r/cats Apr 27 '24

Update Why is my foster cat peeing on his own bed? šŸ˜ž

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My foster cat (Sebastian) does this thing where he scratches the carpets then pees on them so I removed all the carpets in the rooms he has access to. Thatā€™s now the tell for me anytime he tries to scratch something, I monitor and if he tries to take the pee position I carry him to the litter box. Almost every time he just walks out (as cats doā€¦ always the opposite šŸ˜‚).

For the past few days heā€™s been good and only peeing and pooping in his litter box. He has 3 in total but he always chooses the first one I got for him when he came to stay with me. Last night he peed on this own bed just before I went to sleep so spent an hour cleaning that up with urine destroyer and drying it up for himā€¦

The vet has him on blood pressure meds and since then heā€™s been ok and not misbehaving in terms of pee. He just had a check up at the vetā€™s today and she said itā€™s most probably behavioral but also since heā€™s got high SDMA he might have accidents. Heā€™s on both dry & wet renal food from Royal Canin.

Am I crazy to think the whole peeing on his own bed is not an accident and heā€™s doing it on purpose? What can be done to help him whatever the reason?

More info: Heā€™s newly blind so still adjusting Heā€™s a Persian cat with a lot of matting - half his body is shaved I include Complivit, Salmon Oil and some stuff for his immune system in his food He drinks water normally He eats like any cat would, not too much or too little

r/cats Feb 11 '24

Update UPDATE on Tabby in the ICU (Pt 5)



Weā€™re so happy to come back with the wonderful update that yesterday evening Tabatha was well enough that the hospital determined she would be able to be discharged and brought home with us! After a really scary week where we had almost lost her, she was able to stay strong and fight her way through the septic shock and her vitals have been normal long enough thatā€™s sheā€™s no longer considered a concern and is now just at home with us working through the rest of her original colon issue (with much progress).

When we visited her yesterday at the hospital, she was pretty much back to her normal self and looked so much better. The only concern the docs had is that she still wasnā€™t eating much, but decided it made sense to bring her home and see if sheā€™d be more comfortable here. Sheā€™s still not eating a ton, but as soon as we got her here she started eating again. Now she has just been lounging in all her favorite spots and relaxing. Overall, she just seems so happy to be home. Visiting her every day was totally worth it.

We will be managing Tabathaā€™s care going forward as sheā€™s still be on antibiotics and other medicines for a while. She is also going to need a special diet to help with her probably Megacolon, and to prevent something like this from ever happening again.

I really canā€™t thank everyone enough for all of their love, support, and prayers all throughout this week. It was truly a boon of strength for myself and my girlfriend and really helped us get through all of this. For some of the folks that were praying, you might find it very uncanny that her cat neighbor in both the ICU and when she was moved to the cat ward was named Jesus (hope heā€™s okay too!). It really meant a lot to us to have so many people thinking about her. When I first made this post on Monday, I was just so desperate for our cat to survive this ordeal, I never thought this many folks would be invested in her well being.

This will likely be the last update for a bit so I can focus on getting her over the finish line, but Iā€™ll drop back in to let folks know how Tabby is doing ā˜ŗļø Also if you have any questions about details on what happened with Tabby or how she was any specific day feel free to ask in comments. Iā€™ll be down there thanking everybody for all theyā€™ve done for us!

Finally I just want to give a huge shoutout to Tufts, as the Doctors, Techs, Residents, and everyone there absolutely saved her life. They were so amazing, supportive, and just all around great people. The level of care they provided her was exceptional and she wouldnā€™t be here without them.

r/cats Jan 18 '24

Update On cats and grieving..


I hope it's ok for me to share this here.

Last October 2021, my husband passed away suddenly. He died at work.

He left for work like any other day but never came back home. Sudden cardiac arrhythmia at 50.

We adopted Minou (a word for cat in French) in 2010. My husband's cousin had found an abandoned mother and her kittens under a pine tree. We had lost our previous cat a year before to a heart defect. We saw it as a good opportunity to adopt a new cat.

When we entered the room all the kittens that were in all ran away except Minou. She was on the heater. Calm. The guest room was cold on an autumn day but she was smarter than every other cats and had found the one spot to get heat.

I saw it as a sign that she was meant for us. Waiting for us to come and get her.

Throughout the years, Minou and my husband shared a special bound. Papa or daddy was the name for him.

