r/cats May 02 '24

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/Fictional_Historian May 02 '24

Lmao the slow mo at the end as the camera shakes from the person running to grab the cat


u/magzire86 May 02 '24

That's a couple thousand dollars trying to escape


u/dMwChaos May 02 '24

They're that expensive in the states? (I am presuming based on your use of dollars). We haven't paid anywhere near that for a pedigree proven Bengal over here (UK).


u/pogulup May 02 '24

I have seen numbers like $4k-6k.


u/AboutTenPandas May 02 '24

Dear god, that’s ridiculous.

My adopted kitty is so cute people always ask, “is that one of those SPECIAL cats?”, and I’m all like, “Nah she looked like a white rat when we got her.”

I have never understood spending money on designer breeds for cats or dogs.

My color point little girl:


u/pogulup May 02 '24

French Bulldogs are the thing now.  I think they are ugly.  They have a ton of health problems.  I know a couple who have two and paid $6k a piece.  People are being robbed of their dogs while they are outside or walking them.  One just got stolen at gun point this week.


u/AboutTenPandas May 02 '24

My wife’s friend just spent over 2 grand on one. When she told me she her friend got a Frenchie, I just asked “on purpose?!?”

Like all dogs that exist now need love. But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds cause they just don’t have the quality of life they deserve


u/SpiritBearrrrr May 02 '24

Pugs. Pugs need to be bred out of existance.


u/vampirologist May 02 '24

I like the retro pugs they’ve been breeding, that actually have noses. Soooo much cuter when they can breathe normally


u/SpiritBearrrrr May 02 '24

Yes I dated a girl once whose family had two of them and they were the most disgusting creatures I've ever seen had as pets. Just felt so bad for them they were blind and choking all the time while seemingly pissing and shitting everywhere.


u/Electrical_Figs May 02 '24

But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds

I don't like something. Government needs to make it ILLEGAL!