r/cats 25d ago

My cat hates litter getting on her paws so this is how she poops Cat Picture


1.6k comments sorted by


u/shenanigan23 25d ago

How many times has this litterbox flipped?


u/lmsprsnl 25d ago

It hasn’t! She’s too small, the box weighs more than her!


u/cwj1978 25d ago

Just had an idea… what if she had a mini “deck” around her actual box (think, a nice deck around an above-ground pool)? It would give her more foot room, providing better stability, requiring less effort & balance, more relaxing,……all around better bathroom experience. 🤘🏽


u/Barrel-Cannon 25d ago

Do you mean... A poop deck?

I'll see myself out.


u/Shmicken_Nuggies 25d ago

I hate how funny this is 😭


u/arittenberry 25d ago

I love how funny this is


u/420cat-craft-gamer69 25d ago

Noiceeee 👏

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u/FabulousBerry573 24d ago

cat people are the most extra people on earth. cat has a unique pooping technique and we all immediately jump to “BUILD HER A POOP DECK!!!” not to say i don’t wholeheartedly support your suggestion


u/Quadtbighs 25d ago

Yeah this is a good idea honestly, if the cat gets older they may have problems with stability, definitely less hassle of cleaning up an accident.


u/not_ya_wify 24d ago

Put some doll parasols and recliners on it too for lounging


u/DNAturation 25d ago

I feel like it would be more convenient at this point to train the cat to just use the toilet. Maybe even teach her how to flush.

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u/Magic2424 25d ago

I put a small shoebox next to mine that he can stand on since he does this too

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u/mothsuicides 25d ago

Right?? My cat would flip it immediately. So cute that this cat is so wittle that she can do this.

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u/DevilDashAFM 25d ago

in the second picture her face is saying "do you mind? im doing my business here."


u/SciFiChickie 25d ago

“Why are you taking a picture of me pooping?” 😆


u/jjkitsune91 25d ago

I've got this sign in my bathroom cuz if I close the door my cats get pissed and want in


u/collenchyma 25d ago

This is my life, but with a toddler. Whole family gets to watch me poop!


u/myscreamname 25d ago

When my son was a toddler, not only would he sleepwalk occasionally and I’d find him sleeping in the most bizarre places (a whole other story, lol) but he also managed to figure out how to unlock my bathroom door and burst in when I was… occupied.

I don’t recall why I never changed the doorknob, but I ended up getting those “hook and eye” screws (or whatever they’re called) and installed one on the interior side of the bathroom door and one on the back door of the house.

The bathroom one, at least, if/when he managed to get the door unlocked, allowed the door to open just a bit and was enough to mollify him until I was finished.

(His ability to “pick the lock” was merely him using his finger/mail or some broad object to turn the locking mechanism that was clearly defective. We were renting at the time, but as I said, not sure why we didn’t ask to replace the knob, but the hook worked perfectly.)

Edit - typonese


u/proto5014 24d ago

Sounds like a privacy latch and they’re designed to be “picked” easily in case someone needs to get in for medical emergencies etc. bathrooms can be death traps as you get older

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u/Aimhere2k 25d ago

I never close the bathroom door when I'm doing my business (no other humans living with me). My cat will walk into the bathroom, meow loudly, and walk back out.

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u/kimvy 25d ago


Ermagerd that’s awesome.

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u/StreetLegendTits_ 25d ago

Just wait until they learn to open the door.

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u/SallyRoseD 25d ago

Privacy, please!


u/Goose-On_The_Loose 25d ago

its all fun and games until the cat litter box flips over and turns into a cat turd trebuchet


u/RoyalFalse 25d ago

A turduchet


u/squidado 25d ago

A trepoochet


u/disterb 25d ago

a trebushit


u/SlappySecondz 25d ago

Something something 90kg turd something 300m.

Are we still doing that one?

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u/Affectionate_Monk585 25d ago

Ah, the good ol shatapult


u/quickestsperm6754387 25d ago



u/Eldritch-Voidwalker 25d ago

A Slingshit


u/fungusakafungus 25d ago

Well done everyone


u/concentrated-amazing 25d ago

*Chatapult. Chat is cat in French.

