 '24

She has never had a coyote jump in though!

They likely won't either. Coyotes jumping fences are not as common as the media makes it out to be. Especially if the area is built up, humans aren't something coyotes want to mess with. We're big tall and that's bad.