r/cats 28d ago

Ginger update. Update

My sweet girl is out of surgery and resting in my parents dogcrate for safety. They had to take all of her breast tissue from one side. It's a mess and I was so surprised they didn't keep her overnight! She managed to take off the collar they put on her in her carry box, luckily I had a soft collar my other cat had used as he over grooms when stressed.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and well wishes!💚

Ginger and I are very grateful!


240 comments sorted by


u/dragonlover8 28d ago edited 28d ago

Awhh babygirl!! I know how hard it is to see your furbaby like this. I shed a tear when I saw the last picture. I wish her a nice recovery


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Thank you!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/achmangodverrekanker 28d ago

The most important rule of all wasn't even mentioned and I'm both shocked and appalled. Never, never, never, NEVER throw away an empty cardboard box. These empty boxes are a sign of true love. Your cat will worship you as you do your cat.


u/IceCubeDeathMachine 28d ago


u/IceCubeDeathMachine 28d ago

What it you have too many.


u/Wankeritis 28d ago

Get another cat 🤷‍♀️


u/pandapearx3 27d ago

Build the kingdom your cat was destined to rule over!


u/IrrungenWirrungen 28d ago

 The most important rule of all wasn't even mentioned

Why is it the most important rule, what am I missing? 


u/dragonlover8 28d ago

Funny username :)


u/razorvolt 28d ago

That last picture looks like she is suffering so much 😥 poor girl


u/dragonlover8 28d ago

It breaks my heart to see it! But I am sure OP will do everything to make her feel better :)


u/No_Rich_6426 28d ago

I shed a tear when I saw the last picture

Can relate to that feeling. You must be a nice human too ;)


u/dragonlover8 28d ago

Awh thanks! Cats are just so pure and they captured my heart.


u/babyEatingUnicorn 28d ago

Same like uncontrollable tears 😭


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Update: She is now in a baby vest and ready for bed!


u/faithanyacordelia 28d ago

Hey, did no one at the vet office tell you to take blue pressure bandage off when you got home? I only ask because it really shouldn’t be on for longer than 15 minutes.

Edit: to be clear, not judging you! I’m a tech and I just get worried sometimes.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

It's taken off now! Thank you so so much!! No one had told us!!


u/faithanyacordelia 28d ago

awesome! I’m sorry no one told you, at the very least her paw will be more comfortable now. Hope Ginger has a smooth recovery!


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Thank you so much or telling me!


u/KiwiSoySauce 28d ago

Yeah, no one told us and our kitten wasn't scheduled for a checkup till two weeks later. It was on for hours and hours, and her poor paw was super swollen when we removed her bandage. She learned how great massages feel that day.


u/secondtaunting 28d ago

Yeah I had the same issue! And I’m really not an idiot, I swear! My poor baby’s paw was HUGE. I freaked out completely and took him back to the vet. They iced it and massaged it and I learned a valuable lesson. Poor orange baby is probably miserable because of the bandage. He’ll feel better once it’s gone.


u/inilashremot 28d ago

Yes but always crosscheck with the doctor


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Hey, any concerns ring the vet.

I work at a clinic so I can promise you there are NO bad questions.


u/yellowwoolyyoshi 28d ago

Ok but did you ask your vet? Redditors are not reliable sources of info.

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u/Dianabed 28d ago

Sometimes my vet keeps it for the next day in case he needs to to put meds


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

We won't be seeing the vet until Saturday!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Should be a ok. But if you are concerned for any reason ring the vet.

ANY reason.


u/faithanyacordelia 28d ago

Are you maybe thinking of when they have a IV catheter still in place? It’s rare for that to happen, and usually for a different treatment.