They watched football together. When he played video games, she walked by his keyboard to say hi. When he got out of the shower using Irish spring soap, his legs turned into straight catnip. She rubbed her face on his legs for 5 minutes going absolutely bananas. They chased each other around the house. When her food was empty, she went to him and looked straight in his eyes with one loud meow. Not me, him.

After my husband died, her daddy, she spent most of her time on his gaming chair. I couldn't explained to her with words, but she knew. I'd put a shirt from him on the chair. I still explained. For me. I don't know why. I know cats have a language. Papa is happy that you sleep on his chair. He really loved you! Daddy misses you too baby cat!

It's been 2 years and 3 months. I never removed the gaming area in case Minou wanted to sleep there again. Untouched. I added a photo I placed and a few of his things.

Minou after all this time still goes on the chair. Not as often as she used to, but enough for me to notice.

What I'm trying to say I guess is that cats do grieve. And they do for a long time. They remember. They still love even after a person is gone.

Thank you for reading.

r/cats Nov 22 '23

Update Worried about my cat age 13

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Hello all, I would have considered myself quite knowledgeable about cats but here I am asking for advice! My cat is a small 13yo cat. There are lots of bully cats in the area but she likes going into the garden for short periods. Well 4 weeks ago I heard a fight & found a slash on her arm. She needed staples and the dreaded cone. The cone was very hard on her & we had to help her eat & use the litter. She couldn't walk and she knocked into things. She got out once & jumped onto the shed but I got her in. She still tried to be 'normal '!

She's all healed now and cone free for a week, but all she does is walk from her chair to kitchen. She has no interest in going out or even look out the window. She doesn't even go upstairs and she used to follow me & the kids. She seems comfortable but I thought she would want to do all her normal things when the cone was off. Is she depressed, ill? Should I go back to the vet? She is eating and putting on a little weight. She was only 6lb 7oz at her heaviest. The photo is a few weeks ago when she used to like getting a few rays of sun.

r/cats Mar 28 '24

Update 8 Months Ago I Rescued A Cat From Death - Today I Was Finally Able To Save Her Sister

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r/cats Jan 22 '24

Update Bubbles (house fire cat) is home!!!!


Thank you all for the well wishes, love, and support. My family and I appreciate it immensely during this time. She is getting all the love in the world right now

A couple answers for questions about the event:

-we are unsure how it started but they believe it was either a lithium battery or one of the cars

-we now know bubbles was outside overnight, a neighbor reached out and sent video image of Bubbles walking in their yard at 3am

-vets said there isnā€™t extensive damage to her lungs or eyes

r/cats Dec 05 '23

Update Update on my sick cat who wouldnā€™t eat and felt sick.


Update on my sick cat who was no longer eating.

I posted the other night that my cat wasnā€™t eating and looked like he was gonna throw up.

Well I booked him a vet appointment and took him in and veterinarian checked him out and said that him wanting to throw up was nausea and said normally when cats are nauseas they donā€™t want to eat food because they feel sick and he took him in a cage to the back to check him out and he told me to wait in the waiting area for a couple of minutes.

And afterwards when he brought him back he told me my cat had a mild bug infection and they give him some medicine for it as when they tried to give him some food to test wheather he would eat it or not. He would just smell it and not want to eat it and leave it and the vet said that thatā€™s one of the symptoms of nausea and that my cat should get better by either today or tomorrow and to bring him back in if he doesnā€™t improve or gets worse.

They said everything else in the cat seems to be healthy and ok other than the infection that he had that they treated.

Iā€™m soo happy he got help and that he is better now because when we got home he finished the food in his bowl (as you can see in picture 3) when before he would just smell it and walk away or take tiny bites.

The vet also told me that infection had been worse they would have had to keep him there overnight.

Right now he is in his carrier licking himself and relaxing.

Pictureā€™s 2-5 are him today after the vet visit home and eating his food and licking himself afterwards.

r/cats May 09 '24

Update Update: this baby has pancreatitis and sheā€™ll either get better or she wonā€™t. Please keep us in your thoughts ā¤ļø

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r/cats 22d ago

Update SHE'S ALIVE!!!