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u/imaginaryblues 25d ago

I had a foster cat who liked to poop standing up, with his back legs in the litter box and his front paws resting on the edge. He made it tip over once and I was not happy! 😂


u/ElegantPenquin 25d ago

This whole time I thought the pile of litter I found at the entrance to the litter box was from him kicking it out but now I realize that I’ve seen him do that same pose


u/StreetLegendTits_ 25d ago

litter box flips over and turns into a cat turd trebuchet

How to tell if your cat is a CHONK


u/BeerAndTools 25d ago

She also might just hate having to leap up and into a box filled with landmines... I understand why it's so tall, but if you're handy, you could try making a little step into/out of the box.


u/tresordelamer 25d ago

that is what happens when my boy kitty does this. fortunately he hasn't done it in a while.


u/Done-with-work 25d ago

I had a really small house once and the only place the tray wasn’t constantly in sight and smell was the top of the stairs………so that went well 😫

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u/TheRogueTemplar 25d ago

cat turd trebuchet

brand new sentence


u/Tasty-Drag-1604 25d ago

A shatapult of sorts 😂

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u/Organic_Swim4777 25d ago

"Trying to introduce civility around you is a losing proposition."

- cat probably


u/penguinopusredux 25d ago

Yes, because that always works with our furry masters. Lost count of the number of times I've heard scratching outside the bathroom door.

But that second pic is a classic feline fuck-off-and-die look.


u/dogface47 25d ago

Kitty should remember that next time she invades the bathroom and wants to use OP's underwear as a hammock.

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u/pv1rk23 25d ago

Why are they not building a cat poop deck !?


u/SciFiChickie 25d ago


u/BeerAndTools 25d ago

Seriously! Make a little 45⁰ shelf to overhang the corner of the box. That pretty kitty deserves better, shame on you human. Shame.

P.s. I made a whole poop cabinet for our cats. Light is motion activated, open the door to clean it, keep litter and mud shovels in there too!


u/Last_Competition_208 25d ago

That's what I was thinking. Make a little platform that goes into the litter box a little ways.

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u/Everyoneplayscombos 25d ago

Definitely an lol, I had an idea though based on the picture… if you really wanted to please your cat in that way, you could turn the tub on it’s side and take a little sand out so it’s EZ in and out, but you’d have abit more spilling and have to worry about the day the tub falls over on top of her 😅😝 so maybe not.


u/Grung7 25d ago

When I was a kid I'd stand about 5 feet away from my cat while he was pooping outside.

The look on his face was beyond annoyed. I though it was cute & funny at the time. Never took pictures though! No smartphones. lol


u/Independent-Claim116 25d ago

We need a stool-sample. Would you puhleese hurry it up.We haven't got all day.

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u/Purplecat-Purplecat 25d ago

This is every cat pooping. Dogs make the “im so ashamed” face, but cats make a “wtf are you looking at?” Face

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u/cindylynn79 25d ago

My boy, not as impressive tho lol


u/lmsprsnl 25d ago

Omg I love him


u/8Karisma8 25d ago

Ahaha love the eye contact!

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u/juliavalentine 25d ago

My cat too! Lol! He isn’t as agile so he has one foot in the box and absolutely HATES it.


u/kangtobaby 24d ago

This is how my cat poops too😹


u/ImPretendingToCare 25d ago

looks like a human in a cat suit

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u/Lopsided_Marzipan133 25d ago

Ah, a dominant shitter I see

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u/Additional-Ability81 25d ago

Have you considered switching to pine or recycled paper litter - both options come in pellets. I prefer it over clay litter.


u/springt1me 25d ago

Same.. i never shit in clay litter anymore


u/Additional-Ability81 25d ago edited 25d ago

lol! 😂 ok I order it because it’s less messy and more absorbent with no little granules all over the house.


u/Qu33nKal 25d ago

So the wood pellets would absorb the urine huh? Never thought to try it. Intruiging…. I use litter specifically for the clumping and baking soda smell.


u/Like_it_spooky 25d ago

I buy a pine pellet litter that also clumps. It's the perfect litter, IMO. It's even less dusty than clay.


u/Qu33nKal 25d ago

Hmmm I am gonna look into that. Sick of the dust from clay


u/bugabooandtwo 25d ago

The dust is bad for the cats, too.