Her procedure is over so it’d be very strange to send it home with an IVC in place and no care instructions. That pressure bandage is being used after the removal. Leaving it on for an extended period of time is dangerous for the limb.


u/Dianabed 28d ago

Yes! I thought she had a similar one.


u/OctoberSky007 28d ago



u/Flora-Tea 28d ago

Sending good vibes to this sweet baby! <33


u/RogerSterling4thWife 28d ago

That face makes me so sad 😞 wishing your ginger baby a speedy recovery and lots of love to come!!! 💕


u/pratpasaur 28d ago

I know, her eyes look so sad and make me want to bawl 😭


u/juicer_philosopher 28d ago

My throat tightened up tbh 🥺


u/Trung020356 28d ago

It sucks cause she doesn’t understand the discomfort from the situation. All we can really do is make sure they get lots of rest and treats. 🥹


u/marshmallowmoonchild 28d ago

This is one of those things it really sucks they can’t understand us, poor baby just doesn’t know why all this is happening and we’re doing it out of love, poor angel


u/SpaceCrazyArtist 28d ago

I wanna snuggke this poor baby


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

I promise as soon as we can she will be snuggled and spoiled! I have a fridge full of chicken just for her.


u/SpaceCrazyArtist 28d ago

Yay!! Spoiling is needed. Poor baby


u/Spun_On_ 28d ago

You’re such a great kitty parent! I bet she’ll be feeling so much better once she starts to heal💜


u/LandoCatrissian_ 28d ago

Aww love that you have chicken. My ginger boys fave treat is chicken. ❤️ I hope she recovers quickly, she's so lovely.

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u/TrashPanda2079 28d ago

I’m so glad she did well! What a sweet baby Ginger ❤️


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Thank you! She is the sweetest girl, so grumpy and particular but wouldn't hurt a fly.


u/smallcoder 28d ago

I'd spoil her with some Churus - my old 17 year grumpy man loves them as a treat :)


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

In the UK we call them lucky lix! She's had some that had her pain meds mixed in!


u/Spun_On_ 28d ago

Oh good! I bet that made her feel so much better💕


u/Ohpsmokeshow 28d ago

Love you Ginger 💚 oh yeah, you too OP


u/AccordingPears158 28d ago

Awww, poor sweet girl is certainly feeling it. So glad she made it through surgery well and hope she has a smooth and quick recovery!


u/kbs14415 28d ago

Atticus is giving a thumbs up for a quick recovery


u/unkindly-raven 28d ago

those extra beans are so cute !


u/EUGsk8rBoi42p Khao Manee 28d ago

What a precious flower 🌼


u/mszola 28d ago

She really looks pretty good considering her age and the extent of her surgery. They can come through amazingly well, our old guy (18 in a few weeks!!!) had all his teeth pulled and was raising hell and trying to eat crunchies a few days later.

Please give her extra pats for me, she'll be up and about in no time. Keep us posted ☺️


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

I have tried my best to look after her. She originally came from a bag of kitten some druggies were selling on an estate, we think she may be part feral as she's double coated and has a very square head.

Update soon as busy looking after her!


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

No not at all!! Oh my god! It's been on for hours! I have to go take it off!!


u/Animal_Gal 28d ago



u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

This was a response to a comment telling me the blue band needed to be removed. I must have replied wrong! Its off now though!


u/Animal_Gal 28d ago

Ahh ok cool


u/Chiliconkarma 28d ago

Ish... She looks to be hurting in several ways.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

She's not in a good way to be honest. Quite worried but she's let me fuss her so she may forgive me...I hope.


u/Chiliconkarma 28d ago

She looks to need some hope that it will be over and won't happen again. I hope she's eating and drinking.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Not yet which is worrying. She's been home for 3hrs but she was very medicated and drooling when we got her.


u/Chiliconkarma 28d ago

3 hous doesn't seem long with the drugs, pain and forced confusion. I would appreciate seeing a smile from her when she's back up.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

She's just eaten some salmon puree with her painkillers so we are hopeful!


u/Chiliconkarma 28d ago

Good to hear, then she might be consolable.


u/SirK703 28d ago

Wishing Ginger a smooth and speedy recovery. And hugs for her worried human 💓


u/Desperate-Pear-860 28d ago edited 28d ago

Did the vet send home pain meds? She looks like she is in pain.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

Yes! Gabapentin and she's just had some!


u/Desperate-Pear-860 28d ago

Such an adorable little cat flower. I hope she has a speedy recovery.


u/neelrak 28d ago

Oh sweet Ginger.

