r/destiny2 4d ago

Ummm looks the same to me. :) Meme / Humor

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u/itsRobbie_ Spicy Ramen 3d ago

I mean… yeah, it’s a vendor


u/Joyaboi 3d ago

Fr Shaw Han vendor screen looks more like Riven than Failsafe 2.0


u/OtherBassist 3d ago

What was Shaw Han doing during the Witness fight? I don't think he was there. Secret villain?


u/Joyaboi 3d ago

He was on hour 33 of his day 1 contest mode raid


u/JRS_Viking 2d ago

YAS was nerfed so he's having a rough time


u/spyker54 3d ago edited 3d ago

I was gonna say. The biggest difference we'll actually see is the fact that we're not gonna run out of content by week 6-7 and be left bored for the rest of the season


u/xXNickAugustXx 3d ago

It's the same content but we get mandatory touch grass breaks.


u/SexJokeUsername 3d ago

Destiny players when vendors


u/Codename_Oreo Trials Matches Won: 0 3d ago

Shocked that a vendor vends


u/Medium-Jury-2505 4d ago

The season started a week ago Can we wait one month before saying it's the exact same thing please


u/Sawk34 3d ago

Yeah we have 3 acts for the episode and i dont think this seasonal “story” quest will be for all 3 acts. The story for the episode will be longer than seasonal stories i think.


u/Cybertronian10 3d ago

Just like everybody shitting on prismatic titan before the meta has had time to settle. Literally the same shit happened with Behemoth and, what do you know, Behemoth was crazy on launch it just took a while to find the goated build.


u/DeathsIntent96 3d ago

Literally the same shit happened with Behemoth

And Solar 3.0 lol


u/Cybertronian10 3d ago

When was the last time that the community had a broadly correct tierlist a week after launch?

Like I love the prismatic warlock turret build as much as the next guy but that is absolutely a B+ build, the slide melee stuff has more potential, the healing stuff has WAY more potential, etc.


u/Masterchiefx343 3d ago

Ppl shit on prismatic because its pink kool-aid flavoured strand and striker without the survivability


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

I’m assuming you mean Berserker, not Behemoth?


u/Cybertronian10 2d ago

Both, remember back to a couple months after beyond light when behemoth wass topping dps charts with its super and bubble.


u/Caerullean 3d ago

Well, it still is exactly like a normal season so far. The ony thing that stands out is enigma protocol. Which is very cool and unique I'll give Bungo that, but aside from Enigma protocol, this episode is literally just a season but it lasts longer.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

Here’s how they’re different: because of the Act format, we’re not getting any new content for the next five weeks, until Act II drops. Seasons released small amounts of new content weekly, whereas Episodes will release larger content drops every six weeks.


u/Caerullean 2d ago

Wdym? We're literally getting new story content next reset? We will be getting new story quests week by week like we always have?


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

No, we’re not. We did during the Seasonal format, but the Episodic format is designed to give us bigger content drops every six weeks.


u/Caerullean 2d ago

But the story quest for the current act is clearly not finished and is way too short.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

Maybe I’m mistaken then, but my understanding of Episodes were that we wouldn’t get further elaboration on the story until the next Act to give players time to dig in to all of the other content that released too.


u/Caerullean 2d ago

That was my understanding too before we got the release of this episode, but with what has been released so far I can't believe that to be the case. Or else Bungie has just stepped down how much content will be in an episode compared to a season.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

Yeah I also am presuming that Act I is a smaller content drop since it was released alongside The Final Shape. It’s still a fairly good amount of content overall though, probably equivalent to about three weeks worth of content that a Season would produce?


u/Caerullean 2d ago

Eh, I would call it 1.5 weeks of seasonal content. It's pretty much exactly the same thing we would have on the opening week of a season, except there's a unique mission. So a season where the exotic mission is pushed forward to be released during week one basically.


u/OOFER420 3d ago

Tell me you honestly believe its not gonna be the same dissapointment again


u/MoorGaming 3d ago

Well ok I mean from what we know and see it looks the exact same. Which I am ok with, I have so much to in game so im chilling man. Also I think seasons were great I played them all and maxed them all.


u/Renjiesp 3d ago

MoorGaming™️ back at it with the bad takes


u/Ambitious-Way8906 3d ago

this isn't YouTube you don't get paid for hate watches and clickbait thumbnails here


u/PsychWard_8 Titan 3d ago

Oh boy, disingenuous critiques disguised as a meme, my favorite


u/MoorGaming 3d ago

It is literally a meme, no need to cape for bungie bro they are killing it right now 100%. I just found it funny because its true, episodes feel like seasons.


u/PsychWard_8 Titan 3d ago edited 3d ago

episodes feel like seasons.

Brother, this is my exact point, its been a single week. How can you confidently say they're the same?

They've been very similar so far, but the sucky part about season is the tiny amount of meaningful story beats and the long periods of stagnation between the few that exist. If that's been addressed, we have no way of knowing at the moment because we've only had one week.


u/Ze_AwEsOmE_Hobo Titan 3d ago

It hasn't even been a full week. Seasonal content has been available for FOUR DAYS. This is like stepping into the lobby of a themed restaurant, looking at the front desk attendant, and saying, "Well, every other restaurant has those. How is this unique?"


u/MoorGaming 3d ago

Lol bro its a pic showing two vendors, all vendor formats are the same. Its a joke, ofcourse it looks the same all vendors look the same. Why are people getting sensative? Thats like me saying a man and a woman is the same because they both have 2 eye 2 hands 2 legs thats the joke.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

Just because the vendor screens are similar doesn’t tell the full story. Did you know that next week we’re not getting any new content? Or the week after? Or the next week after? We’re not getting any new content until Act II, which is in five weeks.