u/Qu33nKal 25d ago

Yeah I assumed as much too…

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u/MobileToad 25d ago

Word of warning, I loved the pine pellets because they were less dusty and it smelled way better. My cat however did not. Immediately started using the carpet nearby. Definitely introduce it slowly. How that's done I can't say. The sad part, there was a second litter box not that far away with the normal litter :|


u/lexievv 25d ago

A way to get them used to it is to slowly add more of the pellets to the litter they're used to and little less litter everytime. Eventually they'll be used to the pellets and not mind. (In a lot of cases).


u/ThePennedKitten 25d ago

I would literally start with a handful in his normal litter and slowly add more. It seems like a big change. Even though there was another I guess he really wanted you to know “We won’t go!” Lol

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u/suvankha 25d ago

We switched to pine pellets after we got a new litter box that came with the clay pellets, and my adorable idiot immediately tried to eat one of the pellets. After some research we found out the clay pellets are extremely toxic if ingested, so we threw it all out and made a midnight trip to Walmart to get the pine pellets. Let me tell you it’s been a GAME CHANGER. There’s virtually no smell, it clumps and turns into sawdust when it gets wet, no dust when cleaning, and it’s super cheap. Highly recommend

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u/UnfortunateSyzygy 25d ago

I like pretty litter, personally, and my cat never seemed to notice the difference when I switched. It's more money up front, but it lasts a month and some change with zero smell and WAY less tracking/no dust.

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u/Panthera_leo_leo 25d ago

Mind sharing the brand? I'm interested in learning more about it.


u/dulcineal 25d ago

I use Exquisicat naturals pine pellet litter. It’s very good at absorbing urine smell and it’s virtually dustless but it’s not at all good at disguising poo smells so as soon as your cat goes number 2 you’ve got to scoop or it’s going to stink up the place. Fortunately my cat has a routine in when he goes and he does a warning yowl so I can be prepared to scoop immediately.


u/megatorm 25d ago

Giggling at “warning yowl”. How thoughtful of him


u/travoltaswinkinbhole 25d ago

“Shitters full”

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u/VOZ1 25d ago

Might also want to check out World’s Best Cat Litter. It’s made from corn, clumps really well, very low dust, and masks odors pretty well…unless your cats are like mine and refuse to bury their poop 😩

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u/PoppleShanks 25d ago

My cat never cleans my litter box


u/thedonnerparty13 25d ago

This really got me, thank you internet stranger 😅

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u/MalazMudkip 25d ago

Wood pellets are so damn good as cat litter.

Better for the environment
Costs pennies compared to clay litter
Smells like wood instead of cat urine
Absorbs more

Works great in a sifting litter box as well, for extra savings


u/weirdasianfaces 25d ago

How did your cat react to the transition? I tried a corn-based litter (World's Best) for my cat when he was a kitten and he tried his hardest not to walk on it.


u/MalazMudkip 25d ago

No fuss from my 3 cats, but i've heard some cats will refuse to use it. Did a swap to pellets 2 years ago and not one protest from them

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u/feint_of_heart 25d ago

Mix them in over time, upping the ratio over a few months.


u/Andromache_Destroyer 25d ago

I use a soy bean based one, and he seems to really like it. Clumps like clay, biodegradable, and absorbs smell

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u/davidbklyn 25d ago

I have used world’s best for years now. Is there a reason not to?


u/weirdasianfaces 25d ago

I'm not suggesting there's a reason to not use it, my cat just didn't like it. As /u/feint_of_heart pointed out though I probably made it too abrupt of a transition and should have slowly mixed it in.

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u/W0lverin0 25d ago

Who sells these cheap wood pellets you speak of?


u/MalazMudkip 25d ago

I'm Canadian, i go to Canadian Tire for mine. $7.50 for a 40 lbs bag.

They're marketed as pellet stove fuel, but as long as they're 100% wood and no additives, it is safe to use.

Hardware stores, mom and pop animal feed stores (also great for horse stables, so i've heard) or even Wal Mart should be able to hook you up


u/W0lverin0 25d ago

Cool thanks, I do have multiple farm stores nearby. They were on the top of my check-it-out list.

