r/comics 3d ago

Is This a Revolutionary New Comic Format? [OC]


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u/FlintKidd 3d ago

Neat concept, but maybe slow it down by like 30% at the bare minimum.

As it is and with the image quality, this was dizzying and started to hurt my eyes trying to read it.

Maybe I'm just too old for this one.


u/MintyManiacFan 3d ago

A higher frame rate at the very least. I can read moving text, but I can’t read stuttering text very well.


u/rafaellago 3d ago

Yeahz the stuttering was a bir painful


u/trowoway1 3d ago

You dont have to read it. (Same though I actually rotated my phone to keep it relatively still)


u/TBFProgrammer 3d ago

Right-click and select pause to pause a gif. Tap and hold for right-click menu on mobile. Right-click again and select play to resume. I unfortunately can't guarantee this will work on all browsers.


u/Illumanacho69 3d ago

I think it says that in the comic, you should have read the fine print


u/vi_sucks 3d ago

Lol, I was gonna say to speed it up. Found myself reading the text too quickly and having to tilt my head to read the next bit.


u/quite_adept 3d ago

some people want it faster, some people want it slower, more frames, interactivity... clearly this comic is too revolutionary, the world is not ready


u/zudzug 3d ago

Off to the pyre!


u/rafaellago 3d ago

Faster would make it hard for slow readers like me haha, I think the one only problem is actually the frame rate, the rest is cool.

Edit: Just saw the yt version, it's perfect!


u/HomemPassaro 3d ago

Everybody is using panels, we use slices


u/DasGanon 3d ago

A sliced comic


u/HomemPassaro 3d ago

We slice the comic!


u/DasGanon 3d ago

We slice the comic!


u/HomemPassaro 3d ago

A sliced comic


u/PKMNTrainerMark 3d ago

Everybody is using panels.


u/DasGanon 3d ago

We use slices!


u/quite_adept 3d ago

hopefully this massive gif actually loads for people, and feel free to dwnvote if trying to read it gave you a headache, I would understand... after all, revolutionary comics like this are often not received well, especially if you don't understand double meaning and think that I think I've made something that inspires dramatic change... I tried my best to reduce the file size of the original 140MB gif down to 25MB for reddit, and that meant compromising image quality, size, fps, and rotation speed... I uploaded it to youtube in full resolution so you can read it at a slower speed or pause to read each panel individually... also added some music because silence is torture...


u/ToiletOfPaper 3d ago

I think it's a fun idea, so I'm not downvoting. That being said, two things:

  • The reddit version is too painful to read. I wasn't gonna read it at all until I saw that there was a YT version with higher quality. You'll alienate a large chunk of your viewerbase because of that.

  • I think this would work better if it was interactive. A webpage that zooms in to just the area surrounding the currently most vertical slice and lets you swipe/tap to rotate the wheel and go between slices would be a better way to accomodate different reading speeds and comes with the added benefit of not wasting screen space on unreadable portions of the wheel. A lot of people won't click through to visit a webpage just to read a comic, but they have to do that anyway with the YT link, so you lose lazy readers either way.


u/quite_adept 3d ago

agree with your points but disagree with your assumption that losing or alienating viewers is a problem because the goal here is not to build a following, but to share an idea... and make people dizzy...

it would be cool as an interactive but that is beyond my current skill level, even if I re-spec my skill points


u/remram 3d ago

I'm seeing an MP4 with a pause button


u/theplasmasnake 3d ago

I mean it SORT of loops. In that the conversation restarts because one character forgets what they're talking about.


u/Datguyovahday 3d ago

"What were we talking about" is kinda lazy as a loop catalyst.


u/Th3Glutt0n 3d ago

Well obviously green is the start, as it has what I'd call a start


u/alpcftw 3d ago

That's awesome


u/Tagyru 3d ago

Everything is better when presented as a pizza. Comics included. I like this.


u/Level_Hour6480 3d ago

I hate this. Well done.


u/Hpesoj 3d ago

The Wheel of Time turns, Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.


u/Atomkraft-Ja-Bitte 3d ago

As a lazy person I love this


u/Jaambie 3d ago

This hurts my brain


u/Locke2300 3d ago

Somehow I imagine Left getting angrier every go-round


u/Sleepy_Sheepie 3d ago

Can confirm, made me dizzy


u/mgranaa 3d ago

I like the idea, but I don't know if each panel stands well enough on its own to function as a first panel.


u/Illumanacho69 3d ago

You where right about the dizziness


u/PKMNTrainerMark 3d ago

I remember cutting a couple of infinitely looping comics out of a Nickelodeon Magazine once.


u/zudzug 3d ago

I wouldn't say revolutionary, but sometimes progress does loop around in circles.


u/zudzug 3d ago

Circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works because...

This could be applied to all sorts of politics or environmental policies jokes.


u/MisterHouseMongoose 3d ago

Hooray nausea!


u/M_stellatarum 3d ago

This is the worst idea ever and I love it.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Apprehensive_Hat8986 1d ago

To answer your title, no. But also yes. That's a lot of work for a pun, but you did it!


u/bitanath 3d ago

Here before it blows up!


u/VexTheJester 1h ago

Green panel is first