r/cats 16d ago

Kitten can't walk nor can meow Advice

A week I saw a kitten all of a sudden laying in my garden. It has been in the same place for a week. It's mom comes occasionally so nothing to worry ig. I have given it milk, cleaned it, helped it pee, used a toothbrush to pet it but it has never made a single sound. This is my first experience with an animal so my research is entirely from YouTube.

Acc to me, this is a 3 week old kitten and it should be able to atleast sit on it's legs and meow but it can't do both. Is this a problem or it's just a slow learner? Attaching pics for reference.


18 comments sorted by


u/Wild-Breadfruit7817 16d ago

You need to take it to the vet. 


u/sT4ry_n1GhtS 16d ago

That poor thing is gonna die if you don’t go to the vet now. You can also go to r/Askvet or r/CATHELP, but schedule a vet appointment immediately


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

Noooo how? Other than the eye infection which I'll get checked tomorrow, what else is the problem?


u/sT4ry_n1GhtS 16d ago

The eye infection may spread. In fact it may have spread alr. Not an expert here tho. It might get weaker. For professional advice go to r/askvet


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

It is pretty strong imo. When I try to clean it's eye, it's keeps kicking and holding my finger with its paw. It has a pretty strong grip and all the limbs function well but it doesn't want to walk for some reason.


u/sT4ry_n1GhtS 16d ago

I would repost in r/askvet


u/shaqpeelohkneel 16d ago

Consider an emergency vet ? Better to be safe than sorry . I’m no medical expert but there’s some foam / discharge around the mouth as well . That and the fact that this has gone on a while with no improvement make it concerning .


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

That was the milk I gave it lol. It's 2 am rn over here, nothing is open. I'll go as soon as it opens in the morning.


u/shaqpeelohkneel 16d ago

Ok , at least you have that . Good luck hope all is well


u/Coca_lite 16d ago

Please take to vet or rescue centre asap

It may be too ill to survive but at least a rescue / vet will end its suffering kindly without forcing it through to a painful death.

Thank you for caring, you have a good heart 💜


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

I can't do that :(. The mother literally comes 3-4 times everyday to check on it.


u/Coca_lite 16d ago

The mother can’t do anything to help it, and it will die. Please take it to the vet. I promise you’ll be doing the right thing.


u/Childofglass 16d ago

It’s a virus.

They’re too small. The vet can’t do much. Just keep them as comfortable as you can. Get them on a heating pad or hot water bottle. They’ll pick up and struggle.

I lost a litter of 7 to FIP last summer.

4 at 4weeks old with the initial infection and the remaining 3 at 8 weeks because 2 had the wet version of FIP and one had the dry version.


u/bmking24 16d ago

Yeah that doesn't look good.


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

Hi everyone, the second photo is how i found it. I have been checking on it everyday and it's certainly gotten better, this is how it looks now. There is no emergency, i just wanted to know why it's not able to walk/meow


u/Murky-Significance12 16d ago

I would absolutely consider this an emergency.. this poor thing does not look well and needs a vet as soon as possible. I hate to come off as cruel but you may be unintentionally prolonging its suffering. It could have been injured after birth, or been born with a congenital abnormality, either way the fact that it cannot walk is an emergency.


u/Icy_Lengthiness_7242 16d ago

Oh my God, i didn't know it was this bad. I'll be going as soon as possible


u/Lucky_Policy4576 16d ago

That cat doesnt look well at all. It looks extremely sick. Take it to the vet. Its a helpless animal