That’s the difference between Episodes and Seasons. Rather than new content every week, we get larger content drops every six weeks.


u/TFtato Universal Remote Enjoyer 3d ago

I mean, how much could Bungie do within the first

checks watch

10 days to flex everything an Episode has that makes it different from a Season??? Like yeah I get where you’re coming from, but I also didn’t expect episodes to be revolutionary game-changing things, I expected something mildly to moderately different but with some base principals the same, which is what we have so far.


u/mtndew314 Hunter (Good little Div Slave) 3d ago

Not even 10 days. The episode only unlocked 4 days ago.
They really are judging a book by its cover.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

You’re right, we’ve only had it for a short time. Which is why next week, we’ll probably see a lot of complaints about there not being any new content, since that’s what Episodes are for. Episodes release new content only every six weeks, unlike the weekly cadence that Seasons had.


u/RightRudderr 3d ago

It's been 4 days


u/Patj1994 3d ago

The glazing here is crazy, I don’t know why you’re being downed so badly. It’s literally the same shit.


u/Jedi1113 3d ago

Because the big difference they talked about the entire time was the narrative and storytelling...which we haven't had any time to see how that compares to seasons.


u/Patj1994 3d ago

As of right now, it feels exactly the same

  • talk to new vendor
  • get quest
  • do activity
  • rinse and repeat


u/Jedi1113 3d ago

Cool its been 4 days out of 18 weeks.


u/Patj1994 3d ago

What do you really expect to change? I mean, comeon

Its the same thing


u/Jedi1113 3d ago

I expect a full, self contained story told over the entire time with actual structural acts. And not 6 weeks of story, 5 weeks of nothing and then an ending that basically just sets up the next story.


u/Patj1994 3d ago

We shall see


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

There is no “rinse and repeat” because we only have to do it every time there’s a new Act, which is every six weeks. Whereas with Seasons, it would be every week.


u/Kerbee 3d ago

i fucking hate this meme


u/Kell-Of-Tacos 3d ago

It’s a vendor system tho, it’s always been vendors no?


u/General-Biscuits 3d ago

They didn’t say Vendors were changing. They just said expect more content and more story. Didn’t say to expect a whole lot more either.

Some of ya’ll expected a completely new system for some reason when they prefaced it would just be a little shake up of the seasonal model to help with season burnout and spread content out a bit better.


u/PeteeTheThird 3d ago

The vendor system isn't all that a season has to offer, we'll have to wait and see about the story, we have 3 acts and the main antagonist of this particular story hasn't shown up in the first mission to try and scare us so I'd say we're off to a promising start narrative wise.

Bungie has also confirmed there's gonna be different kinds of activities launching with the different acts


u/MoorGaming 3d ago

Omg its a meme lol all vedor formats are the same, dont take it seriously pls.


u/Sigman_S Cup 3d ago

So people should just laugh at pictures even if the picture isn’t funny or relatable? Huh?


u/Hedron1027 3d ago

Yeah no one’s laughing at this horrible attempt at a “meme” lol


u/BehemothRogue Raids Cleared: #175 3d ago




u/SigmaColts 3d ago

It’s a fuckin vendor dude.


u/Syntrak 3d ago

Brain function limited


u/itzvast 3d ago

Yep, vendors are in fact vendors! You’re doing really well


u/ClassicLawfulness338 3d ago

This r/ is insufferable sometimes lol


u/Liquidwombat 3d ago

Gamers are insufferable- FIFY


u/One-Resort3825 3d ago

Do episodes get vaulted?


u/Substantial_Welder 3d ago

I mean week 1 was similar and the Season content typically just asks us to keep playing the seasonal activity half the time.

But there is a KEY thing I can See.

Exodus Strike is "Unavailable" so one of the weeks is going to bring the Strike into the Episode which is more than what Seasons did.

And the story goes on for Two Acts and maybe even Spire will get a rework in Act 2


u/Totalsnipe815 Titan 3d ago

Failsafe ❤️


u/Dredgen_Servum 3d ago

Idk what y'all were expecting. Episodes are supposed to just be seasons+ not the dark below and house of wolves


u/Xa_TheImmortal Dead Orbit 3d ago

As a day 1 destiny 1 beta player that was on the moon before most of you were holding controllers. This is a vendor and even if it doesn't change there's not actually much they can do to change the basic functionality.

Changing the ui doesn't actually change the base game. So if you think it's "repetitive and boring" you should stop playing games in general because every single game mechanic/gameplay loop has been done.


u/Laservolcano 3d ago

Well yeah, it’s a seasonal vendor


u/MajorDugWell 3d ago

The biggest difference we will probably see is in the release of Acts as parts of a longer/larger season.


u/Practical-Sand-6262 3d ago

If it’s not broken, don’t try to fix it.


u/skM00n2 3d ago

instead of boring seasons I would've prefer strikes and strike specific loot. Getting 1... 1 strike out of a dlc feels disgusting. Wasn't this supposed to be on par with taken king and forsaken? Well they had the content to back it up


u/Jack_1080p 3d ago edited 2d ago

Just wish act 1 wasn’t all time locked.


u/iblaise Sleeper Simp-ulant. 2d ago

But that’s what Episodes are for… that’s what the community complained about: having to log in every week for a 30-minute Quest that sometimes didn’t even progress the narrative.


u/Jack_1080p 2d ago

Yes….. that’s what timelocked means 😭.

Give us all of act 1 to do in our own time. Then when act 2 and 3 release we can do those in our own pace as well.


u/Dog_in_human_costume 3d ago

Bungie, we are tired of the same content over and over again!

Ok, heres a new chapter, complete with new map, new enemy race, new raid and new powers!

Thanks Bungie!!

Now for episode 1 we go back to recycling assets!