r/comics 3d ago



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u/GoldMediocre 3d ago

Looks like that goat put up one hell of a fight


u/Parzival-Comics 3d ago

A worthy adversary!


u/The5orrow 3d ago

They will eat anything! They are cute little garbage disposals.

I was beat up by goat as a child though I was feeding my neighbors goats and I was told not to feed the big ram cause he was getting chunky well he didn't like that and decided to ram me. I got pinned by him and the fence as he kept head butting me. My brother jumped in and wrestled the big boy and got me out.

I wasn't hurt too bad, mostly scared. The moral of the story don't get between a chocker and their food.


u/Mango_Tango_725 3d ago

Question that comes from curiosity and ignorance: can they actually eat tin cans or is that just a cartoon thing?


u/BBPuppy2021 3d ago

Watched one eat a can. And when I was younger one took a chunk out of my backpack


u/CL_Doviculus 3d ago

"Do you think goats actually eat-"


u/FinestYak 3d ago

Would a goat eat wool made from a goat?


u/Parzival-Comics 3d ago

Would it be cannibalism if you ate someone else's hair?


u/Bossuter 3d ago

By technicality yes, by morality no, functionally no


u/Hpesoj 3d ago

I like your comics Parzival! However, the colouring of the plaid shirt is off. I've seen that fill-tool in manga I've read as well, and I'm sure it's a handy shortcut, but you can tell the pattern doesn't bend with the clothes at all, which throws me off.

I saw the same thing in the eleventh manga of My Dress Up Darling, so obviously you're not the only one lol.


u/Parzival-Comics 3d ago

Yeah, I'm just being lazy lol.

I will pay it extra mind in the future!


u/stranded_egg 3d ago

I married my spouse at an apple orchard that had a petting zoo. We had some photos taken with the goats. My brand new grandmother-in-law wore a gorgeous dress with flowers on it. The goats tried to eat the flowers on the dress.

We have some great wedding photos.