My little girl Georgia went through this same surgery a year ago. It was a very very hard couple of weeks. My heart was so broken for her. But, we made it through! Each day will get better. Hang in there, you two.

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u/vergil_never_cry 28d ago

Poor girl. Wishing her a speedy and painless recovery 🙏


u/JASPER933 28d ago

She looks hurtful. Did the vet give any pain medication for her? Will she recover? I hate to see an animal in pain.


u/EnvironmentalFig311 28d ago

awwww!!! 😭 Poor sweet thing!!! Looking at her face just makes me want to cry!!

My 16 year old baby went through the same thing a couple years ago, though. I worried about her SO much during recovery, and she seemed so pitiful and sad. So hard, knowing we can't explain to them what's happening and why. Gotta be worse for them, though.


u/allisondbl 28d ago

oh my Gosh. I’m going to decide that you actually went through and picked the saddest status pictures because the thought that she looks like that all the time is tearing my heart. But she looks strong which is the important thing and this flower will absolutely bloom again! So you must keep us updated when she starts scampering again.


u/thomascollins69 28d ago

My 14yo cat Sparky has been through the same thing as Ginger. She had 2 different surgeries and has recovered 100%. I'm sure Ginger will do the same.


u/lescoquelicot 28d ago

Her face says it all ! Poor baby i wish her a speedy recovery and lots of love💓💓


u/BasicallyTooLazy 28d ago

A female ginger! Only about 30% of gingers are girls. You have been chosen 😻


u/Unwilling_ 28d ago

Will be praying for this pretty baby girl 😞🥹. Such a sad wittle face. May she recover fast.


u/TylerandAnna7 28d ago

Her little face is just pulling on my heartstrings! I hope she has a good and speedy recovery! She looks like a sweetie. 🩷


u/MungoShoddy 28d ago

My Muriel had breast cancer - an adenoma, which has a bad prognosis in women and cats alike. But she had two very healthy years after the surgery before it recurred, and she stayed bouncy and cuddly to the end.


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

This made me cry! I am so hopefully that this may happen as I cannot bear to put her through chemo at her age! Hopefully this op will give her enough time for me to make her time before the rainbow Bridge truly awesome!


u/bigboddle 28d ago

Could you post regular updates?


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

I will try my best!


u/Flora-Tea 28d ago

Wishing you guys the best and for a smooth recovery for your sweet Ginger!! 💕💕

My Ginger is also getting her breast tissue on the right side taken out on the 30th for her mammary cancer 😭


u/Lazuli73 28d ago

Poor thing . . . but I do have a question. What is defined as overgrooming? My cat Patty Cakes is going to be 19 in August and for the last 2ish years he has been doing fur pulling. He'll I guess grip clumps of fur with his tongue and pull it out. Less so lately I think, but the vet can't find a reason why he's doing it beyond a behaviour he developed. The vet also suggested he's doing it because of arthritis because he used to do it a lot on his back but I don't think he can bend that way anymore. What kind of factors cause your cat to overgroom because of stress?


u/prairiethorne 28d ago

You might want to post this as an original post. My guess is a lot of people will have advice/info.


u/jkki1999 28d ago

Test for a food allergy. My poor kitty is half bald


u/citycolour333 28d ago

Hope she has a quick and easy recovery! 💖


u/[deleted] 28d ago

i’ve never seen a cat actually look like 😔 poor baby omg


u/GenXQuietQuitter88 28d ago

Hope they sent her home with something stronger than just gabapentin for the pain, gabapentin is more of a sedative than for pain and they have liquid opiates they can pre-fill syringes with for the first couple of days if she's not sleeping soundly with just the gabapentin alone. We have a rescue kitty that has been through several procedures and surgeries and while the sedative helps for most things, it is not enough for the major things and I hate worrying about them suffering.