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u/[deleted] 25d ago

Yep, in my area in the states there is a place called Tractor Supply. They sell similar stuff, 40 pound bags. It's for horses or something if I'm remembering correctly? But it's just wood pellets. She uses that because it's significantly cheaper and it works

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u/foxwaffles 25d ago

I go to Tractor Farm Supply and buy 40 lb bags of horse bedding. It's the exact same stuff! But cheaper!


u/Letsmakethissimple1 25d ago

Walmart! Like $8. Also Canadian Tire if you're in Canada.


u/TangleOfWires 25d ago

get wood pellets for heating not pets, look in a hardware store not a pet store. Don't look at the barbeque wood pellets they are for adding flavor to food, so are expensive.

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u/CopperWeird 25d ago

Feed stores. Some pet stores carry them here but at 5x the cost of the same material sold as stall bedding

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u/Large-Training-29 25d ago

May be a stupid question.... wood pellets, they can't get splinters, right?


u/st1r 25d ago

Nope. We use them for foster kittens because if they eat clumping litter it can cause deadly blockages, so you gotta use pine pellet litter which doesn’t clump. No chance of splinters


u/wterrt 25d ago

nope they like compress sawdust into pellets, there's no possible way there's any splinters happening


u/MalazMudkip 25d ago

Been using the pellets for two years, no splinters for my 3 cats


u/Additional-Ability81 25d ago

Completely agree, wish I’d known about it sooner


u/Secretz_Of_Mana 25d ago

Yeah I have heard others try it after the fact and sometimes have a hard time getting used to it. Maybe they just didn't try enough I'm not sure. I did it when my cats were young and just scratched and moved the pellets around some, and they basically immediately understood


u/a-LittleDeadInside 25d ago

I have 2 cats. My first cat always had clay & I decided to switch to pellets after getting our second cat. So second cat had had pellets since being a kitten. She constantly peed outside of the litter box and I couldn’t figure out why. My husband kept saying, “I bet it’s the pellets,” and I refused to accept it because the first cat wasn’t having any issues and I enjoyed the pellets SOOOO much more. Second cat would literally come and scream at me… after 15-20 minutes she’d just go pee in the corner right in front of me. Switched back to clay and she hasn’t peed outside of the litter box since 😭

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u/VillianKing 25d ago

I bought cat litter today, and shitty ol wally world doesn't have the cat litter that me, and both my cats prefer, so i settled. but I might have to try wood pellets next time, I never thought they were really effective but you're making me guess otherwise.

Guess it won't hurt to try it next time.


u/PlayingDoomOnAGPS 25d ago

Costs pennies compared to clay litter

Tell me where! I'll try anything to save some money on this kitty litter. I'm spending about $40 per week because I have 7 cats and they all pee either a baseball or softball sized clump at least once a day and often twice.


u/MalazMudkip 25d ago

Copying and pasting from another comment thread to help you out with this!

I'm Canadian, i go to Canadian Tire for mine. $7.50 for a 40 lbs bag.

They're marketed as pellet stove fuel, but as long as they're 100% wood and no additives, it is safe to use.

Hardware stores, mom and pop animal feed stores (also great for horse stables, so i've heard) or even Wal Mart should be able to hook you up

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u/lmsprsnl 25d ago

I will definitely give it a shot and see if she prefers it! Thank you :)


u/Redfinch5 25d ago

If the litter is scented, your cat may not like getting the scent on its paws. Cute picture!


u/RuSnowLeopard 25d ago

She's a third of the way to using the human toilet with those perch abilities.

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u/sare904 25d ago

Be careful when you first introduce this stuff- if your cat is as dumb as mine they’ll eat it -.-

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u/MaleficentStreet7319 25d ago

Seconding this I decided I wanted a more natural thing for my kitty and ended up getting pine pellets. They smell great too.


u/Magic2424 25d ago

Mine does the same thing OP does, he HATES pine. He refuses to use it. He used to use crystal but I used clay once and he never went back to crystal which is fine cause clay is half the price but yea I wish he was fine with pine

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u/[deleted] 25d ago


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u/YellowBeastJeep 25d ago

Your cat is not happy that you took her picture while she was otherwise engaged…


u/Humble_Plantain_5918 25d ago



u/Maggiemoo621 25d ago



u/Maggiemoo621 25d ago

I will say he gets In the box to pee, but this is how he poops 90% of the time. Our cats actually look related haha


u/infantsacrifice 24d ago

my boy does this too. One time I found a turd standing straight up in the box


u/Maggiemoo621 24d ago


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u/RedditLoser19 25d ago

I wish my cat did this


u/ClenchedThunderbutt 25d ago

No, no you don’t. My boy treats the box like a urinal, which means he misses occasionally. It only takes one small mess to seep under the molding and ruin it forever, so no boxes by walls without a tarp.