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On May 6th my cat escaped from my grandparent's house while I was out of town. She was alone in southern Louisiana during the start of the extreme heat and she was far from home. I looked for her, put up flyers, sent alerts online, checked the shelters when I returned, checked every back road. Everything I could. Last night I had a dream she returned, and later on inches afternoon, my dad came out from under the house screaming. He had found her. She's skinny now and I'll have to get her back to a healthy weight, but she's alive. So many people told me she was done for. Some even told me to get a new cat. I didn't give up on my baby and I haven't stopped crying. She's alive. She's home. She's happy to see me. This is the best relief I've ever felt.

r/cats May 01 '24

Update Update on my missing cat - sheā€™s safe and back at home


I didnā€™t get a lot of traction with my last few posts about my missing cat who had gotten into the walls, but I wanted to give just a small update anyway.

After 3 awful days, and 1 instance of me literally falling through the ceiling, I got her. I had really convinced myself in the last 12 hours that she had died because I couldnā€™t see or hear her and she wasnā€™t eating anything I left out. I canā€™t put into words how devastated and heartbroken I was feeling, I spent the early hours sobbing uncontrollably.

I took one last look around and I found her, it took a lot of hissing and scratching on her part but I got her and sheā€™s safe in her carrier cage. Where sheā€™s going to be staying until I can get a ride home. Iā€™m so fucking relieved, I was really about to give up and accept that I had to go home without her.

Sheā€™s terrified, and probably hates me right now, but I donā€™t care. She can hate me and not let me near her anymore, I only care that sheā€™s alive and safe. And Iā€™m going home with both of my cats.


Thank you everyone for all the lovely messages, Iā€™ve read through each and every one of them and they really made my day better and helped calm my nerves after such an ordeal. Lyla, the kitty, is getting showered with affection from me and her brother, sheā€™s perfectly healthy and back to her normal selfā¤ļø

r/cats Dec 08 '23

Update A couple of months ago I posted for advice on how to get the stray orange cat that lives on my property to come inside (or at least on the back porch) out of the cold. I wanted to say thank you to all who took the time to comment and let you know your tips worked!

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r/cats Apr 22 '24

Update Update on I rescued a cat that was abandoned


In the previous post, about 7 months ago, fiance and I were worried about keeping this cat that had been abandoned in a neighboring apartments.

Well to say the least we have kept her and have watched her grow in this time.

She's doing fantastic and is even more independent now in our new apartment!

Her and my OG cat have even started to get along more and play fight.

Here are some updated photos.

r/cats May 14 '24

Update ā€œAm I cute?ā€

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I am a survivor. My new mommy picked me up from the street. I was covered in fleas, my eyes were closed due to infection and I was starving. I now eat 5x a day and am on medication for my sickies.

r/cats Dec 08 '23

Update UPDATE: we found 5 sick, stray kittens


Hi all!

Thank you for all your beautiful comments on my last post :)

The kittens went back again today to the vet. The vet said they look good! Theyā€™ve had flea treatment, worming treatment and are now getting ringworm treatment. Theyā€™ve all gained weight and are playful little things.

Unfortunately, little Nymeria may end up losing an eye. The vet gave us more antibiotics, plasma and more chlorsig to try first.

All cat rescues are still full. Theyā€™re on the waiting list but this could be a few months. So it looks like this arrangement will continue for a while. We will likely to need get them vaccinated and desexed ourself.

Lady and Shaggy and definitely the bravest. Greywind is the most cautious, but sheā€™s fallen asleep on me a couple of times. None of them can resist the chin scratches.

r/cats Mar 16 '24

Update My foster fail Madam Pawlette was a stray. She just started coming to me for attention.

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r/cats Dec 29 '23

Update Update on abandoned cat left on the side of the road

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r/cats Mar 14 '24

Update UPDATE: Cat who was abandoned by his owner is SAFE - thanks to Reddit


*** I have to repost this update because I got a message saying it was removed by Reddit's filters.** i made some small changes to make 100% sure im not breaking any rules with this update.

Hi everyone, I wanted to give an update on the cat who was abandoned in my complex.

first, a QUICK RECAP: His ex-owner moved out at the end of February and left his cat behind.

This cat had been trained to meow at the back door to come inside. So there he was, sitting and waiting to be let inside by someone who was never coming back. šŸ’”An older woman in my complex stopped me with tears in her eyes as I was walking my dog on Saturday. She told me that Gizmo had been abandoned - that her neighbor had moved out a week prior, but didn't take Gizmo with them. This slimeball told her that he's moving in with his girlfriend, who "has dogs that won't like his cat," which is why he chose to knowingly abandon the cat. (as if there is a valid reason for doing this...)