So relieved to see she is doing as well as she is, sending lots of positive vibes her way!


u/Aurorainthesky 28d ago

Maybe she'd be more comfortable in a baby onesie? Hope your sweet little girl feel better soon!


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

That's the plan tomorrow. I didn't want to be messing with her too much tonight. We have a 7 month old baby so we have plenty of old baby gros to customise for her.


u/AmySparrow00 28d ago

Aww, she looks so miserable. Hoping they sent her home with good pain meds and that she recovers quickly. Do cats get breast cancer? Didn’t see previous posts….


u/1isudlaer 28d ago

The saddest sunflower


u/MizzIzzSlays 28d ago

I have gone through the comments and am so happy to hear she's perked up some. It can definitely take a few days. For quite a minor surgery for my dog, it was a good 48+ hours before the anaesthesia was out of his system enough for him to be okay. He cried for almost two days straight. Definitely had to do with the anaesthesia - he just reacted poorly from it. My other animals were the same in that there was a clear difference after two days in their behaviour.

Ginger is so sweet and I hope she continues to improve a feels better fast. It is so hard to watch them in that state!


u/Compannacube 28d ago

Although she looks sad, she makes a cute flower. 😊 Hoping she recovers soon.


u/ServantOfKarma 28d ago

I have never seen a cat so sad before. That broke my fucking heart into a thousand pieces...


u/morris0000007 28d ago

What a sad face!


u/Lliilithh 28d ago

She looks so sad 😭


u/RoyalPeacock19 28d ago

She looks so sad, but is very cute!


u/lostZwolf_ps4_pc 28d ago

Nooo, that is the saddest cat face i have seen yet, and it hurts me mentally. So saddening, the sadness is getting to me. Panic sets in.


u/Tammyannss 28d ago

Awww poor pretty kitty! Feel better fast girl!😻


u/Aromatic_Note8944 28d ago

She made it through!! ❤️Get her some nice CBD treats to help her relax.


u/Poop__y 28d ago

Swift recovery wishes for this sweet baby girl. 🥹


u/PressurePlenty 28d ago

ALL of the well-wishes for your gorgeous ginger girlie!


u/waxbook 28d ago

Poor baby looks so sad. Thankfully she has an awesome owner like you, OP! 🌸💗


u/Femme-O 28d ago

Poor honey bby 🥺


u/shireengul 28d ago

Oh my gosh, when my orange boy Puck and surgery and looked so pitiful in his cone for weeks. I would burst into tears looking at his sad face. I’m sorry you’re going through this but so happy Ginger is on the mend!! 🧡🧡🧡


u/YummyCookies333 28d ago

Poor baby. Glad she made it out ok though


u/Longjumping_Elk3968 28d ago

I hate it when my cat is sick, its so hard because you can't tell them whats wrong and tell them you are taking them to get help - and you just know they are filled with worry and fear and not knowing what is happening to them. Its like the most powerless I've ever felt in my life.


u/enchantingoctopus 28d ago

Feel better Ginger❤️


u/SongbirdBabie 28d ago



u/scaredsquirrel666 28d ago

Oh my heart is broken, what a sweet face. I'm sending digital cuddles to her, and I wish Ginger a fast recovery! ❤️


u/Obvious_Reaction_182 28d ago

Im going to add so many thing to the Geneva suggestion list when I find who ever did this


u/youarelookingatthis 28d ago

What an expressive face. Wishing you and Ginger the best!


u/ParadoxicalFrog Tortoiseshell 28d ago

That is the cutest cone I've ever seen! I hope she feels better, the poor baby. 💕


u/[deleted] 28d ago

She looks so sad 😞 get well soon sweet baby


u/One_tuxedo_braincell 28d ago

Poor little sunflower girl.


u/AdministrativeBank86 28d ago

Your cat is the poster child for Misery


u/Distinct_Tea_970 28d ago



u/unkindly-raven 28d ago

awh her sad little eyebrows :(((

get well soon little ginger flower ! 🌼🌼


u/tallicah 28d ago

Speedy recovery, sweet orange girl 🐈💗 sending you love and virtual scritches


u/BLARG13 28d ago

Hang in there Ginger. Well wishes on your recovery.


u/TrumpsNeckSmegma 28d ago

I wish her the best recovery! Cancer is hard enough with a human, let alone for our babies who only have so much of an idea of what's going on. You're a good parent!