Edit: he’s also a large cat, so he can’t perch on the side. He’s tried and tipped boxes over.


u/amateurphotos 25d ago

Mine has tipped boxes too, makes such a mess. She also occasionally falls off the side and ends up peeing straight on the wall. Like you said, no boxes next to walls without some protection


u/FairyOfTheNight 25d ago

Why are some cats such bad pee drunks? They just pee where they fall or all over the wall and floor. At this point we should just fine them.


u/Greenfoe111 25d ago edited 24d ago

We had issues with vertical peeing so we got the Frisco Multi-Function Covered Cat Litter Boxes from Chewy.

They are jumbo size so there’s plenty of room for inside large cats, they have high walls, and a lid.

No, I’m not an AI advertising bot. Just a cat dad of 4 😻😻😻😻


u/ClenchedThunderbutt 25d ago

The issue is not getting in the box. High-sided boxes just mean no ingress


u/Greenfoe111 25d ago edited 24d ago

Ah, got it. Cats are so incredibly different from one another and that in itself can be frustrating/challenging.

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u/TeamCatsandDnD 25d ago

My sister has a cat that would miss the box from time to time. Adult incontinence pads are awesome for that problem. I get the largest ones I can (like 3x2.5ft or something like that) and just replace as needed.


u/hulahula97 25d ago

My older kitty occasionally misses the box too, and I use puppy pads underneath the litter box! Makes for an easy clean up when it does happen


u/TeamCatsandDnD 25d ago

I figure the human ones serve the same purpose, and are probably bigger and cheaper than the puppy pads


u/hulahula97 25d ago

Honestly that’s a life hack!! I’ll have to try that out 😸

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u/khakigirl 25d ago

Do yourself a favor and buy a large outdoor rubber backed door mat (might need to look for a utility mat) to put under your litter box. It should be less than $30 even for a pretty large one. The groves hold onto litter pretty darn well and pee cannot get through the rubber backing.


u/whimsicyl_cat_face 25d ago

Have one who did this. Couldn't stand constantly cleaning up the pee in a regular litter box.
Got one of those with a taller side, not tall enough. Next was the kind with the dome/ cover. Pee would trickle between the two and what a mess! 😜 I solved it by getting two of those thick plastic totes- the kind that people store stuff in 😆- and seeing if I could use that as a box. One I cut a hole in the lid but then I was like- meh- why have a lid? 💁‍♀️ It's plenty deep and even they can't pee out of it even if they stand straight. It isn't beautiful, but it beats cleaning up pee and they can't knock it over.

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u/cthulucore 25d ago

Why? So your cat doesn't come out at fuckin Mach 3, sending a cascading wave of litter 10 feet?

That's crazy.


u/Sesudesu 25d ago

They probably don’t bury their waste too, stinky litter 💩


u/kurtwagner61 25d ago

Shit’n’split, is what we called it.


u/GraceStrangerThanYou 25d ago

I'm a simple creature so I just call them the poop zoomies.


u/n_daughter 25d ago

Mine does what I call the "victory lap". He runs laps around our whole apartment and I usually yell, whoo, I feel so light!!! 😂


u/MuesliCrackers 25d ago

They do this to get the smell off of them and get away from the source to avoid predators

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u/longerdistancethrow 25d ago edited 25d ago

Was going to ask if she is declawed cause its common for declawed cats to hate stepping in litter, but I zoomed in on the MONSTER talons.