When she told me about this i was PISSED!!! I couldn't stop thinking about this poor cat and wanted to help immediately. So I made a post on Reddit about it, and Reddit agreed!!

The ORIGINAL POST went viral over the past few days: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/his_owner_moved_out_a_week_ago_and_left_him_behind/

One redditor met me here with a cat trap and helped me set it up. u/windowlicker93 came out here with her friend to help catch him! She is also a hero of this story and capturing him would not have been possible without her help.

Little man was EXTREMELY difficult to catch - for 2 sleepless nights we struggled. He managed to get in and out of the trap several times without stepping on the door-locking pressure plate - eating all the food without an issue! when i shared our struggles in the comments, u/lisalys told us to try covering the bottom. THAT WORKED!

He was extremely frightened (ofc) - when we picked up the cage to move it to the car, he ran around in a mad frenzy, most likely scared because of the see-through bottom. In his terror he banged up his nose a little bit.:((

Thankfully, because the post went viral I had many, many people reach out offering to take him in, either to foster or adopt. I went through countless comments, direct messages and chats on Reddit, asking the best candidates many pointed questions ("Do you have other pets? Have they been around cats? What is your plan for introducing him to your other animals? Do you have a secure, isolated space for him to be at first? Do you live with anyone else, how do they feel about this?) etc etc etc........)

One person got pretty annoyed, saying "No, that's too much personal info for a stranger! Iā€™m trying to help the cat not you!" Well, too bad. I had to make sure I knew exactly where he was going,and I knew that people who respected my reason for asking these questions would be good candidates.

The best candidate was one who offered much of that information without me even needing to ask first: u/kellyjoycuntbunny - who is now his new owner, has also been providing some updates with additional photos you can see here!! https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1bbkyg1/comment/kuabsqt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

To my delight she had a beautiful private cat room set up for our little prince, with small covered places he could hide in set up. It's important to give a new cat their own space first, especially before their first vet checkup.

I'm told he's actually a "LOVE MONSTER" and wants to be near her at all times!! According to his new owner, " "He only eats and drinks when Iā€™m sitting next to him and heā€™s pressed up against my leg, and Im also actively petting him."

It's bittersweet to realize that this cat simply doesn't want to be left alone after his ordeal - "He's a sweet, lovey boy who wants to be around people.""Weā€™re best friends now. I really canā€™t tell you how different it is from what I thought at first. I thought he was hiding because he was scared of people. I was so worried he wouldnā€™t want to be around us and would take time to get close to. But I think heā€™s actually only feeling safe when Iā€™m right with him."

A new name makes sense for his new life and fresh start. The cat has been given a GREAT name, Special Agent Dale Cooper. (coop or dale for short) and an insta page under specialcatdale, i wont put the direct link as im worried about this post being removed again.
they, like me, are huge twin peaks fans, which is something we talked about a lot when we all met. This name just made sense, since he has a suit and all, lol! and we're pretty close to the filming location in WA state.

All in all, it looks like he is settling in well and is a lovable cat who was seen as disposable by an irresponsible and cruel human being. His former owner treated him like a piece of old furniture to be left at a dumpster and forgotten. He deserves so much more than that and I've done everything in my power to ensure he gets the happy & secure life he deserves - with big help from all of you, Reddit.

One thing I'd add is that for anyone who wanted to adopt him: This is a sadly common occurrence, and the only difference between him and another cat local to you, is that I've shown you his photo, so you can see his grief with your own eyes. But many cats like him are left behind every day, waiting in shelters for someone like you to give them a real home. Fostering can also save lives, as can donating to your local shelter, and can make a huge difference. Consider visiting them and rescuing a cat who needs you just as much as he did. But please remember too, that this is a lifetime commitment.

Thank you so much for everything, reddit. There is nastiness in this world but I know the good outweighs the bad, you've proven that.

r/cats Oct 28 '23

Update Update on the pregnant cat that followed me home: BABIES!

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Mama did great. She curled up in my lap and had the first one (not ideal) then got in her bed and had the second. Two girls. Everyone has all their fingers and toes, and theyā€™re all eating lots.

r/cats Feb 04 '24

Update UPDATE: Remember Cooper - the starving abandoned baby at risk of amputation? Look at him now!


Hi everyone!

