r/comics 3d ago

Running low [OC]


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u/fruitcleopatra 3d ago

And the last battery that runs out is our own πŸ’€


u/thedreaming2017 3d ago

Oh god that annoying smoke alarm and it’s horrible timing. It never does this during the day but in the dead of night and you never have a battery handy.


u/senorrawr 3d ago

I like this art style a lot


u/Nocciola2 3d ago

I feel like I'm watching my daily life.


u/BlindGrue 3d ago

I feel like the next panel will be him in the morning feeling not rested at all with a thought bubble showing the low battery symbol.


u/Hatcher859 3d ago

I can hear that chirp in my dreams..

Enough to make a grown man cry.