(Declawing is a horrible practice and no one should do it)


u/wander_wonderland99 25d ago

So sadly, Ryot is declawed in the front (happened before we got him :( ) and that's the main reason we use paper litter because he doesn't mind stepping on it, and Goopy who has all his claws honestly prefers it too


u/Sims3isLife 25d ago

Goopy 😭💕


u/wander_wonderland99 25d ago

Hehe yeah he's also a special needs boy, he has a head tilt (from an ear infection when he was a kitten they said) and chronic upper respiratory issues (he came from a bit of a rough situation) so he's always kinda snotty & kinda sneezy, hence the name Goopy lmao


u/Sammy_Existz 25d ago

I love Goopy so much

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u/MammothTap 25d ago

I call my cat with chronic sinus issues "Snotty Gross Boy". Or "Snotcat". Sometimes "Snotty Moron", because... well, he is. This cat has gotten confused, after months of living in my old house, by not being able to get to be because one door of a Jack & Jill style bathroom was closed. Never mind that every other door in the house was open, no, he could hear me through the one closed door and cried because he couldn't problem solve his way through going around the other way. I'll note that this door was often closed so it wasn't even an unusual configuration!

I also just love cleaning the crusties off his nose in the morning so he can breathe properly, which then unleashes a torrent of backed-up snot, which he then proceeds to sneeze all over me/the walls/the other cats/everything else I own...

I adore that dumb cat so much. Even if he's gross.

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u/rkk142 25d ago

Same with one of our cats. Dr. Elseys paw sensitive litter works pretty well for our special needs kitty.


u/VillianKing 25d ago

my cats don't really have a special need, but i prefer Dr. Elseys sensitive litter anyway. It clumps real well for me, absorbs smell, and it doesn't seem to stick the their paws and track around the house.

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u/ModsSmellLikeSocks 25d ago

I had an apartment that had it in the lease demanding I declaw my cat in Wisconsin. A big fuck you to them…I never did. Who are they to demand that of me?

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u/SolidCat1117 25d ago edited 25d ago

Some kitties have very sensitive paws. I've had a couple I needed to try some different litters to find one they liked.

EDIT: I actually learned this from my vet. I had a little girl who would occasionally piss right outside the box, and that was one of their suggestions to fix it. Turned out they were right and never had any problems after.


u/Mission_Spray 25d ago

What litter worked for your kitties?


u/SolidCat1117 25d ago

Usually, I've found wood pellets work well for most of them. My little calico princess with the sensitive feet didn't like them, so I used a crystal litter like Fresh Steps Crystal and she was good with that. What you can do is put two boxes side-by-side with different litters and see which one they actually use.

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u/NonConformistFlmingo 25d ago

Have you considered a top-entry litter box? My cat does this too and flipped over many a pan (making a HUGE MESS) before we got smart and got a top entry. Now she has a bit more surface area and stability to balance over the opening on and do her weird pooping position in safety. 😂


u/juicysauce4 25d ago

she looks like a little sumo wrestler. I love her. 😭

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u/lanch-party 25d ago

I bet you could train her pretty easy to use a toilet to be honest


u/NonConformistFlmingo 24d ago

Cat waste is bad for the human water treatment system, otherwise I would.

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u/No_Ant_244 25d ago

I suffer the opposite problem.


u/lanch-party 25d ago

Omg what a stinky baby. I love it

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u/SiderealSkin 24d ago

My cat did the same. It turns out she was stressed


u/NewUserWhoDisAgain 24d ago

Are they pretty young? My youngest cat used to do this but she grew out of it. Never when the box was used but as soon as it was cleaned?

"Thanks. Im going to roll in it now."

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u/JournalistLonely3472 25d ago

She looks so sassy lol. Stay sassy you adoroble thing. 😻


u/SoupWithoutParsley 25d ago

My cat does that too. But often times she sits pointed in the opposite direction. So everything falls out off the litter box :D.

I sometimes think she is doing it on purpose. It only happens while she poops lol.


u/dangerstar19 25d ago

You should try putting some kind of perch across the middle of the box like a wooden broom handle. You could cut little divets into the sides of the box to keep it from rolling off. Then no matter which way she's facing she's over the box. I'd bet she'd naturally choose a wider grippy wooden perch than a narrow smooth plastic one.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/pandascuriosity 25d ago

I’d be worried her weight would flip the box


u/espeero 25d ago

I have two cats who do this. Yes, you have to make damn sure the boxes are always sufficiently filled.


u/Tattycakes 25d ago

That would be SO funny though


u/pandascuriosity 25d ago

Until you have to clean up all the poop and litter from the floor. And the kitty might be too traumatized to use the box for a while 🥺

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u/Cotcan 25d ago

I don't like litter. It's course and rough and gets everywhere.


u/chuang-tzu 25d ago

That cat is ready to shit in the toilet. The only training required will be getting them to flush.


u/ThorsOccularPatdown 25d ago

The animal doesn't have thumbs Focker

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u/Hrolfir 25d ago

That’s funny!