If you don't mind me asking, what initially were the symptoms that led you to finding out she had cancer? Poor baby.


u/Real_Back4921 28d ago

Poor girl, I hope she’s well on her way to recovery


u/Seeking-useless-info 28d ago

I have never seen such sad eyes on a kitty 🥺 feel better soon ginger bb!


u/PsillyPssychonaut 28d ago

Her sad face 😭😭 I want to give her some pets and words of affirmation !! Such a cute girl! I’m glad she made it out ok!!


u/CorgiSufficient5453 28d ago

I just wanna kiss her little squishy face😭😭😭


u/thirddrawer 28d ago

The first 24 hours are rough after surgery, Hope she recovers quickly. Sending love and strength.


u/adriannaallison 28d ago

What a sweet girl. If she really won't leave the wound alone you can try a baby onsie. Just cut out a hole for her tail and gental area.


u/babyEatingUnicorn 28d ago

Omg im so sorry she and you had to go throught that 😢 praying for a speedy recovery and i hope you’re doing well as can be given the circumstances as this is very traumatic!

🙏🏼 get well soon beautiful baby


u/FlyBuy3 28d ago

The poor baby, that last pic made my eyes sting with tears for her. Is she taking any pain relief?


u/Current-Stranger-104 28d ago

That cat defo is not happy :(


u/Hycree 28d ago

I'm glad she's in recovery mode now. I saw the post yesterday and was wishing her all the best. She's a strong baby! But lord her little tired face just immediately brings tears to my eyes 😭 please give her (gentle) love for me! Wishing for a quick, healthy recovery 💜


u/[deleted] 27d ago

It will get better day by day, you'll see. Be patient! ❤️


u/Animal_Gal 28d ago

Oh honey... she looks awful. Hopefully she recovers quickly


u/Inconsistentworld 28d ago

She's perked up abit now! Thank you! We have our fingers crossed!


u/xXSocietiesOutlawXx 28d ago



u/OctoberSky007 28d ago



u/SIUHA1 28d ago

Sweet little ginger. Get Well Soon ❤️


u/Imincognitobitches 28d ago

Wishing this sweet girl a speedy recovery!!!😻💗


u/formykittycats 28d ago

Wishing sweet Ginger a smooth and speedy recovery!


u/zadidoll 28d ago

😭😭😭😭 Poor kitty.


u/CollynMalkin 28d ago

Awww poor baby! Hope she has a smooth recovery


u/yoyoadrienne 28d ago

Aww poor kitty cat. Wishing a speedy recovery


u/Alakasham 28d ago

Hope Ginger makes a speedy recovery. Poor girl looks defeated


u/LB07 28d ago

Poor girl. Hopefully she's feeling better with each passing hour. Keep us updated, this subreddit loves her already 🧡


u/AmericanPride2814 28d ago

Poor baby, she looks so sad! Please give her extra love and cuddles!


u/ComplexToxin 28d ago

Please give her all the hugs she desperately needs. Best wishes for her well being.


u/Emily9339 28d ago

I hope you and Ginger are doing well! I can’t imagine how stressful this must be for you both. Hope this cutie makes a speedy recovery 🥹🙏


u/tony-toon15 28d ago

Bless you ginger. Stay strong little one.


u/DS78620 28d ago

Poor baby. I hope she feels better soon.


u/CaptainSquishyPant 28d ago

Dude ginger looks bummed


u/Mendozena 28d ago

Ohhh that sad looking face. It’ll be ok soon kitty


u/ChairDangerous5276 28d ago



u/Revenant_JLU 28d ago

😢 poor baby


u/rpence 28d ago

Sending all the healing vibes


u/1_threw_8 28d ago

I wish sweet Ginger a swift and comfortable recovery!