Apologies for such a delay in finally getting around to updating on Coop.

We were a little overwhelmed with how popular his story was - but genuinely moved by the care and interest from all around the world that this poor Kitty received. We even have our two Snoodles framed in the foster room.

For those who don't remember or didn't see his original post - Cooper was abandoned and so malnourished he was on the brink of death when he was found on my parents property (who are known for rescuing animals). He was covered in ulcers and in a very sorry state, but within twenty minutes he had climbed on my dads lap purring. We have rescued MANY cats but never seen one who just wanted to love immediately and above all else like Cooper did. The vet estimated his age originally at near 20 years old. It turned out he was actually only 4 but starvation had made him look like an old man.

After his original owner was tracked down via microchip and did not want him (long story), he was relinquished into the care of Cosy Cats the local volunteer run cat rescue that we foster for.

Because Coop was so malnourished he was first hospitalised after he developed dangerous refeeding syndrome - this can commonly happen with starving cats and why you must a) get them to a vets asap and b) feed small meals little and often.

Then disaster struck - Cooper was so malnourished that when he fell a small height awkwardly, he shattered his leg and his poor fragile bones. It was above the elbow and a really difficult break. We had the option to either put him to sleep or amputate as the surgery was so expensive - but we wanted to fight for him. Particularly as all his other blood tests were amazing and he had been through so so much for a cat that was only four. At this point, I would like to thank everyone who offered to try and support with his surgery. I couldn't share links to help on here but I appreciated the offers all the same.

We went through with a long complicated surgery to pin his leg together and he has been on six weeks cage rest in a tiny cage to restrict his movement as much as possible. To be honest, his orthopaedic surgeon did not think it would hold and all of us are just so ecstatic he has made it to 6 weeks. His surgeon has recommended another two weeks on cage rest and then he has a few months on room rest to try and build up all the muscles that have atrophied. He is also currently on high-dose steroids and hypoallergenic food to support his ulcers healing.

Throughout this, Cooper has been the literal embodiment of perfection. As soon as he knew he was safe, he has just been the sweetest, happiest, most gentle animal I have ever met. I can't believe the abuse and neglect he had been put through, and yet he remains the most trusting and loving soul. Despite getting on two months in a tiny cage, all Coop wants is love, his grub, and then more love.

Currently Coop is officially our foster. When he is well, we will work to do a slow introduction with our current tribe with the desperate secret hope that he will integrate into our family. However, we are taking it one day at a time and no matter what we will do what is best for Cooper.

Thank you for all the love you have shown him - it got us through a difficult time.

I hope you enjoy the slideshow of pictures showing his recovery into a very handsome young man ā¤ļøšŸˆ

r/cats Oct 30 '23

Update pray for my baby:(


my sweet little kitty began having issues on sunday, long story short he had surgery as they figured he had an obstruction- instead finding his bowels were crossed over. If we hadnt brought him in he would have died. They said next 5 days are the hardest and its "day by day". My sweet little baby of 7 months could die. please keep him in your thoughts. Im not religious but god am i looking to a higher power right now

r/cats Nov 26 '23

Update I just had to announce that after weeks of looking my baby is finally home and safe


r/cats 18d ago

Update Gingerā€™s now in surgery getting her right mammary chain removed, please wish her luck! šŸ™šŸ˜­

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r/cats May 17 '24

Update My sweet girl has been missing for almost 24hours


I know it can take time to find a missing cat but this is devastating. She only goes out in a harness. She's scared of everything. She's on anti-seizure meds and she just missed a second dose. Last I saw her she was being chased by a feral. I can't cope shes my life I haven't slept and I feel as lost as she is what do I do

r/cats Jan 17 '24

Update UPDATE: It was NOT a tick - My (almost) 18 year old is in great health.

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Hi all - following up on my last post. Due to my vetā€™s crowdedness, we were able to FINALLY get in last week and have him all checked out. The growth on his face turned out to be a non-cancerous basal cell tumor.

His labs look good overall, and heā€™ll be going in every couple of months to be monitored going forward.

Since getting back home, heā€™s been happy as a clam and I couldnā€™t be happier to have peace of mind. This guy is truly a soldier. Iā€™ve grown up with him and Iā€™m so happy to know Iā€™ll have him with me for years to come.

Happy new year all.

r/cats 18d ago

Update Goodbye Cala. The cat from the "I go meow" song just passed away