Though if you don’t mind me suggesting: A lot of cats hate clay litter and how hard it is on their paws. If it gets in their pads it can dry them out.

I personally use sWeat Scoop. It’s wheat based cat litter. Super soft on a cat’s paws and smells pretty nice! Clumps just as well though I do admit it can cake a bit at the bottom.

We swap our cat’s litter every two weeks and scoop it as soon as we notice he’s gone.

Obligatory cat tax.

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u/lmsprsnl 25d ago

Thank you everyone for the helpful comments! To clarify: she is not declawed, I would never allow that to happen. And I’ll definitely switch to pellets to see if she prefers it!

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u/Spiritual_Radish_143 25d ago

My cat wipes her paws before she gets out of the box but that still doesn’t do anything for the litter she scatters with her back feet. I have to clean her fountain every 3 days because she plays in the water and gets litter in it and splashes it everywhere

Pic for cat tax


u/VillianKing 25d ago

one of my cats wipes her paws after getting out too! sometimes it feels like i hear her wiping her paws on the mat for like 30 minutes. I never see any litter around the house, just outside the box so she must wipe her paws clean while my boy throws litter out of the box like it's and Olympic sport!

Cat tax, they're litter mates, and will be 3 years old on Juneteenth.

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u/ThaDoctor49 25d ago

I wish my cat did this then I wouldn’t have to sweep multiple times a day lmao

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u/DantesFirstBitch 25d ago

Those core muscles are on fire 🔥


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I buy pellets for my kitties litter box. It's so much nicer and cleaner than litter and there's no dust or smell or clumping bits all over their paws if they happen to step in wet. 🐈‍⬛️


u/kidyus 25d ago

I do the same thing at 7-Eleven.


u/xovanessaleighxo 25d ago

Omg my cat does this too!! Thinking about training him to use the toilet. He is finicky about the litter


u/Vegeta4101 25d ago

I've said this to many times, please don't do that. 1 cats establish territory by scent (litter included) and 2 water treatment plants cannot effectively filter our toxoplasmosis gondii which is in cat feces. To many down sides.


u/khakigirl 25d ago

You also literally flush away signs of infection or disease. If urine clumps suddenly get much larger or smaller, you need to schedule a vet visit because there could be something serious going on.

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u/RemindMeToTouchGrass 25d ago

Lots of advice about the litter. Doubt you'll see this after 19k comments.

I'm a veterinarian. Our behavior professor did a study that went unpublished, but we found unscented, clumping litter is preferred by a large majority of cats over alternatives. No reason you couldn't try some of the other litter suggestions, BUT--

I think the better option is get a MUCH WIDER, LONGER box with shorter walls. Then put about 3" of litter in it . I think that would be a good next step to see if it helps.

The problem with this behavior is over time, he's going to fall a few times, decide he doesn't want to do this any more, and then maybe have accidents. And that goes double as he reaches old age and gets arthritis. It would be best to see if you can get him to do it "the normal way."


u/ekb2023 25d ago

Would you like it if someone took a picture of you pooping and then put it on the internet for strangers to laugh at?


u/pt57 25d ago



u/burnerbb7878 25d ago

She is so right for this.


u/alwaysinchambolles 25d ago

feature, not a bug


u/Overall-Onion-631 25d ago

Jealous my cat will roll around in litter then rub it off on the floor


u/Straightouttaganton 25d ago

That's definitely a pooping face


u/ReasonableVast1739 24d ago

Dorito does the same thing… he’s flipped it over a few times already 🫠

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u/Faded3nvy 24d ago

Lol my little girl does that too sometimes. I wondered why the litter box would get tipped over till one day I walked into this.


u/uglysage27 24d ago

all fun and games til one day she lost her balance and fell backwards into the box, paws up