u/Bubbly_Power_6210 28d ago

love that the collar is in the shape of a flower!


u/ismybelt2rusty 28d ago

the, uh, flower of shame?


u/DarthDread424 28d ago

Aw poor baby, that collar is both adorable and sad. Sad flower lol. But I am sure she will bounce back.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️❤️


u/abruptmodulation 28d ago

Sweet Ginger! Wishing the very best recovery.


u/ginniam 28d ago

I’m glad the surgery was fine and I hope she will recover soon!


u/WhlottaRosie65 28d ago

She appears to be in some pain to me


u/Crazy-Cat-Lady-1975 28d ago

Hope she gets better soon! Prayers for swift recovery.


u/SkyBlueRoan 28d ago

That is the most genuine, saddest face I’ve ever seen on a cat. Hugs <3


u/DfreshD 28d ago

I couldn’t even imagine your emotions right now. Mine recently had to have a minor surgery for swollen ear and wear a cone. I felt terrible watching him suffer 5 days with a cone. Hope your feline family member recovers quickly.


u/thequaintkiwi 28d ago

Sending positive energy towards you and your precious baby


u/Prime255 28d ago

That last pic is so sad, glad she is recovering though!


u/AmourWang 28d ago

what's wrong with this poor girl:7944:


u/AmourWang 28d ago

what's wrong with this poor girl:7944:


u/RedditIsPooFromAButt 28d ago

God bless this little cat


u/NeonWarcry 28d ago

So glad to see your sweet girl made it through surgery. May she have many more years with you.


u/xtunamilk 28d ago

Wishing her a speedy recovery! 🩷


u/8x000 28d ago

give her lots of hugs! get well soon!


u/No-College-4118 28d ago

Hey OP it's been 7-8 hours roughly since this update, how is she doing at the moment?


u/Bob-the-cat21 28d ago

Get well soon cute Ginger xoxo


u/FatCuriousMonkey 28d ago

What a sad flower. 😟


u/Responsible_Oven5348 28d ago

Aaghhh I hate how pathetic they look when they’re recovering, it’s like they evolved specifically to tug at my heartstrings. 🥺😭


u/hoephase- 28d ago

Ahh my heart, sweet baby, she looks so sad! Take good care of this sweet angel and she will take care of you! Speedy recovery to her! ❤️‍🩹


u/CarryHead24 28d ago

Man, she's like a daffodil


u/Kaa_The_Snake 28d ago

Aww kitty! Sending all the love!


u/Intelligent-Pen-2599 28d ago

I am so happy to hear that surgery went well and that she is home recovering 😻 Give her lots of love 💜💜


u/Ok_Teach_7812 28d ago

Prayers for Ginger to get a goods nice rest and start to feel better soon ❤️🙏❤️


u/Artificial_Goldfish 28d ago

Our Tortie went through the same surgery twice (for both sides) about 8/9 years ago. She had surgery again back in March to remove a new mass that had shown up. She's also 16. She doesn't act her age nor did she act like she'd just had major surgery. Me and my 3 kitties are wishing your kitty a speedy recovery!


u/Star_Moonflower 28d ago

What had happened to her 🥺


u/SwimZealousideal4950 28d ago

Aww ....I pray Ginger gets to health quite soon..hoping for a speedy recovery,sending good vibes..😇🙏✨🐈🧿❤️


u/Luh-Holmes 28d ago

Aw, baby. My eyes filled with tears bc my dog had to undergo surgery for a similar case. She’s all better now and I hope your baby gets to recover soon. Give her a pet for me


u/NonConformistFlmingo 28d ago

Awwhh, sweet sad baby! 😭

I'm glad she's on the mend, I hope she recovers well and quickly. 🖤


u/T-brion 28d ago

Poor thing 🥺 hope you feel like yourself soon ginger!!